SO we recap Paripanna:

When you said "And I think you (Yanks) are doing more damage at  Mr.
Darboe's  chances of becoming  president than what you  perceived Mr. Drammeh is
doing" you meant that by confronting and  educating Dramane on Ousainou's
honour, that Yanks is doing more damage at Mr.  Darboe's chances of becoming
President of Gambia than how much Dramane is  affecting Ousainou's chances of
becoming President of Gambia, and that Dramane  may be part of the gang of
Green boy idiots????

I will assure you that the best antidote to Green boys is RED Boys.

In a message dated 4/26/2009 3:57:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

(And what is the Green Boys' mentality  Paripanna???) Haruna.

You don't  know what a  green boys' mentality is? OK, Here is what I will
recommend that you add  to your itinerary for your site seeing tour to Basse
with uncle Suntou:  While in the Kombos, before you  leave for Basse, I
suggest that  you go to Baba Jobe's compound where you can see and interact with
 actual green boys. I know you guys would love to meet the witch hunters
too because both of you are brave men. This experience will definitely  put
both of you in a comparable advantage on your on going debate  against the
PDOISards. Because you would have met the actual witch  hunters and the green
boys eyeball to eyeball as opposed to Halifa's  method of running after
their shadows.  Probably they may be  gracious to allow you spent the night at
Baba Jobe's Hotel too. Von  voyage!

--- On Sat, 4/25/09,  Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From:  Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: (no subject)  / Paripanna / Jatta Njie, on Dramane & Yanks
To:  [log in to unmask]
Date: Saturday, April 25, 2009, 8:40  PM

I had shared with JDAM Wandifaa that I am awake even when I'm  asleep. Like
Yahya. So I wouldn't worry about Haruna being sleepy if I  were you. C'est
la meme chose. I will share some ideas with you  here:

[In a message dated 4/25/2009 6:17:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:
Et tu Masoud!] Jatta  Njie.

Bah oui!

[Reading from the last couple of mails you  sent in you sound like somebody
sleepy. I do like your contributions  here but not when you sound tired,
sleepy or fixated on Mr.  Drammeh.FYI Mr. Mballow had effectively address the
question of Mr.  Drammeh.] Jatta Njie.

Addressed. I think Mballow addresses Dramane's  pannafore on his own
behalf. That does not have much to do with  Haruna.

[And you missed my point. My point was not  whether lawyer Darboe becoming
president or not; my point was, there  is a sizable segment of the Gambian
population that is   tired of this green boys mentality.] Jatta Njie.

And what is the Green Boys' mentality  Paripanna???

[You get it?] Jatta Njie.

I'm sorry I didn't get it my good  friend.

[Now you too go to sleep.  Will ya?]  Jatta Njie.

And what'd I tell you about my sleep business????  dankuto leh beng tayma.
Nka Malu-ilaleh.

[And before you go to sleep note that UDP  needs to win this segment too.]
Jatta Njie.

I imagine that would be UDP's purview. Wouldn't  you say???

[And I am sorry if this mail come with no  subject. It is not deliberate.]
Jatta Njie.

Don't fret my good lad. Its not  important.

[I am using a blackberry as opposed to a pc.]  Jatta Njie.

I hope you get electrocuted with these  blackberries. Laye is another one
who is permanently tethered to these  gadgets. You better be careful. I think
President Obama is unduly  burdening himself now that he is President of
the US. If he should ask  me, I'll advise he jettison his blackberry,
spruced-up and  all.

[Thanks!] Jatta Njie.

Yeah I love you too gaddamit. Haruna. I am not  pleased with you at this
time. Maybe later.

