Gassama, you are just one shameless character. Ebrima Sillah will be doing
all ‘serious Gambians’ a big favor by ignoring your irrational rattling. I
know it is difficult at times for decent people to ignore your LIES and your
nonsense. Who can blame Ebrima Sillah, or anyone for that matter, for
thinking that you assume that all the G_L subscribers are ‘lazy Diasporans’
that are out of touch with REALITY in the country? The other side of the
coin is a worse indictment for you. If we do NOT give you ‘benefit of the
doubt’ and think that you assume that we are ‘lazy Diasporans’, we would be
forced to conclude that you belong in Campama (as an inmate) rather than at
Gamtel (as some planner). Sillah is being kind to you. Time and again you
have told blatant LIES about the country that can be easily debunked by any
subscriber that lives in that country. Like I told you, I live continents
and oceans away, yet EVERYDAY I PROVE here (without a doubt) that you are
LYING about the REALITY in the country. You LIED about the roads. You LIED
about Tourism. You LIED about almost everything (Prince gave a ‘catalogue’
the other day). Who can blame people for thinking that you are either ALWAYS
drunk, or you are a lunatic or you think all the subscribers are stupid or
live outside the country? As you can see, the latter proposition (which
Sillah was kind enough to settle for) is the most favorable to you. It gives
you benefit of the doubt. I personally think that you are a loony. You will
understand why I say so as you read on.

For the rest of your garbage, I sincerely hope that you and other AFPRC/APRC
mental midgets and sycophants can put it into your thick skulls that PPP is
DEAD and BURIED. Give us a break about what PPP did or did not do. We are in
2002 (in case you did NOT notice). We are in a NEW millennium. Stop LYING
about the PPP to make AFPRC/APRC look good. Now PPP is part of APRC. Yaya is
Jawara’s best friend. Fatoumatta Jahumpa, a former PPP stalwart works for
Yaya and would not even mind being Yaya’s maid. Buba Baldeh, a former PPP
stalwart, is Yaya’s Chief Propagandist. Just few days ago I learnt that a
RETIRED, former PPP civil servant, Tamsir Mbye, was reinstated by the
illegal APRC government. What we have here is AFPRC/APRC further messing up
the dismal record of PPP (using the same PPP mandarins and Party stalwarts).
We are coming from the frying pan to the fire. Gambians want and deserve
something BETTER. Needless to say, you will NEVER get it. As I told you the
other day, when you talk about an ‘Education Plan’ (as opposed to a
‘Construction Plan’), you focus NOT on ‘buildings’ but the QUALITY of the
EDUCATION given to Gambian children. Then again, these simple standards are
hard for you to grasp.

You exposed yourself when you ‘candidly’ said that you do NOT think about
the poor and the sick and the defenseless in our society. Just shows how
selfish you are. You do NOT even realize that you put in the category of the
people you care less about, your own children and other family members. You
yourself are among the POOR Gambians people like Ebrima Sillah fight for.
Now, if you do NOT care about whether RVH is adequately equipped to take
care of a little girl that has been hit by a car, do you realize that you
are disowning your OWN daughter? Has Yaya reduced some of you Gambians to
this? You do NOT care about the lives of your OWN children? This is just
surreal, grotesque. In the name of sycophancy and cowardice, Gassama is
prepared to sacrifice his OWN children. Clearly, it was a rhetorical
question you asked Ebrima Sillah when you asked the man whether he cared
about the sick and the poor in our society. The man’s record speaks for
itself. Gambian journalists always report the plight of Gambians. But you
are in DENIAL. You think everyone is like you. People like Sillah do NOT
just care for their immediate families. They care for society at large. You
on the other hand, do NOT even care for yourself; otherwise you would NOT be
here day in day out making yourself the laughing stock of G_L and having no
shame declaring that you do NOT care whether there are hospitals in the
country that can treat your children if a car hits them. You are just

And listen to your loony self once again when you say that the government
has the ‘legitimate authority to take whatever measures it deems fit’
against people ‘legitimately’ opposed to the government. Are you well? Do
those ‘measures’ include the MASSACRE of children as young as three? Do
those ‘measures’ include the TORTURE of journalists by the NIA when
journalists write something the government does not like? Do those
‘measures’ include the burning down of Radio stations? You are simply sick.
Where does our Constitution and the Rule of Law come to play in your
ridiculous statement? In your sick mind, the government is the LAW and what
it ‘deems fit’ is what should happen. God help us that there are Gambians
that think this way. Gambians that would ‘happily’ enslave themselves to
thugs and morons. Gassama, wake up and smell the coffee. You have RIGHTS.
Yaya does NOT have your destiny in his hands. NOT what Yaya ‘deems fit’ is
what should happen. Geez! I CANNOT believe that some people hate themselves
this much. I hope people realize the truism that one that does NOT have
‘self-love’ CANNOT possibly love another. How can anyone expect cowards and
vermin like Gassama to ‘love’ and ‘protect’ and ‘fight’ for them? The man is
prepared to lay on the ground and let Yaya walk all over him if Yaya ‘deems
it fit’.

Witness again how you (Gassama) ‘finessed’ your way out of discussing the
‘Media Bill’. Why did you NOT just admit that you are a coward and you do
NOT want to openly criticize the government? You know you CANNOT defend the
indefensible here. Your only other option would be to ‘criticize’ the
illegal outfit. You know more than anyone else what would happen to you if
you do that. You are already resigned to the idea that if you ‘criticize’
the government Yaya has the ‘legitimate authority to take whatever measures
he deems fit’. Knowing that the Dictatorship massacres children, no wonder
why you are scared to ‘criticize’ them. People that know their proper rights
(natural rights as human beings) would NOT be scared to ‘criticize’ the
government. But obviously, morons and cowards that think that Yaya and the
NIA have the ‘legitimate authority’ to stop them at airports, torture them
and murder them – those people would surely be scared and LIE to run away
from the Dictatorship.

Ebrima Sillah does NOT need to inform the subscribers that some of the
recent reporting from ‘visitors’ in the country is ‘absolute lies’. I and
many others have already done that and will continue to do that. Stick to
your promise and continue to peddle garbage here. You know where your
garbage always ends up going. So long as some of us are on this List, FORGET
about peddling LIES here unchallenged.

>From: Jungle Sunrise <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
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>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: KB, this is to wind you.
>Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 11:41:53 +0000

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