The Independent, March 29


Independent Appoints New Chief Editor

by Lamin Njie

The proprietors of The Independent Newspaper have appointed Mr. Musa Saidykhan as the paper’s acting editor-in-chief.

Mr. Saidykhan’s appointment takes effect on April 1st, 2005. Already, he started work on March 21st, mainly to familiarise himself with the bi-weekly paper’s editorial policy, house style and presentation of news. In an interview, the new editor described his appointment as challenging but added that he is ready to face the challenges. "The challenges are obvious and numerous but with collaboration and support of the entire Independent family, I have nothing to fear. I am not necessarily coming with a new blood or system but rather to build on the already existing foundation. The Independent is a highly reputable paper and I will do everything within my might to protect that. The paper’s motto: Truth Is Our Principle, will be surely adhered to at all cost. I don’t compromise my professional integrity for anything," he assured.

Mr. Saidykhan believes that no amount of threats or intimidation would allow him to bend the ethics of journalism. "I believe that without vibrant and independent media no meaningful development takes place. So we are on the right track." Mr. Saidykhan, 32, who is an executive member of Gambia Press Union, has been a journalist in The Gambia since 1997. He has previously worked as reporter for Daily Observer, Citizen FM Radio, New Citizen, The Point, Pana News Agency and The Entrepreneur.

Mr. Saidykhan was an editor of The Inquirer, Effective Communication, Gambia Post – online publication published in the United States and The Nation. Musa Saidykhan is a native of Kani-kunda village, Jarra West in Lower River Division.



APRC/NRP Clash Doused In Niamina

by Sulayman Makalo

A reported standoff ensued between militants of Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction, APRC, and National Reconciliation Party, NRP, in Niamina West village of Kumbani at the weekend.

It all started after anger-stricken APRC militants refused the NRP delegation on tour while on their way to visit their party supporter, Giddom Bah, who lives in the same village with the area chief. They wanted to block the NRP delegation led by party leader, Hamat Bah from visiting the chief.

"We don’t want Hamat and entourage in our village, let alone visit our chief," APRC supporters remarked. "Oppositions are troublemakers. Waa Juwara recently came here and went to greet the chief. Days later rumour pedaled in town that the chief had slaughtered a goat for Juwara. When President Jammeh heard of the story, the chief was fired. So we are trying to avoid of a replica of such a thing in Kumbani, we will not allow our chief to lose his chieftaincy like that. NRP delegation will not enter the chief’s compound. Period!" APRC militants chorused.

This ungentlemanly behaviour exhausted the patience of NRP militants who described the APRC militants as troubleshooters. But with the swift intervention of Hamat Bah, tempers cooled down. He brought the attention of police officer to broker peace because the NRP delegation was licensed by police to hold political rallies wherever they wanted to and that no amount of intimidation or threats could cow them down. "I will not pass by the chief’s compound, I am not licensed to go and greet him but to hold rally in Kumbani," NRP reportedly told irate youths.

Earlier, sources reported that upon arrival at the entrance of Kumbani village, the NRP entourage met the APRC team led by Mahalema Ceesay, the Party’s divisional chairman. Mr. Ceesay’s team included Balaya, Sam Mawdo Jawo - the deputy chief, Musa Adam Bah – a member of the district tribunal. Two police officers from Jarreng Police Station – Corporal Jammeh and Lance Corporal Cham were said to be giving support to the waiting APRC militants who were perturbed with the presence of NRP delegation in Kumbani.

However when contacted, the NRP publicity secretary Mambanyick Njie confirm the clash. He said he was also involved in trying to calm the tension to avert the trouble. "I saw some standing aside holding stones and others fully ready to fight our supporters and later on the Police officers from Jarreng apologise to the delegation after which we were allowed to enter the village to hold our rally," he said.


Jammeh Swings Axe In Cabinet Reshuffle

As two heads exit and two come in

In what is regarded as another major cabinet reshuffle for the year, President Jammeh has sent two cabinet members into the pillory for what he describes as an action taken in the light of the Paul Commission.

Below we reproduce the full text of the release:

In exercise of the powers conferred on him under sections 71 (1) and 71 (3) of the constitution of the Gambia, the President Alhaji Yahya Jammeh has with effect from yesterday 24th March 2005 appointed Mr. Raymond Sock, Solicitor General and Legal Secretary as Attorney General and Secretary of State for Justice and National Assembly Matters. The President has also appointed Mr. Ismaila Sambou of Darsilami Village, Western Division as Secretary of State for Local Government and Lands. Mr. Raymond Sock and Ismaila Sambou replace Sheikh Tijan Hydara and Malafi Jarju respectively, who have been relieved of their appointments with effect from 24th March 2005 in accordance with sections 71 (4) (b) and 71 (5) of the constitution of the Gambia. According to a release from the office of the President, the action was taken in the light of the investigations and findings of the Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission of Inquiry into the Assets, Properties and Activities of Public Officers from the period 22nd July 1994 to 22nd July 2004. In further exercise of the powers conferred on him under section 71 (1) and 71 (3) of the constitution of the Gambia, President Jammeh has with effect from 24th March 2005 reconstituted his cabinet and restructured portfolios by the following appointments; Honourable Edward Singhateh, as Secretary of State for Forestry and Environment, Honourable Bai Mass Taal, as Secretary of State for Fisheries and Water Resources, Honourable Mousa Gibril Bala Gaye, as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Honourable Sidi Morro Sanneh, as Secretary of State for Trade, Industry and Employment.





Editorial: What about you, Mr. President?

Most people at first thought it a joke when President Jammeh made an impromptu proclamation at State House that he was about to launch another presidential edict. This was "Operation No Compromise," which according to Jammeh aimed at rooting out endemic, entrenched or institutionalized corrupt practices in the government system. At some point he promised to deal personally with some people he called vampires bent on creating artificial economic downturn. "I want to make a soft landing," he said.

Operation No Compromise edict came at a time The Gambia was seriously battling with scarcity of foreign exchange, thus, leading to price hikes in basic goods and services, much to the consternation of the public. Even the government increased the oil prices.

Knowing the negative impact of a poor economic performance, Jammeh was forced to declare the edict, which started with a clampdown on street moneychangers at West Field. The public reaction to the clampdown was rife, with some calling the action an "economic recovery exercise." But this has solved some minor hiccups and the public was left in a state of confusion, as government demonstrated its weakness to control the ailing economy, whose engine hinges mainly on agriculture and tourism. With tourism and agriculture on the decline, The Gambia, alternatively had to rely on re-export trade and taxes to service its economy.

But with all these bad experiences, life went on, although rough and bumpy. It was not as usual because poverty continue to bite people.

Then came the establishment of the Paul Commission billed to probe public and civil servants who served under Jammeh regime. The Paul Commission, like most programmes in The Gambia, in the long run became boring because officers hid the truth. Almost all of the 137 officers who appeared before the commission said exactly the same.

The endless public debate continue to reel. While some lauded government for establishing the commission, others censure it for putting the cat before the horse. Proponents of this theory believed an audit exercise should have taken place first.

Whatever the case may be, the commission had painstakingly executed its mandate and at last submitted its report to the President who endorsed it. This followed a wave of arrest and dismissal of officers indicted in the report.

The Independent, whose principle is truth, commend Jammeh for launching uncompromising stance against corruption in the government service or system. But we equally blame you for failing to declare yourself before this very important commission. This has raised a lot of suspicions. So you have proven to the whole world that you are the only sacred cow. Think about it!



Women In Court Over Breach Of Promise

by Dawda Faye.

One Brian Baldeh recently dragged one Fatou Sonko, the first defendant, and Fatou Matta Ceesay, the second defendant to the court, claiming D218, 400 for breach of promise to marry. The case was presided over by Magistrates court.

According to the claim made by the plaintiff, the defendants in pursuant to an agreement, which totally failed, received a sum of D218, 400 from the plaintiff.

It is claimed that the first defendant is an aunt to the second defendant, who lives in the same compound in Bakau Katchically.

It further revealed that about 26 years ago, the first defendant, who is entrusted with the upbringing of the second defendant, promised the plaintiff that if he took up the responsibility of providing the basic needs of the second defendant, he would be allowed to marry her when she attained suitable age.

It also stated that for the past 26 years, the plaintiff in addition to his meager earning, cultivated vegetables which he sold and gave to the defendant in the expectation that he would her; and every month he gave the first defendant a minimum amount of D700. It also stated that about 10 years ago, the plaintiff requested to marry the second defendant but the first defendant always insisted that the plaintiff should wait. The claim further revealed that last year, about the month of October 2004, the plaintiff stopped the monthly payments, since according to him it became clear to him that the defendants were merely fooling him.

The case was adjourned for the second defendant to appear in court, as she was absent. Lawyer Gomez represented the plaintiff.



African Women Ready For The 10th IWHM

by Fatou Badjie

African women around the continent recently converged in Bamako, Mali to discuss issues centring on the health rights of women in Africa.

The aim of the conference was to prepare African women for the 10th International Women and Health Meeting, scheduled for September 21 – 25, 2005, New Delhi, India.

The International Women and Health Meeting (IWHM) has its roots in the global women’s movement and includes a wide range of organisations, networks, and grassroots women’s groups.

The 10th IWHM will mark nearly two and half decades of the global feminists solidarity on issues impinging on health and the well-being of women. It also seeks to highlight politics, policies and issues that have adverse effects on women’s health: and simultaneously brings into light the linkages and interconnections of these seemingly disparate phenomena.

The 10th IWHM aims to centre stage the issue of women’s health as a human right by providing a forum for participants to understand the multi-dimensional ways in which this rights is facilitated or violated as well as strategies and help in strengthening the women’s health movement.

The preparatory meeting in Bamako basically pinpoints the challenges and strategies for the following themes: - Public Health, Health Sector Reforms and Gender, Reproductive and Sexual Health Rights, The Politics and the Resurgence of Population Policies, Women’s Rights and Medical Technologies and Violence (of state Militarism, Family and Development) and women’s health. Some of the strategies included advocacy legislation, Research, Training, Free ARV for people living with the HIV virus etc, with special focus on FGM and fistula. More details of the conference will be featured in the subsequent editions.



Cuban Foreign Minister Talks On Human Rights Situation

The Cuban Foreign Minister, Felipe Perez Roque, recently addressed the 61st Session of the Commission on Human Rights. Below we reproduce the full text:

The Commission on Human Rights -despite the efforts by those who honestly believe in its importance and wage a battle to return it to the spirit of respect and cooperation of its founders -has lost legitimacy. It is not credible. It allows the impunity of the powerful. It is handcuffed. In it, there are plenty of lies, double standards and empty speeches by those who, while enjoying their wealth, squander and pollute, look the other way and pretend not to see how millions of human beings endure the violation of the right to life, the right to peace, the right to development, the right to eat, to learn, to work; in brief, the right to live in dignity.

While we all knew that the Commission on Human Rights was victim to the political manipulation of its work because the Government of the United States and its allies have used the Commission as if it were their private property -and have turned it into some sort of inquisition tribunal to condemn the countries of the South and, particularly, those who actively oppose their strategy of neocolonial domination.

But in the course of the last year, two events took place that change the nature of the debate that we will hold these days.

The first was the European Union’s refusal to co-sponsor and vote in favour of the draft resolution that proposed to investigate the massive, flagrant and systematic human rights violations still committed today against over 500 prisoners at the naval base that the United States keeps, against the will of the Cuban people, in the Harbor of Guantanamo. The European Union, that always objected to no- motion actions, was willing this time to present it in order to even prevent any investigations whatsoever against its ally. In terms of hypocrisy and double standards, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. What will it do this year, after the dissemination of the heinous pictures of tortures at the prison of Abu Ghraib?

The second event was the release of the report presented by the High-Level Group on Threats, Challenges and Change, set up at the initiative of the UN Secretary-General. It categorically states that "the Commission cannot be credible if it is seen to be maintaining double standards in addressing human rights concerns." Should we then wait for the representatives of the United States and its allies to come up with self-criticisms at this plenary session and undertake to work with us, Third World countries, to rescue the Commission on Human Rights from disrepute and confrontation?