Haruna Darbo wrote:
>  Jatta Njie,
>  I can  assure you Yanks is not affecting Ousainou's chances of  becoming
> President of Gambia OR NOT becoming President of  Gambia. Yanks is
defending the
> honour of his parent against an  uncouth moron.
>  Go back to sleep.  Ousainou's political demarche for the people of Gambia
> and his  party goes on unabated, whether that leads him to become
President  or
> not. The Presidency is not the overarching desire of such  honourable men
> Ousainou, Hamat, OJ, Halifa, Hassan Musa,  Waa, or Hon. Fatty.
>  Haruna.
>  In a message dated 4/25/2009  12:21:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> [log in to unmask]  writes:
>  Frankly,
>   I&#39;m very  disappointed that Yanks put up this animated attack
>   Mr. Drammeh  for his reference to  lawyer Darbo as a coward.At this rate
>   you are  coming across as one bad boy Uday Hussein on rehearsal. And I
>   you are doing more damage at Mr.  Darbo&#39;s  chances of becoming
>    president than what you perceived  Mr. Drammeh is doing.And  I&#39;m
>   urging Mr. Mballow to   discourage   that kind of tone
>    coming from an individual  claiming to be an  immediate  family
>   member of lawyer Darbo. I urge Mr. Mballow  to ask the family of lawyer
>   to refrain from  validating the accusations that the      Darbos
>   are untouchable.   Sincerely,  Lamin Jatta Muhammed
>   Drammeh wrote: > I will no  longer respond to Yankuba Darboe unless he
>   is  prepared to talk about issues. He does not deserved to to be
responded  to.
>   Let the members of the L make their own  judgement. He has confirm to
the L
>   that his  support and defence of Darboe is based on nepotism which is
sad.  He
>   is still attacking me personally. Thus this  will be my last response
to Yanks
>   until he grows  up. About your expectation of Halifa and co taking on
>   and removing him from power, I will respond  separately not to you but
>   members of the L.  >  Muhammad Bai Drammeh Bin Alhagie Sheihu
>    Muhammad Lamin Drammeh Bin Muhammad Kanday Drammeh bin Muhammad
>   Drammeh bin Foday Drammeh --- On Sat,  25/4/09, yanks dabo
>   <[log in to unmask]>  wrote: >  From: yanks dabo
>    <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Justice for Lawyer Darboe not
>   Drammeh! To: [log in to unmask]  Date: Saturday, 25 April,
2009, 12:50
>   AM  >    "I believe that Muhammed Drammeh betrayed his  own
>   guidelines. Drammeh initially advised that  Ousainou should not be
deemed to be
>   a coward for  seeking sanctuary at the Senegalese High Commission but
then  not
>   not only did he, Drammeh, subsequently  personally try to prosecute
Ousainou he
>   ultimately  went to the extent of sentencing Ousainou to life on  the
>   'Island-of-no-return-from-cowardice'.  Seriously, If Ousainou were a
coward or
>   a selfish  opportunist, he would have by now joined the APRC regime in
>   capacity" By Bailo Jallow   Bailo; you  speak the language of the quran
>   the above  statement, i could not add anything more to it.
Unfortunately,  the
>   only person who is still oblivion to this fact  is Mr Drammeh. As he
>   wondered why he was  condemed for his blasphemy.   Lord Devlin once
said  "
>   a rebel is >  right in thinking that he  has a right to rebel
>   against society, but he was  wrong to think that society would condone
>    rebellion ".   Mr Drammeh started his diatribe on 5 April  2009 on
>   the Gambia post. At first i did not want  to read it or participate in
>   But the post  was not enough for Mr Drammeh. So he brought it to  the
>   Gambia L, who knows where else he was heading  with it, if did hep him
to put
>   sense in  him, Fredomnewspaper, BBC, CNN. That was the reason for  my
>   timely intervention, which was two weeks later  on 17 April 2009.
>   Contrary to what Mr  Drammeh struggled to allege, I did not start  by
>   attacking him. I started by asking him to  explain what was his
>    to confirm that Ousainou is a coward. He never bothered  to
>   asnwer this. I tried to help him  understand the rational behind
>   actions. I  even went as far as explaining to him that what  >
>   Ousainou did was not cowardice but  that of a Lawyer exercising his
>   convention right,  under the 1951 Geneva convention.    However, just
>   as Saihou Mbalow, Haruna,  Suntu, Ginny, and many others had tried and
>    failed, I had also failed to convince this man  that Ousainou is
>   not a coward. However, to  make matters worst and unlike his reactions
>    others, this ballooney started fabricating stories about me being
chased by
>   Major Bojang. That was very much  uncalled for, then he wondered why i
had to
>   go  after his lineage.   The simple truth is that Drammeh thinks he  is
>   clever man, but he is a fool! He claimed that  Ousainou is a coward; I
>   a coward, because  i ran away from Major Bojang; Haruna is a coward,
because  he
>   wouldn't bother responding to his emails.  So, he expected me to do,
>    what derided, as "the Darboe thing". This hero boy  failed
>   to understand that what he was >   insinuating was an insult to
>    all Darboe's without realising. Yet he finds it offending  that his
>   father was dragged into the  banter.       If
>   Drammeh  only claimed to be a PDOIS, NADD, sympathiser, our  exchanges
>   wouldn't have gone this far. Simply  because, Drammeh, is not the
>   only Talibe of  Halifa Sallah in this forum. However, his difference  to
>   the rest is that they know their bounds  whilst he doesn't. You can
>   support a party without  insulting others.   However, once you attack
>   insult other people's party, you cannot expect  them to condone your
>   fact. Drammeh  could have done a good job by just stating the fact that
>   is a PDIOS supporter or even go further to  praise Halifa, Sidia and Sam
>   as the power of  trinity . Write books about their bravery and see if  i
>   care!    As far as I am concern,  if Halifa, Sidia and Sam
