My brother Pierre,
Thank you very much for your suggestion pertaining to our brother Mr Ebou
Jallow. So many of you have suggested the same line of action that, in the
name of progress, I have to alternative but to rest my case against him.
For a moment I thought we are all compatriots ( saints, criminals,etc), and
in order to promote the common good, it is worthwhile to engage all and
sundry in constructive dialogue. To my mind no person is too evil to be
beyond redemption; and similarly, no person is too good to blunder. It is
only the collectivity of our views that can give the complete picture of our
situation so as to arrive at credible solutions to our problems. In
performing this task, no person has monopoly over the truth, because none of
us has absolute knowledge pertaining to our past and contemporary problems
and challenges. I earnestly believe that we can all play a positive role in
our national discourse, but to do so or otherwise is a matter of personal
Once more, I thank you for your suggestion.
Omar Joof.

>From: Gomez Pierre <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 13:43:03 +0100 (BST)
>  Hi Omar Joof,  (kindly forward this to the Gambia-L)
>I have not been following the interesting debate between Gambians in the
>diaspora against Master Ebou Jallow. Mr Joof, do you understand that Jallow
>is lucky to be a Gambian and not a SierreLeonian or a Nigerian. Moreover,
>he is even more lucky that his fellow countrymen know nothing but smiles
>and peace.
>  Quite frankly, no matter how I may see Ebou, I think the blame for
>grooming Ebou to become what he is today should be directed squarely at the
>Gambians who were settled in the US before 1994. When Gambian Umaru Dikko
>or Ali Baba, first arrived in the US all of you knew that not only did Ali
>Baba fell out with his fellows but you knew well that he also arrived here
>with a huge booty looted from the Gambian coffers. You welcomed him and
>allowed him to settle and become a citizen of the US. Well Ali Baba is now
>confident that none of you can do anything about him now, he can cough or
>say anything anytime.
>  All of you Gambians know that; he that comes to seek Justice, must come
>with clean hands. Ebou arrived with filty hands and began telling you that
>Yaya and Co are criminals. At that time, you all know that a bird at hand
>is worth a million in the bush. So the demon in the name of Ali Baba that
>was in your hands at the time was more that the gang that was still on the
>loose in the Gambia. In short, you should have captured Ali and deliver him
>to any authority to be prosecuted.
>  Believe it brothers and sisters, I know what I am talking about. Just ask
>Captain V.E.M Strassar of SierreLeone. Wheh he arrived with his booty in
>London in the hope that he was going to live like a king in Paradise, he
>was mistaken. Sierreleoneans are no nonsense people. They trail their Ali
>Baba street to street, corner to corner, bar to bar and house to house.
>They made life hell on earth for their former president. Strassar
>eventually fled to The Gambia, but there too, angry Sierre leonean chased
>him out  again. As for Nigerians, they followed their Ali Baba to London
>and kidnapped him but were unlucky to bring him back to Nigeria. On the
>other hand, Gambians in America never followed the examples of their fellow
>African. If Gambiabs had done this when Ebou arrived, he would not have
>been talking gabbage today.
>As I conclude this, let me gurantee the bonefide Gambians that want to
>offer Ebou free ticket to the Gambia, that he will never take the offer.
>Not under his boss neither under the coalition government. He is a wanted
>criminal until he return our $3m
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