Bailo, perhaps irritating I was, I tried to afford you an opportunity to ammend apparent extremeties. Alas, I failed once. I am coming back to encourage reason that I know you possess.
[In a message dated 3/8/2010 9:18:27 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:

Bailo, Evian, how are you? There are some people who live a positive life. There are others who live a tenuous and reactionary life. You seem to prefer the latter. (Haruna)

You are entitled to your opinion about me. I have nay bother about what you think of me !] BAILO

Bailo, the reason I suggested you prefer a tenuous and reactionary life was because while we discuss your position that homosexuality ought to be outlawed because your religion deems it an abomination, you blame it on the west and the "Swiss ban on minarets. That was disquieting to me and I could not believe that you stray ever so callously in extraneous realms. Consider this: If the Swiss ban minarets in Switzerland, any possible aversion is as to Swiss muslims or Swiss citizens who erect minarets. That should not inure Bailo's wrath on his fellow Gambians of any religion or life persuasion.


[LJD, You stated in your latest contribution to this thread as follows:
"Bailo, Like our friend Mboge, I have not shared any "position", or, "perspective", on homosexuality. I regard his analytical response to you as a cogent clarification of my view." (LJD)

However prior to the above quote, you had summed as follows: "Needless to say, I reject all public attempts at policing homosexuality. Our conflicting views on this needlessly divisive issue notwithstanding......................." (LJD)
So therefore I do not agree when you stated that "I "refering to yourself "have not shared any "position", or, "perspective", on homosexuality."] Bailo. 

I will yield for JDAM to respond here Evian. This English language can be tricky sometimes. The only thing I will share with you Evian is that I read JDAM as rejecting trespass against individual rights and liberties. That is not a position or perspective on homosexuality even though that word featured. You could replace homosexuality with heterosexuality and you would not see any position or perspective on heterosexuality. Its like saying I reject all public attempts to police abortion or caesarian births and I wouldn't know what your position is on abortion and c-sections. Anyway moving on. (Haruna) 

It is call different interpretations. BAILO

Bailo, I agree with you that I was sharing my interpretation of JDAM's notes. I am pleased that JDAM has since certified my interpretation as accurate. JDAM was the purveyor of the notes. It would now appear that among our two interpretations, yours was in error. I want you to acknowledge that and grow with the accurate interpretation. We must never be too proud to admit error. I do it all the time and I am the richer for it. We are generally not free to assign other meaning to our fellow's notes. There is enough misunderstanding in the world not to add to our chagrins unnecessarily by gratuitous interpretation. My aim was to afford you an opportunity to yield broader perspective on the fact that if you are capable of misinterpreting your own brother's (JDAM's) intent and speech, surely we will be anxious about yielding you global powers to sit in judgement of all homosexuals in Gambia. Your fellow citizens.

[Whereas I had shared my opinion that homosexuality should be outlawed in The Gambia, your perspective on the subject-matter is you "reject all public attempts at policing homosexuality."] BAILO.

This was not a perspective on homosexuality Bailo. The keywords are public policing. Sharing that homosexuality should be outlawed is a position on homosexuality. Outlawing something means making it illegal. And if it is illegal, it is punishable. How confident are you of yourself to want to punish another for engaging in homosexuality?????? Did Allah tell you to sit in judgement of homosexuality? Show me where Allah told you that. And if he didn't tell you to sit in judgement of homosexuals but you feign that capacity, will you not be an abomination to Allah therefor? (Haruna)

I discern that you are very determined to interprete for me LJD’s perspectives.] BAILO.

I was not interpreting anything for you Bailo. Just as you shared what you read in JDAM's notes, I also shared what I read from the same notes. I generally do not get excited about drinking water for folk.

[No thanks,] BAILO.

Very well.

[I am very much capable of interpreting them for myself.] BAILO.

I understand. But you may err in interpreting other's perspective. In this case you did.

[Who are you anyway?] BAILO.

Haruna. Your friend and brother.

[The Chief Interpreter of the English Language on the G-L?] BAILO.

