This is to announce the death of Sylvia Stapelton in London.

 Sylvia has been a very active member of the Gambia Youth Association in London. She was very hard working in the Assciation, she has managed to pull must of us in the Association at a time when we would nearly give up. She has tirelessly work to see that the situation of youths in the Gambia has changed. She was part of the team who tiredlessly collected donations and clothes that were donated to the unfortunate kids at home. She was also concern about the lives and condition of Gambian youths in England.

She travelled to Gambia at her own cost to research on the ways in which the Association can help children who cannot afford to continue their schooling due to financial difficulties. She inspired us all and the courage in her keep the Association moving. She tried hard for the youth Association to build up relationship with other Gambian Associations in Europe and America. I remember her trip to Spain to attend meeting organised by the Gambian Association in Spain. She came back with a very promising report which we felt will be the begining for the The Gambian Organisations in Europe/America to come together. 

One of her dreams was to see the Gambian Diaspora making a difference in the lives of the youth back home. I remember the last time i visited her before leaving for Ghana, she said to me "Ndey i will have to rent my flat and go an stay in the Gambia, this is where the work is, i can do better there and make real changes"  She kept on reminding me to be intouch. We will all miss her.

My sincerely condolence to her family, all former and present members of the Gambia Youth Association. May her soul rest in Peace.

This is a real lost to us and me inparticular, she has been a friend, colleague, comrade and an inspiration. Someone i can always looked up to for her courage, determination and dedication to make a difference in the lives of those who cannot afford it.


Ndey Jobarteh

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