Foroyaa Newspaper Burning Issue

Issue No. 48/2004, 17-20 June, 2004


First the medical personnel will tell you to take 4 tablets and 2 after six
hours. Two tablets should then be taken daily for a period of two days. The
dose changed to 4 tablets a day for two days and then 2 tablets on the third
day. Now a patient takes all these tablets and still has to take three
Fansida. Despite this people still go back after weeks and are given more
injections or tablets. What is happening to the malaria parasite? Is it
becoming more resistant to the drugs available in The Gambia or are the
drugs faked ones. It is abundantly necessary for the Department of State for
Health to take up this issue. A serious study needs to be made as a lot of
lives are being lost because of the parasites.


The Prospective Alliance (Coalition) has started kicking even before it has
bee formalized.  A Press Release issued by the Coordinator, Halifa Sallah,
reveals that the Alliance has endorsed the candidature of Kemeseng Jammeh of
UDP in the forthcoming Jarra West By Election expected on July 1.

We publish the full text of the press release below.

A task force which has been set up by the prospective Alliance (Coalition)
comprising representatives of the NDAM, NRP, PDOIS, PPP and UDP in
alphabetical order, have completed the work of harmonizing the position of
the various parties regarding candidature for the Jarra West By Election.
In the absence of the formal launching of the coalition the consensus
principle was allowed to prevail when the candidates of the other opposition
parties volunteered to step down to create the enabling environment for the
candidature of Kemeseng Jammeh of UDP to be endorsed by the Alliance
(Coalition).  The Alliance (Coalition) also mandated for preparations to be
made for Famara Fadera to be nominated as an Independent Candidate, as a
contingency measure had Kemeseng failed to have his n! omination approved.
The Alliance wishes to announce that Kemeseng Jammeh has been duly nominated
as the candidate endorsed by the Alliance for the Jarra West constituency by

The Alliance (Coalition) wishes to assure the people in Jarra West
Constituency that it is fully responsible for the way the campaign of the by
election is to be administered and calls on all those who wish to teach
President Jammeh the lesson that power belongs to the people, to vote for
the candidate of the Alliance (Coalition) as a protest vote.  An Alliance
(Coalition) victory is not a victory of any individual political party or
leader but a victory of the Gambian people as a whole.  An Alliance
(Coalition) victory will be a victory of the people against the might of a
President who thinks that he can decide the fate of the people according to
his whims and caprices.  The aim of the campaign is to send the right signal
to President Jammeh that he should respect the people and listen to the! ir
dictates rather than attempt to subject them to his dictates.

The representatives of the Alliance (Coalition) call on the people in Jarra
West Constituency to settle all differences and avoid using any language,
which antagonizes others because of past political differences.  All those
who volunteer to speak on an Alliance (Coalition) platform must be bound by
the same campaign ethics.

They must not insult or slander and must conduct their campaign with the
view to unite the people instead of attempting to ignite old political

The Alliance (Coalition) will set up a campaign committee that will receive
all complaints of violations of our campaign ethics and settle them with


Isued on 14th June 2004.

Nomination In Jarra West
Monday 14th June 2004 was nomination day for the Jarra West Constituency
by-elections, following the conviction and imprisonment of the former
majority leader and member for the constituency, Baba K. Jobe.

Two candidates were duly nominated at the IEC Office in Mansakonko.  Musa
Hawa Saidykhan, a 59-year-old retired headmaster was duly nominated by the
APRC. He was eventually selected by the APRC barely a day before the actual
day for nomination after a tussle between him and Mr. Njie Barrow. Mr.
Saidykhan, a member of the civic education team, retired in 1996.

The second candidate to be nominated was Kemeseng Jammeh of UDP whose
candidature was endorsed by the Alliance (Coalition). Support for the
coalition in Jarra is growing rapidly. Mr. Kemeseng Jammeh is a veteran
politician who had previously held the seat for Jarra West Constituency.

There was a third prospective candidate to be nominated as an independent
candidate had Kemeseng Jammeh’s nomination failed. He discontinued the
process after confirmation of Kemeseng’s nomination.