NO. I could barely speak English. DaarManso forbid I try to interprete English for anyone. I'll totally screw you up Bailo if you let me interprete any language for you. Again, I was only sharing what I read from JDAM's notes.

[Not for me!] BAILO.

I don't blame you Bailo. I wouldn't trust me to interprete English for me.  

[You asked: "In the event of a Christian President of the Republic, how would you view a church on State House grounds? No prize for guessing I oppose the Professor's State House mosque on grounds it discriminates against non-Muslims and contravenes our secular Constitution." (LJD)
I think it would be a superb undertaking to build a Church on State House grounds alongside the existing Mosque to also manifest the admirable state of peaceful co-existence between Moslems and Christians in the Gambia. (BAILO).

Very good Bailo. So the question becomes: Is there a Church alongside the state house mosque at this time? (Haruna)

If need be, a church could be built. Communal places of worship are good for the spritual health of the people.] BAILO.

IF NEED BE? What was the needs assessment involved when the mosque was built on state house grounds? That same needs assessment, if any, is what determined a church should have been built at the same time or NO MOSQUE. In this note by JDAM, the underlying idea he shared was not (whether each person can build their house of worship on state house grounds when they become president. Rather he shared that regardless of the "religion" of any of Gambia's President, when they decide to build a house of worship on STATE HOUSE GROUNDS (the people's house grounds), they must build it for all the constitutive religions of GAMBIA. In other words, the president him/herself was not significant in the question JDAM posed. So there should be no need for a Christian to be President of Gambia for Gambia's christians to practice their faith. What if Gambia does not get a Christian President, an Ahmadiyya President, a Jewish President, a Bahai President, or a HarunaSilo President for a 100 years? You are already aware that democracy in Gambia is likely to yield a muslim President for some time to come. Therefore why would you want to wait until you have a President of another faith before your fellow citizens of that faith can have equal treatment under Gambia's laws? Bailo I know you will not be pleased with me but what I realized is that you actually do not intend to appear discriminatory. I think it is the nuances of language and I wish JDAM would be more direct from now on. I only wanted to afford you the opportunity to NOT be mistaken for an extremist through no fault of your own Bailo. Scout's honor. I have no ulterior motive in discernments.

[Moslems could have their turn for the 5 daily prayers and Fridays and Christians on Sundays.] Evian.

I don't understand Bailo. Christianity is practiced 7 days a week. Islam is practiced 7 days a week. I don't understand it when you say we could have a church alongside a mosque but that Muslims can worship for 6 days and Christians one day. What kinda salvation is that? And what kinda religions are those? Do you not mean Muslims can worship as they desire and Christians can worship as they desire? Because according to you, one value of having the two houses of worship alongside each other is to showcase hallmark harmonious coexistence in Gambia. So you build the two houses side by side to give that mirage and then you separate the people according to days of worship. Allahu Wakubaru. Your view on religions other than Islam just can't be suppressed Bailo even if you tried cosmetic magic. i want you to come back and ammend this suggestion because I don't think you're this callous and I know you do not intend aversion here. (Haruna)

[Pettiness, I learnt long time ago, is for the petty-minded.  Grow up and at least be honest to yourself.] BAILO.

WELL I'm sorry Bailo that you determine I was being petty here. I actually viewed it as very significant and if you read the last statement, you will realize I was affording you yet another opportunity to NOT BE MISUNDERSTOOD as extremist due only to your misunderstandings. I knew that your impression of the Christian faith is only sunday mass. I knew you did not intend to discriminate among the religions by only assigning one day to christians and 6 days to muslims. That is why I shared that I would like you to come back and ammend your statement. Just imagine you are a Christian Gambian and you're listening to Bailo here. Do you not think you will come away disappointed in him at the very least??? Tolerance requires that when we discuss faith, we consider possible offenses we might inure other those other than ours. I think it was Coach who shared that Peace is not the absence of war but the presence of justice or something like that. Do you think a Christian will be comfortable with Bailo being in any significant official capacity in Gambia particularly President. And beyond that, you already know we have a clueless idiot for President. Allah forbid he is within earshot of your suggestions here. You know it will become law the next day and will appear as Breaking news on Freedom. Will you be comfortable with that Bailo?

