OPTV is back knocking on mad Yahya's door to deliver a message that
is,transparency,accountability and probity are words that he forget at the
door of Radio One FM station immediately after reading his so-called
shameless speech on July 22nd dark day in 1994. OPTV understands that part
of mad Yahya's strategies is to tell his cronies(in the open) to ignore the
internet.Do not buy that,actually we were all told that mad Yahya listened
to the radio Tam-Tam program.The worst thing on earth is for one to attempt
fooling oneself.
Concealing a deadly disease by ignoring surgeons does not save one from
being admitted one day anyway.The wretched movie-OPERATION NO COMPROMISE is
still reeling and mad Yahya is sitting on his chair in balcony right? He
will sit but will not relax.Not all movies are palatable for those watching
them.His movie will be affected by pop ups from OPTV and other sources to
the extent that they will smash the projector and then use their heels to
the gate.Where Binneh and the ghost of late Dot Faal will be waiting for
the mad man and his lackeys.

OPTV wants to analyse some basic mathematics with Gambians here and show
everyone why it does not see where mad Yahya and cronies can be admitted on
the list of decent minds.Liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When the last lady Zeinab Jammeh hops in a plane as usual Gambians see a
long line of so-called officials with her.
Wives of real presidents are given privileges but most tof hem especially
those from poor countries like ours do away with excess protocol and other
fancy things that waste resources! Here we have a so-called lady that
travels with an entourage which is far more or equivalent to the number of
people that the vice president travels with! Why? Alpha Omar Konare's wife
wrote a book,she sold it and used the returns for personal expenditures.She
stayed humble and taught in class.
Who is last lady Zeinab serving to warrant her to be hiring jets,and flying
in the air longer than the length of time she spends in her house?! Who is
she serving?

When she travels we have a team behind her and let's use our simple
arithmetic to expose mad Yahya's hidden side.
Here it goes:

Last Lady Zeinab Jammeh
Daughter Myriam
Lady in waiting
5 to 6 guards
Nanny maid
(Thanks to our friends at the Limosine center).

Now let us revisit the recommended rate for officials travelling on trips
abroad and see?
If those guards are considered Junior or below the cadre that earns less
than 130 pound sterling,then they are supposed to be receiving 90 pound
sterling per person every night.We all remember the reason why the ex
auditor general was used as another scape goat?! Fatmatta was trying to dig
into that hidden path.She had her open quarrel in the papers anyway.Some
people accused her of exposing the rates that ministers were earning on
newspapers! That is sick! How about the budget estimates that are being
spread from the printing dept? Infact what should be secretive about how
much public officials earn in the first place?
 Therefore 90 pounds mulitiplied by 6 people will give 540 pounds right?
Please mulitiply that by 2 weeks at least.It will give nothing less than
7560 pound sterling.How many time does Zeinab travel in the year?  Tell me
because I cannot count that!Now look at what Kuru Konjira said ie;the YDE
used to settle bills of hired jets?!
We are yet to bring on board the cost of fuelling the jet which cannot be
less than 50000 USD per trip/stop over.How about the landing fees and other
services being provided by caterers on the ground?
In all this mess we still have people who ask for more
patience?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are we patient or docile?
Bringing such calculations in the open is what news papers back home should
be doing but no.Some will tell us that prices at the world market are high!
Stupid!So leaving mad Yahya and his family lead such an extremely expensive
life is what we call serving the nation? If one talks you are branded as
the jealous and all sorts of adjectives.
Every ex gendarme remembers how mad Yahya used to get angry at former
president Jawara's kids! Mad Yahya is so fake that no reasonable person can
live near for a day without detecting this stinking side of his sad soul.
When serving under this mad man one has to have strength if not you will
think that stealing is a national duty!OPTV has worse additions to reveal
on mad Yahya himself.
That will be done at a time that his cronies do not expect it to happen.No
one can silence the determined.I think mad Yahya might  have by now smelt
the rat and understands that OPTV is not the group of people to be

Here we have officials who receive courtesies all over the wolrd but none
would ever think of forgiving the economy(I mean the lady herself and
others who enjoy that privilege).
Some cronies will come back and tell us that,yes she is a first lady.OPTV
is attacking this lady nonsense thing because her mad husband got her when
he stole power.He stole power under the pretext that he was coming to fight
corruption.Fighting corruption my socks!!!!!!!!!!
How can this life style continue and then people become excited to watch
the wretched movie? Tarik Musa,Lang Conteh,Klark Bajo and his poor
wife,Suma Jobe and so on. If  combined they did not spend even a cent near
what mad Yahya and his wife and little daughter have so far swallowed.How
about the wealth that he refered to on TV?
It was after that day some people started scrambling.If a mad leader says
that he and his grand sons and daughters will never ever be poor,then what
should we expect from others? No wonder Lang Conteh was being called Bill
Gambians have to stop beating the traces and follow the real snake!
The snake is mad Yahya nothing more nothing less and OPTV will certainly
send him to the grave very soon.Disappointment is what makes some kill.Mad
Yahya has disappointed a cause and he should not be spared despite all the
defensive positions in and out of The Gambia mad Yahya knows inside his
stinking soul that he will not survive this wavelength.I SWEAR TO THE

Binneh S Minteh
New York University.

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