Mr. Chairman:

The guarantee of the enjoyment of human rights today depends on whether you live in a developed country or not -and it also depends on the social class that you belong to. Therefore, there will be no real enjoyment of human rights for all as long as we fail to achieve social justice in the relations among countries and within countries themselves.

For a small group of nations represented here -the United States and other developed allies -the right to peace has already been achieved. They will always be the attackers and never the ones under attack. Their peace rests on their military power. They have also achieved economic development, based on the pillage of the wealth of the other poor countries that were former colonies, which suffer and bleed to death for those to squander. However, in those developed countries, incredible as it may seem, the unemployed, the immigrants and the impoverished do not enjoy the rights that are most certainly guaranteed for the rich.

Can a poor person in the United States be elected Senator? No, they cannot. The campaign costs, on average, some US$ 8 million. Do the children of the rich go to the unjust and illegal war in Iraq? No, they do not go. None of the 1,500 American youths killed in that war was the son of a millionaire or a Secretary. The poor die there defending the vested interests of a minority.

If you live in an underdeveloped country the situation is worse, because the overwhelming majority, poor and hopeless as it is, cannot exercise their rights. As a country, there is no entitlement to peace. It can be attacked under the accusation of being terrorist, of being an "outpost of tyranny" or under the pretext that it is going to be "liberated." It is bombed and invaded to "liberate it."

Nor can the over 130 countries in the Third World exercise the right to development. Beyond their efforts, the economic system imposed on the world prevents so. They have no access to markets, to new technologies; they are handcuffed by a burdensome debt that has already been paid off more than once. They just have the right to be dependent countries. They are led to believe that their poverty is the result of their mistakes. In those countries, the poor and the indigent, who account for the majority, do not even have the right to life. For that reason, every year we see the death of 11 mi/lion children under five years of age, a portion of which could be spared with barely a vaccine or oral dehydration solutions -and also the death of 600,000 poor women at childbirth. They have no right to learn to read and write. It would be dangerous for the owners. They are kept in ignorance to keep them docile. That is why this Commission should be ashamed of the nearly 1 billion illiterate people in the world. That is why in Latin America 20 million children endure ruthless exploitation as they work on the streets instead of going to school.

The Cuban people strongly believe in freedom, democracy and human rights. It took them a lot to achieve them and are aware of its price. It is a people in power. That is the difference.

There cannot be democracy without social justice. There is no possible freedom if not based on the enjoyment of education and culture. Ignorance is the cumbersome shackle squeezing the poor. Being cultivated is the only way to be free! -that is the sacred tenet that we Cubans learned from the Apostle of our independence.

There is no real enjoyment of human rights if there is no equality and equity. The poor and the rich will never have the same rights in real life, proclaimed and recognized as these may be on paper.

That is what we Cubans learned long ago and for that reason we built a different country. And we are just beginning. We have done so despite the aggressions, the blockade, the terrorist attacks, the lies and the plots to assassinate Fidel. We know that this chagrins the empire. We are a dangerous example: we are a symbol that only in a just and friendly society; that is, socialist, can there be enjoyment of all rights for all citizens.

Therefore, the Government of the United States attempts to condemn us here at the Commission on Human Rights. It is afraid of our example. It is strong at the military level but weak on the moral front. And morality, not weapons, is the shield of the peoples.

Perhaps this year President Bush will find some Latin American country -of the few docile ones that are left -to present the notorious resolution against Cuba. Or perhaps it will return to an Eastern European government like the Czech, which enjoys as nobody else its condition of satellite of Washington and Trojan Horse within the European Union Or perhaps it will be presented by the very Government of the United States, which is now blackmailing, threatening and counting endorsements to know if Cuba’s condemnation can be achieved.

Everybody in this hall knows that there is no reason to present a resolution against Cuba at this Commission. In Cuba, there is not a single -and there has not been ever in 46 years of Revolution - an extra judicial execution or a missing person, not even one! Let anyone come up with the name of a Cuban mother who is still looking for the remains of her murdered son or daughter! Or a grandmother searching for her grandchild handed over to another family following the parents’ murder! Let anyone here come up with the name of a reporter killed in Cuba -and 20 of them were murdered in Latin America only in 2004! Let anyone come up with the name of a prisoner vexed by his keepers, a prisoner ordered down on his knees, prey to terror, in front of a dog trained to kill!



"Let’s Fight Malaria" - SoS Faal

by Sulayman Makalo

The Secretary of State for Youths and Sports, Samba Faal has urged Gambian youths to rise up and get rid of the menace caused by malaria, the world’s main killer disease.

Speaking at a youth forum on Malaria and Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) organised by The Association of Youths Against Malaria (TAYAM) at the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH), recently SoS Faal described malaria as a major public health problem in The Gambia. "It is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality, especially among children under the age of five. Twenty percent of antenatal consultations and 40 percent of under-five visits in Maternal and Child Health services are due to malaria," he said.

SoS Faal indicates that though the economic burden of malaria has not been fully determined, there is no doubt that the disease accounts for considerable loss of productivity among the adult population; absenteeism from schools and workplaces and increase household expenditure on health. "It is therefore clear that malaria is not only a health problem but also a developmental one. The linkage between the disease and poverty is well recognised and that the policy document is consistent with the overall government strategy on poverty reduction," he noted.

Commenting further, SoS Faal said Insecticide Treated Net is a worthy investment for the prevention and protection of the causes of death.

He however lamented that the usage of ITN’s, has drastically dropped from over 75 % to less than 20%, which he described as worst, especially in the Greater Banjul Area. "It is your responsibility to promote the usage of ITNs countrywide," he told the training participants.

He finally indicated that malaria is a big challenge to the third world countries and The Gambia is no exception. "Malaria prevention is everyone business. It does not know any laws and boundaries, it kills", he concluded.



Why The Reservation On The Women’s Protocol?

Why are women’s issues always opposed even at the decision-making level? Why are their rights violated? Are we all not from the same creator? The most disheartening of it all is that all turn to women for help when things go wrong at family level, at community level, and even at national level. However, when it comes to protecting these women, we turn our backs to them. What kind of heartlessness is this? Enough is enough: We have heard and taken so much now.

When the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Right on the Right of Women in Africa came, women in The Gambia believed that after its ratification they will fully enjoy their Human Rights as well as mark the end of all forms of discrimination and violence meted on them.

After some time since the handing over of the protocol to the House of Representatives, NAMs finally ratified the protocol with reservation on the most important articles that in one way or the other affect the health and well being of every woman and child.

What more could be detrimental, deleterious, mischievous, noxious, threatening, hypocritical and impending to the advancement, progress and well being of Gambian women than the reservation on articles 5,6,7and 14 of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People Rights of Women in Africa. The reasons for the reservation are best known to our decision-makers.

If I may remind you, article 5 (Elimination of Harmful Practices) of the protocol states that "States parties shall prohibit and condemn all forms of harmful practices which negatively affect the Human Rights of women and which are contrary to recognised international standards". These harmful traditional practices, we all know, are common in our society and cause more harm than good. So why should we not come up with laws that will condemn the act of FGM which is widely practiced in The Gambia (because of its relation to Islam as many believe)? The harmful practices include scarification and other forms of violence or abuse.

It is however important to emphasise SoS Hydara’s statement on FGM and its relation to Islam. Accordingly, there is no place in the Holy Qur’an or the authenticated hadiths of prophet Muhammed (SAW) where it is stated that the act is compulsory on female Muslims. According to the Daily Observer, SoS Hydara made these remarks in response to queries raised by NAMs during the debate on the ratification of the women’s protocol, where he argued that the act was never practiced by Muhammed (SAW), leader of all Muslims in the world.

Contrary to SoS Hydara’s view, NAM for Foni Bondali Musa Badjie opposed the protocol at the debate claiming that it is an insult to Gambian cultural norms: "…Would it not be an insult for me to tell my mother that the culture she has been practicing is not good?" he asked.

I will not hesitate to inform honourable Badjie that our health and welfare is fare more important to us than certain harmful cultural practices. May be honourable Badjie is not conversant enough with how sensitisations are conducted, especially at grass root level where most of these harmful traditional practices are carried out.

It does not necessarily mean that one should tell an elderly person that the culture he/she has been and is still practicing is bad. We, rather, point out the disadvantages of those cultural practices to the woman and the girl child because most are ignorant of the dangers attached to those practices.

The NAM for Sandu, Abdoulie Kanaji Jawla said on his part that stopping FGM practice will cause a big problem in the country: "…There is no way we can accept that".

To me honourable Jawla’s statement suggests that they rather let FGM cause harm to women and the girl child than causing problem in the country. I believe a NAM is in the House as the voice of and to represent the electorate as well as raise their (the masses’) concerns. Thus, if a NAM cannot protect electorate’s rights, especially 1/3 of its electorate, which is women and youths, then he is not worthy of another election.

Additionally article 6 and 7 which talk of Marriage and Separation, Divorce and Annulment of Marriage respectively, states that "…no marriage shall take place without the free and full consent of both parties; the minimum age of marriage for women shall be 18 years (monogamy is encouraged as the preferred form of marriage), and that the rights of woman in marriage and family, including in polygamous marital relationships are promoted and protected. Marriage before the age of 18 in most cases affects women’s reproductive health, which causes one way or the other maternal mortality.

On monogamy, it is clearly stated in the Qur’an that it is the rightful choice of marriage and that one could marry up to four wives if one can treat them justly.

Is that the case in hand? How many husbands treat their wives justly?

Brothers and sisters of The Gambia, let us think twice and think critically especially on issues relating to women.

It is not fair to say that as we have more men in the National Assembly, women’s issues should not be considered significant. The fact that there are less female representatives in the National Assembly took the protocol a long time before its ratification, which went with reservation on some important articles.

I will, at this point, urge NAMs to revisit the protocol and think critically on those articles in order to promote the health and well being of Gambian women, protect their human rights as well as promote peace and development in our beloved country.




UK Arrests May Have Foiled Plot To Bomb Heathrow Airport


Although British authorities refuse to confirm, the recent arrests of 13 men in England on terrorism charges may have foiled a. plot to bomb Heathrow Airport or other installations, possibly banks. The men, all in their 20s and 30s, were detained after raids in northwest London, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Lancashire. Following interrogations by officers from the Metropolitan Police Anti-Terrorism Branch, eight of those arrested have been charged with terrorist offenses and conspiracy to murder. One of the eight, Abu Eisa al-Hindi, is considered to be Britain’s top al-Qaeda operative.

Al-Hindi is also known as Dhiren Barot, Issa al-Eritani, Eilal Yousef, Abdullah and Musa. When arrested, he was allegedly in possession of detailed surveillance reports and floor plans of major American financial institutions, including the New York Stock Exchange. All were named as possible targets for attack in early August 2004. British newspapers have quoted unnamed intelligence sources as saying al-Hindi’s "live" al-Qaeda cell was also planning a mass attack on a London target.

During a brief appearance in a court at London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison on August 18, al-Hindi and his co-accused were charged with conspiracy to murder by means of radioactive materials, toxic gases, chemicals and explosives. Prosecutor Sue Hemming told the court that, although information found on 100 computers seized

during the arrests was still being studied, the men were "motivated by a strong and deeply held ideology and were willing to carry out extreme acts".

Al-Hindi and his al-Qaeda cell came to light thanks to the arrest of Naeem Noor Khan, an al-Qaeda communications expert, by Pakistani authorities in Lahore in mid-July. According to military spokesman Major General Shaukat Sultan, Khan, a 25-year-old Pakistani, confessed during interrogations that he met al-Hindi in Lahore in February or March. "On his information, al-Hindi was arrested in Britain," Sultan said.

Khan said that when they met, al-Hindi was accompanied by an explosives expert. This expert "is still on the run, according to Sultan, who did not identify the man. Khan has provided investigators with one of the biggest troves of information ever unearthed on Osama bin Laden’s shadowy terrorist network.

Khan was a frequent visitor to Britain/ and details of plans to assassinate British and other international leaders were found on his computer. Those details indicate that assassins are already in place in many of the countries being targeted by the terror network. Khan’s computer also contains meticulous details of how suicide bombers will hit airports and buildings in Britain and America. ..