[I suppose that were the Swiss predominantly Moslems, they would never have banned the building of Mosques with minarets.] Evian.

You stray again. What do the Swiss have to do with a mosque and church side-by-side at Gambia's state house grounds Bailo????? This is what I mean by living a tenuous and reactionary life. Why don't you try to find out why the Swiss zoning commission sees minarets or minarets of a certain type as undesirable in contemporary Swiss society?(Haruna)

I suggest you do some research on the dynamic evolutionary nature of conversations. The human mind is not static. BAILO.

I don't understand this one Bailo. I'm sorry. My mind is static in the cranium. It's always working but it vibrates in place. It is anchored to my spine. What're you friggin talkin' about???? I don't need to do no research on Switzerland and her laws. Switzerland does not interest me that much. Besides I have enormous confidence in a people who consider lawyers for termites. What???? Bailo you're too funny.

Please do that and if you don't find their reasons plausible we can discuss that matter. But let's discuss that separately. It has nothing to do with Gambia, muslims, and or christians. In effect what you are saying is that if you perceive muslims being aversed in another country (no matter if you are actually daydreaming) you will retaliate by aversing your fellow citizens of other faiths. Now do you see why it would be dangerous and malignant to put Bailo in charge of policing homosexuality????? HARUNA

You tend to forget that we all share a global village. The Swiss, Americans, Africans, Arabians, Mongolians and the rest are all residents. Please forget about the New World, Old World, First World or Third World for a moment. Focus on our global village! Good. BAILO.

You lost me again Bailo. A global village presumes global neighbours. So how about your next-door neighbour who happens to be homosexual??? I don't know what you're trying to say Bailo. I'm dead serious. Perhaps you're trying to play with my mind again as you like to do sometimes.

[Mosques, Churches, Synagogues and Temples could be erected whereever on earth for the proximity of worshippers. I do not however think that it would for instance make any sense to build a synagogue on State House grounds since there are hardly any Jews within the Gambia.] Bailo.

Now just listen to yourself Bailo. You said in one breath that there ought to be houses of worship for any religion (you use faith here) anywhere in the world then in another quick breath you determine it maybe senseless (you use your reasoning here to deny another their faith) to have a synagogue because there are not many Jews in Gambia. Wonder why there are not many Jews in Gambia therefore. Do you now see how partisan faithful are ill-equipped to be equal among the religions? And do you then see why it is dangerous to place idiots in charge of policing homosexuality according to their religious idiocies????? So what JDAM shares with you is that given these insiduous biases and tendencies, your Allah himself, everwise, forbids you to sit in judgement of your fellow for your Islam's sakes. No matter the character or religion of the fellow. Allah told you to leave judgements to him, omniscient and omnipotent. You do not do it. And you call yourself a muslim just to steal reason to persecute your fellows. Do you see any dishonesty in that Bailo??????????

Deliberate distortion of my statements! BAILO.

Well wait a minute. Your notes are right here. Above mine. How were your notes distorted again???? Please help us grow with you Bailo. I know I'm slow, but I could swear I did not misrepresent what you said. Please lemme know.

[Anyway, I nearly forgot that you are entitled to reach your own conclusions on my perspectives.] BAILO.

YES. I am entitled to yield my own understanding of your writings. I am not however entitled to to reach my own conclusions on your perspectives. At least not while you're still alive and here with me. This is because you can actually correct my conclusion on your perspective should I be in error of conclusions. And your conclusion on your perspective will stand. And I will acknowledge I misunderstood your perspective.

[Halah noh satih ! Talk no easy.] Bailo.

You can say that again. Bailo you don't even know how glad I am that you translated the hal pulaar for me. Without your generousity, I'd be pulling my hair out trying to find an interpreter. And they don't come easy this time of day. So I thank you my brother.

[I will therefore attempt to interpret for you what I meant by] BAILO.

