We are all talking of stability intentionally or unintentionally. But do we mean this? and how can it be stable if others want to silence their opponents if he or she is not drinking from the same cup as they are? We are every day in this forum pondering on opposition to the regime back home, again their are certain people in this forum who are acting exactly like Yaya in the sense of disliking opposition. We have to show the example of what we are teaching. Patience is what we are lack of here yet we are against lack of patience and tolerance back home this is really a same.

If you do not agree with the other one’s point you have your right to disagree and point out your rejections and defend your stance than to be angry or to tell him or her to shut up "why"? I am really happy that Gassa is participating without feeling hay fevers and i wish he remain solid with more governmental participant working together with the team in hand to build up a better community. We trying to work for the benefit of our people regardless of who is the president and we have to learn to accept defeat and respect the people’s opinions. Intolerance is very common in our society to turning everyone in to dictator.

I have been wondering were does intolerance came from because most of the gambians were brought up in a strict family rule, whereby, our fathers mothers are always right whether we like it or not, you have to tolerate and accept them. On the other hand, it was, as well, a circle of dictatorship which i think some people cannot get rid of throughout their independent lives. If we decided to participate in a public forum we should always expect challenges and ready to be defensive not offensive. I said this once and will say it again.

our minds can live together only if the basic ideas are communicated intellectually. In this way we can be sure of achieving our goals and objectives. Telepathic communications is not yet possible to record, therefore the intellectual capacity is there to help so let’s use it to build a better community for all.

We will puzzled and bushel here nothing will prevail if the interest of the west is not in danger. Do you people think if, for example, regardless to his timing to bringing the land issues forward. If Mugabi was on the side of the white farmers, will he be still sanctioned? Maybe, but I remain skeptic on that. If for example an American or English person is murdered in the Gambia then you will see the difference "if the government refuses to act". On the other hand, how many gambians were killed in the States and England? Of course if yaya refuses to act to the crimes committed during his term in office, he will not be there forever and one day he will answer to those question. if not now does not mean never. JJ Rawlins of Ghana and his coherence will answer to the murders committed during their terms in office said the present ruler, so can the next president do if there are no explanation during their term in office.

I am not saying that yaya did everything right neither will i say the opposite. If I am against "some" of his deeds doesn't’t mean he is a hundred percent failure. No matter what yaya did good for the people from his own pocket or tax payers money, will never erase the explanation to the killings in the future. Therefore people, lets concentrate on the developing issues and how to enhance better Gambia for the next generation. We have to look for the ways forward. For example, If one among us is a minister to agriculture what will he or she do to help the farmer, how should the health system be dealt with, education, and what should the government do to creating jobs for the people. If the government listen to the debate on such issue is not helping the president but the people of the Gambia at large. But insulting the president or hating him and his government will only put fuel on to fire. Let follow the interest of the people of the Gambia and stop promoting ourselves as university lecturers. At least, we owe our people just that. Peace of mind is better than million of dollars.

Better now than ever > cooperation and understanding featuring better Gambia and willingness of her people to commit intellectually

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