from habib to you all- I stumbled into this during a search on the mali empire



A Chronicle Table of Gambia History to Date


760 BC - 300 AD

470 BC

Carbonating the Gambia Stone Circles at Wassu and Kerr Batch to this period.


The first written record of The Gambia is a reference in the account of Hanno the Carthaginian, of his voyage down the West coast of Africa around 470 BC


5th - 8th Centuries AD

About 12th - 13th Centuries

Most of the Senegambia region during this period formed part of the great empire of Ghana, whose rulers were of the Sarahulle tribe, still strongly represented The Gambia.

The whole of the river Gambia basin was under the overlordship of tribes of Mandingos and Sussus from the Futa Jallon Plateau of Guinea (Songhai Empire). The Gambia was then probably mainly inhabited by the Wollofs on the North Bank and the Jolas on the South Bank.


14th - 15th Centuries


Rise of the Mali Empire. The Gambia became part of the great Empire of Mali.

The first European to reach the Gambia - Delta was the Portuguese Sailor Nuno Tristao who was sent by Prince Henry the Navigator.


1455 - 1456


The arrival of the second Portuguese expedition, also commissioned by Prince Henry under the command of the Venetian sailor Luiz de cadamosto and Antoniotto Usidimare to The Gambia, thus marking the beginning of European exploration of The Gambia. They landed on an island 20 miles up the Gambia river and named it St Andrew Island after one of the  sailors who died and was buried there.

The Mali Empire declined and its Mandingo leaders retired to their former lands in Futa Jallon but still held influence over the Cassamance and The Gambia area.



15th - 16th Century

Arrival of the English and the beginning of trade between the English and the Gambians.

The entire south Bank and two states on the North Bank of the river Gambia were controlled by the Nyancho - warriors of Kaabu.


Late 16th Century


The Gambia region was penetrated by Fula invaders, whose ancestors may have come from North Africa and who went on to found the Emirates of Northern Nigeria

The English began to explore the River Gambia and their trade continued under companies of Merchant Adventurers.




Prince James, Duke of Courland acquired the Island of St.Andrew and a piece of land near Juffureh on the North Bank from the king of Niumi. He also got the Island of Banjul on lease from the King of Kombo. The Baltic German major Fock built the first fort on St.Andrew Island and a small fort in Banjul for the Duke of Courland.

Various wars were fought between the different European nations (Germany, Holland, England, France, Sweden etc.) to gain control of the strategically important key position of the island in the trade on the River Gambia during which, both the kings of Niumi and Kombo helped the Duke of Courland against the invaders.




The fort was Captured by an English expedition on the Royal Adventurers led by Major Robert Holmes who build a new fort and garrison and named it Fort James (thus James Island)after the Duke of York, heir to the English throne who later became King James 11.  Fort James thus became the first strong British trading post in The Gambia.

The Royal African Company founded and continued to trade in The Gambia for another hundred years as successors of the Royal Adventurers.




The French commune in Senegal establish a trading post in Albreda (Albadarr) just near the British commercial stations on James Island and in Juffureh leading to various wars between the two European settlers until the French finally gave up Albreda in 1857.

Fort James was captured by a French naval squadron who deliberately damage the fort by explosives.



1703 - 1704

The English regained the fort (only to lose it again to the French).

The fort partly reconstructed before being captured again by French privateers.




The Royal African company recovered the island and the fort was rebuilt and made habitable.

A Welsh Pirate sailed up the River, captured the island and dismantled the fortification.




The Royal African Company reoccupied the island and repaired the fort.

The Powder magazine explored, killing 11 of the 19 Europeans on the island and causing once again damages to the structure of the fort.


Stone circles dating from 760 BC





A water system was build on the island.

Engineer Justly Watson arrived and prepared drawings and plans of the island.


Up to 1765

In 1765/66

The trade and protection of fort and island were the responsibility of the Royal charter Companies/African committee in London, supported by parliamentary grant for the upkeep of the fort.

