Jabou and all,
Is it suprising that these people are coming up with these kinds of statements? Jammeh has being a self claimed "Mansan" since day one. So for these people to come up with such statements is not suprising.  What is suprising though is that they are still not learning or shalll i say willing to learn lessons from other countries. Where are all the self claimed "Mansans" in todays Africa or World?
You cannot hold the entire nation at ransom and claim ownership to their lives and livelihood. Never in African history has these people succeeded in their journey to "Mansaship".  There is how much and how far you can push the masses.
The last election in Ghana people garthered in the town City for a nationwide prayer to get rid of Rawlings. At a time when the masses said  that, if you are saying that it is God who put you here, we are then praying and beggining to the same God to remove you. That day people thought there will be war, the people were not scared and they kept on saying that it has to now or never. That really sent Rawlings the message that people are feedup and he should go quitely and peacefully.
Jammeh and his people's time are coming, we can see the signs. When they start swallowing each other you know that thier time is due. For their  loyalists, don't be suprise to see them disappearing in the wilderness.
No matter what ever they say::::: We won't give up the fight and the struggle for the freedom to our country. NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! NEVER.............
The Struggle Continues!!!!!

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