In   2004,   Lamin  Waa  Juwara   of    the  Opposition  National
Democratic   Action   Movement  Party  NDAM,    informed    the   Point
Newspaper   that     his   life   was  threatened   by   people  posing  as
NIA   officers.        Waa     intimated   that    the   men    wanted   to
  abduct   and   kill    him.          But    thanks    to    his    gallant
   NDAM    supporters,      the  assassination   attempt   was  quelled.
  They   insisted   that    "Mbarodi"    was    not    going   to   move
an  inch   and   that  they  placed   their  lives   on   the  line  if
the  alleged   NIA   abductors   should   behave   otherwise.

I     remember   the  late   Deyda  Hydara   talking  to   Waa  on   the
phone    and   expressed   concerned   about   the  state   of  affairs.
  As   a    matter  of   fact,    Deyda,    condemned    the  alleged
plans   to   kill   waa  in   his  "teeth   Bite  column"      He   urged
Gambians   to  nurture   our  cherished   peace.      In    short,   he
said    killing    of   political  opponents   was  not  the  solution  to
the   country's   economic   and  political   woes.     Hydara  urged  the
Jammeh  administration  to  be  tolerant  and  uphold    the  rule   of

                               JAMMEH    SILENCE  OVER  DEYDA'S   DEATH

Decent  and   democratic  leaders  will  always   condemn  such  barbaric
act.   But  president  Yahya   Jammeh  have  not  demonstrated   this.    He
   had   been   silence   over  Deyda's   death.     To   say  that  the
police  have  condemned  it  is  not enough.
Gambians   are  eager  to   hear   what  their  president  will  say   about
   this   horrific   incident.

May  be   his    government    is    implicated.      That  is   why   he
is   reluctant  to   comment   on  the  issue?      Whatever,    the   case
might    be  Gambians  will  know   those   behind   this    cowardly  act
one  day.         Jammeh     had    always  perceived  the  private  press
as  illegitimate  sons  of  Africa.      Such  a   leader   will   do
everything  to   undermine   the  patriotic  sons  and  daughters   of
Africa   trying  to  advocate  for  press  freedom  and  democracy.     He
  always  used  the  word  patriotism,    when  he  doesn't   practise  it.
     If    Jammeh   was  patriotic  as   he  claimed,   he   wouldn't   have
  used  violence  to   topple   the  democratically  elected  government
of   Jawara.      When  you  joined   the  military,   you  sworn  to
defend  and   uphold   Gambia's    constitution.    But   due  to  greed
and   ignorance  you  and   other   junior   officers  of  the  Gambian
army  decided  to   stage  a  coup  against   the  PPP  administration.

                        TERROR  CAMPAIGN   AGAINST   JOURNALISTS

Just   recently,   a   prominent   opposition   figure   in  the  person
Hamat   Bah,    named  two  or  three   state  Guards   personnel   as
being  allegedly  responsible   for   the   arson  attacks   on   the
Independent   Newspaper.      The   government     have   not   done
anything  to   arrest    those  responsible   for   this   barbaric  act.
   Instead,    it     tried    to   down  play  Mr.Bah's    claims.
Whether  they  like  or   not   these  implicated  soldiers   will   face
justice  one  day.      The   crime  they  are  linked  to   is  a  serious
one,    which  cannot  go  unpunished.         The    regime  had
repeatedly   targeted   the  Point  and  the  Independent  Newspaper  for
persecution.    Arresting  and   fire   bombing    media  houses  in  the
country.      The   hands    of   Jammeh  and  his   tyrannical  regime  are
  stained  with  blood  and   its   time   to   seek    repentance   before
  it  is  too  late.    Gambians  will  not  forget  the  persecution   they
  suffered   from   Jammeh's   Gambian / Libyan  trained      thugs.

                                       WHY  WAS  ARMY  CHIEF  VINCENT  JATTA
                                        FIRED  FROM  THE  ARMY?

Jammeh  is  good   at   diverting   public   attention   when such horrific
things   happerned.     Vincent   was    sacked   few  days   after  Deyda's
    death.      It   is   widely  claimed   that   Vincent  protested
Deyda's   killing   and   vowed   to   resign   from  the  army  if   the
killings   should  continue.       Apparently  according  to  highly  placed
  sources,    the  former  Army  chief  is  placed  on   constant
surveillance.      Gambians    should   not  be  surprised  if   Vincent  is
   arrested   and  placed  on   bogus  charges.      We   do  know    that
the  autopsy  report  on  Deyda's   death   had  indicates   the  mark  of
the   bullets    which  was   used  to  kill    the  journalist.
The   Gambian  army  should   conduct  an  inventory  now  to  establish
the  owners  of   the  guns.

                        WHY  WAS  DEYDA  KILLED?

Shortly  after  the  Independent  Newspaper  arson  attack,     a     former
   senior  soldier  came  to  our  office  to  indicate   that  he
recognised   the  pistol   which  was  used   by the arsonists   to   burn
down  the  independent  Newspaper.     According  to  the  former  soldier,
   the  pistol   was  a   "French  Mark"    which  was  used  by the
Gambian  Army  and   the  then   TSG.     He   said   if   proper  inventory
  is   conducted  the  perpetrator(s)  of   the  Independent  arson  attack
will  be   apprehended.       Upon   receiving  this  patriotic  ex  soldier
   in    my   office,    i    informed   Deyda   who  insisted   that   the
man's  assertions    should  be  published.        In   an    interview,
the  former  soldier  also  criticised  the  police  crime  coordinator  for
  touching   the  pistol  with  his   hands,    while  at  the scene   of
the  crime.     The   soldier  said   the  CMC  failed  to  apply  basic
investigative  techniques    to    probe   the  incident.      He   argued
that  the  CMC  should  have  used   a  plastic  cover  to  touch  the  gun.
    By   touching  the  pistol  with   his  hands,   said  the  soldier
will  discredit   future  investigations.    He   cited    the  possible
way  of  erasing  the  finger  prints  of  the  perpetrators   by   the
CMC.      He   was    very    right.     You  don't  need  to   go    a
detective  school  to  know  these  basic  things.    But   for   whatever
reasons,   these  fundamental   investigative  procedures   were  ignored.
    Our   paper  ran  the  soldier's   story,    but   there  was  no
denial  from    the  side  of  the  government.       The   former  soldier
went  as  far  as   saying   that  if  he  was  in  the  military  he  will
trace  the  perpetrators.     What   type  of  government  do  we  have
back  home?    Its   time  to  end  the  culture  of   gun  happy  soldiers.
    Nobody  is  safe  in  today's  Gambia.

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