OK Hold on Hold on Hold on. You just got through telling me I should not interprete for you. But you want to interprete for me. Bailo you make it very difficult for me to trust you. WHy can you interprete for me and I can't interprete for you? You're writing English aren't you? Halah noh Satih you know? You still want to take the liberty to translate for me. Alright. Let's hear it.

[‘Mosques, Churches, Synagogues and Temples could be erected whereever on earth for the proximity of worshippers. I do not however think that it would for instance make any sense to build a synagogue on State House grounds since there are hardly any Jews within the Gambia. First there needs to be the relevant community of worshippers before the construction of a Mosque or Church or Synagogue or Temple.] BAILO.

OK. And who determines the scope and scale of RELEVANT Bailo?????? Is it you, the President, or the ummah of the faiths??? Is one family a RELEVANT ENOUGH COMMUNITY? Is zero persons an IRRELEVANT COMMUNITY? Be careful before you answer this cos I know you think you're not crazy.

[Resources are scarce, you know. The reason that there is no synagogue in the Gambia is because a sizable community of Jews are not present in the Gambia.] BAILO.

I'm not arguing with you Bailo on the scarcity of resources. You know they're scarce everywhere don't you? More reason the state ought not be relied on for equity among religions. Right? What is a sizeable community when it comes to faiths Bailo? And who qualifies any religion as sizeable??? I guess you'll ask the imams and HarunaMos what is a sizeable enough Jewish community to warrant state construction of synagogues on state house grounds. I see you're subtly abandoning "state house grounds" because you are not mentioning that phrase here and that is the meat of your quandry. 

[If Jews resettle in numbers in the Gambia, they may choose to build a synagogue. Until then, Mosques and churches would continue to be constructed throughout the Gambia because Gambia’s Moslems and Christians choose to do so.] BAILO.

I know you're cute Bailo but you ain't that cute. Just hold your friggin horses. You have said a mouthful. And I see you running away from "state house grounds again" without properly remedying that extremity. Here, you use the word Resettle. Well you have just friggin compounded your problems. What about Gambians who wish to explore Judaism??? WHy do you need Jews to resettle in Gambia to build a synagogue?????? On state house grounds? Islam didn't start in Gambia and you have Gambians who call themselves Muslims. And let's say there is absolutely no Jew in Gambia and NO Gambian is interested in Judaism, how many Jews will have to resettle in Gambia for there to be a synagogue on state house grounds??? That is assuming you already have a mosque, a church, a Seventh day Adventist and HarunaSilo halls, and a Buddhist temple already on state house grounds. Bailo I suggest you not open another can of worms. Can we stay with just a mosque and a church on State House Grounds please??? I'm afraid you're getting in way over your head at this time.

[I don't think that our 'secular constitution' has been violated with the building of a place of worship on State House grounds.] Evian.

Bailo, building of a place of worship does not violate secular constitutions. It is the unequal patronnage of any religion over another by a common constitution that is criminal. (Haruna)

Go and Read George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Some animals are more equal than others. BAILO.

Ok I'm confused again Bailo. What do animals have to do with your fellow citizens and your desire to discriminate against others of a different faith? I suppose you have somewhere acknowledged your position on homosexuality is untenable, extreme, and unacceptable as to Gambia. How we lost that item is confounding to me but I just want to make sure you don't change subjects on us and stray into farther oblivion without coming to terms with your problems.

[Please no distortion again. Anyway , It is up to you. I still maintain that building of a mosque on State House grounds is defensible. There are a lot of Moslems making good use of the facility. The next government could build a Church to cater for our compatriot Christian worshippers.  What is wrong with some of you?] BAILO.

No what is wrong with you Bailo. Don't tell us som'n's wrong with us. What is wrong with yew??? Why do we have to wait for the next President to build a church on state house grounds, having already built a mosque there?????? That is our friggin problem. And why do you keep thinking that that decision is the purview of Presidents???? I don't understand you Bailo. Would you trust an idiot with your faith???? Whathahell kinda Muslim are you anyway????

[I believe the State could provide resources for the building of faith institutions be they faith schools or churches or mosques.] Evian.

