Momodou, you are right this whole process started back in April and input
was sought from both the Post and L and was gotten from folks when it was
requested.  Now, 4 months later we are still talking about input when input
was sought and given a long time ago.  Besides, are you not a member of the
Post too?  I am a member of any listserve that involves Gambia because I
want to be informed.  I suggest that we all do that for it aids better
communication.  I try to forward stuff to the L from the Post and vice versa
but that is not sustainable.  I can do it some times but not all the time.
Thus, folks need to empower themselves.

The fund does not have a constitution, but a Preamble to guide its
operation.  The fund is also not an organization for us to talk in terms of
a constitution.  It is currently in the process of being registered but with
a lot of huddles to hoop, which there is tons of material about that
discussion laying around Gambia Post.  However, many of those that called
for it's registration saw the wisdom proffered not to do so.  Yet, the
registration process will continue even though the most vocal for its
registration dropped the issue.  I don't know what comes to folk's mind when
they talk about the policy framework draft, but it is simply a suggestion by
the opposition to help the opposition work their differences in coming
together.  In the final analysis, they are the ones who would have to
compromise with each other for them to come together.  We are also advised
to form committees in other to get more organized.  However, all these are
tied to the fund/funding.  We can get philosophical about it but in the end,
we need these funds to get our job done, without which we might as well drop
this whole effort and go fishing, for we already lost the battle to the
Dictator.  Now, we can dialogue till doomsday, but in the end, we want to
get our message accross to the grassrots from Banjul to Basse.  This does
not need the Robert Rules of Order to do but the Coalition with their
message and our money to spread that message.  That's all in a nut shell.
Now, days, weeks, and months have passed by, and soon years will pass by and
we enter 2006.  The question is, are we going to be ready at the rate we are
going with our vision to fund and assist the Alternative?  I know you made
your position clear about the fund, but I also hope that you relegate you
principles like all else for the common good and reconsider joining us in
this great effort.  And in light of the need to inform the L members I will
continue to forward stuff to the best of my ability, but I also encourage
folks to empower themselves and stay connected to other discourses.  Please
advise me if I missed any important points in your response.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

>From: Momodou S Sidibeh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Opposition Coalition
>Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 19:41:04 +0200
>Brother Joe Sambou,
>I cannot but sincerely commend you for your work and dedication to the
>coalition-building effort. Whatever shortcomings that may have emerged from
>your side must be weighed against your overall efforts towards a cause you
>believe in.
>In your engagement with Sister Jabou Joh, there seems to me to be important
>matters you are missing.
>On April 18th, Abdoulaye Saine posted to Gambia-L the Guidelines for Save
>the Gambia Fund/Association. The second paragraph in that GUIDELINES reads
>"...In light of the growing interest over the FUND/ASSOCIATION, I have
>drafted some guidelines, a working document in progress, to provide both
>structure and direction for the FUND/ ORGANIZATION. Your input is important
>and needed to ensure that the organization is open and accountable to its
>membership. As Joe Sambou pointed out in an earlier email, every cent will
>be accounted for. Once your input is made, I, with the help of others will
>craft a more comprehensive document".
>The very last line of the guidelines reads: "
>What do you think? Your input is needed to make it a better and more
>comprehensive document! "
>The quotation marks are my emphasis.
>A number of clear deductions can be made from Dr. Saines posting.
>1. That the guidelines are indeed only guidelines, neither a finished
>document nor a Constitution. It could be understood as a draft
>2.That because it was not a finished document, inputs are welcome and
>deemed as important.
>3. That once inputs are made, a more comprehensive document will be
>Well, as far as I know no finished document, supposedly  the Constitution
>of the Save the Gambia Fund has been posted to Gambia-L since April 18th.
>There has not been any information as to what happened to inputs posted
>form subscribers to Gambia-L. There has not been any indication as to
>whether or not inputs from interested individuals were considered at all in
>making the guidelines " a better and more comprehensive document". There
>has not been any indication as to whether such inputs needed to be
>submitted for consideration within a specified time limit.
>Does the Save the Gambia Fund have a Constitution that was produced from
>the draft/guidelines?. Was this information submitted to readers on
>Gambia-L? Since people were requested of their opinion in the guidelines,
>was it not just natural and indeed a welcome development that they indeed
>responded to that request, suggesting, asking questions, talking all these
>months? Or was it that one was not supposed to talk unless one paid a
>pledge? Was that indicated in the guidelines?
