
I think the attendance was more tha 100,000 . I was there too and there are more today too but will GW Bush take heed -

 no  imho- his mind is set regardless of what we do

I only pray that Allah changes his mind and also for Saddam to quit


>From: Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 10:25:24 EST
>It is great you attended the march and people who oppose this war are urging
>everyone to attend rallies in their towns ans cities. It is important to
>remember that each single individual attending is what amounts to masses of
>You know, there have been massive demonstrations overseas, especially in
>Britain, France, Spain and other European locations and it is a shame how the
>American media are colluding with the Bush administration in covering up
>these anti-war events.
>As usual, they always under-report the figures, but like the Vietnam war, the
>cat will come out of the bag eventually.
>During the height of the anti-Vietnam war rallies when college students
>across America were literally at war with the police who tried to break up
>these demonstrations, and the government, was under-reporting the number of
>U.S casualties, the press was also in collusion with them. However, when all
>the families who lost loved ones started comparing the figures of body bags
>coming home, this deliberate mis-information was exposed and the public along
>with the anti-war movement in this country put an end to that war.
>Young people were leaving this country in masses because they did not want to
>go fight in Vietnam. The Bush administration thinks this will be a war that
>they can fight quickly, take over and get out, but the same was assumed for
>Eventually, they will probably have to re-institute the draft, and you should
>hear what some of the young American have to say about that. If the
>generation of the Vietnam war era was leaving the country in droves to avoid
>going to war, this administration has an even bigger problem trying to send
>the present generation to war, and especially since they want answers and
>have not seen any.
>If Bush and his people had to go to the front lines to lead this war, I bet
>you they would not be quick to try to go heap murder and mayhem on innocent
>people whom sanctions have already brought to destitution.
>However, so long as the George Bush's of the World can send the sons and
>daughters of other people to die for their agenda which in this case is to
>settle a personal score for Bush, as well as greed for oil, and so long as
>people are willing to let their sons and daughters go and serve as the
>sacrificial lambs, this sort of thing will go on.
>Thank God there are still people of conscience and integrity in the World.
>The message on that placard you saw is so right, "Silence indeed means
>compliance" and if people in the World are not outraged at this injustice of
>bombing people to smithereens without any proven reason, then no one will
>have a right to protest if this becomes standard practice.
>Everyone has an obligation to protest this war, and you can do it by finding
>the contact details of your local peace or anti-war movements and join them
>in their efforts. Believe me, every town in America has one.
>Did you know that a lot of city councils across the U.S have already passed
>an anti-war resolution with regards to the impending war? You will not hear
>that in the mainstream media.
>George Bush let his mouth preceed him and he cannot back down for that reason
>plus the bigger reason of seizing the Iraqi oil reserves, and attempting to
>vindicate his father who waged the first Iraqi war and could not get rid fo
>Saddam Hussein.
>Why should other people's children have to go die for those reasons?
>I say if Bush wants to vindicate his father, and make more money for his
>friends, let them form an army and go take on Saddam themselves, and a lot of
>parents feel the same way, and this is only the begining.
>The people want to see proof that this war is necessary, and so far, the
>administration has not been able to provide it. It amazes me that he is even
>able to mobilize such a force to the Iraqi border without this proof. It goes
>to show you that most folks never use their brains, and the rest see no
>problem with America attacking another country unjustifiably so long as they
>can have oil and hopefully alleviate the economic downslide the country is
>facing and which they think a war will improve.
>I guess George Bush is also having the fun of his life giving orders to
>deploy troops, just like a kid in a candy store, but he has no idea what the
>reality will mean to families across this country, and which in turn will
>lead to the end of his presidency that was not even supposed to be.
>The only winners in this war will be the oil mongers and the people who
>manufacture millitary weapons, and this administration is making sure those
>guys make plenty of money from big orders to replace the hardware they will
>detonate in their target practice on the Iraqis who these guys see as
>insignificant people, less worthy of life than their own and rubble to be
>cleared out of the way in their quest for material gain.
>Jabou Joh
>In a message dated 1/18/03 4:57:32 PM Central Standard Time,
>[log in to unmask] writes:
> >
> > Sister Jabou,
> >
> > I was at the march. The attendance was more a 100,000. It was the most
> > electrifying gathering i have ever attended. Despite the bitter cold the
> > people where very enegized and determined to show Bush and his bunch that
> > we oppose any war for oil. The speakers were great, and the placards were
> > very eye catching. The banner that got me thinking was " SILENCE MEANS
> >
> > I am very pleased to have attended such a powerful and dynamic gathering.
> >
> > Pasamba Jow
> >
> >
> >
> >
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