Khan and the other terror suspects being held in Pakistan have told their captors that the orders for this campaign of political assassinations came directly from Osama bin Laden. They have (revealed how, in his mountain hide-out, Bin Laden is still ,personally involved in drawing up plans for a new wave of attacks against the West. One Pakistani intelligence source recently said,

"Osama has given the go-ahead to target important places and personalities in the U.S., the U.K. and Pakistan." —

According to another senior security source in Islamabad, assassins are intending to strike in a number of countries. No specific British politicians are on al-Qaeda’s list. It just refers to "political personalities" who are key allies of Washington. The plans show how this assassination campaign would begin in the United States with the murder of a figure close to the White House, followed as swiftly as possible by attacks against as many of America’s allies as the terrorists can reach it.

The British government has made a low-key public response to the threats of al-Qaeda terrorism. This concerns Mohammed Sifaoui a French Algerian journalist, who infiltrated al-Qaeda cells in the United Kingdom and France, and who is now under the protection of the French secret service. In a recent article in New Statesman magazine, Sifaoui says he believes that Britain’s politically tolerant environment has encouraged Islamists to consider the U.K. a secondary base for their actions.

Although the government is purposely trying not to alarm people by making headlines out of the terror risk, it claims its counter terrorism efforts are in full gear. When the latest threat became known, a Home Office spokeswoman said, "We are maintaining a state of heightened readiness in the U.K." She added that every feasible precaution was being taken to protect ‘the nation.

Financial institutions were among the targets on al-Hamdi’s hit list. London’s main financial district, known as the City, has been under close protection ever since the September 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, but security is maintained in a low-profile manner. Terrorism experts stress that while little was being said about the new threat, this did not mean that less was being done.

Most British banks have "exceptionally good security measures already in place, according to Dr. Sandra Bell, a terrorism analyst at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, a London think tank. Although not widely advertised, our financial institutions are certainly being extra-vigilant, she said. She also noted that three decades of threats from Northern Irish Catholic paramilitaries, who exploded a series of bombs around London before a peace deal in 1998, had helped the government to design effective counter terrorism procedures. ..In addition, Bell argued that the government might prove otherwise in treating threats calmly. They might be less vocal, but that’s not a bad thing in a lot of cases. It can swing two ways: You can either get mass apathy or mass panic.Yet another reason to remain calm perhaps exists. Al-Qaeda may have been crippled by the recent arrests in Pakistan and England




Manifestation Of Reality On Muhammad's Prophethood - The Chosen One

by Ibrahim Kromah

( Continued friom, our last issue)

Sural al-Hijr: 94, the Prophet therefore in the very first start, sought to invite his own family members. In this invitation of his nearest relatives were 40 heads of families including Abu Talib, Hamzah, Abbas and Abu Lahab. At the end of the feast prepared by Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) as per instruction by the Prophet (SAW) by then a small boy who later became the first Imam of the Prophet’s Household and Successor in continuing the great responsibility of guidance after the death of the Holy Prophet as indicated by the Holy Prophet himself addressed the invitees as follows: "O children of Abdal-Muttalib, I do not know anyone among the Arabs who brought for his nation a gift better than what I have brought (i.e Islam) for you. I have come to you with the good of this world and of the hereafter, and Allah has ordered me to invite you to it. So, let me know which of you is willing to assist me in this task and to share my burden, so that he may become my brother, the executor of my will and my successor among you" .The entire audience was unresponsive except Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) who was the youngest of them. He stood up and said: "O Prophet of Allah! I will share this burden of yours" .The Messenger of Allah then placed his hand on the neck of Ali and said: "This is my brother, the executor of my will and my successor among you. So listen to him and obey him".

The audience treated the affair as ridiculous and said to Abi Talib: "Lo, you have been commanded to listen and obey your son". The above event and address was a manifestation of historical reality, which establishes and guarantees the continuation of guidance of which the Prophet was to undertake for a period of 23 years. This historical reality has been acknowledged and recorded by notable scholars and prominent traditionalists in their books, for example Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Jarir , Ibn Abu Hatam, Ibn Mardawayh and Abu Na’im, and Imam Bayhaqi in his books, sunan and Dala’il, and Thalabi and Tabari in their great commentaries of Surah al- Shu ‘ara.

Tabari has recorded this also in his Tarikh-al-’umam wa al-Muluk (i.e the History of the various people and their rulers) Vol.2 P.217, in somewhat different words and Allamah Ibn Athir has recorded this reality among the traditions universally accepted to be genuine in his Tarikh al-kamil Vol.2 P.22 under the caption: "Allah ordered His Messenger to declare his Messengership". Also in Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal Vol.1, PP111&159. Abd al-Fida also has recorded it in Vol. 1 P. 116 of his book on history in connection with the account of the person who was the first to embrace Islam, and Imam Abu Ja’far al-Iskafi Mu’tazali has recorded it in his book Naqd al- Uthmaniyyah and has fully explained its authenticity. Also to have recorded it was Allamah Halabi in famous Sirah al-Halabiyah where he has described it in the chapter on the hiding of the Holy Prophet and his companions in the house of Arqam. Besides the above-mentioned, notable scholars and traditionalists have recorded this tradition in their books with some difference in words but no difference in implication. I think these references are sufficient enough to support this historical reality of manifestation in the Prophethood of Muhammad ibn Abdullah, the Chosen One from Allah, the guide to humanity and the most exalted of the Prophets of Allah. His great task of reforming, training, educating, and leading mankind towards perfection both for this world and hereafter is a true manifestation in his Prophethood throughout all the ages till the Day of Judgment. Even though he encountered many difficulties and hardship, yet by Allah’s help he was able to establish a religion, a nation and a government of Monotheistic characteristics and qualities. May Allah bless you all.




by G. Goree-Ndiaye

King Nebuchadnezzar dreamt and could not remember it. The dream troubled him so much that he summoned all the sages in his court obliging them to tell him what his dream had been and to also interpret it.

They couldn’t. So a deadline was given and death threatened if a solution could not be found. Daniel, a young Hebrew lad living in exile in Babylon, pleaded with the king for time to unravel this mystery. He consulted with three of his colleagues to plead to God for mercy "so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the men of Babylon."

That very night, God revealed the mystery to Daniel in a vision. Daniel praised God with these words. "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him. I thank you, O God of my fathers: You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king." (Daniel 2:20)

Daniel’s prayer honoured God for what He is and for what He is able to accomplish. In many respects this prayer tells us a great deal about the nature of the God we serve. Daniel’s God, equally our God, - because He is the same today, yesterday and forever - has the ability to reveal things, (if we dare to ask) that are hidden from the ordinary eye. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – the God Jehovah had promised that when we call He would answer and would show us mighty things that we never knew about. (Jeremiah 33:3)

Wisdom and power belong to Him and so when Daniel stood before the king he could boldly declare: "No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries." (Daniel 2:28) What we know of our Lord Jesus therefore is revealed to us by the Father and what we know about the Father is revealed to us by the Son. The passion of Christ and the meaning of Easter are mysteries that are being revealed to humankind particularly during this Lenten period – as we look up to the cross for help and strength in order to persevere.

A similar mystery was revealed by Philip to the Ethiopian (understand African) eunuch who was reading a passage which did not quite make sense to him. The Lord therefore sent Philip to assist him to understand what it was all about. The passage taken from the book of Isaiah, brought to the fore that unique sacrifice Jesus made. It sounded like this. "He was led like sheep to the slaughter and as a lamb before the shearer is silent she did not open his mouth." (Acts 8:32) We came across this passage last week. Just reading Scripture passages without a guide can be misleading as you run the risk of stumbling on nearly every paragraph. The explanation that Philip gave the African however transported the latter from darkness into God’s marvellous light. (1st Peter 2:9) He received Christ and was baptised immediately. It was an occasion that could not be missed.

We all need to know what the Lamb that was slain means for humanity. The price of sin could not be paid by anyone other than the One sent by God to redeem humankind. God had said from the beginning that the offspring of the woman will crush the head of the serpent, meaning the devil.(Genesis 3:15) Yes, "He (Jesus) only could unlock the gate of heaven and let us in," says the songwriter.

God has made it clear and it could not be any clearer. The sacrifice is once and for all. Adam sinned and brought death into this world. It would take another Adam - this time Jesus - to relieve us of that penalty that we could not pay. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus". (Romans 6:23) The sacrifice of atonement which required the sacrifice of an animal was a forerunner of greater things to come. "For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive." (1 Corinthians 15:21) In other words, Adam brought us death through sin and disobedience but Jesus brought us life through obedience even unto death and righteous living. "The first man Adam became a living being, the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven." (1 Corinthians 15:47)

The African (Ethiopian) had discovered the sacrifice Jesus had to make for humanity even though His death does not seem like an event for many. That Jesus would die and rise again had been foretold. Every major event of his life finds itself embedded in a prophecy. He Himself had warned that He would die but would rise again the third day. (Mark 10:34)

God privileged David to rightly prophesy about the resurrection of our Lord Jesus when he said: "…my body will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay." (Psalm 16:9-10) On that solemn Easter Sunday morning, God triumphed over death and Satan when he raised His Son from the dead.

God wants to reveal these mysteries to you like He did to Daniel and David so that you cannot be ignorant anymore of His saving grace. Walk with Him to through the Easter triumph for HUMANITY.





Talk All Leave None

With Khadija

Bakoteh Dumpsite in Parliament!

At last, Bakoteh dumpsite issue surfaced in the National Assembly after the KMC deliberately abandoned Grapevine’s calls. Also GRTS informed the public about a project that allows energy to be extracted from the site using a turbine as well as build incinerators for the rubbish to be burnt. The irony is that instead of addressing the problem, KMC went ahead to increase rates by 100%. This beats ones imagination for the KMC to allow people to limp with bad odour. Grapevine is equally concerned about KMC’s failure to empty dustbins, let alone clean the streets.

For health reasons, the KMC should not be told to erect wall fence. This would serve as a temporary measure to prevent scavengers from exhuming expired foodstuff and later sell them at the market. Action is needed and not mere rhetoric because residents within the site’s vicinity run out of patience.


Solution For Soiled Banknotes!

The news that Central Bank has acquired a sorting machine could not have come at a better time than now, when people quarrel over accepting soiled banknotes. Take a stroll to the markets, service centres, Internet cafes, etc, you will be surprised to see people engage in push and pull over soiled currencies. The onus is now on Central Bank to do-away with soiled banknotes from circulation. This is a disgrace and mockery to a civilised society like The Gambia to have rotten banknotes fluctuating. With the Eco just next door, the sorting machine will be of utmost benefit.

SIM Card Scarcity!

Despite having two cell phone companies in a small country like ours, it is hard to believe that new customers go through endless problems before they get SIM cards. Due to scarcity customers are forced to pay in advance but even that too has someside effects. Those who pay the normal cost of SIM cards would wait for three months before being issued while some customers go through the back door and get it the very day they applied for it. Grapevine has learnt that people who get it on the spot usually pay at least D1, 000.

The public is highly concerned over the issue and urged cell service providers to avoid their selfish and greedy employees from making life unbearable for people. It is my conviction that some employees are in the habit of buying SIM cards, merely to create artificial shortage. Who should make profit – companies or their employees?

Workshop cheating!

I wonder how successful Yahya Jammeh will be in his quest to root out corruption in The Gambia. The hard fact to chew is that the menace runs into the blood of people in all strata and walks of life. Believe it or take it, corruption is present everywhere. People do everything to line up their pockets through whatever means.

Of late, Grapevine has got the tip-off that some people organise workshops but at the same time deny participants their transport returns, although their sponsors have provide funds to that effect. Some even forgo meals at the expense of participants. One concerned person recounted how he had suffered at the hands of an organisation that invited them to the provinces. "They leave us stranded because they provide us accommodation and per diems. So we have to fend for ourselves."

For us to clean our society and maintain stability, we need to avoid cheating each other.

National Lottery

Sometime ago, Grapevine called on the management of Gambia National Lottry to offer better services to their clients, but it seems that call fell on deaf ears.

If they fail to improve their services, then many people will give up the betting games - PMU and PARI SPORTIF because they don't expect to keep loosing their money. it is sad for them to lose their money simply because the forecast programmes which are given free of charge, are not readable, people cannot see the numbers properly or the jockeys or trainers.