The fort and settlements were vested in the Crown. The province of Senegambia was established on the pattern of the American colonies, with headquarters in St.Louis on the banks of the Senegal River. Senegambia then became the first British colony in Africa.




During the American war of Independence, the British colonies in West Africa were left without protection. As a result the French attacking from Goree, on the 11th February 1779 captured and totally burnt down the fort on James Island. As from that fate, James Island never played any important role in the history of the Gambia.

At the treaty of Versailles, Senegambia was dissolved and its greater part was handed over to France. The Gambia section ceased to be a British colony and was again placed in charge of the African company; limiting European operations in The Gambia.





The ceding of a mile wide territory by the King of Bara on  its North shore ended the century old rivalry with the French in Albreda. In the Same year Mother Anne Marie Javouhey, first of the Sisters of St.Joseph of Cluny visited Bathurst and planned a catholic mission.

Alexander Grant obtained an island upriver which he called Mac.Carthy Island on which he build a small fort called fort George (now Georgetown).




Beginning of the commercial cultivation of ground-nuts in The Gambia rapidly displacing the export of beeswax, ivory and skins which hitherto formed the main items of trade. In 1830 two-thirds of the total export trade was groundnuts.

A great number of freed slaves (liberated Africans)were brought to The Gambia from Sierra Leone and settled in Bathurst and MacCarthy island.



1843 - 1866

The first legislative council of The Gambia was established.

The Gambia had its own colonial administration based in Bathurst.



4.8. 1855

This was the beginning of the Pan Islamic Movement coming from the North across Senegal. The Gambia and down the West Coast culminating in the brutal Soninke-Marabout wars of 1850-1887.

The Marabout stronghold of Sukuta (Sabiji) was taken by force and destroyed by the British and their French allied forces from Goree after a 90 minutes bombardment.




The Gambia was once again placed under the administration of the Colonial governor in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

The first Gambian stamps appeared at the first one-man post office in Bathurst which was opened in 1858.




The Government was very reluctant to expand its territory in The Gambia and so 1870 and in 1876 entered into negotiation with France to exchange the British settlements in The Gambia for other areas in West Africa. This proposal was abandoned because of opposition in The Gambia and the British Parliament. The Gambia was in once again constituted a separate crown colony.

Muslim leader Musa Molloh coming from the inmate of Futa Jallon settled in Tumani, Jimara and Eropina and founded the fula state of Fuladu. Around the same time Ma bah, a Tukulor born in 1808 in Futa Toro came to Baddibu and declared his Jihad (Holy War) against all Soninkes in The Gambia. He was killed while attacking Sine-Saloum but two of his famous successors, Fodde Silla and Fodde Kabba, continued his mission until they met with the British who conquered and killed them.




The British settlement in the Gambia was finally separated from Sierra Leone and divided into the colony of Banjul (including Georgetown) and the Protectorate. In the same year a new legislative council was formed together with the first (black) Gambians (mainly freed slaves), as Members of parliament. This marked the beginning of the history of the present House of Representatives (The Gambian Parliament).

The final (and present)boundaries of the Gambia and Senegal were drawn at the Berlin colonial Conference of 1889 (under Bismarck) which made The Gambia a British territory and Senegal French. The Cassamance by this time belonged to the Portuguese but was later also given to the French.




The Local rulers and kings of the Protectorate agreed with the British rulers to abolish slavery and to stop the tradition of keeping "house slaves", which was very common in the region at that time.

Two travelling commissioners, Sitwell and Sylva, were shot and killed together with six of their European escorts at Sankandi village in Kiang West district LRD, while trying to enforce their decision in a dispute over rice fields between that village and Jattaba.




The Mourid brotherhood was founded by Sering Ahmadou Bamba of Touba M'Backet.


