Parental discretion is advised. The following contains pejorative language which may prove injurious to the feeble mind.


Are you brilliant or what? Yankuba is no less admirable. Allow me to discuss what you wrote:

"At the heart of speech and its regulation lies, or in the least ought to lie, the careful balance between the need to speak and the need to maintain a level of decorum proper to civil society. What that proper level is, has been testing the wisdom and provoking the rave of men for centuries. I doubt anyone here will come up with an objective standard for regulation and if they do, I doubt we will agree upon it. If we do, I can bet my fortunes, little as they are, its application will surely have a pernicious effect on this forum."

What the hell is frigging wrong with these goons and teeth clattering idiots frigging trying to frigging control what the frigging hell grown folk are trying to god damned say?

As you can tell, the foregoing was from me. My children do not visit this site. Their parental control would not allow them. I don't let them watch too much TV. There are other sites that discuss mating, reproduction, shitting, etc. like Discovery's site or sci-fi sites. I let them in those sites. Oftentimes, I go to the sites with them and assist them in deciphering the information and give them context. They improve their vocabulary, their ability to learn on their own later, and their knowledge of other peoples and cultures. I would imagine good parenting involves holding your yongons by the hand and teaching them. Don't leave it to chance or Gambia-L. A little while back when ecstatic parents would inform us about their children's successes and engagements (not matrimonial Edi), I felt how valuable it was to include our children in the exploration of new tools for enhanced communication. I suggested a Lil G-L. There was enormous value in it and still is. It may not be important bringing this up here but indulge me.

Usually, folk who police oral morality are driven by protecting children from uncivilised discourse. That was why the idea for the V-chip gained largescale approval in the United States a little while back. Then came the internet and hordes of rebellious children becoming Bow Wow groupies. So much for the V-chip. There is no better alternative to active parenting. Therefore, it may follow that Kids are not the excuse for policing speech (really thought - be it venomous or benign) on this here Maelstrom. They are not expected to be on it(period)  Sidibeh may say: "well what about those kids without parents". To that I would say help in finding shelter, food, clothing, and adopting parents for them first before worrying about them being on G-L. That is disingenuous.

Now then. Since we are not policing speech/thought for kids' sake, may be we are afraid the adults might be tempted to learn bad habits from those other adults who use vulgar e-language. Well since those adults are free and emancipated (Edi, this does not mean free from bondage, it is a legal term describing self custody), they can parent themselves and visit other sites where the language is sanitised or they can get a prophylactic as Yankuba suggested. The internet came with parenting and self-parenting tools. Use them folks.

This brings us to the question:"Why grade speech as culture-appropriate or not culture-appropriate? God/Allah/Yahweh (whatever your persuasion) is believed to have created the universe and all that is in it. He is believed to have created the human mechanism whose sustenance depends on ingestion and excretion and all the farts and filtration processes that go along with it. He created predators and preys, among them diseases and enzymes. He created the very logic that evinces good or foul speech. You don't see God/Allah gagging my beautiful behind when I need to shit. So Mullahs can kiss this beautiful set parabolloids. (Edi might say they are not that beautiful). What a party-pooper?

Morro, you continue brilliantly "Even offensive speech may serve a purpose rooted in virtue - venomous speech could be therapeutic. The spew of venom without restraint defuses passions, so it goes. It becomes a substitute for unconsidered action, terrible and dreadful. If one may not speak, one will act, and often with a sword. And this is not the sword of reasoned Justice, but that of revolution fierce and indiscriminate. So let them be purged of their venom; let them speak."

Edi, did you doodoo in your pants? I'm just saying. Better let in some air. Hey don't laugh at Uncle Edi. Samantha, go to your room. Don't come out till you stop laughing. This can happen to anyone who can't get to the restroom in time. God does not wait for mere mortals. "Dad, I can't help but laugh. Uncle Edi laughed at me when I inadvertently farted." "Ok, I'll keep your timeout to 5minutes then. Git, Git, Git..."

As far as I'm concerned, improper diction, syntax, and grammar, are as injurious as foul language because it wastes my valuable time, corrupts the vocabulary of those adults who need to be babysat. So I say no foul language, no improper sentence construction. Let's see how far we get. Take care Edi. See you later aligater. send me private mail and your phone number. I'm dying to talk to your behind.

There's nothing like ice-cold Julsaf. Where my dawgs at??

Before I close, Let me offer the caveat in line with Morro. When you give adults lattitude in their speech, you engender the intrinsic capacity in all humans to self-regulate. In other words, if my aim is to negotiate, I will use the first person bargainer. If I wish to discuss, I use the third person benign, to persuade, I use the first person-actif-ecstatique, no gerund. If I wish to debate, (I hardly do), I use the fifth-person indemnified and dangling. There are other more extreme engagements like exchanging blows, kickboxes, bullets, RPGs, germs, Napalm, cyanide, the acids, phenolics, and mere neglect. I better stop now. My friend from Mali calls.

Kam buwu foo.

Les plus importants transformations sont les modifications "accidentelles".

Yours truly - Haruna.

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