So for you to keep maximising profit, why can't you for God sake print your programmes instead of photocopying them because of thousands of people need them. Remember to satisfy your customers first.


An Open Letter To All Gambians

by Saptiue Jobe

It is with a very heavy heart that I pick my pen out of retirement to add my voice to the hundreds who one way or another registered disbelief, disgust and disappointment at the gruesome murder of our colleague Deyda Hydara. As a woman I saw it fit to give his widow Mariam time to may be not accept his passing but to at least come to terms with it. The prescribed period of mourning goes on for our loyal and faithful wife Mariam and we stand with her in her grief. We ask that she accepts our sympathy and that she knows that we feel her pain and that of her children. Three months is a long time to continue to accept the line being forwarded by the authorities in connection with Deyda’s murder. If the murder remains unsolved then my dear friend the SOS for Interior, The Inspector General of Police and even the President are telling us that they cannot secure our country. That is unacceptable. I deliberately picked a question-filled poem because I still have questions - one million of them and still counting. I have questions and so should every single Gambian. The very core of our social fabric is being ripped-up from under our feet while we complacently sit around taking national security for granted. We as a society are adopting negative changes too fast by accepting violent cultures of neighboring countries. Change is necessary and can be good but only if it replaces the bad instead of the good in our society. Violence, especially cold-blooded murder is absolutely foreign to The Gambia.

We have all witnessed the evils that have plagued our sub-region in the form of war in Liberia, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone and closer to home in neighboring Casamance. I am still haunted by the words of a female refugee that I interviewed five years ago when she arrived in Foni Jifanga. She tearfully confessed to having left one child behind in her dash through the back door, across the compound and on a journey through the forest late at night to seek refuge in Sibanor. I asked her how on earth she could leave her child behind. Only we Gambians who have never known war can ask such a stupid question. How indeed! Obviously danger is something you run away from not towards. "A thousand gunshots rang out in the night," she said, and so she did what she had to. Guns have never developed any society, just ripped it apart. Gambians beware! Most of us were first exposed to guns by way of the ceremonial gun salutes during Independence Day celebrations. Even that was enough to scare some of us to death. We have always been a peace-loving society to the point where we would rather "maslahaa" with each other than risk confrontation by giving an honest-to-God opinion. Well the time has come to break the culture of silence and tell each other some hard truths. The time has come when we must look closely at what has gone so wrong in our society that a prominent, internationally-renowned journalist, well loved, well respected and well placed, in the traditional sense, could be gunned down in a premeditated, cold-blooded murder that defies comprehension. Three months on and we still can’t find closure.

Deyda was all kindness, all gentlemanly, all compassion, all calm, all courage and all honesty. They say people like him don’t live long least their character be polluted by the likes of Saptieu Jobe. Deyda’s behavior and his comportment was too close to that of the Holy Prophet thus he became the "chosen one." Chosen that is, to be the conscience of the media fraternity as well as the government of the day. He knew that there was only one truth and that "only the truth will set you free."

Deyda and I had our differences back when I was serving as the first Director of Press and Public Relations at the President’s Office during the transition. We edited rival publications and dished out venom at each other’s paper. Through it all however, we would talk on the phone or sit together over coffee at one seminar or another. He would jokingly accuse me of selling out and would sometimes advise me to follow my conscience at all times in the course of doing my job. We always re-assured each other that our differences in philosophy had more to do with the different masters we were serving than anything else. He kept reminding me that I had a major role to play in the field of journalism "being that you are one of a handful of foreign-trained female journalists". Did we ever fight over issues? You bet. We sometimes disagreed and fought but there was never any mean or malicious intent. We understood and respected each other’s position.

Like most Gambians, I first met Deyda on the airwaves because of Radio Syd. Who could forget his well-known midnight baritone announcing "A day is gone, a new day is born....." In the early seventies, those lines were as much a part of The Gambia as the river itself. Every time I heard him repeat the midnight call in French, I would try to repeat after him as his French was so good. I wanted to meet him and my late father, who built Radio Syd introduced me to him one day because of my interest in journalism. Five years ago when dad passed away, he, together with Swaebou Conateh and Pap Saine and other colleagues came by the house. He told me that my late father saved Radio Syd because he advised the proprietor to build an expensive sea wall around the waterfront. This was way back when the sea was a non-threatening distance away from Radio Syd. "Your father had foresight," he said. That was Deyda! He saw good in the little things people did and he not only appreciated such contributions, he also gave them a pat on the back.

In 1992 when my right to free speech was censored by the former regime resulting in my sacking as Editor of AWA Magazine, his newspaper The Point, spearheaded by Baboucarr Gaye, mounted a fight on my behalf unprecedented in those early days of the development of the independent media. They mobilized the press corps and fought tooth and nail to get me re-instated to the embarrassment of all who had a hand in it. They arranged several interviews with the international media to expose that illegal act of censorship and in the end, press freedom won. I was reinstated. I was not even a member of the Gambia Press Union but in the media, we are "a band of brothers and sisters." They knew that turning a deaf ear to the harassment of any journalist anywhere would lead to more harassment of more journalists everywhere. Henceforth, he took up arms for press freedom with his pen as his only weapon. Let me refer you to a famous 1990 caption across Topic Magazine’s photo of a gun-toting soldier which angered some members of the armed forces. It read; "PUT DOWN THE GUN!" That caption is as relevant today as it was fifteen years ago. The spate of un-addressed killings that have let flow fountains of blood in our peace-loving country, and that includes the murder of the young, intelligent Finance Minister Ousman Koro Ceesay, the mild-mannered, hard-working, journalist and Red Cross volunteer Omar Barrow, our young, unarmed children gunned down during the student demonstrations of April 10th 2000 and now, the champion of press freedom, Deyda Hydara. The Gambia bleeds. Guns continue to sow seeds of hatred in our society that has known nothing but unity and peace. We do have differences of opinion, which we are all entitled to in a democracy. Differences in opinion however are just that and should not be interpreted to mean dislike or hatred. As a society, we need to stop encouraging people who tell us we are all the things we are not. When we go to bed at night, it is our head on that pillow and of course we cannot get away from our consciences. The question is: are our consciences clear enough that we can get a good night’s sleep.

We need to forgive and seek forgiveness from each other, turn a new page and start all over. So much bad has happened and continue to happen in our society that calls itself God-fearing. Most of the time, even religious leaders would rather look the other way for fear that they be labeled anti-government like Imam Baba Leigh. Well Imam Baba Leigh’s father was a truthful, god fearing imam who served only one master; the almighty Allah. His son could not possibly do otherwise. He was not raised that way and I should know. We grew up together. Oftentimes we step on toes in the process of doing our duties as government officials and so we need to send a blanket apology to each other since we sometimes hurt each other unintentionally. Let me take the lead by asking for forgiveness from everyone (especially former President Jawara & family, members of his government, all of my colleagues in the media) and anyone I have ever hurt in the course of doing my work - official and otherwise. We have all done things that, years later we wish we had done differently. I hope that all Gambians will follow suite and seek forgiveness from each other starting with our head of state, President Yahya Jammeh. "Kanilai", you are not infallible. No man born of woman is. You may recall that day you confronted the MID representative Kebba Fanta Comma at a State House meeting of opinion leaders from his area. You publicly and rightfully chided him for having coined the once famous "No Faulta" - a name he called President Jawara indicating that Jawara was faultless. Mr President, please stop listening to my friend Effery Mbye and Fatou Jahumpa Ceesay who constantly tell you that you are perfect then write self-promoting letters to the editor using fake names. The trick is as old as the sky. You probably know that they do not care about you but just what they can get from you in the form of money and position respectively. Think about it. The very people who were so close to President Jawara and family have publicly repudiated that friendship and are now wrapping their web of deception around you. What makes you think they will treat you any better than Judas did to Jesus Christ? You, Mr. President can tell the story of the conclusion of the Jawara presidency better than anyone. No position is permanent. Gambians loved and supported you through the transition years. I remember when you could not get from one place to another without everyone trying to shake your hand or to just get a glimpse of you. But then, politics got in the way. Today, there is more "jallibaaism" going on than genuine support for you. If my words upset you let me refer you to your very first press conference where you asked us journalists to feel free to criticize you. I am very sincere in my criticism and you of all people know how sincere I am. I do not NEED anything from you. Be your own keeper Mr. President and address the bad blood that is building up among your people which, if left unchecked might see us seeking refuge in neighbouring countries instead of sheltering refugees as we have always done.

People like O.J. Jallow are not your enemies, nor are Halifa Sallah, Ousainou Darboe or Lamin Waa Juwara and all the other opposition members. They just want what is best for their country. Shouldn’t we all? These are honourable people who have never been known to possess the "jallibaa" mentality of the likes of some of your "close associates." Now, you can listen to them or you can listen to you critics who can only make you better if you have the political will. Alternatively, you can look in the mirror and see for yourself the faults that God assigned you just like He assigned every human being He created. For my over-indulgence I seek your forgiveness and that of every Gambian but not before reminding you that your critics may love you more than you know. I will also tell you what I told President Jawara over fifteen years ago resulting in my years of exile in Canada: "A DEMOCRACY CANNOT FUNCTION WITHOUT A VIBRANT FREE PRESS."



LOC Tours Stadiums

by Namory Trawally

The Local Organising Committee (LOC) of the forthcoming Africa U-17 championship, to be held in The Gambia from May 07th to 22nd 2005, last Wednesday made a one day tour of infrastructures under construction for the championship within the Kanifing Municipality.

The delegation, headed by the SoS for Youth and Sports and also chairman of the LOC Hon. Samba Faal, was comprised of the president of GFA Alhagie Omar Sey, life president of GFA and adviser to the LOC Alhagie OB Conateh, Omar Sallah former chairman of the National Sports Council (NSC), Mrs. Sallah Permanent Secretary DoSYS, the general manager of the Independence Stadium Musa Njie, Jammeh EK Bojang secretary general of GFA, Mr. Darthe of the Senegambia Beach Hotel, Pa Suwareh Faye acting deputy director for Sports, Sait Mbye adviser to the NSC and a cross section of the press.

Receiving the delegation at the Independence Stadium, the general manager of the stadium Musa Njie indicated that the grass on the pitch is 39 days old. "The grass has already covered the whole pitch, and now we are reducing the watering for the grass to stay strongly", he continued. Mr. Njie added that the inside of the stadium including the pavilions were rehabilited and the next rehabilitation stage will be for the rooms, the VIP lodge and the boardroom.

Mr. Njie revealed that they are planning, in consultation with the GFA, to have African countries’ national colours displayed all over the stadium as advise from television experts indicate that the more colours the better for the transmission.

He added that the fire services will be later contacted to wash the tracks before their redo.

Mr. Njie outlined the need to change the lighting system at the stadium, as the present one are outdated.

Elaborating on the electricity supply during the championship, Mr. Njie revealed that they (together with the DoSYS) have contacted NAWEC for a 24hours supply of electricity throughout the championships.

Mr. Njie pointed out that the last phase of the works would be the perimeter fence, the surroundings of the stadium for parking, as less cars inside the stadium would make an easy evacuation after matches.

Mr. Njie promised that the stadium would be handed over to the local organising committee on April 20th, 2005.

At that juncture, GFA president Alhagie Omar Sey informed Mr. Njie that they want to play a local friendly match on April 26th, 2005 to test the grounds.

On the advertisements in the stadium, Mr. Njie revealed that owners are in consultation with the marketing sub-committee of the LOC.

In Serrekunda East mini-stadium, the second stage of the visit, the pavilion under construction is in a very advance stage as well as the pitch.

Briefing the press on the construction, Omar Sallah chairman of the infrastructures sub-committee, revealed that the development of the pitch and the beauty of the mini-stadium are under the Kanifing Municipal Council and the local organising committee manages the construction of infrastructures.

Mr. Sallah further said that the construction of the pavilion would go with dressing rooms, referees’ room and public toilets. He added that the perimeter fence would be adjusted.

Welcoming the delegation, Mr. Mendy from KMC (responsible for the pitch) said the work is going fine but the little constraint they are facing is the low water pressure at Serrekunda East. However, he added, they are at present in consultation with the fire service to have two water tanks per day to solve the problem.

