Hello Mr. Sol:

I've got good news for you. I cant help but think about you when I found out this good news. 

I am taking electronics classes and we were told that there's much more radiation in cell phones that can hurt humans than in the microwave.  The radiation in the microwave sucks the water off the food, therefore leaving the food less moist while the radiation from the cell phone makes its way into the ear drum.  oh we had a big discussion about this mircowave issue.  so please let them folks use the microwave.....

Say hi to all, tell Anthony Tim still talks about him as his cousin also Gramma Florence that baby sat him while he was here ask of him too.  She still runs her day care with just four kids now.  She said she is getting to the point where she is ready to give it up. How is Ya?  Did you hear from Pa Alajie? extend my luv.




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