A Governor was reinstated in the "Crown colony and Protectorate of The Gambia" (the State's then official title), who signed the final peace treaty with Musa Molloh, the king of Falladu, thereby extended the British influence and control ever the entire Gambian territory.




The Royal Victoria Hospital, constructed between 1853, was finally improved with the help of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny in 1903.

The whole of The Gambia had now been pacified.  The outlying areas, administrated in four divisions were scheduled as the "Protectorate" distinct from the "colony" which comprised Bathurst, its environs and Georgetown.  This was never changed until Independence in 1965.



The Irish Catholic priest, father John Meehan, arrived in The Gambia.

The Penny and the Tenth-of-a-Penny were introduced by the British.



First World War

The one Pound, Ten and Two Shilling Notes were introduced.



The Half-Die Mosque in Banjul was constructed rebuilt in 1950.

Armitage High School, the only boarding school in The Gambia, was build in Georgetown in the Mac-Cathy Island Division as a place for educating the sons of chiefs in The Gambia (Chiefs School).



"Lady Denham" began sailing up The Gambia river on public passenger and cargo service.

The Catholic Mission in The Gambia was detached from Dakar, promoted apostolic prefecture in 1951 and in 1957 made the "Diocese of Bathurst in The Gambia", catering for some 12,000 souls in several churches with  headquarters in the fine Cathedral at Hagan Street in Banjul.



Yundum Airport was used as a LUFTHANSA  base for the transatlantic flights from  Germany to South America.

The Gambia Labour Union was established under the leadership of Edward Francis Small.


January 1943

Second Wold War shows its impact on The Gambia.  Hundreds  of Gambians were recruited in the British Army to serve in Burma.

US President Franklin Roosevelt visited The Gambia enroute to Brazil.



The Gambia News bulleting was established.

Changes were made in the constitution of The Gambia.  Other changes took place in  1954 and1960 marking the beginning of constitutional progress towards independence.  The Medical Rechearch Council (MRC) founded in 1913 in England, was established in The Gambia with laboratories etc. on Atlantic Road, Fajara, near Bakau for rechearch work on tropical diseases, especially malaria.



Dr. MacGregor of the Medical Rechearch Council established a Malaria Rechearch Project Station in Keneba in the Kiang West District.  Britain's Colonial Development Corporation allotted funds for a mass production poultry scheme at Yundum.  Chicken feed was hard to find and in 1950 fowl-typhoid killed 80,000 chicken, leading to the closure to the project in 1951 with losses of 628,000 pound sterling.

Rev. John Colley Fye ORG, MBE, ACP founded the Democratic Party in Banjul.  The MV "Lady Wright" replaced the MV"Lady Denham", with this new boat the traffic and trade increased up the River Gambia.



The United Party was formed consisting mostly of Roman Catholic Wollof's with Mr. Pierre Saloum Njie as leader.   The Muslim congress Party was formed by Wollof Muslims in Banjul.

IIeminite (Titaniferous iron sands, FeTi02) was discovered and mined on the South Atlantic coast near, Tanje and Tujereng.



The Gambia Workers Union was established under the secretaryship of Mr. M.E. Jallow.

The Protectorate People party was formed with Mr. Dawda Kairaba Jawarra as leader.



First general elections held in he Gambia.    Mr. P.S Njie became Chief Minister and Head of the Coalition Government.  Mr. Dawda Kairaba Jawara was appointed first Gambian Education Minister.

Constitution conference at Lancaster House I London.

May 1962


A new constitution with universal suffrage was introduced with the voting age at 21 years.

The 380 feet Brumen (brumang) Bridge was introduced with funds from the British Government.  At the general elections, the Protectorate Peoples Party (PPP) was successful and its leader Mr. Dawda  Kairaba Jawara took office as the Premier of The Gambia.


General population census reveal that 315,466 live in The gambia of which 27,809 live in Banjul, Mandingos 130,000, Wollofs 40,000, Akus 3,000,  Fulas 70,000.  Gambia Motor Drivers and Mechanics Union was formed.