>Brother Joe, I am not holding you  responsible for any failure anywhere. I
>personally think that you did your best. But this is just to suggest to you
>that the onus of responsibility for any breaches here cannot be placed on
>the heads of those of us on Gambia-L who "knew" nothing about what was
>going on. Besides, if I may say so(!) all over the world organisations are
>built first when their aims and objectives are outlined in a FINISHED
>Constitution, that people can study and accept whether or not to join said
>organisations with all their contingent rules and regulations. Perhaps I
>missed some important coded words in the guidelines that would have made me
>privy to developments concerning the fund/organisation. But even then I
>ought to have been alerted to my misreading. After all, I am Gambian who
>pledged support for the direction of the fund.
>Thanks for your time,
>Momodou S Sidibeh
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joe Sambou" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 6:05 PM
>Subject: Re: Opposition Coalition
> > Jabou, thanks for your response.  Due to time limitation, I would just
> > attempt to address the core of your concerns.  If we have only ideas
>with no
> > money, do you think anyone in the Gambia will listen to us much more ask
> > to draft anything?  I do not think so.  The Alternative came because we
> > promised to fund them in terms of both money and logistics.  If a
>Gambian is
> > really interested in joining this effort, they cannot just say they just
> > want to discuss and that's it.  If that is the case, then we can use the
> > Gambia-L and Gambia Post to do that.  I don't think anyone is denying
> > Gambian the right to speak and as I write, folks are expressing their
> > opinions on Gambia-L and Gambia Post with no hindrance.  So why do you
> > a listserve to do the same?  Consider the Diaspora as an interest group
> > wants to put their MONEY where their MOUTH is and dictate policy to
> > change.  You cannot say that folks can dictate policy without their
> > Those who are contributing are not speaking for all Gambians either.
> > they are doing is they are going to the table with money in hand to
> > with the parties.  On the contrary, if a section of our population feels
> > that they can just go to the table with the Alternative, empty handed,
> > have all the power to do so too.  However, if a majority of the
> > agree that we want both a participant's voice and money, I see no reason
> > a few should force a U-turn.  I do not think it will kill Jasseh conteh
> > contribute to the fund and also voice his opinion at the same time.  If
> > is the case, then why do people seem to think that they do not have to
> > contribute to formulate policy.  This is not just Joe talking, but the
> > contributors.  There is Joe the pass through collector for the fund and
> > the contributor.  This is Joe the contributor that is talking, not the
> > collector.  If we say we are democratic, why do the very few keep trying
> > change the course of the majority?  And I frankly do not believe that
> > or Conteh could not contribute and at the same time join to discussion
> > the listserve.
> >
> > Folks, we started this effort since April, what have we achieved, aside
> > what the contributors have put up and the pledge from the Alternative.
> > rest has been talk, talk, and some more talk.  At this rate, 2006 will
> > upon us and we will still be running on the same spot.  Thank God no one
> > a monopoly of starting a listserve to exercise their rights to not
> > contribute to anything that they do not wish to.  I am with the majority
> > decision.  The Save The Gambia Fund is to fund our ideas (contributors
> > ideas) not all Gambians and I do not think it is representing anyone
> > does not wish to be represented.  Conteh just stated that he wants the
> > Alternative to listen to the demands of NC, that is their right, Why?
> > Because they feel they have money in their hand.  The same applies to
> > in Scandinavia that would contribute only if they choose their own
> > candidate.  Yet, others want to not contribute but want to dictate
> > And so the demands continue to pile on.
> >
> > Chi Jaama
> >
> > Joe Sambou
> >
> > >From: [log in to unmask]
> > >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> > ><[log in to unmask]>
> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >Subject: Re: Opposition Coalition
> > >Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 10:28:09 EDT
> > >
> > >In a message dated 8/18/03 8:35:16 PM Central Daylight Time,
> > >[log in to unmask]
> > >writes:
> > >
> > > > <<Like you, I have expressed my opinion in contrast to the notion
> > >only
> > > > those who have actually "put their money where their mouth is" ought
> > >be
> > > > part of the list-serve that is set up for discussion, which I am
> > >currently
> > > > running. But there seem to be the wisdon of majority in that regard
> > > > far.>>
> > >
> > >Laye Jallow & Joe Sambou,
> > >
> > >Thanks to you and Joe Sambou for posting the address of the listserve
> > >the
> > >coalition fund.
> > >Laye, you had stated that I should not refrain from joining the group
> > >because my wishes are not met, or something to that effect. Please
> > >my
> > >choice of words if it conveys something else other than what I intend
>it to
> > >convey, but I think you get the gist of what I mean.
