“I’m older than Darboe. I’m more experienced in politics than Darboe, please
extend my message to him that I said let him come back to NADD as his 
can only help Jammeh in achieving his goal. Darboe should know that Gambia 
his only pride and not the presidency. Please tell him I said if he still 
power let him come and lead NADD because none of us is interested in power,
but all we want to see if a free democratic Gambia' Mbarodi challenges 

One can't help but laugh at such a comment.  Why would Waa and NADD give way 
for Ousainou to come back and take the leadership position? And besides why 
would Ousainou be interested in leadership position of a party seemingly 
falling into pieces?  And besides why give the opportunity to a power hungry 
individual who does not have the interest of the Gambia at heart.  The man 
Waa Juwara has shown how inconsistent he is all through as he attempt to 
make this personal attacks on Ousainou. But maybe he realises how the little 
chances his party has withouth the other folks.  He just need to face the 
reality-which is to stop this nonsense of attacking others because they 
choose not to associate with you.  Talk to them as adults, and admit to the 
mistakes you've made in the whole nomination process which lead to the other 
parties withdrawal if you are really sincere about working together as one.
We are all fixated about what Ousainou did right or did wrong.  But who 
among us delve into what hand did the other parties put in, in this whole 
mess.  We started with the nomination of Omar Jallow, and then Halifa.  If 
the whole process was done the right way, why all of a sudden the change 
from OJ to Halifa.  Folks, something went wrong.  Until and unless we came 
to that realization, day in and day out, you will loose supporters as 
evidence in the recent defection of PPP big-wigs to NRP/UDP coalition.  I 
wonder if Waa is going to characterise these recent defectors as aiding and 
abetting a power hungry dude.  Lets wake up from our sleeps.  NADD stands no 
chance without the help of these other parties.  They must stop the attacks 
and reach out for a compromise before it is too late.  And frankly NADD 
needs a spokesperson and not letting this so-called mad lion- Waa with with 
his rhetoric.  He is badly hurting the chances of party.


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