Folks, this is an appeal for us to show our support for Waa and Pa Manneh as
they fight the injustices of Yaya and the APRC.  We demand all sorts of
actions from those on the ground and when they do the right thing by saying
no to abuse, we should stand firm with them.  Some have suggested that this
is a NDAM problem to solve, but I vehemently disagree.  It is a problem for
all fair minded Gambians, regardless of ethnicity or political persuasion to
address.  We are not on the ground but one of the ways we can show our
support is to assist with his defense.  That is the right and ethical thing
to do.  The man has been in jail for a week and we act as if it is business
as usual.  I think this is the wrong message to send to those in the
trenches - once you are in custody, we leave you to fend for yourself.  Waa
had said the same thing we have been saying all along, he just happens to be
at arms reach to the criminal.  Fellow citizens, let us stand firm in
solidarity with Waa and Pa Manneh.  Let us send a clear message to Yaya that
we are ready to fight him each step of the way.  We must support those that
are in the forefront and not just through lip service.

I am also appealing to our Alternative partners on the ground to come out
and defend Waa and Pa Manneh openly.  It is important that the rest of the
nation know that you'll are behind Waa and Pa and for Yaya to see that we
are not going to let him bully us any more.  If you don't do that, then you
are going to fall victim to this pattern of abuse and some of you have gone
this route before and none is immune from this abuse, unless you suppress
your thoughts which this criminal enterprise is banking on.  Before Waa, it
was Ousainou and OJ.  Who's next?  The Gambian economy is speedily grinding
to a halt and anything and anybody is a potential excuse to deflect
attention from the head criminal.  You the leaders of civil society are
obligated to defend civil society.

Those that wish to contribute to Waa and Pa's defense can send their
donations to Soffie Ceesay.  If you are in the EU, please send your
contributions to Dave Manneh.  Soffie and Dave, please provide your
addresses to the readership.  Thank you for your continued support in the
struggle for a better Gambia.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

Please Read on.

Juwara Militants Clash With Police; Youth Leader Joins Ndam Leader in Prison

The Independent (Banjul)

December 15, 2003
Posted to the web December 15, 2003


Supporters of Lamin Waa Juwara, angry over the decision of the High Court to
revoke his bail and return him to Mile Two prisons threw all sense of
restraint to the winds and clashed with police at the precinct of the courts
Thursday. A senior member of the National Democratic Action Movement (NDAM)
was arrested.

People described as Juwara militants were engaged in head-to-head
confrontation with police officers who were armed with guns, and anti-riot
gears. According to eyewitness accounts the fight began inside the High
Court building in Banjul, as officers tried to escort Mr.

Juwara back to Mile Two Central Prisons, following Justice Paul's decision
to withdraw the embattled politician's bail, which his supporters saw as

Despite the presence of heavily armed officers around their leader, the
police were determined to prevent Mr. Juwara from being taken back to the
Mile Two, from where he was released two months ago after languishing there
for more than two weeks.

"Come what may our leader is not going to be taken to custody because the
decision to do so was a case of injustice, which violates the constitution"
Juwara's agitated faithfuls argued. They questioned why Justice Paul should
revoke Juwara's bail when the politician never violated the bail condition
and had kept to the court's schedules by appearing in court without fail
ever since sedition charges were preferred against him in October. They
pointed out that if there was reason for the bail to be revoked, it must be
incontrovertibly genuine.

They then physically confronted the police who were standing guard around
their leader.

As the dust settled, the police acted swiftly to arrest Pa Manneh NDAM's
youth wing leader who together with his political party boss was taken to
Mile Two where up to press time Saturday he was being kept.

Anger was not coming only from Juwara's militants over his detention.

Some lawyers at the court including UDP leader Ousainou Darboe and PPP
interim leader Omar Jallow have also criticised the decision to keep Mr.
Juwara in custody.

Earlier on Friday, Juwara's lawyer Borry Touray who had withdrawn from the
case, announced his formal reappearance for the accused in a u-turn that
took many by surprise. "I have concrete and firm agreement with my client to
appear as his counsel" he told the court.

Lawyer Touray had applied to the court for the record of the previous
sitting and the warrant drawn for revoking Juwara's bail.

Lawyer Touray a former magistrate also filed a fresh motion to the court,
challenging the reasons advanced for revoking the bail.

The state counsel DPP Akomaye Agim had told the court that, "it is the right
of the counsel to be given the records of the court's proceedings and
warrant". He applied for an adjournment to enable him to reply to the
affidavit in opposition.

The court presided over by Justice Paul ruled that the counsel and the
accused will be given the records of the court's proceeding and the warrant,
which revoked the bail accorded to Mr. Juwara.

Relevant Links

West Africa
Conflict, Peace and Security

In another twist to the saga, it has also been reliable learnt that the
counsel for Juwara is intending to file a suit against presiding judge
Justice Paul questioning the withdrawal of Juwara's bail.

While Juwara languishes in Mile Two his case will resume on Friday December
19. The prosecution's principal witness has been absent from the court in
the last

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