No Jabou, I am not going to any lengths and neither will I sue you either.
You have been confirmed a liar and it is really a shame.  Come on Jabou, you
really believe I am shaken by an opportunist in Jasseh Conteh or a liar like
yourself, Binneh, Elhajj, Conteh, and Ebou Jallow?  You cannot be serious?
What is evident is that you Jabou, have slid into a liar and a very
vindictive person.  You have sunk into a new low and I ain't going to help
you out of it, but will hound your tired ass till you expose me.

Regarding religion, it is in the archives where you spilled that venom.  I
did not fabricate that, did I?  There is no surprise here.  You called all
Muslims in the Gambia to follow the Koran and not associate with
non-Muslims, don't visit them, eat their food, sever all relationships, etc.
  Did your Koran tell you that, or did you just fabricate that one too like
a lot of things.  Jabou, you are one person I know who cannot speak Arabic
but love to speak for Muslims.  Why is that?  You were recently exposed on
that one too, by your fellow liar Ebou Jallow.  Remember him?  Then it came
out you do not even understand Arabic.  Jabou, it takes a certain type to be
the way you are.  Your religion card did not work, did it?  Now, you are
using the ethnic card and begin to drum the tribal/ethnic hatred, because of
your misguided mind.  It ain't going to work either.  You see, all I put
across can be verified by folks at their leisure on this very list, thus, my
task is a no brainer.

Jabou, you are a very hateful person and I really wish your peace.  I never
knew that you were affected by me that much for you to sink so low.  But, it
is all good that Jabou, Elhajj, Binneh, Ebou, and Conteh all have a drink on
Joe before their anger consume them.  I am sure you are by now ashamed of
your vindictive and manipulating ways.  Why do you have a need to be
controlling?  Why?  The same person that howls about justice this and that,
is the same person that will sink to slime to assassinate another's
character at all cost.  May be I should from now on refer to you as the
"Black Widow" for lack of a better description.  You're approaching 60, but
I bet you new comers on this list will not know that by your behavior.  I
leave you to battle your conscience.  Filth, I'm here to stay.

