Saarah Haalah:
             'ooof!' let me drag my desktop out once again and see what
yahoo,hotmail,bbc africa service and the famous newspapers can offer me
before joining the CAM BEAR LEUL forum...

Yero Hakkil:
            Saarah 'ah..artee nah?!'

Saarah Haalah:
            'Hombo meen?! Yes i am back and i have been so anxious to join
the LEUL again...'kono m'beemih!' Yero! have  u read the news from the
belgian paper today?! 'Baarih' these people are revealing a lot on certain
shady deals in the world nowadays...

Yero Hakkil:
           Saarah but try to get the real facts before jumping!
Just few hours ago i saw u read an article from the bbc! In that article
MANY  were accused by some of our readers of doing this and doing that
against Africa! Isn't that true?!

Saarah Haalah: Oho! Yero don't disturb us with these endless sermons.
               I don't care! i hate the Jammeh regime and i hate his cohorts
so to hell!I will try by all means and drag every filthy stuff before them
then  smear them with  that smelly garbage! Whether they are involved in any
wrong doing or not, i give a damn!As far as i am concerned they are not
good! Yes! 'maa taeye wah koh!'

Yero Hakkil:
            Saarah but you have to remember that sending leading stories to
those investigating maybe easy to allege but difficult to prove!
Hmmm....those who ARE travelling the globe and investigating do not have
friends! If you give them wrong information they may inturn suspect you for
trying to hide some evidence! As the wollof saying goes:'eneh nek lah borom
mochaye fanaan"!
Saarah you have to know that arms couldn't have been bought if there were no
producers.Saarah not all sales are illegal as well!
Saarah there are diesel SUBMARINES being constructed for certain countries
within our space here AND THAT IS LEGAL! Saarah how about that?!

Saarah Haalah:
             Hmmm... yero! didn't you here about the blood diamonds?! the
aircraft in Gabon etc! etc! Are u sick or mad?! Whats wrong with you?!
'waaye!' you see get to hell!
Infact even if my sources aren't that clear they can at least earn me a good
asyl bra and yap i like it that way!

Yero Hakkil:
           Saarah! Saarah! remember that the country you want to sell for
personal gain and for being able to  cruise along the lanes of North
American high ways is ours!

Saarah Haalah:
             Which country?! Ours?! No way! these people are
thugs,criminals,'sachakats'! so i give a damn!
Infact do you think i will ever like someone who threw my uncle from marina
parade?! Do you?!

Yero Hakkil:
           So that shows how personal your politicKING is! What did u say
your uncle?! No....You aren't genuine a critic then bra.

Saarah Haalah:
             But Yero....'wallaahi!' i saw a video tape which  showed that a
lot of changes have taken place back home...Hmmm...But boy how can i mince
my words after all these heaps of insults and criticisms towards Jammeh and
co! Ah waaye! after all who cares. Criticising this regime can allow me and
my happy darling to stay here with those papers! Yero u know what i mean

Yero Hakkil:
        Saarah but i want you to know that two years ago that very UN report
you are praising here was on the INTERNATIONAL red cross,ie: the latter were
accused of secretly sending arms to the Sieraleonean rebels...Saarah you
know what?! Boy! those arms were hidden within the trucks that transported
rice to the refugee camps! Believe me the refugees themselves revealed that
to the UN team that was charged with the resposibility of fighting against
the illicit flow of small arms in west Africa! Saarah until this very second
that report hasn't been revisited!(visit the UN Newyork library!)...
I hope so the saying in our school ARMITAGE will apply here " A RULE FOR ONE
IS A RULE FOR ALL!"...So Saarah whenever investigators go under carpets i
for one suspect all those glittering medals that are swaying our world to
and fro!

Saarah Haalah:
             Yero it appears that you are so defensive i hope so that your
friends back home aren't submerged into those shady transactions?!
Ha! ha! haaye!

Yero Hakkil:
          Well Saarah believe me i am as innocent as innocence and as
confident as confidence.But my friend take it from me! West Africa is not
the only rotten spot!
Lets face the world with facts and NOT with subjective shocking wavelengths!

Saarah Haalah:
             Subjective my boots! Who is not subjective in life after all?!
Look! like it or not i cannot support yours so leave in mine!

Yero Hakkil:
        Saarah i am not the least interested in getting you or anyone else
thru falsehood! No! my interest is to show you the realities and not the
fictions of life!
Go ahead and oppose but do not assasinate characters for the sake of getting
a bunker bed in Ohio!

Yero pulloh!
"Speak the speeches and let the speeches not spit you."

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