No one argues with you about that Evian. In fact we encourage that. However, when a government discriminates between faiths in the building of those facilities it comits treasonable felony.

[One ought to be mindful not to fall for the secular extremism strand which insists that State and religion should be poles apart.] Evian.

Bailo, it is not secular extremism that insists or even suggests state and religion ought to be separate. It is the common sense in the fact that states may not be able to accord equal treatment for the faiths and because everyone belongs to the state, it would be wise to keep an honorable distance between state functions and individual (religious) functions. There is no such thing as secular extremism. A secular state is an inert state. It is not a state in either direction as to faith. I worry about you Bailo. I think because you imagine a secular extremist out there, and because you live a tenuous and reactionary life, the natural comapss for you is to become a muslim extremist. It is you we must be mindful of. Until we are able to identify secular extremists. (Haruna)

I think that you are one such Secular Extremist. BAILO.

Go wash your mouth with soap. I don't even know what a secular extremist is.

[And a confused one for that matter] BAILO.

OK I grant you confused cos you confound the hell outta me all the time. But I'm no friggin secular extremist. I consider this a tautology. How can you be secular and be extremist at the same time Bailo? You're crazy men.

[Do you deny it ? Equality? George Washington took the Oath of Office with a Bible. I guess there were no Jews and Moslems in the USA of 1776. Ok fast forward to 2009, Barrack Obama swore the Oath of Office with a Bible and there are Jews, Christians, Athiests, Hindis, Buddhists, Confucianists and other religions in the USA. Have the latter been discrimninated against by the US Government?] BAILO.

Hangh!!! Bailo What is you talkin about???? Washington and Obama can take their oaths on toilet paper for all I care. It is their oaths? WHAT'S IT TO YOU???? And what does that have to do with yours truly being a secular extremist. I wasn't even present when they were taking their oaths. I watched Barack do it on TV. And I think it is up to Barack what his faith is as it was up to Washington what his faith is. Bailo what're you smoking at this time???

[No ! Why ? Because everyone knows that Obama is a professed Christian and would therefore have to use the book of scriptures that he believes in i.e Bible. Similarly, a future US Moslem President would be allowed to take the Oath of Office using the Qur’an as a future Christian Head of State in the Gambia could take his/her Oath of Office using the Bible. So what is the fuss about a Mosque at State House.] BAILO.

Woh woh woh! Bailo, are you ok?????? Ok let me try it this way: An oath is to the person. It addresses an individual right. Building a house of worship on state house grounds is an equal treatment under law issue. There is really no fuss about a mosque on state house grounds. What fuss there is is the criminality of discriminating against citizens of other faiths. Bailo, I actually have a solution to Yahya's idiocy. I encourage you to see the schematics of the Savannah Academy complex at click on Savanna Academy and scroll to the bottom to view the schematics. I can't believe you are comparing a President taking an oath of office with a mosque only on state house grounds. This is why I say you make me sick.

[Don’t you believe that Moslems working at State House are entitled to ‘strive and work and pray’. Why can’t they pray in a Mosque on State House grounds ? You think because there is no church for Christians alongside the Mosque ? Maa Lakum ? Kayfa Tahkumun ? What are you anyway? A Moslem or a Munafiqoon.  Allah knows best.

I am neither a Muslim nor a Munaafiq (Munafiqoon is plural). I am a HarunaMo. And DaarManso knows best. No one is talking about Muslings and their entitlements. We couldn't care less about that. We are talking about discriminating against citizens of other faiths. Get that through your friggin skull. I don't know why you wanna change the subject all of a sudden. You make me sick.

[The head of State of the UK is also officially known as the "Defender of the Faith" meaning Defender of Anglicanism. Similarly, the King of Saudi Arabia is the "Custodian of the Holy Mosques" of Islam. Methinks that's perfectly normal.] Evian.

Very good. We thank you for sharing your view of the UK Prime Minister and the King of Saudi Arabia. I hope we can get back to Gambia sometime. (Haruna) 

[The Queeen of England, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of State of the UK; The Prime Minister  of of the UK is the head of Government. Still, we are all global villagers.] BAILO.