October 1963


The Gambia attained full internal self-government.

The West African currency Board celebrated the Gambia's self-government with new bank notes. Joint agreements on external affairs and on defense and security between The Gambia and Senegal were initiated and later signed upon The Gambia's independence in 1965.

Dec. 1964-Jan 1965


The Anglo-Gambia stone circles archaeological investigations were carried out at Wassu in MID with some students from Armitage High School.



The Gambia finally became politically independent after over 200 years of British colonial rule Mr. D.K.Jawara (hitherto the Premier)became the first Prime Minister and head of the independent Government and Head of state representing Queen Elizabeth II in The Gambia until his appointment as Commander-in-chief of British Honduras on February 8th 1966.



1st October 1965

The Gambia became a member of the United nations Organisation, the British Commonwealth, and the Organisation of African Unity.  An agreement concerning the development of The Gambia River Basin OMVG was signed between The Gambia and Senegal.  The first referendum (Republican Proposal) was a failure, however it established the pattern of free elections and referenda.

The rule of the road changed from left-side drive to right-side.




January 1966


Sir Dawda K. Jawara was knighted. He received the accolade of Knighthood from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace in London.

The West African currency board came out with new coin to mark The Gambia's independence.


April 1966

April 1967

Participation at the First World festival of Negro Arts in Dakar, Senegal.  The Gambia High Commission opens in Dakar, Senegal.

The foundation stone of the new Senegalese (French)school in Bathurst was laid.

Chelleram's "Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta" Bottling Plant at Kanifing officially opens.


June 1966

First batch of Scandinavian charter flight tourists arrive in The Gambia.


May 1966

Senegalo-Gambian Visa Abolition agreement comes into force.


July 1966

December 1966

Alh. Farimang M. Singhateh was appointed the first and only Gambian Governor General. He succeeded Sir John Paul. The Brikama-Soma trunk road was bitumenised and compelled, opening traffic to the interior of The Gambia.

The British House of Commons presented a Speakers Desk as their Independence Gift to the Gambia House of representatives.



April 1967

The World's first off-shore pirate radio station, Radio Mercur (later Radio Carolina) legally established itself in The Gambia just outside of Bathurst as Radio Syd. The Gambia used to be housed in a boat called "Cheeta2".  The first group of Peace Corp volunteers arrived from USA.  President Senghor visits The Gambia. the Treaty of association was signed with Senegal. The Gambia joins the IMF as member.

Twinning of the two cities of Dakar and Bathurst at a town twinning ceremony in the MacCarthy square.



June 1967


The first major agriculture assistance agreement with the United States was signed.




Cotton Development Project introduced in The Gambia.  The second referendum was successful and The Gambia became a Republic. The Prime Minister Sir Dawda Jawara was sworn in as the country's first President. The Tourist Office was established under the Ministry of state. This office was assigned with the task of development and promoting tourism in The Gambia.




The Abuko Nature reserve was established as a National Park near Lameng (Lamin).  A Senegalo-Gambian Permanent Secretariat was set up with headquarters in Bathurst.


Hotel and Tourism Development Area (TDA) was designated outside Bathurst. A Tourism Advisory Board (TAB) was also formed to advise Government on the development of tourism in The Gambia.   Drought begins to affect The Gambia.



The Central Bank of The Gambia was established.



D-Day (Dalasis). the Central Bank of The Gambia launched its Independence Decimal Currency. Bank notes of 25.10.5 and one Dalasis were circulated, together with 1,5,10,25 and 50 bututs, and one Dalasis coins. 100 bututs = one Dalasis (D1.00).




General elections returning the People Progressive party (PPP) with Sir Dawda K. Jawara as leader to power

The Yundum Airport Development Project commenced. The Gambia received 23,000 tourists.