> > >
> > >However, although you have made it clear that you also do not share the
> > >view
> > >that only those who subscribe to the fund should be allowed to join the
> > >list (
> > >I commend you for that) the fact still remains that Joe Sambou has
> > >reiterated
> > >that the purpose of the list was for fund raising and that the list
> > >guidelines stated that only those paying into the fund should be part
> > >the list.
> > >He also said that when Dr Saine wrote the guidelines for the fund drive
> > >asked for suggestions or changes, everyone acepted the guidelines. How
> > >it
> > >determined that everyone accepted the guidelines, ,and was there a
> > >condition
> > >that the imput from people have to be given by a particular deadline or
> > >they are
> > >no longer acceptable?
> > >However, I have stated numberous times already that if the fund drive
> > >to keep these guidelines, this is their choice and is fine, so long as
> > >list is restricted to teh collection of funds only.
> > >
> > >To be fair, I did join the list and what I witnessed also confirmed to
> > >that the prevailing wisdom on that list was that only those who pay
> > >the fund
> > >can be part of the list, and according to the response that people who
> > >objected to this notion received, there did not seem to be a
> > >then nor
> > >now to be flexible as far as this was concerned, and I think Joe
> > >response to Conteh has also proven that there does not seem to be any
> > >changes
> > >regarding that opinion.
> > >Therefore, in this regard, and also because Joe Sambou has also
> > >what all of us know, he said:
> > >
> > >"Issues facing us must be addressed.  What is the platform for a a
> > >coalition?  How long should the nominee serve?  How many terms should
> > >nominee serve?  How can we meet the leaders of the opposition or their
> > >representatives in the U.S.? "
> > >
> > >This is exactly true and I believe that this issue mentioned above is a
> > >separate issue from that of the fund drive, especially since those
> > >instrumental in
> > >the fund drive as well as others on that list serve have made it clear
> > >the guidelines of belonging to the list are. The guidelines limit
> > >participation
> > >and since the issue of working out the details of a colaition should be
>  a
> > >matter of public debate among Gambians, I think that to undertake the
> > >of
> > >the details of a coalition on a list that has set limits as to who can
> > >participate is inappropriate and limits the rights of Gambians to take
> > >in this
> > >process, which the members of the fund drive listserve do not have
> > >the
> > >mandate nor the right to do.
> > >
> > >Therefore, I think the fund drive  listserve undertakings should be
> > >separate
> > >from the debate to work out the details of a coalition. I think we need
> > >invlove as many Gambians as possible in that process,  and I also think
> > >that the
> > >politicians should make an effort to talk to us as well as we to them
> > >because
> > >it is not just an issue of collecting funds for them and letting them
> > >what
> > >they think is best for us.  This is the issue those of us who want to
>see a
> > >coalition become reality first before collecting funds are talking
> > >
> > >Gambians need to have an imput because these people are representing
>us. My
> > >experience with the last election was that at least with one political
> > >party,
> > >even simple questions were not responded to, leaving the impression
> > >they
> > >were telling us to merely collect funds and we do not need to answer
> > >questions. These politicians claim to be working for a sociaty where
> > >Gambian
> > >has a voice, yet, when they run into Gambians who know they can have a
> > >voice,
> > >there seems to be the notion that they do not owe us any response,
> > >etc. We all saw the results of what self interest and a lack of
> > >to the
> > >committment to form a coalition of all opposition parties despite the
> > >impressions given affested the outcome of the last elections.
> > >
> > >The opposition parties know that a solid opposition coalition is the
> > >hope there is in the next elections and we as regular citizens who want
> > >support this idea must also have the responsibility to make sure that
> > >see to it
> > >that we do not just provide them with funds, ,but that we make sure
> > >all
> > >the things that will result in the coalition becoming a reality are put
> > >into
> > >place, that it is sincere and real, and  as many Gambians have as much
> > >imput into
> > >that process  as possible. Then we can feel confident that there will
>be a
> > >true representation of the pople,and we can work hard as heck to
> > >funds
> > >to back them.
> > >This is the idea, and not that one is interested in forming any
> > >faction groups that has not helped us throughout our political history
> > >will
> > >never help us in any way.
> > >
> > >However, again, if folks want to collect funds starting now, it makes
> > >that only contributors to that effort should be part of the list set up
> > >that purpose,  and that is fine, but please do not infringe upon and
> > >  the
> > >people's right to participate in this process by undertaking to have
> > >effort regarding  the details of the coalition  to be discussed in the
> > >drive
> > >list which has set  limits for participation and regarding which
> > >they are unwilling to be flexible.
> > >
> > >Jabou Joh
> > >
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