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For Freedom

>From: "Joe Sambou" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [>-<] RE: Jammeh cures PATIENTS at RVTH
>Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 22:25:26 +0000
>[ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by "Joe Sambou" 
><[log in to unmask]> ]
>Sanusi, please do not do this to me again.  Right now my stomach hurts from 
>laughing so hard.  Folks, Bala will kill Yaya with the stuff he supplies 
>him these days, and I ain't complaining.  After boring myself with some dry 
>Sarbanes-Oxley material, I stumbled into this tickler.
>"Jammeh combined both the spiritual power of curing and traditional 
>medicine to alleviate the suffering at the emergency unit, as well as 
>restore the health of patients in critical conditions."
>Wait a minute dog, you joking, right?  I have heard stoned heads claim to 
>see cats reversing (as in "Muse Bui  Backstand"), but this one has to stark 
>way up there, in the high spectrum.  What is wrong with Africans?
>" I have the title of doctor. In fact, I am a stronger doctor than them, 
>because I use the name of Allah and the Qur’an”.
>Tell them Doc, I mean God!  Bul Ragal Darra!
>"The curative power of the Gambian leader left many mesmerized and stunned, 
>including his entourage, doctors, nurses, patients and other staff of RVTH. 
>It was his second consecutive day at the hospital, after attending to the 
>patients on Saturday."
>Say what?
>"Speaking in an interview with journalists, shortly after attending to the 
>patients, President Jammeh said: “Nowadays there are a lot of strange 
>illnesses. It seems there is no remedy for them and most of time even if 
>there is remedy, it takes a lot of time for patients to heal. So I think 
>its time for me to come out from hiding and show them what I can do”.
>Give it to them Doc!  Show them what your mama gave you!  Gambians asked, 
>they shall receive in abundance.
>"So you will realise that the whole ward that we took care of yesterday 
>were coincidentally, all Muslims.”
>See non-muslims in the Gambia what you are missing here.  God Jammeh is 
>healing the sick (Muslims) and you are missing out on the good stuff, all 
>because you refuse to convert.  You'll better convert "Tutsuit", so you can 
>get some that God healin'.
>"He disclosed that he would also attend to HIV/Aids patients,which he said 
>would require time. He elaborated: “What we could do is to take members of 
>Santa Yalla, who have exposed themselves so that we can start with them. 
>But I will tell you when I am ready, because it is not easy to do it. It is 
>not easy to prepare.” He stressed that one must pray a lot."
>Africa, your prayers and wishes have been answered, God Yaya is here to 
>cure all HIV/AIDS patients.  Gambians are so lucky that they have a God for 
>a president that can do everything for them.  In a few days, he shall turn 
>half the soil in Kanilai into Findi and Rice, half the wells into 
>Ginjambero, and this is just for starters.  You'll provoked him into 
>unleashing his Godly powers, you shall see.
>"He then affirmed that he is willing to share the knowledege, provided it 
>would not be commercialised. “If it is going to be commercialised, then 
>no!,” he stressed."
>Please most able Leader God Dod, Jammeh, share your Godly knowledge, 
>" Dr Malick Njie, Chief Medical Director of RVTH, expressed his impression 
>with Jammeh’s miracle, saying what “he has got is different from what we 
>learnt in medical school”.
>"Dr Njie added: “I was amazed by somebody who said he could not breathe and 
>who thought he would die. But after what he gave him, he asked for a job. I 
>cannot talk much about that because I do not have much knowledge about it. 
>But traditional medicine is someting that is in the country. It’s been an 
>excellent visit. We had him yesterday, we had him here today. His mere 
>presence stimulated a lot in the patients.”
>He disclosed that a woman, who was in a bad condition wanted to be 
>discharged, after she had received “something from the President. She was 
>ready to go. I told her well,. if you are well, you must go so that we can 
>admit other patients. But His Excellency said do not let her go.”
>I see Flavo Fla, is doing the back-up.  Yeeeeh Boyee!  This the same Bobo 
>"tha" say "Body Noday Smell Na Dead 'Ouse".  Watch out for the "Funky 
>Chicken" as Doc Njie is about to let loose.
>How about some Mauritanian commentary on the testimonies.  Amadou Jah Kor 
>Oumar, Oumar Jah Kor Jaiteh, Jaiteh Jah Kor Ebureima, Ebureima Jah kor 
>Iydara, Iydara Jah Kor Elbo, Elbo, Elbo, Aiywa!  Orzoe!  Walahi, Orzoe!  