In Serrekunda West, the representative of Jai Enterprises who was given the contract to construct both pavilions in Serrekunda West and East received the delegation. He said that the works started some four weeks back and they would be handing over the stadium in the next three weeks.

The contractor revealed that the pavilion capacity would be 400 seats and it includes dressing rooms for teams, referees’ room, public and VIP toilets.

At the end of the tour both SoS Samba Faal and GFA president expressed their sincere satisfactions on the development stages as far as the infrastructures are concern.


Queen’s Baton Relay Program Schedule

Present at the foot of the Aircraft: H.E Vice President, SoS for Youth & Sports and Permanent Secretary, SoSs, Vice President Commonwealth Games Federation, President GNOC, British High Commissioner, Nigeria High Commissioner, Sierra Leone High Commissioner, Chairman Sports Council, and Drummers / Dancers to be at the Airport grounds

Day 1: Wed. 20th April: Arrival expected on SN Brussels at 08:25pm.

The Baton will be received by the Vice President Commonwealth Games Federation Alhaji A.M. Touray who will walk with it and hand it over to SoS for Youth and Sports. He will run with it for 50 meters and hand it over to H.E., the Vice President. The Baton and accompanying team will drive under escort to State House, where the Baton will have a night stop.

Day 2: Thurs 21st April 2005:

H.E. the President will run with the Baton from State House to the July 22nd Square.

At the July 22nd Square, Guard of Honour. (Renowned Athletes, Heads of Departments of Companies participating in the Baton Relay).

Speech by the SoS Youth & Sports, British High Commissioner, Chairman Commonwealth Games Federation and H.E the President

Vote of Thanks: Alhaji A.B. Dandeh-Njie

M.C.: Mr. Rene-Geoffrey Renner

H.E. the President hands over Baton to H.E. the Vice President and SoS Women’s Affairs then to the Executive Director Women’s Bureau for the Women Relay, then to the SoS for Trade Industry and Employment at the General Post Office, Banjul, then to companies in the Private Sector who wish to participate in this activity.

At the BCC, the Baton will be received by the Mayor of BCC who will hand it over to the Mayor of Kanifing at Denton Bridge. Mayor of Kanifing will hand it over to the KMC Companies at Old Jeshwang.

Baton will go through Banjul, Serrekunda, Westfield, Churchill’s town, Bundung, SK Market, Sayer Jobe Avenue, Pipeline, and Fajara to the British High Commission. Night stop at British High Commission.

Note 1: Company Staff will be placed at a distance of 400 meters apart to receive and run with the Baton.

Note 2: Recognised Athletes in selected Sports will be identified and placed at a distance of -200 meters/400 meters apart, to receive and run with the Baton. (Each Municipality will identify the Athletes in consultation with the National Sports Associations)

Day 3: Fri. 22nd April:

British High Commissioner hands over to Mr. Bai Matarr Drammeh, Vice Chairman Chamber of Commerce, then to the SoS Education who will hand over to the UNESCO Representative then to, selected schools along Bakau, Serekunda, Churchill’s Town, Latri Kunda, Fajikunda, Budung, Serrekunda, and back to Banjul to the Arch 22.

The SoS for Youth & Sports will hand over to the U17 Coach and team. Night stop at the Department of State for Youth & Sports

Day 4: Sat. 23rd April 2005: Departure expected on Bellview at 11.30a.m

The U17 will parade with the Baton and collect the SoS for Youth & Sports at 10a.m, then to the UNESCO Representative escorted by Cyclists from the Gambia Cycling Association, then to UNDP Representative in Bakau and to the Airport.

The Mayor of Brikama will receive the Baton at Abuko and using Athletes will hand over to the SoS for Youth & Sports at the gate of the Airport.

At the Airport the Baton to be handed over to Mr. A.M Touray by UNDP Representative who will travel with it to Sierra Leone.

At the Airport will be the SoS for Youth and Sports, Olympic Committee, British High Commissioner, Nigeria High Commissioner, Sierra Leone High Commissioner, U17 team, President / Secretary General G.F.A etc.





National Interschool Cricket Tourney Concludes First Round

by Sainabou Kujabi

The first ever-national interschool cricket tourney has concluded its first round with amazing results showcased by participating teams.

The round, which started on February 25th 2005 at the July 22nd Square for the Banjul Zone, featured eight participating teams. In the Group One opening encounters, Wesley clashed with Albion and defeated Albion by 34 runs and 16 wickets, which is an average of 2.1 while Albion grabbed only 49 runs and 29 wickets with an average of 1.7.

In the same group, Campama emerged winner after defeating Methodist by 34 runs and 15 wickets an average of 2.2 and the losers recorded only an average of 2.0, which is 39 runs and 19 wickets.

However, in Group Two matches which were played on the same day Muhammedan lower basic school proved to be a force to reckon with as they show case an outstanding team. In their opening game against Reverend JC Faye primary school, they were claimed winners when they recorded an average of 3.8 which is 79 runs and 21 wickets while JC Faye who also proved to be equally strong captured in an average of 3.1 which is 55 runs and 18 wickets.

St Joseph also won their opening match by crushing St Mary’s 6.4 on average i.e 77 runs and 12 wickets. St Mary’s who suffered defeat was able to pull out an average of 2.7 after marching 54 runs and 20 wickets.

The next date scheduled for other matches was March 4th 2005 at the same venue. This day proved to be the best as participating teams from various schools became masters of the game in various ways. Rev. JC Faye memorial school made a come back into the tourney when they recorded 75 run and 10 wickets an average of 7.5 which saw St Mary’s totally wiping out their hopes from the tournament. They only recorded on average of 2.6 after they made 58 runs and 22 wickets.

Muhammedan won for the second time with an average of 5.1 after making 56 runs and 11 wickets over St. Joseph who also recorded 80 runs and 18 wickets, an average of 4.8.

Other matches featured Campama winners over Wesley by recording an average of 4.6 and made 51 runs and 11 wickets. Wesley scored an average of 3.0 making 42 runs and 14 wickets. Methodist made their way against Albion with an average of 3.3 with made 30 runs 19 wickets. Albion only grabbed an average of 2.5 and made 33 runs with 13 wickets marking their second defeat.

On March 11th 2005, St Joseph made their way over Rev. JC Faye with an average of 12.3 after making 111 runs and 9 wickets. While the losers scored an average of 5.1 and made 72 runs with 14 wickets.

Campama who took on Albion on the same day ended on a tie with no winner as both teams recorded an average of 2.7 each after making 47 runs with 17 wickets and 36 runs with 13 wickets respectively.

Muhammedan also fell on the hands of defeat against St. Mary’s after recording an average of 4.95 while st Mary’s made its way with 5.47 an average.

Methodist defeated Wesley after making 49 runs with 11 wickets while Wesley scored 2.6 an average of 62 runs with 24 wickets.

In the KMC Zone, Latrikunda Yirri Nganya eliminated Bakau LBC on an average of 5.25 and made 21 runs with 4 wickets. Bakau recorded an average of 5.5 and made 33 runs with 6 wickets.

Meanwhile the second round is currently underway.



Kuntaur Health Centre Midwife Blamed

by Alieu Darboe

The disgruntled youths of Central River Division expressed utter disgust about the conspicuous absence of a midwife in the trekking team of health workers within division.

"The trekking team is task with providing weekly health services to children and pregnant women. So the presence of a midwife in the team is vital," CRD youths told our reporter. They accused the only midwife in Kuntaur Health Center, Biram Bah, for refusing to examine pregnant women as well. "This cannot be entertained because our women are feeling the pinch," they said, adding that the midwife must be allowed to assign auxiliary nurse to perform her role.

The youths also lodged complaint Mr. Bah, the health centre administrator who is accused of occupying the staff quarters with his entire family. "How can Biram’s family occupy all the three rooms while the staff paid pittance go renting. This is unfair because under normal circumstances he should occupy only one house," stated youths who begged for cover.

The youth also have scores to settle with Alagie Jabbi, a public health officer in the area for confiscating foods unfit for human consumption at weekly markets but in turn pass it to their owners who sell them. "These issues were brought to the attention of high authorities who fail to act. We cannot sit back and see our people suffering, we are poised to do something about the issue."

Our reporter made frantic efforts to contact Biram Bah but was told that he has traveled to the Kombos for a workshop.

Meanwhile, health officials in Banjul confirmed to have received reports concerning the issues raised by the youths but refused to comment, promising to launch investigations into the allegations.




Malaria Death Toll Worrisome

by Fatou Sanyang & David Thoronka

The death toll for malaria, as the major killer disease in the sub-Saharan Africa is worrisome, as statistics show increasing rate of the pandemic, and The Gambia without exemption, registered an annual death rate of one thousand for children under the age of five.

It is against this backdrop that the Nova Scotia Gambia Association NSGT has beefed up efforts to sensitise the nation about the risks involved in contracting malaria.

Speaking at a two-days workshop held at the Archdeacon George Secondary School, Miss Binta Jadama told participants that protozoa produces plasmodium, a germ that actually causes malaria. She explained that it is not something that people are borne with, but contracted from mosquito bites.

"The Malaria Microbiological Agent is present in the atmosphere including water and the soil", she added, noting that people should break the culture of complacency and continue to take the prescribe dosage. She noted that when patients do not take the complete dosage it later develops to a resistant strain, which is dangerous for health, since according to her the strain does not respond to common drugs except heavy ones.

Miss Jadama further indicated that the complete eradication of malaria could only come from within the society, adding that it is one of the reasons why NSGA has deemed it necessary to target schools in the communities, as the nucleus of the society.

Mr. Bamba Kamara, vice principal of AGMSS, in his contribution, applauded the timely intervention of NSGA in the fight against the pandemic, noting that the knowledge impacted into the children would be both beneficial in their academic work in schools and in the society.



The Gambia Holds Brief For Taiwan

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, a while ago expressed grave concern about the recent passage of an "‘anti-secession law" by China’s people’s Congress in the face of strong public opposition in Taiwan, as well as concern and criticism from the international community.

The Republic of China (Taiwan) is an independent sovereign nation and its sovereignty rests in the hands of the twenty-three million people. The passage of the anti-secession law is a deliberate attempt by the Chinese government to change the status quo- an act that has seriously damaged the stability of the cross-Strait relations.

‘The anti secession law attempts to provide a legal basis for taking " non- peaceful measures" against Taiwan. It is an act that has violated the principle and spirit of the U.N. Charter. The dispute between China and Taiwan can only be resolved by peaceful means through dialogue.

In recent years, China’s rapid growth in its military spending coupled with increased military deployment of over 700 short-range missiles targeted at Taiwan has seriously threatened the peace and stability of the region. Those countries contemplating lifting the arms embargo imposed on China following the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 should rethink their current position in view of these developments in the region.

The Government of The Gambia continues to give its full and unconditional support to The Republic of Taiwan in its determination to remain a free and democratic country.



Slok Air International Inaugurates New Board

by Momodou Gassama

In a colourful and symbolic ceremony, the Slok Air International Gambia Ltd. on Monday inaugurated a new board of directors at Kairaba Beach Hotel.

The board which has Amadou Samba, a prominent business magnate as its chairman, comprises Alhagie Abou Dandeh Njie, Emeka Abone, Moses Agoh, Senior Thomas and Edrissa Jobe director. Other members include Slok Air finance director – Madukwe Okocha, Bennett Edet – company secretary and captain Ernest Bell.

At a news conference, Amadou Samba said Slok Air is a privately owned company that has been registered to operate international flights to and from The Gambia to nine capital cities in West Africa. He said plans are afoot to extend this network to two other capital cities in West and Central Africa. The airline which commenced operations in The Gambia in November 2004 presently has five 737 – 200 aircrafts.

Samba said Slok has come at a time when most regional airlines that used to provide connectivity between Banjul and other West African countries have ceased operations. The Slok board chairman added that airline goes beyond promoting business or trade in the sub-region since it provides critical link to Eastern and Southern parts of Africa and America through its connections with South African airlines.