SO what do you want me to do? Flip Sommersaults for the global villagers? What're you talking about Bailo. You and the queen and the Prime minister can all go to hell. What's that got to do with anything? 

[Secularism is simply another version of beliefs just like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. It is the new religion!] Evian.

I happen to take this view Bailo but I share with you that secularism is not new. It is also not a religion. It is a set of beliefs based on reason not faith. That is why secularism encompasses all the citizens of a nation where any one religion may not be able to. Do you understand? I'm trying to figure out if you feel welcome in PDOIS??? Why are you in PDOIS Bailo? I think you just like to be serenaded by Halifa. However I don't think you have any clue about what Halifa discusses. It just sounds good to you right? (Haruna)

You might be having numerous self-inflicted nightmares about PDOIS. Relax and calm down, PDOIS shares more in common with your Party than they differ.  Except the patronage politics of course. That one you share with the APRC. Did you know that Halifa is from the Arabic word, Khaliph meaning trust. I trust Halifa. He would rather die than let Gambians down. And you ? You would rather die than have someone else use the GDP acronym for their Project. How dare Celestine ! Do you know that Soccer (Football) is another religion. Ask the Brazillians. BAILO.

Don't try to be cute with me. Stay on the subject of homosexuals and discriminating among the faiths. Unless you now acknowledge your global village errors. Remmember if you try to sweep this under the carpet without dealing with it, I'll cut you into pieces with a pick-axe if you come to me talkin about banning friggin gays and lesbians again. I'll let Halifa deal with you in PDOIS. You're not gonna be there long anyway with these extremist views.

[Notwitstanding that homosexuality is legal elsewhere,] Evian.

This is one of your problems. You are under the impression that homosexuality is made legal somewhere and therefore because you are naturally a reactionary being, you will make it illegal in Gambia. You make me sick Bailo. Homosexuality and heterosexuality should not be legislated anywhere and that is how we'd like to keep it. Only idiots will try to legislate these two. And they will fail miserably. Did you remmember when Ahmadinejad shared with us that there were no homosexuals in Irang? I bet you believed him right??? Do you know all the members of Ahmadinejad's family????

I'm sure the reason why you want to make homosexuality illegal in Gambia is because they say it is illegal in Irang. You're killing me Evian. I actually enjoy you a lot Bailo. I mean I am baffled that you are indeed a Gambian.

The Lesbian union in Mali made you sad.  And now I made you sick. Please don’t vomit here. Go into your toilet out of sight of the kids as well.  I had no intention of making you sick but If your sickness persists, consult your GP or a faith Healer.

[I believe that it should continue to be  illegalised in the Gambia.] Evian. 

Hey Allah. This pretense is actually the least of your problems Bailo. I happen to know you have other issues to come to terms with. I will continue to pray for you. (Haruna)

Ameen !

[I think that Harunasilo is for Haruna alone.] Evian. 

Yes. And BailoSilo is for Bailo alone. Please don't tell me you're muslim. You wouldn't recognize a muslim if he/she is but naked in front of you. Forget the Hijab. Hijabs, khaftans, chayas, and warambas do not a muslim make Bailo. They're all squirrels trying to get a nut.

I am a Moslem, Masha ‘Allah and am thankful of Allah for being one.  I am also a sinner and repenter.  Alhamdulillah! I pray : Rabbanah Innana ammana faghfirrlanah Zunnbannah Wa Qinnah Azzabannari.

Ameen. BAILO.


