
I think it's very good idea to look at history and avoid repeating mistakes.
But while we are busy looking at the history of some empires (I would argue
that the ones you list are very different from the US "empire"), we should
not lose sight of what history teaches us about giving victories to
dictators. I think everyone in this forum believes that Saddam is terrible.
Saddam will be as strong (if not stronger) as his pre-Guld War days if the
US withdraws now. A withdrawal by the US would achieve nothing but to
embolden this cruel leader. We are all aware that he is currently
cooperating because of the presence of US troops. The moment that threat is
gone, this whole UN inspection will be history. The French, who are
currently doing all they can to trip the US, would conveniently forget about
it until the US takes up the issue again. And we will come back to where we
are today.

Until a few days ago, I was in favor of the US going through the UN security
council. But not anymore. It's now completely clear that the French,
Russians, and Chinese are more interested in containing the US than Iraq.
The display of US military power, even when used to do something good, is
considered threatening by some countries. This is not surprising because all
the three countries named earlier aspire to hold the position held by the US
today. So whenever I hear the French say:
"Let's give peace a chance. Give inspectors the time they need to dis-arm
I interpret it as: "If we restrain this crudely aggressive hyperpower now,
we can go a long way towards removing the biggest obstacle to France's
ascendency to international prominence."


>From: Habib Ghanim <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [>-<] The Ides of March are coming but not yet gone
>Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 05:06:01 +0000
>Ousman , The soothsayer did warn The Mighty Julius Caesar " Bware the >ides
>of march"
>Remember Caesar was killed by his own comrades including the noble >Brutus
>(et tu brute). Mark Anthony is out there ready to give his well >known
>speech " I come to bury Caesar not to praise him, the evil that >men do is
>often interred in their bones ,so let it be with Caesar" etc
>Nothing is permanent . Being powerful does not give one the right to
> >overide the world's weaker nations nor does it mean that the weak ones
> >are always right so we should take heed and exercise some patience - >The
>same applies to G W Bush. It is not late!!!
>The Roman Empire Fell dispite it's power just like all the other >mighty
>Empires like Babylon ,Ottaman , Mali ,Shonghai ,Chinese, >Byzantine and
>many others we all know. Is the mighty USA Empire under >Bush any different
>? No , I guess . The days of force and imperialism >are over for good and
>never to return . Double standards will not hold >any more.
>Money can buy some countries and votes but at whose expense and for ?>what
>reason - to fulfill GW's ego . The US army is powerful and no one >doubts
>that but God is mightier.
>Let us give the inspectors more time to disarm Iraq without war. >Saddam is
>fully contained .
>Today most of the British parliament in Tony Blair's own party OPPOSE >a
>war without a UN approval first . Bush is just bent on war at all >costs
>why ? Then his dad and Dick chaney plus Rumsfeld must face >charges as they
>helped Saddam ARM to this level with thier previous >commercial deals
>In Washington today we had a large demonstration against Bush's policy >not
>Americas. Next weekend we expect another million folks , when will >he get
>it ? I guess when it is too late

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