Chi Jaama

Joe sambou

>From: Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Joe Sambou & Tribalism/ Joe Sambou
>Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 17:30:33 EDT
>Well, well, well.. It looks like Conteh's question and my rejoinder has
>touched a nerve and made you loose your cool Joe.
>By the way, let me first say that I have a right to my observations and
>opinion, and sue me for it if you like.
>I see Joe that you are drawing at straws to make a point, and you have
>resorted to your favourite one, religion.
>You wrote:
>"As for Jabou, folks here know there is no love lost because I
>have challenged her, starting years back when this same Jabou came to
>separate Gambians on the basis of their religion.  You'll remember when she
>announced here that as Muslims in Gambia are not following the Koran,
>because they should not befriend Christians, eat their food, visit each
>other, etc"
>Joe, I invite you to search the L archives and produce a posting in which I
>personally said that Gambian muslims should not befriend Christians, eat
>food or visit with them. I will wait for you to produce that.
>You remind me of all the people who are scurrying to capitalize on the
>current religious turmoil in the World by trying to accuse muslims of bias
>so you
>can gain milage from it. What a shame!
>You also wrote:
>"I said that Yaya is a tribalist.  However, what I will not tolerate from
>or anyone is to come here and brandish all Jolas as tribalist."
>Again Joe, I invite you to find anywhere in my posts on the issue of
>tribalism where I branded all Jolas tribalists. I will also wait for you to
>that from the archives.
>I am not confused, nor do I rage until I loose track of what I want to say.
>think what I have said on this issue is abundantly clear.
>You, on the other hand are trying so hard to keep people at bay from
>discussing certain topics that you seem to loose track of what people are
>saying as opposed to what you perceived them to have said. You should at
>take time to read and understand what people are saying before you go to
>instead of reacting to certain key words only. Bad idea. It will give you
>every time.
>Of Conteh you wrote:
>"This is also the same fellow that told me as I solicited for other Gambian
>Associations in the different states to contribute to the Save The Gambia
>Fund, he told me that North Carolina will contribute but want to nominate
>their own candidate, different from the coalition."
>I am sure Conteh can speak for himself, but I just want to point out yet
>another attempt of yours to make points. I believe that what Conteh said
>was a
>suggestion that each locality form their own group and appoint someone
>local to
>collect the funds  towards this effort. Conteh can correct me if I am
>Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense that each locality nominate theie
>candidate.What a barrage of candidates that would be and what a defeat of
>Finally, writing things that oppose a person are not proof that one is not
>engaged in a deceptive game. Even amateurs know that .
>The fact remains that you work quite hard at trying to keep certain topics
>from being discussed on these lists and you even go so far as to take
>things out
>of proportion and deliberately misrepresent what others are saying even as
>you carry on about Jammeh.
>Rest assured Joe Sambou that you will not set the tone of the content of
>is discussed here, and if that is an assignment for you, you will fail.
>Jabou Joh
>In a message dated 4/6/04 11:54:30 AM Central Daylight Time,
>[log in to unmask] writes:
> >
> >
> > Jabou, you'll can lob all the lies you can muster, and I shall remain.
> > said that Yaya is a tribalist.  However, what I will not tolerate from
> > or anyone is to come here and brandish all Jolas as tribalist.  Thus,
> > tribalist in you'll is very obvious.  Jabou, you are going to tell
> > about this lie and by God you are going to show me out.  The good thing
> > that you have committed yourselve to have some evidence and as long as
> > and others are on line, you'll shall produce this expose.  What a
> > your have turned to!  Now, folks, is it a coincidence that Tapha Fye,
> > Joh, Jasseh Conteh, et al would join together in a lie to try to
> > me?  Not at all.  Here you have a liar in Tapha, that myself and Yus
> > labeled years ago as a Jammeh sympathizer in his unholy alliance with
> > Jallow, now is the very person calling me a Yaya informant?  This is not
> > first time I stopped Tapha in his tribalist crusade and it ain't going
>to be
> > the last.  As for Jabou, folks here know there is no love lost because I
> > have challenged her, starting years back when this same Jabou came to
> > separate Gambians on the basis of their religion.  You'll remember when
> > announced here that as Muslims in Gambia are not following the Koran,
> > because they should not befriend Christians, eat their food, visit each
> > other, etc.  You all saw my response to her on the L. Now, that same
> > is in a crusade today to attempt to divide Gambians based on Ethnicity.
> > like the racist whites in the south, she will tell you that she has
> > who are Jola, or was named after one, etc.  Check the L archives, it's
> > live.  Well folks, judge for yourselves.  As for Conteh, he is the
> > definition of opportunism.  This is the same fellow that made so much
> > about Yaya prior to the 2001 elections, only to in the last hour Joined
> > mentor, Sheriff Dibba, to get in bed with Yaya.  Folks, is that not a
> > This is also the same fellow that told me as I solicited for other
> > Associations in the different states to contribute to the Save The
> > Fund, he told me that North Carolina will contribute but want to
> > their own candidate, different from the coalition.  Well folks, did
> > not announced his candidacy just the other day?  So, after all, he was
> > candidate he had in mind.  You'll saw my response to his coming out.  Is
> > that the reason this unholy alliance?
> >
> > So folks, all I tendered are concrete proof about these characters and
> > these references are here in the archives.  This is what they have
> > themselves to, all in the the name of pushing their individual tribal
> > agendas.  If you also followed my exchanges regarding this tribal issue,
> > reasonable and fair minded persons know that I have said and called
>Jammeh a
> > tribalist all along and before they have the nerve to.  What is
> > for folks to understand about that?  Why do folks, after hearing me say
> > same thing over the years, still come and peddle a blatant lie about my
> > association with Tijan Ceesay?  When Tijan reported Omar Gaye to the
> > who made him stop at his tracks?  Was it not these same folks and others
> > that preached caution?  I remember Conteh as the very person dissuading
> > from reporting all APRC folks that are here in the US illegally (Omar
> > was very legal).  That, my friends, is also in the achieves.  Did I not
> > tender my opinion of Bala Gaye's association with Yaya?  Would someone
> > is in bed with Yaya do that?  I last sopke with Tijan during that fiasco
> > with Omar Gaye.  As a matter of fact, the insults I heaped on Tijan, I
> > heaped it on any, besides Yaya, Ebou, etc.  And, folks can contact Tijan
> > him to corroborate the lies these despicable persons are attempting to
> > spread.
> >
> > Folks, please don't take my word for it, please revisit everything I
> > said on line about Yaya and tell me one instance where you see me
> > from my stance against him.  To Jabou, Elhajj, Conteh, et al, you'll are
> > slime.  The worst form of humans.  You'll will debase yourselves just to
> > destroy a person because I dare stop your agenda.  Rest assured, I shall
> > remain steadfast against this tribalist nonsense that you all want to
>put on
> > the heads of all Jolas in the Gambia.  You guys are just pathetic and I
> > here to say no to your gabbage.  Just thrifling.
> >
> > Chi Jaama
> >
> > Joe Sambou
> >
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