Barely five months in the travel market, according to Samba, does not prevent Slok from registering significant success as evidenced by its quality, reliable and fast services to customers. He said Slok plans to expand its network to London and Amsterdam later in the year when they expect to get appropriate equipment as well as obtain necessary landing permission from Gambia Civil Aviation Authority.

Mr. Samba brimmed with confidence that with such a brilliant track record within a short period, the future holds better for Slok which has come to revolutionize the air travels in West Africa.

At the end of press briefings, journalists were given access to perambulate inside one of the five aircrafts.






The Independent, March 24



Waa Juwara Tough Again

Says Gambians Are Determined To End Jammeh’s Rule

by Alieu Darboe

The leader of the National Democratic Action Movement, NDAM, Lamin Waa Juwara, has optimistically unveiled plans for what he calls the complete eradication of "President Jammeh’s militocracy" in The Gambia. He predicts a sweeping victory for the opposition coalition in the 2006 presidential elections.

Launching his usual attacks on the country's political leadership, Juwara said Gambians have been living under what he describes as the worst form of government that virtually pushed them in a pitiful situation. While outlining the steadfastness of the opposition to end a decade of militocracy, the fiery political scientist said "the era of political turmoil that has brought President Jammeh to power is over with the ringing of bell by the opposition coalition, poised to get rid of the bad system. According to the former Dankunku parliamentarian, the government of the day is entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the image of the country in terms of human rights records. "The Gambia's human rights records has not been the least encouraging since Jammeh took over power through a military coup in 1994," he said.

Juwara, an arch critic of the APRC regime told The Independent that Jammeh’s rule is characterised by torture, arbitrary arrests, and unlawful detention meted out to political opponents and other innocent citizens.

Mr. Juwara added the APRC over the years had failed to address the farmers' plight, thus leaving them stranded. While some farmers are yet to receive their money, he said, others still have their nuts in their home.

He further reiterated that President Jammeh should stop castigating Madinkas for his unpopularity, since he outrightly denied the existence of the Mandinka ethnic group. "This tantamount to fanning seeds of tribalism in The Gambia. "If he does not believ in the existence of Mandinka so why should he bother himself with their failure to turn out for the independence anniversary. .

Failing to state how Jammeh would be evicted from office, Juwara who has been jailed several times since Jammeh came to office, is full of confidence.

"The wind of change that has swept across Senegal, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea Bissau and other parts of the world will not spare The Gambia. We are determined to end Jammeh's dictatorship come 2006".



Court Blamed For Execution Delay

High Court Master spills the beans

by Buya Jammeh

The man who won a case against Klarje van Deree, a Dutch, over the ownership of Child Alone Foundation School in Bakau, has got an axe to grind with the Sheriff's Division and High Court Master for delaying the execution of an order made by the Kanifing Magistrates Court three months ago.

Anger-ridden Mr. Nuru Deen explained that upon making enquiries at the High Court, the bailiff at the Sheriff Division told him that the High Court Master, B.Y. Camara asked him to hold on, since there was something the High Court needed to work out.

"It was then I lodged a complaint to B.Y Camara who expressed concern on the issue and promised to do something positive about the issue since the appeal time had already elapsed."

Mr. Deen wondered why the High Court officials are delaying his case, noting, "something is responsible for this unhealthy development. Why should they waste my time because after all, judgement had been delivered, there is nothing that could prevent the order from being executed if they are not trying to tamper with justice," he angrily sounded.In his reaction, the High Court Master, B.Y Camara said his office is not responsible for the delay. Rather, he blamed Deen's lawyer for his failure to pursue the matter until it is being executed through the Sheriff Division.

The Kanifing Magistrates Court earlier ruled that Mr. Deen, a co-founder of Child Alone Foundation Nursery School who was sent out by the defendant (a mere sponsor of the sponsor) be given D100, 000 and D50, 000 for incurring lost and inconvenience caused as a result of the sacking.



Minority Leader Slams Gov’t on Failed Trade Season

by Sana Camara

The Minority leader and National Assembly Member for Sere Kunda East, Halifa Sallah, has asked The Gambia government to accept responsibility for failing to develop the ingenuity needed to address the marketing and financial problems that beset groundnut trade season since 1994.

Debating on President Jammeh’s opening speech of parliament, Hon. Sallah asked why no one is ready to shoulder the responsibility for this state of affairs, even though "our public corporations are participants in the process of financing a well-thought-out plan by the state."

Earlier on, President Jammeh had told deputies that his government had been making great strides to find an efficient, cost effective and sustainable way forward to address the marketing and financing problems of agricultural produce in the country. Jammeh informed NAMs about the establishment of Gambia Agricultural Marketing Company (GAMCO) on February 2005.

‘This company has disbursed D250 million as crop finance... In this connection, so far about 32,000 metric tonnes of groundnut have been purchased."

However, the minority leader argued that Jammeh’s address was inept because it failed to set records straight. ‘We have been told that D250 million has been disbursed but farmers’ nuts have still not been sold. What is the problem?’ Mr. Sallah asked. ‘I raised the question several times and the SoS indicated that this particular company had adequate resources to purchase the groundnuts. I was against the situation where GAMCO enjoyed and operated as a monopoly when other companies were disqualified from participating in the groundnut trade season. The SoS however insisted that GAMCO has the financial means to handle purchases of the groundnut crop, and even went to the to extent of condemning other companies in a narrow nationalistic manner, describing some of the operators as "crooks", he stated while blaming colleagues for applauding issues for no just cause. Hon. Sallah favoured investment in farmers’ produce rather than spending D345 millions on purchasing and refurbishing a hotel whose returns take years. He said in that farmers would not only be protected but it would be added bonus for the economy.

The majority leader and member for Fulladu West, Churchill Baldeh said there should have been an in-built system that measures crisis, which would be used as a safeguard against any mishap caused by human negligence.

"Sadly, the former SoS for Agriculture gaves every impression that the strategy would work and that it was even faultless,"he said. Mr. Baldeh said they were later told that the system has too many problems. " Right now, most of the groundnuts that have been held at various seccos are exposed to a lot of danger such as insects and intense sunshine, which drains away the oil content of the product and rendering it useless".

He added transportation problem was one of the reasons why credit buying of groundnut happened. "However, my understanding is that there is still a critical stock of groundnuts that have been left lying with farmers waiting to be paid for at various buying points." The majority leader tasked his colleagues to go on a field trip in order to verify his statement. "GAMCO’s monopoly status as the only prequalified player was rather an unfortunate development."

Meanwhile, news leaking to our offices states that the government has already started dispatching letters to some of the operators initially banned from taking part in this year’s trade season. Informed sources have it that Premier Agro Oils Gambia Ltd. has received clearance from the government to purchase groundnuts and later process them at its Denton Bridge plant. Premier Agro Oils that invested over 7 million US Dollars on establishing a processing plant in The Gambia, reportedly exported 8, 000 and 10, 000 tonnes of oil and cakes respectively last trade season.




How APRC members dig their own graveyard

When APRC members were in a haste to amend their party’s constitution some six years ago during an extra-ordinary congress, they never thought that their actions would one day backfire or hit them.

The very crime they committed is the root cause of their trouble. Already, this constitutional amendment, which seems to favour an individual, has landed many people, including MPs and other important party figures in hot soup. Baba Jobe, Ramzia Diab, Buba Baldeh and of late, Dawda Bah, MP for Nianija have all become casualties of the said amendment.

One wonders why the party members surrendered their entire life to their leader who would likely crucify them any time they fall apart or differ in opinion with him? Today they are living with state of fear after seeing the man at work. "Billahi, we are sitting on eggs. We can’t even turn round for fear we may break the eggs, which is something else," sounded frustrated a ruling party MP. Before the APRC constitution was butchered, the power to expel a member rested in the hands of the executive. That was the time when democracy had almost reigned within the party.

According to some observers, The Gambia’s trouble began with the amendment of the APRC constitution because MPs are afraid of being expelled from the party, taking into cognizance Section 91 Subsection 1 of Gambian Constitution that expels abandoned MPs from parliament. As a matter of fact MPs were left with no choice but to ratify any bill that comes before them even if it means betraying their constituents.

A ruling party MP, who could not swallow his words, said they fear their survival that is why they hardly reject bills. This aims at nothing short of "killing or strangulating" democracy in the country.

During the said congress in 1999, some sober-minded people raised eyebrows and warned their colleagues to be wary of burying their own graveyards. But Baba Jobe used his threats and finally succeeded. Does he still call it a success? This enough evidence that we will live in peace only if we are sincere in whatever we do.

Since the expulsion of Dawda Bah through a mere terse press release, a lot of talk has been in town, with people arguing bitterly on the issue. Those who are bent on singing the melody of APRC even at their own detriment endorse the expulsion, stating that whoever does not comport himself within the sanctity of the party deserves marching orders. On the other hand, opponents saw the whole issue as a mere witch hunt because Dawda has not committed any abuse of office.





Over 800 Million People Go To Bed Hungry-

Says SoS for Fisheries

by Pa Modou Secka

The Secretary of State for Fisheries, Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr. Bai Mass Taal has called on the government of The Gambia and International Agencies to continue to approach food security as part of countries achievement for overall human security.

Speaking at the UN Development Forum on the theme "New dimensions in food security – implications for the sub-region" recently at the Kairaba Beach Hotel, the SoS for Fisheries said that over 800 million people go to be with hunger and 300 million die daily. In Africa alone, over 38 countries need food aid, noting that agricultural products have more tariff than any other products, he continued. He went on to say that the Gambia is having a good agricultural product, but it is being attacked by locust.

Mr. Taal also indicated that over 40 percent of the Gambia is irrigable to rice production along the River Gambia, but that is difficult due to salt hazards.

He further called on policy makers to implement the way forward in the development of a sustainable Gambian rice production business as over 40 million dalasis is annually spent in rice importation due to the expensive price of the producers.

In his introductory remarks, the UN Resident Coordinator, Dr. John O. Kakonge said, "Food is First", there is no creature on the planet that can live without food and it is an important element that binds human society. For the majority of individuals, he said, security symbolises protection from the threat of disease, hunger, unemployment, crime, social conflict, political repression and environmental hazards. He added that human security has become a new measure of global security and a new agenda for global action toward human development.

"The idea of human security, though simple, should create a profound shift in thinking if mankind is to effectively and successfully maintain itself," he said.

Government and international agencies have tried many ways to increase food security at both national and global levels, he continued. He added that at the 1996 World Food Summit held in Rome, some 185 countries and the European community vowed to achieve universal food security.

In addition, he said the pledge to cut the number of hungry people in half by 2015 as per the millennium development goals provided a time-bound, measurable goal. He revealed that current data indicate that the number of undernourished is falling at a rate of 8 million each year, far below the average rate of 20 million per year needed to reach that target. "Food security is the bedrock not only of development policy, but also of every programme for social equity, political stability and universal human dignity," he quoted.

In his part, the keynote presenter, the Director General of the International Trypanotolerance Centre (ITC), Dr. Kwaku Agyemang underscored the need to fight poverty and food security. He added that the natural resource on which food production is based is undergoing tremendous pressure. It is projected that the available cultivable land per capita would have decreased from 0.3 hectare (1988) to 0.11 by 2025, yet, the developing world is expected to accommodate 97 percent of the 4 billion increase in human population expected to occur globally between 1995 and 2050, he concluded.





GAMCOTRAP Overwhelmed By Scourge Of Child Prostitution, HIV/AIDS

by Momodou Gassama & Fatou Badjie

Following the overwhelming scourge of HIV/AIDS in the country, the youth coordinator of Gamcotrap Mrs. Suntu Jawara exposed the unfortunate prevalence of child prostitution, which is becoming a common phenomenon in the country. Mrs. Jawara, talking in the organisation’s offices in Bakau, added that the fact that the country is a tourists resort has worsen the HIV /AIDS scourge by making it very tedious for Authorities to avert sexual exploitation and prostitution of children in our society. She pinpointed the Senegambia area where young girls, aged under-18, loiter looking for tourists to get in touch with.

As agents of change, the youth coordinator continued, the organisation can only succeed with the support of the general public especially parents, reasoning that all these young girls and boys come from homes which have the responsibility to take good care of them. "Most of those following tourists are school-going girls, not only them but boys also because there are ‘old sugar mummies’ who follow young boys. No one can tell who is a carrier just by looking, only God knows", she explained.

