UDP leader's statement that his party had never opted to quit the new
opposition alliance was highly welcome by NADD followers and sympathisers.
Our New York city correspondent who covered the Darboe meeting, quoted the
UDP leader as saying that""we are part and parcel of NADD."  While many
people hailed the UDP leader,  for setting the records straight, others said
his statement was "too late for a  reaction."  That he should have
volunteered information to the local press when contacted on this "serious
state of affairs."

TOUR!!!!                          ELECTIONS!!!!
Agreed, NADD had its own Coordinator who's  mandated to speak to the press
on issues of this nature. But since the  UDP is at the centre of the
controversy, it's incumbent upon its leader Ousainou Darboe to make public
statements on the issue-knowing fully well the implications of
misinformation. That some people are good at distorting the truth just to
gain political support.  To avert such a situation, UDP should be on the
forefront in rebuffing such misleading and misplaced political propaganda

In order to bring more sense of hope to the NADD supporters both at home and
abroad, Mr.Darboe was further quoted as saying "as the leader of the UDP he
sees total unanimity of objective between the UDP and NADD saying whatever I
say of the United Democratic Party, it should be considered as true also
within the objectives of NADD, if our objectives deferred, certainly we
wouldn't have been part of NADD."

These are very assuring and encouraging statements emanating from the UDP
leader.  We have no intention of questioning the sincerity of his promises
to team up with other opposition groups to flush out the despotic Jammeh
regime.  What we are concerned about for  now is,  the ongoing rumours
hinting about "leadership struggle and possible break up among the NADD

While the Opposition argued that it's the Ruling APRC government which is
spreading such rumours,  the regime on the hand said NADD was born on a
different political theories and ideologies and cannot succeed in making a
stronger merger.  Whether these statements are true or not, it's up to the
NADD leadership to put their house in order to prove their critics wrong.

So far we have not been told by lawyer Darboe, the amount of damage this
"purported" UDP break up with NADD had caused to the coalition and his
party.  His US trip is timely, in the sense that it will help to change the
minds of  NADD supporters, some of whom  had  decided to cancel their plans
to help NADD financially in the upcoming by elections and presidential
elections following the Daily Observer UDP/NADD break up story. They
insisted that unless the NADD leadership clarified the current state of
affairs,  they will not put their money in such political ventures.

Whether the NADD leadership is aware of such reports, we at the "ALLGAMBIAN"
are privy of such an information.  These are people claming to be big time
supporters of the coalition.  Whether they are serious about their threat of
  possible withdrwing their financial support for NADD, it's our moral
responsibility we talk about it at this hour.

In as much as Gambians, abroad are yearning for change, they will not want
to sponsor political parties who are not committed in the struggle for
change of leadership. Greed, personal political differences or ideologies
must be set aside by our leaders and put the national interest first. Party
A or B pulling out from NADD will not move The Gambia any where.  Instead it
will further give room to the current dictatorship stay in power.

The opposition should stop taking chances and know that their are people in
the Ruling APRC interested in seeing their  down fall. NADD'S  failure to
declare a  flag bearer for the 2006 elections at this time,  is still being
considered "as a weakness and lack of unity among the opposition leadership"
One thing that the NADD leadership,  should put in  mind is that, a "house
without a  foundation cannot stand" and we don't expect NADD to be erected
without a solid foundation.  Naming of the coalition flag bearer is part of
the foundation process. It's very crucial.  In the absence of these factors
we already alluded to, we don't foresee a serious merger.

The NCP withdrawal from the UDP, PPP and GPP coalition should serve as a
lesson for the current coalition.  Due to political greed and lack of
coordination, the whole process failed. While veteran politician Sheriff
Mustapha insisted in leading the coalition, the UDP on the other hand says
they want their leader Ousainou Darboe to be given a chance to serve as a
flag bearer.  To the surprise of all,  including observers and foreign
diplomats, Sheriff Dibba forcefully walked out of the coalition signing
ceremony.  At the time, the presidential elections were fast approaching.
While the NRP and the PDOIS were conspicuously absent at the meeting, later
on  information went around that these two parties were not well briefed
about the said coalition.  Now the rest is history.

Sheriff Dibba of all Sheriff Dibba, who said he was  against military take
overs teamed up with the former junta headed by dictator Yahya Jammeh to
oppose the UDP, PPP and GPP coalition.  This shows how unreliable and greedy
some of our political leaders are. Whether we like or not Sheriff'S party
had contributed to the electoral victory of Jammeh.