The Population census a total of 494.279 of which 39,476 lived in BathurstBathurst, the capital of The Gambia, named after Henry, 3rd Earl of Bathurst and British colonial secretary (1812-1828), has been renamed Banjul, the capital's original traditional name.  National Trading corporation (NTC)was established. The Commercial and Development Bank was set up.

The Ministry of Economic Planning and Industrial Development (MEPID) was set up. The Gambia joins the Sahel countries.





The Gambia produced and exported a record of 142,000 tons of groundnuts, thereby earning a balance of trade surplus of D25.2 million Dalasis, resulting in the increase of the per-capital income of the population from D293.00 to D309.00.

The world Bank Tourism infrastructure project was commenced. It was aimed at developing the Tourism development Area (TDA) along the Atlantic beach-front to cater for the future expansion of tourism in The Gambia. It comprised the construction of water, electricity and sewage system. It also had the horticultural scheme at Banjulunding, which was set up to experiment and examine the possibility of production, storage and marketing of horticultural products in The Gambia.



The National convention Party (NRP)was formed with Mr. Sheriff Mustapha Dibba, former Vice President, Minister of finance and Member of the PPP, as the Party Leader. General elections were held and the PPP returned to power with majority.

The International union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)met in Banjul to discuss the effects of the proposed D220 million River Gambia Bridge Barrage Project (and the resulting 24,000 hectar newland for rice cultivation)on the environment and ecological system of the area.




First major political upheaval in The Gambia since Independence. An attempted Coup d'Etat led by Kukoi Samba Sanyang and some members of the Para-Military field Force and Police was crushed after a week by the Senegalese Intervention forces. The President and the PPP Government came back to power following a major cabinet reshuffle.

The 1st of August was declared national Redemption Day. It was this day that the Senegalese Intervention Forces marched into The Gambia to free her from the forces of evil and destruction. Over 1000 people, including the leader and members of the opposition party (NCP)were arrested and tried in connection with the attempted coup.

August 1981

November 1981

The 5-day working week was abolished.

The Senegambia Confederation Agreement, the "Kaur declaration" was issued in Kaur MID.






The 1st of February was declared as Senegambian Confederation Day.

The Gambia and Senegalese parliaments ratified the agreement signed by both Presidents, establishing the Senegambia confederation. The President of Senegal became president of the confederation and the President of the Gambia,vice President.

April 1982


At the General and First Presidential elections the PPP again won the majority of the Parliament seats and Sir Dawda Jawara was confirmed in office as the President of the Republic of The Gambia. Mr. Bakary Darbo was appointed Vice President.

The First meeting of the Senegambia Confederal parliament was held in Dakar



A population census conducted by the central statistic's Department of the Ministry of Economic Planning and Industrial Development (MEPID) showed a substantial increase in the population 687,817 and Banjul with 44,188 people. The ethnic distribution was 251,997 Mandingos, 117,092 Fuls, 91,004 Wollofs, 64,494 Jplas, 5,032 Akus (i.e. descendants of detribalised Africans liberated in the early 19th century during the campaign against the slave trade.)     



The 1983/1984 tourist statistics showed a total of over 30,000 charter flight tourists to The Gambia.

The dalasi was devaluated by 25%. The new exchange rate against the Pound sterling was five Dalasis to the Pound.


May 1984


The African Travel Association (ATA) conference was held in Banjul.

The MV "lady Chilel Jawara"sank in the River Gambia at Ballengo on her journey from Basse to Banjul.

February 1985

The Gambia NO PROBLEM!!

The first Miss Senegambia beauty contest was held in Banjul with 12 finalists from Cassamance, Senegal and The Gambia. The Gambia celebrated 20 years of Independence.


1st November 1985


The 5-day workingweek was introduced.

The 1984/85 tourist season saw a total arrival of about 65,000 tourists.



The flexible exchange rate (the floating system) for the Dalasi was introduced. The rate of exchange of the Dalasi against other foreign currencies could freely be negotiated between the banks and their clients.