Haruna. Bailo you can be so funny men. I think I just wasted 28 minutes of my time with you here. Tell me it ain't so.
--- On Sun, 7/3/10, Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: The first recorded Lesbian marriage in Mangambougou, Mali. I say happy gammy!
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Sunday, 7 March, 2010, 18:03

Bailo, Evian, how are you? There are some people who live a positive life. There are others who live a tenuous and reactionary life. You seem to prefer the latter.
[-----Original Message----- From: bailo jallow [log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask] To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sun, Mar 7, 2010 9:20 am Subject: Re: The first recorded Lesbian marriage in Mangambougou, Mali. I say happy gammy!
LJD, You stated in your latest contribution to this thread as follows:
Like our friend Mboge, I have not shared any "position", or, "perspective", on homosexuality. I regard his analytical response to you as a cogent clarification of my view." (LJD)
However prior to the above quote, you had summed as follows:
"Needless to say, I reject all public attempts at policing homosexuality. 
Our conflicting views on this needlessly divisive issue notwithstanding......................." (LJD)
So therefore I do not agree when you stated that "
I "refering to yourself "have not shared any "position", or, "perspective", on homosexuality."] Bailo.
I will yield for JDAM to respond here Evian. This English language can be tricky sometimes. The only thing I will share with you Evian is that I read JDAM as rejecting trespass against individual rights and liberties. That is not a position or perspective on homosexuality even though that word featured. You could replace homosexuality with heterosexuality and you would not see any position or perspective on heterosexuality. Its like saying I reject all public attempts to police abortion or caesarian births and I wouldn't know what your position is on abortion and c-sections. Anyway moving on.
[Whereas I had shared my opinion that homosexuality should be outlawed in The Gambia, your perspective on the
subject-matter is you "reject all public attempts at policing homosexuality."] Evian.

This was not a perspective on homosexuality Bailo. The keywords are public policing. Sharing that homosexuality should be outlawed is a position on homosexuality. Outlawing something means making it illegal. And if it is illegal, it is punishable. How confident are you of yourself to want to punish another for engaging in homosexuality?????? Did Allah tell you to sit in judgement of homosexuality? Show me where Allah told you that. And if he didn't tell you to sit in judgement of homosexuals but you feign that capacity, will you not be an abomination to Allah therefor?
[You asked:
"In the event of a Christian President of the Republic, how would you view a church on State House grounds? No prize for guessing I oppose the Professor's State House mosque on grounds it discriminates against non-Muslims and contravenes our secular Constitution." (LJD)
I think it would be a superb undertaking to build a Church on State House grounds alongside the existing Mosque to also manifest the admirable state of peaceful co-existence between Moslems and Christians in the Gambia.] Evian.
Very good Bailo. So the question becomes: Is there a Church alongside the state house mosque at this time?
[Moslems could have their turn for the 5 daily prayers and Fridays and Christians on Sundays.] Evian.
I don't understand Bailo. Christianity is practiced 7 days a week. Islam is practiced 7 days a week. I don't understand it when you say we could have a church alongside a mosque but that Muslims can worship for 6 days and Christians one day. What kinda salvation is that? And what kinda religions are those? Do you not mean Muslims can worship as they desire and Christians can worship as they desire? Because according to you, one value of having the two houses of worship alongside each other is to showcase hallmark harmonious coexistence in Gambia. So you build the two houses side by side to give that mirage and then you separate the people according to days of worship. Allahu Wakubaru. Your view on religions other than Islam just can't be suppressed Bailo even if you tried cosmetic magic. i want you to come back and ammend this suggestion because I don't think you're this callous and I know you do not intend aversion here.
[I suppose that were the Swiss predominantly Moslems, they would never have banned the building of Mosques with minarets.] Evian.
You stray again. What do the Swiss have to do with a mosque and church side-by-side at Gambia's state house grounds Bailo????? This is what I mean by living a tenuous and reactionary life. Why don't you try to find out why the Swiss zoning commission sees minarets or minarets of a certain type as undesirable in contemporary Swiss society? Please do that and if you don't find their reasons plausible we can discuss that matter. But let's discuss that separately. It has nothing to do with Gambia, muslims, and or christians. In effect what you are saying is that if you perceive muslims being aversed in another country (no matter if you are actually daydreaming) you will retaliate by aversing your fellow citizens of other faiths. Now do you see why it would be dangerous and malignant to put Bailo in charge of policing homosexuality?????
[Mosques, Churches, Synagogues and Temples could be erected whereever on earth for the proximity of worshippers. I do not however think that it would for instance make any sense to build a synagogue on State House grounds since there are hardly any Jews within the Gambia.] Bailo.
Now just listen to yourself Bailo. You said in one breath that there ought to be houses of worship for any religion (you use faith here) anywhere in the world then in another quick breath you determine it maybe senseless (you use your reasoning here to deny another their faith) to have a synagogue because there are not many Jews in Gambia. Wonder why there are not many Jews in Gambia therefore. Do you now see how partisan faithful are ill-equipped to be equal among the religions? And do you then see why it is dangerous to place idiots in charge of policing homosexuality according to their religious idiocies????? So what JDAM shares with you is that given these insiduous biases and tendencies, your Allah himself, everwise, forbids you to sit in judgement of your fellow for your Islam's sakes. No matter the character or religion of the fellow. Allah told you to leave judgements to him, omniscient and omnipotent. You do not do it. And you call yourself a muslim just to steal reason to persecute your fellows. Do you see any dishonesty in that Bailo??????????