Through out the transition period, Dibba was mute like a dead animal.  He
tells his friends and the local media that he was on a  "political holiday"
and had no time to comment on political matters relating to the tiny West
African country. To some extent,  he was right,  when he said he was on a
political holidays, since the former junta banned them from participating
from active politics. However, this ban did not affect his right to free
expression, which is an entrenched clause in the country's constitution.
Sheriff being the coward he was,  decided to remain silent  through out the
transition period.

The likes of popular politician Amadou Omar Jallow (OJ) and Lamin Waa Juwara
alias 'Mbarodi" should be commended for their outspokenness during the
transition period.  Despite being jailed for dozen of times, these people
were still determined to confront the military leaders. Torture, late nigh
abductions and constant security surveillance never moved them from their
for crusade for a just and democratic Gambia.

The Gambia will continue to live in dictatorship, if its people are not
committed to effect change. Effecting  change through a democratic means
requires political determination and total unity among the civil populace.
Such changes can only take place,  if political leaders are also ready to
put their lives on the line in the interest of the country and her people.
Unseating a despotic and totalitarian regime like the one we have  in The
Gambia is not an easy task and those interested in seeing Jammeh go must put
this at the back of their mind.

That's why we had said time and time that the pending September by elections
is a  test for Gambia's fragile democracy. While the Ruling APRC government
want to make us believe that they are capable of sweeping the polls at the
four opposition strong holds, thanks to their "rubber stamp Independent
Electoral Commission", the opposition on the hand is saying that it will
emerge victorious come  the September by elections.

One thing is clear though, the APRC had succeeded in rigging the polls in
advance. It's does not take one to be a political scientist to predict the
outcome of the September polls.  The recent sacking of the IEC chairman and
other electoral staff,  is a clear evidence of electoral malpractice.
Secondly, the dubious voter transfer by the APRC,  with the help of the IEC
is another cause for concern.  Thirdly, the ongoing vote buying reports
filtering around Banjul is another electoral fraud.  The APRC had time and
time preached politics of violence without the IEC cautioning the party.
Their plans to attack business men supporting the opposition up country is
also documented.  In addition, we also do not have confidence in the current
IEC set up-knowing their political history and support for Jammeh.  They
will go all out to meet the needs of Jammeh's political desires.

Under the current situation, it would be very difficult for the opposition
to regain their seats back in parliament.  The electoral process had already
been rigged.  Conducting by elections in our mind is a  waste of the time
and resources.  Boycott is the right option.  Crying foul after the polls
will not solve the current problem.  When a particular situation is not
right, you should correct it  at the right time or use the right means to
correct it.

We are not pessimistic in any way.  We are just being concerned about the
current state of affairs.  Elections are important in any true democracy.
But if the environment for free and fair elections do not exist, there is no
point in organising one.  All we are demanding for now,  is a "level
political field."  Former July 22ND members and secretaries of state cannot
steer the affairs of the IEC.  Their support for the "so called failed
revolution" is not hidden.  As indicated, these people are,  day in day out
receiving directives from Jammeh. Failure to dance to his tune, means their
immediate sacking.

We were not the least surprised about the sacking of Said Yusuf,  IEC'S
information officer.  From day one, we knew  that Yusuf must  go. Jammeh
cannot afford to have such an honest fellow in the midst of corrupt new
breed of IEC officials.  Yusuf being a journalist by profession,  will not
hesitate to expose any planned electoral fraud initiated by the APRC.

As a  VOA Correspondent in Banjul over the years,   i interviewed this young
man on couple of occasions, and he never hesitated to confirm or deny
stories about the IEC.  Mr.Yusuf was indeed qualified for such a national
job.  He was open to the press and the opposition.

Now that Jammeh had decided to let them go, it's incumbent upon Gambians to
start deciding who should preside over their elections and not Yahya Jammeh
as an individual.  It's suicidal take part in any by elections as at now.
We need a total change in the current IEC set up.

The author is the former Secretary General of The Gambia Press Union and
Voice Of America radio Banjul Correspondent.  Mr.M'Bai who now resides in
the US State of North Carolina, Raleigh was also a leading political and
crime reporter with the Point and the Daily Observer newspapers
respectively.  He can be reached by email at the following addresses:
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