The Albert Market, Banjul's main market was totally destroyed by fire.





A new political party, The Gambia Peoples Party (GPP) was formed comprising 3 former PPP Government Ministers. Mr. Hawsoon O. Semega Janneh (Minister of Information and Tourism), Mr. Muhamadu Lamin Saho (Attorney general and Minister of Justice) and the Party leader Mr. Hassan Musa Camara (Vice President).

Total tourist arrivals are estimated at 71,000 this year. With the average length of stay at 13.1 days and daily average out of pocket expenditure at D45.60 per person. The Gambia can expect to receive at least forty-two million Dalasis from the tourist industry. In addition to this, tourist also gives employment both, directly and indirectly to over 5,000 Gambians.



Alh. N'famara Wassa Touray, national President and founding member of the ruling People's Progressive Party died at the RVH in Banjul and was buried the same day in his home town of Gunjur. He was 82 years old.

Tourist arrival figures reached 86,333.




Gamtel's new French-built telecommunications network inaugurated. The Gambia's International direct dialing telephone system becomes operational making it the best in west Africa. General (Parliament and Presidential) elections ended with a landslide for the ruling People's progressive Party winning 31 seats. NCP won 5 seats, GDP and PDDIS failed to secure seats. Population of the Gambia estimated at around 790,000 people.

Employment in manufacturing rose to 2,449 from 1,383 in 1985 and the sector's contribution to GDP in real terms was predicted to grow on average by 5% annually.

Total national exports=63 million US dollars and total imports=$(US) 2.6 million.

Tourists arrival figures recorded at 96,603.



The Government of The Gambia and that of the United States of America signed an agreement for the use of the facilities of the Yundum International Airport as an emergency landing site for the NASA space shuttle.

Total national exports = 99 million US dollars and total imports = $4(US) 216 million.


Tourist arrival figures reached a record high of 112,800.





February 1989

The Sunwing Hotel was sold to Vingressor, subsidiary of the Scandinavian Airline system (SAS)for pound (UK) 1.6 million ($(US) 2.6 million).

The first battalion of the newly formed Gambia Army received its colours form the President, who is also their commander in Chief.

April 1989

April-May 1989

First Senegambia Confederation Ministers conference was held in Banjul.

International violence erupts in Senegal and Mauritania. President Jawara launches peace initiative in both countries and The Gambia helps to repatriate the refugees.


June 1989

21st August 1989

The Gambia became Africa’s center for human and people’s rights as the OAU’s headquarters for Human and People’s Rights Commission gets inaugurated in Fajara.

***** The Gambia ‘s first 5 star hotel, The Kairaba Beach Hotel was officially opened by H.E President Jawara, who had earlier hosted the ECOWAS Heads of States’ Summit in the International conference center of the same hotel. The hotel has 116 luxurious units comprising 3 presidential suites, 20 junior suites, 19 deluxe rooms and 74 five-star rooms.

The President of Senegal, Mr. Abdou Diouf, ordered the Senegalese contingent of the conferral Troops stationed in The Gambia to return to Senegal.




30th September 1989

18th February 1990

The Senegambian Confederation was officially dissolved after eight years, In December President Jawara travels to Dakar to defuse the post-conferral tension which had begun to affect commercial activities in The Gambia and cause friction at the borders.



The Gambia celebrates its silver jubilee 25 years of independence. The Chief Guests of honour were:  The Princess Royal, Princess Anne, President and Lady Babanguida Head of State of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Mr. George Bush Jnr., son of the President of the United States of America.

Charter Tourist for this period were given as 58%,026 of which 54% were British, 13.53% Sweden and 9.62% Germans, Figures for non-charter tourists were not available.

4th December 1991


During the 5th Congress of the PPP, the President Alh. Sir Dawda K. Jawara declared his intention to retire from active politics and had decided not to offer himself as a presidential candidate when his term expired on the 11th April 1992.

