From July 22nd, 1994 the peaceful and blessed Gambian Nation has
changed into a police state, a killing ground, and a state where many
crimes against humanity are committed. It has also changed into a state
where Gambians are being robbed of their identity,which is given away to
people from other countries. A system of divide and rule is another change
affecting Gambians. Under a one man show, the country has also changed into
an illegal arms trade zone.Time and time,i finally came to the conclusion
that a West African Saddam Hussein exists in the Gambia.This is a threat to
not only the Gambia and the sub-region, but to the New World order.
    The Gambia has changed to a police state due to Government agents
interfering with the privacy of citizens.National intelligent agents
nstantly tap private telephone lines,the press  and prominent citizens
constantly receive death threats. Arrestations, detentions ,
interrogations  and the torture of ordinary  citizens and public figures
has become the order of the day. This was the same situation that existed
in Iraq during the Saddam era..
    Since july 22nd 1994, the Gambia has also seen many crimes against
humanity committed, which is triable under International law. They range as
    - Summary executions of commissioned army officers,non-commissioned
      officers and ordinary rank and files.Mass graves can be found in
      Bakau and Yundum.
    - The shooting deaths of school children by Gambia security forces under
      directions of the so call Gambian President.
    - The mysterious death of Honorable Ousman Koro ceesay. This was a crime
      committed by the Jammeh Government.
    - Dissappeareances of prominent Gambian po
liticians and ordinary
    - Dissappeareances of members of the Gambian armed forces.
This are crimes that are punishable under international law and they are
cases that we as Gambians,will pursue against Jammeh and his junta. The
same situations existed in iraq that is why time and time again,i have come
to the conclusion that another Saddam Hussein exists in West Africa.
     Again from July 22nd 1994, we as Gambians started getting stripped of
our identity. Personally i have seen not only cassamance sitizens  from
senegal with Gambian identity, but other foreign Nationals. I began asking
myself why Jammeh was doing that.Finally,i came to a satisfactory
conclusion that it was not only geared towards consolidating his position
to continue ruling the country, but also to enrich himself by involving in
a Gambian passport trade.It is imminent that these people from cassamance
will not only vote for him i
n National elections, but will also provide
security for him. This is a critical position that he has taken as an
influx of cassamance rebels and other residents could escalate into a
regional crisis. Onething Jammeh should know forsure,is that he will never
succeed in the formation of a GAMSCA which is his ultimate goal.Saddam
Hussein did a similar thing in Iraq, by sorrounding himself with foreign
fighters who he accorded citizenship.My personal intelligence revealed that
the majority of state Guards in both Banjul and Kanilai are not citizens of
the Gambia,but foreign fighters.
     A system of divide and rule has also been seen in the Gambia from July
22nd, 1994.I am not a tribalist, and no one should encourage tribalism. I
strongly believe that people of the earth regardless of race, gender
religion, color and social background are of the same family. We should
live to love one another. On the contrary, we hav
e seen Jammeh diverting
resources of the country to his home town and region. Fellow Gambians, you
can all witness that Kanilai has a twenty- four hour power supply whiles
the country's capital Banjul and other major towns,are most of the time
without power supply.Are people in Kanilai better than the rest of the
country? Are they the only tax payers in the country if they even pay any?
If Jammeh claims himself to be a true patriot, he should facilitate the
availability of power to not only Kanilai, but the whole country.Why is a
bag of rice cheaper in kanilai than the rest of the country? Why can't
everything be the same? These are some of the questions Gambians are trying
to find an answer to. This system of Jammehs administration,paradoxically
appears to be very crucial,as it is important in addressing social
injustice, manifests the lack of solidarity, oneness, love, and Jammeh
Governments continu
ing effort to divide Gambians.There is a paradox posed
by memory and history when past memories hurt so much they feel as though
they must be forgotten, but never.However, all the social injustice and
Jammeh's continuing effort to divide Gambians spring from some idea of
order, a principle that Gambians are twisting and breaking but cannot still
understand  why such an order. Such was the situation in Iraq when the
Sunni tribe enjoyed most of the fruits of the Iraqi people. This makes me
wonder about the emergence of  another Saddam Hussein in the Gambia.
Onething Jammeh and his APRC should know is that, we as Gambians will never
get fooled and we are patiently waiting for the day we will bring that ARCH
DOWN AND PULL HIM FROM A HOLE.We are patiently waiting for the day when we
will use the Infrastructure at Kanilai as an AGRICULTURAL TRAINING CENTER
      Fellow Gambians it is also
 important to know that our country has
turned into an illegal arms trade zone. Since July 22nd 1994, the Jammeh
administration has embarked on purchasing weaponry from not only libya,but
many other coountries. Why do we need such weaponry when our schools and
health care systems are apalling and degrading? Why do we need such a
weaponry when we cannot even provide good paychecks for our
teachers,doctors and other civil servants.Why do we need such weaponry when
our roads and other communication facilities are ridiculous. We dont even
have such a modernized army. I satisfactorily came to the answer,that
Jammeh is either arming his tribesmen in Cassamance, or selling the arms to
other countries or both. This should be a concern to all leaders in the sub-
region as it poses a real threat to regional stability. One thing Jammeh
should know is the fact that beyond doubt, there are combinations of very
simple natural that ha
ve the power of affecting us, still the analysis of
this power lies beyond the depth of our consideration. He should know that
only God is Mighty.
      These are all realities springing from the conception of an
entertaining hoax in the Gambia. The mysterious tales, the social
injustices, lack of solidarity and the divisions among Gambians all spring
from this hoax.However, the whole Gambian cosmology rest upon the
philosophical principle that the very apprenhension of disorder assumes an
agency of order. As we can see there is already a disorder in the Gambia
and an agency of order will sooner or later take up responsibility.This
agency of order is we the Gambian people.I am therefore totally convinced
about the existence of a West African Saddam Hussein in the Gambia.

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