Mr. Saidykhan told journalists shortly after his nomination that he will win
the contest for the Jarra West Constituency come July 1st.  He said he
stepped into politics in order to unify people. He promised the people of
Jarra West that he would help them with water supply, agriculture and

His attention was drawn to the fact that even his home village of Kanni
Kunda is an opposition stronghold he said that he had already overcome that

Mr. Kemeseng Jammeh was also interviewed by reporters shortly after his
nomination. He said he was very much confident that the APRC will be
defeated at the poles come July 1st.  He added that the APRC is already
finished and the people want to teach the president a bitter lesson that he
will learn to respect the people. Kemeseng Jammeh was escorted to
Mansakonko, the place for nomination by supporters of UDP, PDOIS, NRP, PPP
and NDAM, the five parties which constitute the alliance (coalition).

Yahya Dampha of PDOIS who also accompanied Mr. Jammeh to Mansakonko called
on the people of Jarra West to vote for Mr. Jammeh, the candidate supported
by the coalition to teach the president a lesson.

Shortly before nomination, police Commissioner, Jata Baldeh and the
Divisional OC approached both candidates and advised them to keep the peace
during the election campaign. Jata Baldeh assured both candidates that his
officers would always be available when the need arises. He gave his
telephone number to both candidates and their close aides.

Official campaign period started yesterday and will end on 29th June 2004.


The Banjul High Court presided over by Justice Savage on Monday delivered
judgment on the acrimonious civil suit involving Guaranty Trust Bank and the
following defendants: bereft Majority Leader, Baba Jobe, Salifu K. Jaiteh,
YDE and Momodou Fofana.

When the case was called, Sheriff Marie Tambedou, counsel for Guaranty Trust
Bank informed the court that the plaintiff (his client) has filed a consent
agreement on 8th of June and an amended agreement term was filed on 14th of
June 2004. Tambedou’s information was confirmed by Edu Gomez, counsel for
Baba Jobe, Momodou Fofana and the Youth Development Enterprise.

However, Salifu K. Jaiteh, the third defendant is not part of the agreement.
The case is adjourned to the 6th of July 2004 for Salifu K. Jaiteh to put up
his defence.

The amended consent terms entered into by the plaintiff, Guaranty Trust
Bank, the first defendant, Youth Development Enterprise, second defendant,
Baba Jobe and forth defendant, Momodou Fofana urged the court to deliver
judgment against the aforesaid defendants jointly for the sum of D7, 769,
635.17 together with interest at the rate of 32 % per annum from the 20th
February 2004 until the day of payment.

The consent term also urged the court to make an order for judicial sale of
a leasehold property with registration number K58 / 1995 situated at Kotu
West Layout and held under deed of assignment serial registration number 65
/ 2001 Vol. 64 KD (the mortgaged property) and held under a mortgage dated
20th March 2003 and made between Youth Development Enterprise, Baba Jobe,
Salifu K. Jaiteh and Momodou Fofana.

The amended consent term also asked the court to make an order stating that
the conduct of sale of the mortgaged property be given to the plaintiff,
first, second and forth defendants or whosoever of them as is necessary
shall concur in the sale and do all such things necessary to secure the sale
of the mortgaged property with vacant possessions.

The learned High Court judge, Justice Savage went straight to deliver
judgment on the terms agreed upon by the aforesaid parties.

Batch Faye’s Murder Trial Continues

The murder trial of Batch Samba Faye resumed at the Banjul High Court on
Thursday with defence witness, Mustapha Samasa telling the court that he was
provoked, attacked and stabbed by Malick Njok John (the deceased) in Hanover
(Germany) when he, Samasa went to visit his friends living there.

Samasa told the court that he did not like the deceased because he, Njok
wanted to kill him. According to him, when he was stabbed by Njok, the house
master called the ambulance service who came with police officers. He noted
that he was taken to hospital where his hand was stitched. He noted that he
did not press charges against Njok because he was going back to Amsterdam
where he was living. Asked by the prosecutor, Chernor Marenah whether the
police recorded his statement, the witness responded in the negative. He
went further to say that he did not know whether was prosecuted for the
attack meted out to him, the witness said he did not know. He noted that the
deceased had committed a lot of crimes, but when Chernor Marenah asked him
whether he has heard of the deceased going to court in Europe or in The
Gambia he responded in the negative. Further asked whether he would be
surprised that with all the alleged crimes commi! tted by the deceased he
was never arraigned in court, the witness replied that he would be

Mr. Samasa said that he shunned all the night clubs in The Gambia because of
his fear of the deceased. He said he has always been avoiding the deceased.
The witness refuted Mr. Marenah’s claim that his dislike of the deceased
provoked him to come to court and distort the facts. Mr. Samasa informed the
court that he was not present at the Waaw Night Club on 6th December 2003,
the day the deceased and the accused fought.

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