Brother Madiba,
Al-salaamu alaykum wa rahmat-Allaahi wa barakaatuhu (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings).

Reading through your email,I was deeply sadden by your sudden departure,but no doubt,it is for the better.I am therefore taking the opportunity to wish you every molecule of success in your future endeavours.Gambia-L would be the poorer without your participation.Thanks once more for the thought provoking articles you were forwarding to the list.I am pretty sure you will return soon because Gambia-l is an infection,once infected,it leaves an impression on the the system and you will need a lot of anti-bodies to fight it off !!

Bye and good luck.

With the very best of good wishes,
Musa Amadu Pembo
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Da’wah is to convey the message with wisdom and with good words. We should give the noble and positive message of Islam. We should try to emphasize more commonalities and explain the difference without getting into theological arguments and without claiming the superiority of one position over the other. There is a great interest among the people to know about Islam and we should do our best to give the right message.
May Allah,Subhana Wa Ta'Ala,guide us all to His Sirat Al-Mustaqim (Righteous Path).May He protect us from the evils of this life and the hereafter.May Allah,Subhana Wa Ta'Ala,grant us entrance to paradise .
We ask Allaah the Most High, the All-Powerful, to teach us that which will benefit us, and to benefit us by that which we learn. May Allaah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala grant blessings and peace to our Prophet Muhammad and his family and
>From: Madiba Saidy <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: So long!
>Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 07:51:28 -0800
>About 5 years ago, on the instigation of a fellow Gambian student at UBC, I
>subscribed to Gambia-l. I have enjoyed every minute of my stay in this
>"cybervillage." Together we did a lot of good... a la GESO, The Massacre
>Fund etc.
>There comes a time to move on. The time has come for me to leave
>your midst. There is work to be done. A lot of work. One must not be
>defeated by the challenges of his time because he has become a hostage of
>the ephemeral comforts of the places he now calls his home. I've decided
>henceforth to spend all my time on my career advancement.
>So I leave you in a couple of minutes. My account will be effectively
>unsubscribed from Gambia-l. Those wishing to contact me may continue to
>send e-mail to this account until I advise otherwise. It is possible
>that I will return to your midst in due course. But that will not be any
>time soon.... no sooner than 2004.
>Thanks, Merci, Gracias, Danke, Tack. All the best in your endeavors.
>Madiba K. Saidy
>Vancouver, Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.
>Let honesty and industry be thy constant companions, and spend one
>penny less than thy clear gains; then shall thy pocket begin to
>thrive; creditors will not insult, nor want oppress, nor hungerness bite,
>nor nakedness freeze thee - Benjamin Franklin.
>To view archives of postings, go to the Gambia-L Web interface
>To contact the List Management, please send an e-mail to:
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