PaSamba, this is a follow up to see what you guys have decided regarding the
venue for the proposed February protest march.  As I and others have
expressed on Gambiatalk, DC will be a better location for the following
brief reasons:

We will get a bigger bang for our buck in DC where the Congressmen/women and
Senators are.  The UN, I'm sorry, is not the body that can help our cause,
if we are trying to change US foreign policy in Gambia.

Secondly, the multitudes that would be interested in attending would not be
accommodated by the community in NY, due to space and numbers of the willing
and able.  Thus, most would have to budget for hotel accommodation and extra
five driving hours.  Compounding to this, parking.

Thus, as we discussed, I am bringing this issue up for discussion now, and
not wait till the last hour.  So folks, please register your voice in this
discussion.  We have approximately four weeks to February 18, but really a
week for some of us to decide whether to car pool or to fly, depending on
the interest in our communities.  It is also very important for the
organizers to tell us their thoughts on this issue.

Chi Jaama


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