>Mom Beet Dougul!
>And so, one has to humor the occasion to prevent from crying.  While the 
>world in getting ahead, this is what Yaya and Gambia has reduced themselves 
>to.  Interesting that this came on the heels of the NA elections.  Whom is 
>fooling whom?  I am surprised Imam Kah is not part of the delegation to 
>grace the occasion.  Then again why the need if God himself presided.  
>Gambians, Gisangulene Darra!
>Chi Jaama
>>From: Sanusi Owens <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Jammeh cures PATIENTS at RVTH
>>Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 20:37:45 +0000
>>       Jammeh cures PATIENTS at RVTH               Written by Ebrima Jaw 
>>Manneh        Monday, 15 January 2007       The curative power of the Holy 
>>Qur’an and traditional medicine were yesterday put to effect at the 
>>Accident and Emergency (A&E) Unit and the Private Ward of the Royal 
>>Victoria Teaching Hopital (RVTH) by President Yahya Jammeh.
>>   Jammeh combined both the spiritual power of curing and traditional 
>>medicine to alleviate the suffering at the emergency unit, as well as 
>>restore the health of patients in critical conditions. The process was so 
>>effective that patients responded to the healing techniques within a short 
>>span of time. His medicinal application was simply the Holy Qur’an 
>>combined with a few traditional herbs.
>>   The curative power of the Gambian leader left many mesmerised and 
>>stunned, including his entourage, doctors, nurses, patients and other 
>>staff of RVTH. It was his second consecutive day at the hospital, after 
>>attending to the patients on Saturday.
>>   Speaking in an interview with journalists, shortly after attending to 
>>the patients, President Jammeh said: “Nowadays there are a lot of strange 
>>illnesses. It seems there is no remedy for them and most of time even if 
>>there is remedy, it takes a lot of time for patients to heal. So I think 
>>its time for me to come out from hiding and show them what I can do”.
>>   He then added: “I told Gambians since 1994 that there are a lot of 
>>things that I can do. But Gambians would never know the Yahya Jammeh that 
>>is here. I believe in two things. If somebody is sick and you cannot cure 
>>the person with the Holy Qur’an, the person is certainly going to die. And 
>>it would not take 24 hours. There is no disease in this world that you 
>>cannot cure using the Qur’an and some natural herbs that are existing 
>>either in the forest and/or at our homes. So this is traditional herbal 
>>medicine but basically used in the Qur’an. It is spiritual. So you will 
>>realise that the whole ward that we took care of yesterday were 
>>coincidentally, all Muslims.”
>>   He then continued: “Yesterday, there were two patients that were in 
>>very critical conditions. In fact, both of them could not talk. I saw that 
>>one of them was suffering and was in great pain, so I had to take care of 
>>him to relief the pain. But the good thing about it was that he was 
>>temporary relieved. But I said yesterday that I have no home with him, 
>>including the old man.”
>>   Source
>>   President Jammeh told journalists he got his medicine from the forest, 
>>saying “what is important is that it my concoction and my knowledge. It is 
>>a natural knowledge for me, which is based on the Qur’an. These are 
>>basically plants. I have the title of doctor. In fact, I am a stronger 
>>doctor than them, because I use the name of Allah and the Qur’an”.
>>   On the continuity of curing patients, President Jammeh decribed the 
>>exercise as a duty. However, he pointed out that he also has other 
>>responsibilities. “One, I am a head of state and have to take care of 
>>state matters. I am also a family man. Also, I have to pray a lot. In 
>>fact, what will happen will be Saturday clinics. And of course, it will 
>>not be every Saturday, because sometimes I have to go to Kanilai. But we 
>>will make an arrangement with them so that we can deal with the most 
>>critical cases. The rest they can take care of them, such as malaria. But 
>>cases where there is no hope, those are the ones I will concentrate on,” 
>>he noted.
>>   He disclosed that he would also attend to HIV/Aids patients,which he 
>>said would require time. He elaborated: “What we could do is to take 
>>members of Santa Yalla, who have exposed themselves so that we can start 
>>with them. But I will tell you when I am ready, because it is not easy to 
>>do it. It is not easy to prepare.” He stressed that one must pray a lot.
>>   President Jammeh then observed that he does not “ just go and cure a 
>>patient. There are signs I look for and I use the Qur’an”. However, he 
>>confirmed that for two of the patients, he did not use the Qur’an because 
>>he was “definitely sure that they are going to die. It is not easy but 
>>that is the way it is. There is nothing I can do for somebody whose time 
>>is up. But if it is a question of illness, we can take care of it”.
