Reading the Point newspaper yesterday, the APRC'S Fatou Jahumpa Ceesay,  was
said  to be in a jubilant mood,  following Gambia's conspicuous absence in
the Amnesty International annual human rights country report on Africa.
Despite the atrocities committed by the Ruling APRC government, FJC,  as she
is popularly referred to was quick to jubilate  the Amnesty International
purported report.

FJC was quoted as saying that"the Amnesty report has vindicated President
Jammeh’s government and proved critics wrong. She explained that with all
the hue and cry over Gambia’s human rights record, the latest report has
adequately shown the world that the APRC government has respect for human
and people’s rights. “Respect for human rights has always been the norm of
the APRC government and every effort would be employed to foster this."

We at the ALLGAMBIAN are also equally vindicated, since the APRC government
is refusing or is apparently ignoring a  story we carried,  ranking The
Gambia as a  failed state.  Our assertion that the regime is only
comfortable with positive reports had also been  proven to be true, in view
of their "swift reaction to the so called Amnesty report."

FJC being politically empty,  as she is, never bothered to examine the
implications of her pronouncements on such a bogus report. Fatoumatta stands
to be accused of aiding and abetting a government which had not only caused
harm and terror to Gambians, but as well as innocent non Gambians.

While we are still mourning the death of veteran journalist Deyda Hydara and
over dozens of  Ghanaian nationals murdered in Gambia's soil recently, silly
FJC is making noise over a  so called Amnesty report, which appeared
questionable.  Knowing Amnesty International's love for the truth and
justice, the Organisation will never attempt to down play the current
atrocities perpetrated by the Jammeh administration.

We are indeed shocked by such a report, if it's really found to be true that
it was authored by Amnesty International.  Gambia  is worst than Zimbabwe in
terms of human rights and political crisis. It's our contention that The
Gambia should have been the first country to top such a continental rights
report. We are really concerned by the Point newspaper story about The
Gambian being vindicated for rights violations.

We are challenging the Amnesty International  main office in London to
clarify the situation, as Fatou Jahumpa Ceesay's,  jubilation will give room
to the Ruling APRC government to further commit more atrocities against
Gambians. 2006 is an election year for The Gambia and we know what these
criminals are capable of doing.  Amnesty must clarify in the interest of

We agree entirely by the assertions made by Gambia's fire brand politician
and NDAM leader Lamin Waa Juwara that such a so called report cannot be used
as yard stick to measure the rights performance of a particular country.

Juwara and Gambia Press Union President Madi NK Ceesay were further quoted
by the Point as saying that "a  single report cannot serve as an indicator
for a country’s human rights record. According to Mr. Juwara, Gambia has no
reason to be unconcerned as long as President Jammeh and his government do
not reserve respect for human and people’s rights.

Mbarodi went further to cite "various instances of  flagrant violation of
people’s rights.The grisly murder of Ousman Koro Ceesay, the burning of The
Independent newspaper’s printing press, the torture and abuse meted out to
political opponents, among other things, are clear indications that Jammeh
and his government do not have respect for human rights,”

People with conscience and moral will never venture into celebrating  such a
report.  FJC is a woman without moral and conscience. She had betrayed the
political legacies of her late Father Balla Jahumpa, who was a true patriot
and father figure of Gambia's body politics.

FJC should have been the last person to entertain such a report-but because
of greed and sycophancy, she will go all out to defend Jammeh's reckless
political policies.  History is here to judge you for your action.

The ALLGAMBIAN online newspaper will be doing disservice to The Gambia and
her people, if it allows such a blatant  lie made by FJC,  about Amnesty
human rights report vindicating The Gambia unchallenged. We are hear to
monitor the APRC misinformation campaign and wouldn't  hesitate to rubbish
any lies peddled by this government. FJC and others should bear this in

Instead of tracking the killer(s)of Deyda Hydara and The Ghanaian Community
in The Gambia, you want to pride yourself with an Amnesty human rights
report.  Shameless APRC should stop playing with the gallery.  We are too
matured to be fooled by your misinformation campaign.

The Point supposedly an Independent newspaper, should be weary of the likes
of FJC.  This woman is capable of  turning  lies into truth and journalists
should treat tip-offs received from her end with high degree of maturity and
responsibility. We all know how dubious the Ruling APRC is.  We are not
saying that the government should be censored in anyway.  What we are saying
is that,  people like FJC are very manipulative and should be treated with
suspicion. We will get to that later.

As one famous American journalist said"If your mum tells you,  I love you
check it out."  The purpose of this message basically is for journalists to
double check information given them by their sources.  We have high respect
for the Point editorial staff and we want to  encourage them to keep up the
good work.  Our word of  caution is "be weary of FJC".  She is not to be

On a final note, The ALLGAMBIAN  will from now on,  verify the authenticity
of such Amnesty Country report.  We have started contacting  some credible
individuals close to Amnesty International to explain the true picture of
the  current state of affairs.  We will keep our readers posted.

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