
Lets show no remorse for those fired, especially our own Seedy Sanneh. Mr Sanneh was in the struggle until recently when he mortgaged his soul to the devil. How wired it was when he got the love and respect of many people, due to his age. I fully remember when at some point we all were worried about his ware about during that civil war in the Ivory coast. Had we know his cost will have been so cheap for a position that keep him silence throughout. He deserved to be fired after betraying his own intelligence and others. Read below what Amadou Janneh once wrote. Many well agreed that those bunches should not be sympathize after they lost their statues.

Homeland or death, we will triumph

Conteh Julla

Date:         Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:49:35 -0500

Reply-To:     The Gambia and related-issues mailing

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Sender:       The Gambia and related-issues mailing

              <[log in to unmask]&msg=MSG1111502162.28&start=1146698&len=8427&src=&type=x">[log in to unmask]>

From:         Ahmad Scattred <[log in to unmask]&msg=MSG1111502162.28&start=1146698&len=8427&src=&type=x">[log in to unmask]>

Subject:      Hiring & Firing: What's new?

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed


All it takes to get fired in The Gambia is to receive
any kind of
commendation from folks who are critical of the APRC.
It's part of Jammeh's
game--musical chairs, the political version.

In case you decide to work for the APRC with the noble
objective of changing
things for the better, here are things that may get
you fired:

1. Adherence to the Rule of Law
2. Commendation from Critics of the Regime
3. Name Recognition or Perceived Popularity
4. Uttering Unfavorable Statements (to Yahya)
5. Demonstrating Independence
6. Reluctance / Refusal to become a Praise Singer
7. Appearing in Yahya's dreams/nightmares
8. Good luck
9. Cutting Strings Loose(Puppet)
10. Flip of a dalasi coin by Yahya

Why are we surprised by the firings?

Amadou Scattred Janne

>From: [log in to unmask]
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask]
>CC: [log in to unmask];, [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [>-<] Flash News from Kanilai - More Firings and Hirings
>Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 13:45:28 EST
>Kotoh Seedy Moro Sanneh [appointed less than a week as SOS for Trade]  was
>fired and replaced by ehem...ehem...Neneh Mcdol and Samba Bah [Interior] was
>also canned and replaced by former Chief of Staff, Babucar Jatta. Is it not
>interesting that Jatta was purged and sent to Cuba as Yahya accused him of a
>ploy to overthrow his government?
>Vice President Isatou Njie Saidy is rumored to have tendered her  resignation
>and Yahya said, HELL NO!  There are rum ours of Yahya inclining  to
>charge/sacrifice SOME Fall Guys, for the April 10-11, 2000 debacle.
>Who's next on the chopping block? SOS Amadou S Janneh and Lie Conteh?
>Ayatollah Jammeh's METAL BROOM and ELECTRIC RAKE at work.

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