>From: <[log in to unmask]>
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>Subject: [>-<] Opposition Coalition
>Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 22:29:50 -0400
>[ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by <[log in to unmask]>
>I hope the Alternative leaders take heed of the follow:
>Dr. Bojang believes that without Gambian opposition parties coalescing
>under one platform, "it would be very difficult to remove an incumbent
>president whether it is Jammeh now or another man later".
>He urged opposition leaders to create more room for positive dialogue and
>use political development elsewhere in Africa as relevant eye-openers.
>Even someone like Dr. Bojang who is considering of coalescing with the APRC
>party knows the answer to removing the Jammeh government. I therefore
>invite him to join the leaders in the dialogue he is calling for. I think
>that you are a very wise man Dr. Bojang and you will not board a sinking
>ship. Gentlemen of the alternatives, the feature of our country is in your
>hands. I will close with the words of JKF " is not what your country can do
>for you but what you can do for your country."
>Kebba Foon
>[1]Gambia's customs and excise department poorly managed
>CLICK HERE> http://www.gambiapost.net/newspaper
>[2]Gambia's justice Hassan Jallow to head Rwandan Tribunal
>CLICK HERE> http://www.gambiapost.net/newspaper/law1.htm

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