>   are that >   brave, they would scold Yahya by the throat
>    and drag him out of State House. But they have not done that  yet,
>   have they? So what's the fuss about  their gallantry?
>     As for  the actions of Dr Jaiteh, I do not wish to comment.  I knew
>   Dr Jaiteh at Kotu  Bojang's compound in Brikama, i do not think he
>   remember me now, that's if its the same Dr  Jaiteh. I had high regards
for the
>   man  then then and will continue to have that for him now, even if  he
>   decides to exclude me from his national  bantaba.   I had
>   been excluded from  the Gambia post, then Yusupha and
>    George reinstate me few months ago without my  authorisation.
>   However, i still chose not  to contribute on there beacuse their actions
>    are only akin to that of Yahya Jammeh.   I hate censureship  and
>   cannot see a moral justification for it. For  that reason i commend all
>   who stand against  >  it here. I will go silent for now,  but
>   will surely come back if i heard any more  Lawyer Darboe diatribe.
>     I rest my  case!   Yanks Darboe   The Darboe's don't run  and
>   are not cowards, simple!!!!      >
>   Date: Fri, 24 Apr  2009 08:50:24 -0700 From: [log in to unmask]
>   Justice for Muhammed Drammeh -Thank you  To: [log in to unmask]
>   >  Dear  All, >    >  I am very
>    grateful for all your effort in ensuring my right to participate in
>   democratic process of The Gambia. >   >  Some of
>   you disagree with you  but you still want my rights to express myself
>   I cannot say anymore except to express  my gratitude. >
>   >  Members  of the L know that my attacks on Darboe were not
>    personal at all and all I did is to talk about issues. My brother Musa
>   won two elections for the PPP in 1987 and  1992 in Sandu. My cousin
>   Drammeh stood for  election for the UDP in the 1997 parliamentary
election  and
>   lost. However much they are attacked I will  not take it personally and
I was
>   still opposed to  the PPP even though Musa Drammeh was a  parliamentary
>   secretary under the Jawara  government. I oppose the APRC government
>    though Susan Waffa-Ogoo who taught me English Language until I passed
>   Common Entrance Examination was/is Secretary of  state under Jammeh. My
>   elder brother Alhagie  Bineh Drammeh stood for the GPP in 1987 election.
>    Despite my relations with the above I will not react if they are
attacked for
>   their policies. Despite Yankuba  Darboe's relation with Darboe he
should never
>   have  >  reacted the way he does simply because Darboe is  his
>   relative. I only attacked the action of  Darboe. As matter of fact I
would not
>   have come to  this conclusion should Yankuba Darboe not started trading
>   insults. I was not allowed to contribute to the  L while Yankuba was
allowed to
>   continuously call  me a liar. Despite all these I refrain initially to
>   to Yankuba in the way he started. Yankuba  went as far as insulting my
Dad who
>   has never ran  for office of any sort. Thus there was no need to attack
my  dad
>   on the grounds of "emotional reactionarism".  Some in in L call me a
>   supporter. Yankuba  Darboe went as far as calling me an NIA. He even
accused  me
>   of being an APRC supporter. No no no I have  never been an NIA never
will and I
>   have never  supported the APRC and never will. however my opposition to
>   is not geared towards the hatred of his  language grouping. It is geared
>   towards my  opposition towards his policies. I still have a very  >
>   good relation with Susan Waffa-Ogoo  despite our political difference.
The last
>   time I  was in The Gambia I even visited her home. As a matter of fact
some  of
>   Susan's friend thought that she was my mum.  >
>   >  Thus members of the  L I support or oppose a parties simply
>    because of policies not because of "nepotic sentiments". >
>   >  Members of the L may I inform  you that it was my friend who
>   while in the  services of The Gambia Red Cross Society, was shot dead
>   headquarters of The Gambia Red Cross Society.  This was my friend and
his name
>   is Omar Barrow.  When I went to The Gambia in 2004 I visited his widow
>   Sanneh. If there is anyone who should be  angry I should be the
>   I lost a  personal friend. My anger however will never be geared
>   the hatred of Jammeh's tribe but my  opposition of his policies. This is
>   what  principled people do. They act and they do not react. I believe
in  a
>   Gambia of Productive economy, I believe in a  Gambia where labour is
>   and not mere the  labour power being paid for. I believe in a Gambia
>   every one should live in liberty dignity and  prosperity. I believe in
>   enlightened  Gambia. I believe in the Gambia where Presidential
monarchy  is
>   demystified. I believe in The Gambia where  >  every one say no
>   to exploitation,  no to servitude, no to degradation, no to
>    cowardice, no to political bullying, no to dictatorship, no to
megalomania, no
>   to tribalism, no to  nepotism, no to opportunism and no to poverty.  I
>   believe in The Gambia where there is equal  opportunity for all. I
believe in
>   my life time of  in the life time of my grand children this will
>   >    >  Members of  the L we are all working
>   towards the common good  of The Gambia. We will ever be true to The
Gambia.  It
>   is time that we start working for The Gambia.  It is time we throw away
>   vices of tribal  sentiments and concentrate on the national interest.
It  is
>   time for honest leaders to emerge to at least  to support the honest
and brave
>   ones we have at  the moment. In Sedia Jatta, Halifa Sallah and Sam Sarr
we  have
>   honest, brave and principled leaders and thus  they should be supported
>   our sentiments.  >    >  Muhammad Bai Drammeh  Bin
>   Alhagie Sheihu Muhammad Lamin Drammeh Bin  Muhammad Kanday Drammeh bin
>   Kissima  Drammeh bin Foday Drammeh
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