Habib, Jabou and Ya Fatou,

I agree with Habib that it is not only the Muslims who practiced polygamy but also other religions. Polygamy is highly practiced in Africa and here in Ghana with their strong Christian believes polygamy is still in practice. Just yesterday i was attending a funeral and the deceased father has 5 wives because of his status as a king in their clan. Ya fatou may be right that it is not 95% but still the figure will be high because in Gambia it is a norm. Women are forced to accept it and it is normal. I have not heard of any review or statistics on this area because people have not seen it as a problem. Or an issue that affect in many times the lives of these women, their children and society as a whole.

Well as Jabou said, it is fine if the women accept. We can still ask:  Is it a matter of accepting it or not having the choice to say no.

Even in other parts of
Africa, researches were conducted but I have not come across statistics per sa.

The Struggle Continue

Ndey Jobarteh


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