The President later changed his mind after pleas from his party members and community leaders and village elders throughout the country for him to stay and continue the good job he has been doing for The Gambia during the past 26 years since Independence.


Charter tourist arrivals are given as 63,131, with 51% British, 12.76% Germans and 12.21% Swedish.


17th February 1992

29th April 1992

President Jawara dissolves the Parliament in preparation for the General and Presidential elections which were scheduled for 29th April 1992. The Gambia received the first flow of refugees fleeing from Senegal’s trouble region of Cassamance. These were resettled in Brikama, Brufut and other villages in the Kombos.

Five political parties took part in the office of president, the PPP put up Sir Dawda K.Jawara, the NCP put up Mr. Sheriff Mustapha Dibba, GPP put up Mr. Assan Muda camara, PDOIS put up Mr. Sidia Jatta and PDP put up Dr. Lamin Bojang. For the houses of Representatives, the PPP put up 36 candidates for 36 electoral constituencies, NCP = 33, GPPP = 17, PDP 0 19, PDOIS = 14 and 11 persons stood as Independent Candidates. A total of 338,739 voters were registered nationwide of which 201,017 (=50%) voted.

Results > PPP=21 seats, NCP 0 6 seats, GPP = 2 seats, PDOIS = 0 seats, PDP = 0 seats,

Independents = 3 seats.

18th February 1993

April 1993

The Gambia celebrates 28 years of nationhood and 28 years of democracy, peace, tranquility and respect for Human rights under the continued leadership and guidance of Sir Daouda K. Jawara President of the Republic of The Gambia.

General Population census provisional figures put The Gambia at about one millions people.



7th April 1993

May 1993

The Gambia became the first African State to abolish the death penalty thereby fulfilling its obligation under the United Nations Second Optional Protocol to the International covenant on Civic and Political Rights. The Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Hon. Hassan B. Jallow said that " Capital punishment brutalises the community and makes people accept violence as a solution. It cruel, violates human rights and has adverse effects for the community." He added that " The State must always have higher standards than those it seeks to punish ... it is difficult to justify killing by the state as the State and the law are to be model of justice. Abolishing the death penalty is not a license to kill, it removes the License of the State to kill".

PANAH AIRLINES commences its operations between The Gambia and the United Kingdom flying from Banjul to London – Stanstead via Ostende.

16th May 1993

June 1993

The President H.E Alhaji Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara celebrates his 69th birthday.  Sir Dawda who feed the country from the yoke of British colonialism and led The Gambia to peaceful independence on 18th February 1965 is still the Head of State of The Republic of The Gambia.

The EEC approves a grant of ten million Dalasis (D10.0million) to support The Gambia's Tourist Industry marketing and promotional programmes.

The Gambia Experience (Serenity Holidays) has launched its first year-round Gambia holiday brochure (for November 1993 to October 1994) after expanding their summer capacity to The Gambia.


15th June 1993

1st July 1993

The operation of the services provided by The Gambia Utilities Corporation (GUC) were taken over by SOBEA after concluding a Management Leasing contract for a period of ten years with the Utilities Holding Corporation.  SOBEA has registered a company, Management Services (Gambia) LTD (MSG)for the operation of these services.

The Gambia Airways, in collaboration with Ethiopian Airlines, commences its first weekly non-stop Thursday flights between Banjul and London /Gatwick with a Boeing 757 aircraft.

2nd August 1993

1st September 1993

The Gambia Airways opens its first ever European sales office in London at 150 Regan Street , W1R 5FA.

Contact: Mr. Victor Carvalho, UK Sales Manager.

The Gambia Telecommunication Co. (Gamtel) introduced its six digit numbering system for all telephone numbers in The Gambia by adding the following digits before the old number of the town or area. 
















New number series









46 to replace the first digit '8' of the existing number

74 to replace the first digit '8' of the existing number




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