Dilating on the statistics of AIDS in the country, Mrs. Jawara said the most affected age group is young people, noting that in some cases "kids are not only sexually abused by tourists, but also by their own families".

The youth coordinator gave an overview of how young girls are being victimised as a results of all forms of threats at local family level. Mrs. Jawara maintained that her institution is doing all the best it can offer to encourage young people to report matters relating to sexual abuse and exploitation, despite having no recorded issues of sexual abuse on HIV/AIDS. Jawara who stated that they only record issues on family matters, was quite unpleased with the way issues of sexual abuse are being reported by Gambian journalists and urged for a change. "Most of our work is based on sensitising the general public on the CRC, the African Charter on the Right and Welfare of the Child and other International Institutions", she emphasised.




DingDing Bantaba Clinic Receives Donation


Dingding Bantaba clinic in foni somita, recently received eleven (11) cartons of drugs worth D60, 000. The donors are Call Foundation Of Humanitarian Aid The Gambia and friends of one Ousman Camara.

At the presentation ceremony, councilor Sunkary Badjie Somita ward thanked the donors for their wonderful donation, and contributing to the socio-economic advancement of the country in the health sector.

The SEN/MIDWIFE nurse of the area Miss Kaddy Jabang in her remarks commended the donors and said "this donation came at the right time to the clinic, as malaria is the main problem, but with the existence of these drugs, our works will become easier.

Handing over the drugs, one of the donors, by name, AUTHUR AALST and wife ELLEN VERLAAN, who are the board members of the foundation stressed their willingness to help the Gambia in her development efforts, particularly in the area of health.

Present at the presentation included Masaneh Jammeh councilor Sibanor ward, Alkalo karafanding Badjie, Imams and all the surrounding villagers.




Manifestation Of Reality On Muhammad’s Prophethood -The Chosen One

by Ibrahim Kromah

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

This discourse on manifestation of reality on Mohammad’s (SAW) Prophethood -The Chosen One is one among the many historical realities of Islam and its philosophical dimensions in the exoteric and esoteric aspects of universal guidance for mankind both during and after the presence of Mohammad (SAW). History tells us that the life of the Prophet (SAW), the noble guide of the Muslims, was replete with a chain of wonderful events from his childhood up to the time of when he was entrusted with the Prophetic Mission and all these events had an aspect of greatness. On the whole, these events testify that the life of the Prophet was not an usual one in actions, deeds and words. As a matter of fact, the history of Islam commences basically from the day the Holy Prophet (SAW) was appointed to the Prophetic Mission and brings a chain of incidents in its wake. The day the Holy Prophet was entrusted the task of guiding the people and the words: "YOU ARE THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH" were ringing in his ears; he assumed an onerous responsibility -the same great responsibility, which was shouldered by all previous Prophets. On that day the policy of the honest one of Quraysh became clearly known and his aim became more obvious. However, this day of appointment to Prophetic Mission (Be’ that) must not be confused with the first revelation in which he was commanded to read the name of his Lord. It must be well understood that the Almighty Allah has infused means of development and perfection in the nature of every being and has equipped it with various facilities for traversing the path to perfection. Just cast a glance at a small plant. A large number of factors are active for its perfection. The roots of the Plant operate to the maximum extent to provide it with the nutritious material and meet all its needs, and the various vessels distribute equitably the alimentary juice among all its branches and leaves. And if you take a step forward and cast a glance at the astonishing structure of the animal world you will see that factors, which make them reach the bounds of perfection, exist with them.

If we wish to state this matter in scientific terms, we would say the intuition for existence, which is a universal blessing of the mechanism of nature, has been endowed upon all created things.

The Holy Qur’an has explained this real guidance in these words: "He created every being and taught it how to live" .All creatures right from the atom up to the great galaxies of the universe, have had their share of this common blessing. After taking complete measurement, the Almighty Allah has indicated the path of their gradual perfection and development and has specified factors for the training and evolution of every one. And this is the very ‘general guidance for existence’ which rules the entire creation of the universe without any exception. However, the question arises whether this natural urge for existence is sufficient also for that creature, which is the peak of the basket. Certainly not, the reason for this is that man also possesses, besides his material life, another life, which is the very base of his existence. If man had to live only a material and brainless life, like the flower, the material factors would have been sufficient for his speed, advancement and perfection. As, however, he happens to have two kinds of life. (Material and Spiritual) .The secrete of his prosperity and exaltation lies in the perfection of both of them. However, when man takes a step forward and transforms his life into a collective one and the idea of co-operation is firmly rooted in his life and dominates its deviations, which are incidental to social collisions and contacts, appear in his soul and bad habits and wrong ideas replace the pivot of natural thinking and upset the equilibrium and balance of the society. These deviations make the Creator of the world send educators to adjust the society and to reduce the evils, which are the direct result of men living collectively, so that they may with. luminous torches and just laws, lead society to the right path, which ensures all-round prosperity of the people. This matter can be understood very clearly from the Qur’anic verse: " All people were once one nation. Then Allah sent forth Prophets to give them good news and to warn them and with them He sent down the Book with the Truth, that it might judge disputes of man". (2:213).

In view of the brief aforementioned analysis of the necessity of Allah sending Prophets to the world in different ages, the Manifestation of the Prophethood of Muhammad Ibn Abdulllah (SAW) was without any doubt a historical reality right from its genesis till the Day of Resurrection.

His appointment to Prophethood like all the prophets (peace be upon them all) is without no doubt, that they may, as far as possible diminish deviations and perverseness and put the wheels of the society on the right track by introducing clear laws, and to train men towards perfection. In view of this Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) the Commander of the Faithful says about the aim of the Prophets: " Allah selected Prophets from amongst the descendants of Adam and obtained a promise from them to convey the revelations to the people and to spread the mission with which they had been entrusted. He sent them to demand from the people the fulfilment of their natural promise and recollect the forgotten blessings. Moreover, by their preaching they (the prophets) should present the people with an ultimatum and ask them to extract the gems of wisdom which have remained hidden in the treasures of their nature" .The extra steps added to the prophethood of Muhammad (SA W) are; his prophethood unlike the other prophets is universal, its guidance and manifestations is for all ages till the Day of Resurrection and lastly He is the Seal of Prophethood. Prior to his appointment to the office of Prophethood he used to reflect much upon two very important matters: ( 1) He studied thoroughly the book of existence (world) and observed the luminosity , power and workmanship of Allah in the features of every existing thing. By conducting deep study of the skies and the stars and prudently considering the creatures on earth he was approaching nearer to his target day after day. (2) He meditated upon the great responsibility, which, he knew, he had to shoulder. With all the corruption and deterioration of the human society of that day, he did not consider its reformation to be something impossible.

However, the enforcement of reformatory programme, too was not devoid of difficulties and hardship. At a later time, an angel was appointed by Allah to recite a few verses to the ‘Chosen One’ of Quraysh by way of prelude and introduction to the Book of guidance and welfare, so as to bestow honour upon him by providing him with the garment of Prophethood. The Angel was the Archangel Jibreel himself and the particular day was the day of Muhammad’s appointment to the office of Prophethood. With regards to his appointment and after the first manifestation of revelation from Allah, through the Archangel Jibreel with verses in Sural al-Alaq 1-6, clearly indicate the programme of the Holy Prophet in a nutshell and tell in obvious terms that the foundation of his religion is provided by recitation and reading, learning and wisdom and use of pen.

In the dawn of discharging this programme with great responsibilities, as instructed by Allah " Admonish your nearest Kinfolk" (26.214) which is different from the general invitation stated in Sural al-Hijr: 94, the Prophet therefore in the very first start, sought to invite his own family members. In this invitation of his nearest relatives were 40 heads of families including Abu Talib, Hamzah, Abbas and Abu Lahab. At the end of the feast prepared by Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) as per instruction by the Prophet (SAW) by then a small boy who later became the first Imam of the Prophet’s Household and Successor in continuing the great responsibility of guidance after the death of the Holy Prophet as indicated by the Holy Prophet himself addressed the invitees as follows: "O children of Abdal-Muttalib, I do not know anyone among the Arabs who brought for his nation a gift better than what I have brought (i.e Islam) for you. I have come to you with the good of this world and of the hereafter, and Allah has ordered me to invite you to it. So, let me know which of you is willing to assist me in this task and to share my burden, so that he may become my brother, the executor of my will and my successor among you" .The entire audience was unresponsive except Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) who was the youngest of them. He stood up and said: "O Prophet of Allah! I will share this burden of yours" .The Messenger of Allah then placed his hand on the neck of Ali and said: "This is my brother, the executor of my will and my successor among you. So listen to him and obey him".

The audience treated the affair as ridiculous and said to Abi Talib: "Lo, you have been commanded to listen and obey your son". The above event and address was a manifestation of historical reality, which establishes and guarantees the continuation of guidance of which the Prophet was to undertake for a period of 23 years. This historical reality has been acknowledged and recorded by notable scholars and prominent traditionalists in their books, for example Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Jarir , Ibn Abu Hatam, Ibn Mardawayh and Abu Na’im, and Imam Bayhaqi in his books, sunan and Dala’il, and Thalabi and Tabari in their great commentaries of Surah al- Shu ‘ara.

Tabari has recorded this also in his Tarikh-al-’umam wa al-Muluk (i.e the History of the various people and their rulers) Vol.2 P.217, in somewhat different words and Allamah Ibn Athir has recorded this reality among the traditions universally accepted to be genuine in his Tarikh al-kamil Vol.2 P.22 under the caption: "Allah ordered His Messenger to declare his Messengership". Also in Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal Vol.1, PP111&159. Abd al-Fida also has recorded it in Vol. 1 P. 116 of his book on history in connection with the account of the person who was the first to embrace Islam, and Imam Abu Ja’far al-Iskafi Mu’tazali has recorded it in his book Naqd al- Uthmaniyyah and has fully explained its authenticity. Also to have recorded it was Allamah Halabi in famous Sirah al-Halabiyah where he has described it in the chapter on the hiding of the Holy Prophet and his companions in the house of Arqam. Besides the above-mentioned, notable scholars and traditionalists have recorded this tradition in their books with some difference in words but no difference in implication. I think these references are sufficient enough to support this historical reality of manifestation in the Prophethood of Muhammad ibn Abdullah, the Chosen One from Allah, the guide to humanity and the most exalted of the Prophets of Allah. His great task of reforming, training, educating, and leading mankind towards perfection both for this world and hereafter is a true manifestation in his Prophethood throughout all the ages till the Day of Judgment. Even though he encountered many difficulties and hardship, yet by Allah’s help he was able to establish a religion, a nation and a government of Monotheistic characteristics and qualities. May Allah bless you all.






Ansu, Others Excel In Dakar

by Namory Trawally

The best Gambian marathon runner Ansu Sowe and three others, returned home on Sunday from Dakar, Senegal where they took part in a regional semi-marathon held on Saturday 19th March 2005.

The Gambian team, comprised mainly, Ansu Sowe, Pierre Mendy, Abdoulie Dabo and Lamin Sanneh, all came back home with flying colours.

Eight countries took part in the semi-marathon that was claimed by a Ghanaian.

The Gambia best marathon runner Ansu Sowe came 5th in position with timing of 01hr 12mns and 17 seconds, out of over 1,000 runners.

Lamin Sanneh claimed 9th position with timing of 01hr 14mns and 05seconds.

Pierre Mendy collected the third best Gambia ranking with 16th position with timing of 01hrs 21mns and 02seconds.

Abdoulie Dabo, with a timing of 01hr 26mns and 50 seconds, came 31st in position.

In a chat with sport file last Monday, Lamin Sanneh said he was encouraged by Ansu Sowe to run in Dakar semi-marathon, according to him "he introduced me to the secretary general of the Gambia athletics association (GAA) Dodou Capi Joof".

He stressed that he was advised by GAA officials to look for sponsorship and thanked Bach Faye of Gamtours for sponsoring him eventually.

He continued that, it was a good experience for him as he left Banjul earlier to climatise himself with Dakar environs.

He indicated "it was very hot in Dakar last Saturday, and therefore affected our performance".

