Conteh, thanks for your comments.  You have said a lot and I don't know
where to even begin to respond to your insinuations.  How did you come to
the conclusion of all you've just stated?  Have you ever heard me exclude
anybody in matters of Gambian interest?  Did I not ask you to help with the
fund drive in Raleigh, the same invitation I accorded to all interested in
helping raise these funds?  You'll know perfectly well that I do not control
the fund nor the coalition effort.  You'll also know that a listserve was
created by George Sarr, that he subsequently put out of commission.
Currently, Bambalaye Jallow has set up a listserve that you can join to make
your thoughts known.  Now, how does that translate to Joe this and Joe that?

"From my intepretation, I have noticed a sense of segregation on the part of
some who are supposed to rise above politics for a better Gambia.  It is
frightening that we engage in such, when we are calling for a democratic
Gambia.  This in my view is discriminatory in its entirety."

Conteh, please tell me who is segregating who in the above comment?

"We will collect funds locally in Raleigh, NC, but we hope  representatives
of the opposition can visit us.  We are also against the idea of lodging any
representative in a hotel.  We feel that we need to minimize our expenditure
so that resources collected can be used in needed areas.  We also want the
leaders to know the community, sit, laugh and hear from them informally."

Conteh, I really do not know what you are talking about here.  I have not
been to the Gambia Post and Gambia-L for the past two weeks and may be
others know what you are saying here, but I certainly don't.  Are you
suggesting that the opposition pay NC a visit, just because you're
collecting funds?  What about the hundreds of Gambian communities out there
that might do the same?  The last time they came to the US, few (very few
indeed) folks paid for them to come, for the benefit of the many.  On the
contrary, it is these demands that we are not raising the funds as we should
or do the things we need to do.  Some folks from Scandinavia demand that
they will only contribute if they can nominate a candidate of their choice;
Others demanded registration of this and that; others demand a visit; and
the demands and accusations and counter accusations continue to pile on.  It
takes us no where.  Dr. Saine wrote the preamble to the fund that was sent
to the Post and L for folks to give input.  In it, it clearly talks about
the need to have a listserve for CONTRIBUTING members only.  All agreed to
it.  Now, all of a sudden, folks start to fabricate stuff about a click.  I
will forward a copy of that preamble for your reference.  Now, if some
insist that they will not contribute until this and that is done to their
satisfaction how am I or anyone responsible for that?  This is what is going
on here.  An agreed to preamble exist and some agree with it and others
disagree with.  Now you tell me how one is segregated?  The bottom-line is,
those that want to participate will participate regardless.  And if it is
principles we are talking about, each and everyone of us has one.  The
reason why we are engaged in this endeavor is not for the self but for the
collective, so I do not understand why folks think that their principles are
higher than all else.

"Issues facing us must be addressed.  What is the platform for a a
coalition?  How long should the nominee serve?  How many terms should the
nominee serve?  How can we meet the leaders of the opposition or their
representatives in the U.S.?  We do not want to hear from only one political
party.  We want to hear from all of them."

This is why I keep suggesting for folks to buy the coalition summit tape
where you will hear everything that was said during that three hour long
meeting.  I also sent a press release through the Independent newspaper
summarizing what was said, and still folks kept asking me the same things
that I covered in that meeting with the Alternative.  The questions you are
asking is what WE, in the diaspora are suppose to DRAFT and present to the
Alternative for their review and consideration.  Now, is it realistic that
we wait for all Gambians both on and off line to join the discussion before
we do anything?  I do not think so.  Bambalaye started a listserve to
discuss and draft this proposal and here is one of his mails:

"Omar and all:

Here's a list of those emails subscribed to the list-serve so far:

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The following are yet to complete the subscription process. I sent them
a reminder with instructions last night. They will need to accept the
subscription offer and follow the instructions to be subscribed. I
cannot subscribe them wihtout their acceptance:

[log in to unmask]
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Please note that Pa Samba's email address still needs to be subscribed.

Tahnks for your patients folks.


"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that
-M.L King Jr."

Here is the address to subscribe: [log in to unmask]

Conteh, as you can see, I am just a regular citizen like you trying to do my
best.  Please empower your self to register to other Gambian listserves to
know what's going on.  It is not feasible for me or anyone to contineously
cut and paste from this site to that site on everything.  I can do it for
the fund but not on everything.  I know I did not cover all your inquires
but please advise me if you want me to clarify or respond to anything.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

>From: Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Opposition Coalition
>Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 06:06:33 -0400
>I had written to you explaining my frustration and a question posted to you
>about a tentative coalition summit that you indicated a while back.  Sister
>Jabou and Mr. M. Sidibeh had also provided valuable suggestions.  I hope we
>can come to the realization that differences yield solutions.
>I hope we can revisit the fund drive and coalition platform initiatives.  I
>want to make it clear that each of us has a role to play, regardless of our
>differences.  I also want to make it clear that our efforts for a coalition
>can only prevail if we are inclusive.  If we pick and choose who we
>associate and communicate with, we will fail tremendously.
>Our country's problems should be collective.  This effort should not be
>regarded as a vocation for a selected few.  If we refuse to hear
>disagreements and suggestions from those who disagree with us, our effort
>to defeat Jammeh will be fruitless.  It is of no value that we ask Gambians
>to contribute financially, when we operate from an exclusive front.
>We can continue to condemn the APRC government in all efforts, but our
>unwillingness to be inclusive will equate a defeat for us at the polls.
>Question is ask: How can one trust an effort when those requested to
>contribute cannot make suggestions?
>From my intepretation, I have noticed a sense of segregation on the part of
>some who are supposed to rise above politics for a better Gambia.  It is
>frightening that we engage in such, when we are calling for a democratic
>Gambia.  This in my view is discriminatory in its entirety.
>This sense of feeling is frustrating, but I just cannot hide it. I must
>also be willing to do my part for a better Gambia, regardless of being
>critical of the whole initiative.  Democracy without criticism equals an
>APRC government.
>We will collect funds locally in Raleigh, NC, but we hope  representatives
>of the opposition can visit us.  We are also against the idea of lodging
>any representative in a hotel.  We feel that we need to minimize our
>expenditure so that resources collected can be used in needed areas.  We
>also want the leaders to know the community, sit, laugh and hear from them
>I stand to affirm that I will remain critical of the whole structure until
>the citizens in diaspora are allowed to convene and given the opportunity
>to address critical issues facing a tentative coalition.  My position is
>that we should employ communal efforts in engaging Gambians.
>Issues facing us must be addressed.  What is the platform for a a
>coalition?  How long should the nominee serve?  How many terms should the
>nominee serve?  How can we meet the leaders of the opposition or their
>representatives in the U.S.?  We do not want to hear from only one
>political party.  We want to hear from all of them.
>Comrade ML Jassey-Conteh
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