>>   He informed journalists that he started the curing process with his 
>>relative to ensure people understand that it’s no joke. “You must have 
>>seen the other one who before I touched him was saying he could not 
>>breathe and that he was going to die. After I attended to him, he was 
>>asking for a job to the extent that he showed me his driving license. Its 
>>all with the power of Almighty Allah,” he said.
>>   The link
>>   Asked about the link between the Qur’an and traditional medicine, 
>>President Jammeh replied: “There is no distinction between the Qur’an and 
>>traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is purely the use of herbs. And 
>>every herb that is of medicinal value is mentioned in the Qur’an. You will 
>>also realise that there some people call marabouts, who use the Qur’an to 
>>write something, wash it and give it to the person to drink. So that’s the 
>>link. And for any verse that you can use in the Qur’an for healing, there 
>>is a tree in the forest that you can use if you cannot use the Qur’an. So 
>>if you can use the Qur’an and the tree itself, it makes it simple. You are 
>>invoking the name of Almighty Allah. And Allah has said that there are so 
>>many things that we can do. There are so many things that are hidden from 
>>   President Jammeh further noted that there is no difference between 
>>traditional medicine, modern medicine and the Qur’an. He explained: 
>>“Whatever they use as modern medicine, must have been extracted from a 
>>plant or naturally existing chemicals. In the Qur’an, you have both the 
>>herbs and elements - elements of a chemical nature that you can use. In 
>>fact, what you extract from the plant are chemicals that are extracted to 
>>make medicine. Some may exist in mineral or gaseous form to make medicine. 
>>The source of all modern and traditional medicine is from Almighty Allah, 
>>and that is the Qur’an. Allah says he has created for mankind all in this 
>>Qur’an. It’s like a literature. I may read a story like that of 
>>Shakespeare and I may know the literal meaning of it. But somebody who has 
>>done literature would be able to explain to you what they are talking 
>>about, which may be different from what I understand about it.”
>>   He then affirmed that he is willing to share the knowledege, provided 
>>it would not be commercialised. “If it is going to be commercialised, then 
>>no!,” he stressed.
>>   Dr Malick Njie, Chief Medical Director of RVTH, expressed his 
>>impression with Jammeh’s miracle, saying what “he has got is different 
>>from what we learnt in medical school”.
>>   Dr Njie added: “I was amazed by somebody who said he could not breathe 
>>and who thought he would die. But after what he gave him, he asked for a 
>>job. I cannot talk much about that because I do not have much knowledge 
>>about it. But traditional medicine is someting that is in the country. 
>>It’s been an excellent visit. We had him yesterday, we had him here today. 
>>His mere presence stimulated a lot in the patients.”
>>   He disclosed that a woman, who was in a bad condition wanted to be 
>>discharged, after she had received “something from the President. She was 
>>ready to go. I told her well,. if you are well, you must go so that we can 
>>admit other patients. But His Excellency said do not let her go.”
>>   He said another female patient, who was in a psychotic condition and  
>>incoherent also responded to President Jammeh’s curative medicine, after 
>>it was administered to her. “She was ready to go home, which we found 
>>amazing. She started talking coherently. This morning the consultant did 
>>the check-up round and certified her fit to be discharged”.
>>   Patients’ account
>>   Also speaking to the journalists, Amadou Bah, a patient at the A&E 
>>Unit, said: “I am getting much better than before. I am really grateful to 
>>President Jammeh for treating me. I am very happy.”
>>   Omar Jaiteh, another patient, said: “I now feel fine. I am feeling much 
>>better now.”
>>   Ebrima Demba, who was confined to his sickbed since his admission at 
>>the A&E Unit, said: “I feel really great. I could not walk from my bed to 
>>the toilet. But now, I can walk thanks to the President. Illness is cured 
>>through a gradual process and I really want the President to come again.”
>>   Alagie Hydara and Elbo Jarjue, also expressed similar sentiments.
>>   President Jammeh brought gifts for the patients and then gave out 
>>D30,000 to a lady, whose father passed away at the A&E Unit. He also gave 
>>gifts of cash to the Kanifing gas explosion victims at the Intensive Care 
>>   President Jammeh was accompanied to the hospital by the Secretary 
>>General, a number of Secretaries of State and the Chief of Protocol.
>>Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]> wrote:  Laye, yet another reminder of 
>>what Gambians that voted opted for. What
>>happened to "All the NIA detainees are freed?" Just a load of you know
>>what. Since Gambians are not interested, the Jammeh Show will continue.