In the same vain Abdoulie Dabo thanked Ansu Sowe for accepting to assist him develop his talent.

He stated, "When I joined Gambia Senior Secondary School from Bansang Junior Secondary School, it was Ansu Sowe who searched for me, and ever since, we have been training together on a daily basis.

Hawks Are Mid-League Champions

The "Red Devils" of Hawks FC are once again mid-league champions of The Gambia Football Association, self sponsored first division league which ended last Sunday at the Box Bar mini-stadium in Brikama.

Hawks topped the league with a victory over the defending champions Wallidan by 1-0.

At the same level last year, Hawks FC was the leader of the league with nine (9) points but gave way to Wallidan at the end of the championships.

Last Sunday game was a revenge for Hawks, who were beaten by Wallidan by 3-2 in the week 17 of last year’s championship.

Hawks lead was possible last Sunday following Biko defeat against Sait Matty by 2-1, which marked Sait Matty first victory in the league.

On Saturday Kaira Silo continued their good running in the league with a one all draw with Armed Forces.

Ebou Jobarteh opened the score for Kaira Silo in the 17th minute before Landing Darboe alias Del Piero equalised for Armed Forces in the 86th minute.

In the first game on Saturday Gamtel FC humiliated Bakau United by 3-1.

On Friday GPA registered their first victory in the season with a two-nil (2-0) victory over Real de Banjul.

On the table, Hawks FC have 17 points, Biko came second with 15 points and Gamtel third with 14 points.

Sait Matty bounce back at the 4th position with 12 points. Kaira Silo had 11points; Wallidan and Bakau United each got 10 points and are at the 6th and 7th position respectively.

Real de Banjul is at the 8th position with 9 points.

GPA and Armed Forces are at the bottom of the table with 8 points each.


In Brikama U-17 Officer, Players Captain Fine For Indiscipline

Modou Sawaneh an officer of Ireland Football Club and Yusupha B. Bojang, a player and captain of Wailers Football club were fined by the Kambeng Sports Committee (KSC) for indiscipline.

According to the letter dated March 7th 2005, states that "following your recent match played between the two sides at the cannon football pitch both Modou Sawaneh an officer of Ireland and Yusupha B. Bojang assaulted the first assistant referee by using abusive languages on him in the presence of the executive committee of Kambeng Sports committee (KSC).In this regard, the committee acting under the rule indiscipline had unanimously agreed to fine both Modou Sawaneh and Yusupha B. Bojang an amount of one hundred and fifty dalasis (D150.00) and without which Sawaneh will not be allowed to officiate for his team, while Yusupha B. Bojang will also not be allowed to play his ensuring match. According to the letter, both Sawaneh and Yusupha should promote discipline as they have a great role to play in their respective teams as an officer and a team captain.In a brief chat with the Independent Sports, Alfusainey A. Sidibeh secretary general of Kambeng Sports committee (KSC) said both Sawaneh and Bojang assaulted the first assistant referee in the presence of the KSC executive noting that such languages have no room in football. He continued that vandalism and indiscipline have no room in sports and shall never be allowed to exist in our beloved game. Calling on team officers, fans, and players to only maintain and promote unity, oneness, and discipline in the football game.

Some coaches who reacted to the fine, said discipline should be maintained at all times in the game, accepting that the committee did the right thing to discourage others from acts of indiscipline.

Meanwhile the letter was copied to all teams, referees officiating in the tournament as well as the security heads in Brikama.


U-17 Team Continues Tour In Egypt

The Gambia National U-17 Team, who left Banjul on March 09th, 2005 for a four-week camp in Egypt moved to Ismaily, a town situated at 100kms from the Egyptian capital Cairo for the second stage of their tour.

On Monday evening they played their second test match against Ismainly U-20 team.

The match, which was well attended, saw the Gambia U-17 team putting a good challenge to their North African counterparts.

The match ended 2-1 in favour of the Egyptians with Sarja Leigh of Sait Matty FC scoring the Gambian consolation goal.

According to reports from Egypt, the team is in high spirit and living like a family.

The team is preparing for their third friendly match against Ismaily U-23 team later this week.

It could be recalled that the U-17 team won their first test match against Alhaly U-20 by 1-0.

The team captain Ousman Jallow scored the only goal of the match in the first minute of the game.

The Gambian team missed many chances, with two balls on the bar by Ousman Jallow and Modou Ceesay (Zick).

Meanwhile, in another development, the local organising committee finally canceled the planned camp for the U-17 in Ghana.

According to them, it will be unsafe to camp in Ghana as far as the two teams are drawn in the same group during the finals in Banjul.

The team would be camping in Dakar at the end of their tour in Egypt.




Sunbeach Charity Runs On Saturday

by Sainabou Kujabi

The famous Sunbeach Easter charity beach run (SECBR) has already attracted the participation of well known Gambians, including the teenage running sensation, Ansu Sowe who is currently holding the national marathon record.

The Sunbeach Charity Run, is an initiative created to raise charitable donations in cash or kind for local children, to create a unique event for Gambians, resident expatriates to participate alongside their visiting tourists in a delightful day together on their pristine beach and exquisite Atlantic coast and lastly to strengthen the all necessary ties between the tourism industry, local business and Aids organizations and the general Gambian public.

However, the beach run is open to all ages and levels of fitness and there will be three races. 2km for Boys and girls and under 16, 8km for Adults over 16 both male and female and 16km for also Adults over 16 in which both male and female are expected to participate.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three finalise in each event and every participant will receive an attractive personalized certificate of participation.

Registration is open, but aspiring participates should submit their names on or before 6pm on Friday.

In addition to the charity run there will be a number of activities along the Sunbeach hotel and resort beach, including, live bands, Acrobats, wrestling and many other interesting activities. His Excellency Dr Alhaji Yahya AJJ Jammeh is expected to grace the occasion.




D500,000 Bail Bond For Five Nigerians

by Dawda Faye

The case involving five Nigerians - Olayinka Abdou Aziz, Lasisi Tajudeen Alaoh, Richmond Browny, Benedict Nwofor and Efe Igori, who were earlier charged with obtaining money by false pretence was last week mentioned before Magistrate Mboto of Kanifing.

The accused were charged with twenty-seven counts, which include conspiracy, obtaining money by false pretence and forgery, contrary to section 322 of the criminal code.

The state representative told the court to grant the accused persons bail in the sum of D100, 000 Dalasi each because all the charges preferred against them are bailable. He however asked the court to revoke the police bail.

Richmond Browny, Benedict Nwofor and Efe Igori were present in the court, prompting the state

counsel to apply for a bench warrant to be issued against the two accused persons absent in court.

Since the accused persons were jointly charged, stressed Magistrate Mboto, she has no alternative but to adjourn the case until the state counsel makes application to strike out the names of the two accused persons absent in court.

In her ruling on the bail application, Magistrate Mboto decided to grant bail to the accused persons in the sum of D500, 000 and two sureties with landed property .

She also ordered them to surrender all their travelling documents to the registrar of the court.

Lawyer Camara said the conditions imposed on the accused were stringent but concerning the bail conditions.

The case was adjourned for the accused persons to enter into their plea.

Lawyer Camara represented the fourth accused, Benedict Nwofor, the fourth accused.




WHO Warns Against The Use Of Sun Beds

by Sulayman Makalo

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the use of sun beds poses risk to human beings. It is a recipe for skin cancer, especially for persons under the age of 18 years.

WHO said it is already known that young people who get burnt from exposure to ultraviolet will have a greater risk of developing melanoma in the later years of their life, and that recent studies demonstrate direct link between the use of sun beds and cancer. The International Health Body stated that worldwide there are an estimated 132, 000 cases of malignant melanoma (the most dangerous form of skin cancer) annually, and an estimated 66 000 deaths from malignant melanoma and other skin cancers. "These figures continue to rise. In Norway and Sweden, the annual incidence rate for melanoma is estimated to have more than tripled in the last 45 years, while in the United States, the rate has doubled in the last 30 years. Growth in the use of sun beds,combined with the desire and fashion to have a tan, are considered to be the prime reasons behind this fast growth in skin cancers."

WHO highlighted that worldwide the incidence of melanoma varies more than 150 fold. The highest rates are found mainly in those nations where people are fairest-skinned and where the sun tanning culture is strongest like Australia, New Zealand, North America and northern Europe. One in three cancers worldwide are skin-related. In the United States, that figure is one in two. There are an estimated 1.1 million annual cases of skin cancer in the United States."

"There has been mounting concern over the past several years that people and in particular, teenagers are using sun beds excessively to acquire tans which are seen as socially desirable. However, the consequence of this sun bed usage has been a precipitous rise in the number of skin cancer cases," said Dr. Kerstin Leitner, WHO Assistant Director-General responsible for environmental health. "We are therefore calling attention to this fact and we would hope that this recommendation will inspire regulatory authorities to adopt stricter controls on the usage of sun beds," he added.

Some sun beds have the capacity to emit levels of ultraviolet radiation many times stronger than the mid-day summer sun in most countries. At present, according to the WHO, however , only a few countries have effective regulations on sun beds or their use. "Belgium, France and Sweden have legislation, limiting the maximum proportion of UV -B (the most dangerous component of UV radiation) in the UV output to 1.5 percent (a similar level of the carcinogenic UV that is emitted by the sun). In France the regulations require all UV radiation-emitting appliances to be declared to the health authority, minors under the age of 18 are banned from their use, trained personnel must supervise all commercial establishments and any claim of health benefit is forbidden.

"The State of California in the United States prohibits anyone under 18 from using sun beds/tanning salons," it further stated. Often, however, effective implementation of regulations remains a challenging issue. The World Health Body encourages countries to formulate and reinforce laws in order to better control the use of sun beds such as the ban of all unsupervised sun bed operations of which the African continent is no exception.

Some of the main consequences of excess UV exposure include skin cancers, eye damage and premature skin ageing. A study in Norway and Sweden found a significant increase in the risk of malignant melanoma among women who had regularly used sun beds. Furthermore, excessive UV exposure can reduce the effectiveness of the immune system, possibly leading to a greater risk of infectious diseases.

Acute effects of UV radiation on the eye include cataracts, pterygium (a white coloured growth over the cornea) and inflammations of the eye, such as photokeratitis and photo conjunctivitis. "This is why protective goggles are recommended when using a sun bed," WHO added.

According to WHO, only in very rare and specific cases, WHO counsels, should medically supervise sun bed use be considered. Medical UV devices successfully treat certain skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis. These treatments should only be conducted under qualified medical supervision in an approved medical clinic and not unsupervised either in commercial tanning premises or at home using a domestic sun bed.

The Organisation’ s recommendation on sun bed usage is part of its overall efforts to protect the health of those people who could be overexposed to UV radiation. They along with its partners, the International Commission on Non-lionising Radiation Protection, the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization, have elaborated the Global Solar UV Index, which is now used in many countries.

"In all of our actions, we are clear: avoid excess exposure to UV and, when you have to be in the sun, protect your skin. Malignant melanomas, other cancers and conditions are the consequence of not taking the proper precautions, " added Dr Leitner .



Rural Electrification In The Offing

by Pa Modou Secka.

According to the director of Energy at the Office of President, Mr. Bah Saho, fourty-six villages in The Gambia will soon benefit President Jammeh's promised rural electrification project.

He said efforts are on the way to improve energy efficiency in the country. Mr. Saho said the preservation of the forest cover ranks high on the government's agenda.

He believes that the development of the energy sector serves as a hub for the growth of human capacity development of all the institutions operating in the country.

Presenting a paper at a national workshop on the phasing out of leaded gasoline in The Gambia, Mr. Saho underscored the need for maximisation of efficient utilisation of scarce energy resources, He noted that the energy sector is supportive to hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation of oil and gas, legislation and regulation of procedures that are not only investors friendly, but allow public and private sector participation.

He however added that strategies for electricity supply should improve the reliability and security of power supply as well as enhance power sector efficiency. This, he added, should be able to promote long-term sustainability of power sector operations by encouraging more private sector participation in the country's power supply.

Mr. Saho said the government continues to ensure efficient utilization and availability of petroleum products at competitive prices to develop health, safety, security and environmental standards for the procurement, storage and distribution of products.



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