Mboge, do NOT pay any mind to these stealth ‘PERSONAL ATTACKS’ from the
‘moralizers’ on this forum. Like I said before, their annoying postings
always come one or two postings late. When ‘Opponents’ of this illegal
regime are being ‘attacked’ you do NOT hear a whimper from these
‘moralizers’. The minute you have things going the other way; i.e. APRC
sycophants are being given a dose of their own medicine, you have these
‘Holier than thou’ sermons. Who needs preaching from a hypocrite?

We have gone through this path many times. Some people on this forum really
need some serious education. Words like ‘tolerance’ took heavyweights like
Isaiah Berlin decades and several lectures, articles and books to try and
figure out. Still, those heavyweights are the first to admit that they have
come short. What we have here are mental midgets insulting our intelligence
by grossly misinterpreting such nuance words and having the audacity to
publicize their silly understanding of such words. You point out this fact
to them, they run away from their own ‘problems’ (adequately defining
‘tolerance’, in the example I gave) and instead focus on your choice of
words. This is simply bizarre.

Some people CANNOT handle TRUTH. Like you said, if they CANNOT take the
heat, let them get out of the kitchen. If people LIE about the reality in
Gambia, darn right we will say so. If our ‘moralizers’ want to defend the
LIARS, let them have the guts to come here and ‘debate’ the indefensible
‘issues’ and positions the LIARS are taking. But you will NOT see that.
Instead what you would have is some hypocrite trying to take the moral high
ground and talking about ‘form’ over ‘substance’. What we have here Mboge,
is people yearning to take some of these ‘APRC positions’, but they do NOT
have the wherewithal to defend the indefensible positions. What do they do?
They try to silence some of us by querying our choice of words. Needless to
say, some of us will NEVER be silenced, especially by these silly and
childish tantrums.

Like George said, the ‘delete button’ works all the time. If one does not
want to hear from us, I say to him, be my guest and delete our messages.
Better still, ‘de-list’ yourself. The last time I checked, one can QUIETLY
‘de-list’ oneself without having to broadcast it here. At the very least, if
one feels the ‘need’ to come to this forum and ‘query’ about language, have
the decency to point out EXACTLY what language one is offended by. Don’t
just paint the whole membership, or a particular group as ‘users’ of vulgar
language when in actual fact someone else is using the vulgar language. That
is dishonest and hypocritical. There are specific people that use vulgar
language and engage in personal attacks. People that are NOT hypocrites
would address those people directly and quit this nonsense.

>From: momodou olly-mboge <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Personal attacks
>Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 12:55:17 +0000
>To those Angels who feels that this forum is festered with personal
>i say to them good riddance you delist yourselves.  I think it is very
>hypocritical to label this forum as an insult infested one.
>This forum is no different from any other.  It is a natural phenomenon for
>people to attack each other either personally or otherwise.  We seem to be
>over sensitive here.  We read everyday in respected mediums where pundits
>use all kinds of words to hammer home their points.
>If one is lying about something one should be told that he or she is lying.
>I know one great liar on this forum (Pa Modou Gassama) and will never
>hesitate to call him one.  He is a miscreant acting as the  ventriloquist
>dummy of the APRC who is hell bent on mis-representing everyone who
>disagrees with the murderers that are at the helm in our beloved country.
>We will never stop telling him what he is.
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