>>Chi Jaama
>> >From: RSF Afrique / RSF Africa
>> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>> >
>> >To: [log in to unmask]
>> >Subject: THE GAMBIA - Journalist missing since July being held in
>> >provincial police station, newspaper discovers / GAMBIE - Un 
>> >porté disparu depuis juillet 2006 , est détenu illégalement dans un
>> >commissariat de province
>> >Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 16:45:44 +0100
>> >
>> >English / Français
>> >
>> >Reporters Without Borders
>> >Press release
>> >
>> >15 January 2007
>> >
>> >
>> >Journalist missing since July being held in provincial police station,
>> >newspaper discovers
>> >
>> >The opposition triweekly Foroyaa has revealed that "Chief" Ebrima 
>>Manneh, a
>> >journalist with the privately-owned Daily Observer newspaper who went
>> >missing on 7 July, is being held at a police station in Fatoto, a small
>> >town 400 km east of the capital.
>> >
>> >"Manneh must be freed at once," Reporters Without Borders said today.
>> >"There is no law that allows him to be secretly held for seven months. 
>> >scandal of his illegal detention has been compounded by the government's
>> >cruelty towards his family in insisting all this time that it was not
>> >holding him."
>> >
>> >The 12-14 January issue of Foroyaa said Manneh has been at the Fatoto
>> >police station for the past three months and three weeks. Arrested at 
>> >home by the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) on 7 July, he was 
>> >held at Mile Two prison in Banjul, the newspaper said. He was then
>> >transferred to police stations at Kartong and Kuntaur before finally 
>> >taken to Fatoto.
>> >
>> >During all this time, Manneh's family and friends repeatedly asked the
>> >authorities if they were holding him, and they always denied that they
>> >were. No charges have been brought against him.
>> >
>> >It is not known why Manneh was arrested shortly after an African Union
>> >summit in Banjul on 1-2 July. Several members of the independent press 
>> >arrested at the time for allegedly disrupting the event.
>> >
>> >-----------
>> >
>> >
>> >Un journaliste, porté disparu depuis juillet 2006, est détenu 
>> >dans un commissariat de province
>> >
>> >Le trihebdomadaire d'opposition Foroyaa a révélé que "Chief" Ebrima 
>> >journaliste du quotidien privé Daily Observer qui avait disparu le 7
>> >juillet 2006, est détenu au commissariat de Fatoto, une petite ville à 
>> >km à l'est de la capitale.
>> >
>> >"Chief Ebrima Manneh doit être libéré sans délai. Aucune loi ne permet 
>> >séquestration depuis sept mois. De plus, au scandale de l'incarcération
>> >illégale de ce journaliste, s'ajoute la cruauté du déni des autorités
>> >gambiennes vis-à-vis de sa famille", a déclaré Reporters sans 
>> >
>> >Dans son édition du 12 au 14 janvier 2007, Foroyaa a révélé que "Chief"
>> >Ebrima Manneh était détenu depuis trois mois et trois semaines au
>> >commissariat de police de Fatoto, après avoir été conduit dans divers
>> >centres de police depuis son arrestation, le 7 juillet 2006. Arrêté à 
>> >domicile par la National Intelligence Agency (NIA, les services de
>> >renseignements), il a été d'abord incarcéré à la prison Mile Two, à 
>> >avant d'être transféré successivement aux commissariats de Kartong et
>> >Kuntaur, puis Fatoto. Face aux demandes répétées de sa famille et de ses
>> >amis, les autorités gambiennes ont toujours nié détenir ce journaliste, 
>> >lequel ne pèse aucune charge.
>> >
>> >Le journaliste avait été arrêté pour une raison inconnue, peu après la
>> >clôture du sommet des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement de l'Union 
>> >(UA), qui s'est tenu à Banjul les 1er et 2 juillet. Plusieurs 
>> >avaient alors eu lieu au sein de la presse indépendante, accusée d'avoir
>> >perturbé l'événement.
>> >
>> >--
>> >Leonard VINCENT
>> >Bureau Afrique / Africa desk
>> >Reporters sans frontières / Reporters Without Borders
>> >5, rue Geoffroy-Marie
>> >75009 Paris, France
>> >Tel : (33) 1 44 83 84 84
>> >Fax : (33) 1 45 23 11 51
>> >Email : [log in to unmask] / [log in to unmask]
>> >Web :
>> >
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