[I don't think that our 'secular constitution' has been violated with the building of a place of worship on State House grounds.] Evian.
Bailo, building of a place of worship does not violate secular constitutions. It is the unequal patronnage of any religion over another by a common constitution that is criminal.
[I believe the State could provide resources for the building of faith institutions be they faith schools or churches or mosques.] Evian.
No one argues with you about that Evian. In fact we encourage that. However, when a government discriminates between faiths in the building of those facilities it comits treasonable felony.

[One ought to be mindful not to fall for the secular extremism strand which insists that State and religion should be poles apart.] Evian.
Bailo, it is not secular extremism that insists or even suggests state and religion ought to be separate. It is the common sense in the fact that states may not be able to accord equal treatment for the faiths and because everyone belongs to the state, it would be wise to keep an honorable distance between state functions and individual (religious) functions. There is no such thing as secular extremism. A secular state is an inert state. It is not a state in either direction as to faith. I worry about you Bailo. I think because you imagine a secular extremist out there, and because you live a tenuous and reactionary life, the natural comapss for you is to become a muslim extremist. It is you we must be mindful of. Until we are able to identify secular extremists.
[The head of State of the UK is also officially known as the "Defender of the Faith" meaning Defender of Anglicanism. Similarly, the King of Saudi Arabia is the "Custodian of the Holy Mosques" of Islam. Methinks that's perfectly normal.] Evian.
Very good. We thank you for sharing your view of the UK Prime Minister and the King of Saudi Arabia. I hope we can get back to Gambia sometime.
[Secularism is simply another version of beliefs just like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. It is the new religion!] Evian.
I happen to take this view Bailo but I share with you that secularism is not new. It is also not a religion. It is a set of beliefs based on reason not faith. That is why secularism encompasses all the citizens of a nation where any one religion may not be able to. Do you understand? I'm trying to figure out if you feel welcome in PDOIS??? Why are you in PDOIS Bailo? I think you just like to be serenaded by Halifa. However I don't think you have any clue about what Halifa discusses. It just sounds good to you right?
[Notwitstanding that homosexuality is legal elsewhere,] Evian.
This is one of your problems. You are under the impression that homosexuality is made legal somewhere and therefore because you are naturally a reactionary being, you will make it illegal in Gambia. You make me sick Bailo. Homosexuality and heterosexuality should not be legislated anywhere and that is how we'd like to keep it. Only idiots will try to legislate these two. And they will fail miserably. Did you remmember when Ahmadinejad shared with us that there were no homosexuals in Irang? I bet you believed him right??? Do you know all the members of Ahmadinejad's family????
I'm sure the reason why you want to make homosexuality illegal in Gambia is because they say it is illegal in Irang. You're killing me Evian. I actually enjoy you a lot Bailo. I mean I am baffled that you are indeed a Gambian.
[I believe that it should continue to be  illegalised in the Gambia.] Evian.
Hey Allah. This pretense is actually the least of your problems Bailo. I happen to know you have other issues to come to terms with. I will continue to pray for you.

[I think that Harunasilo is for Haruna alone.] Evian.
Yes. And BailoSilo is for Bailo alone. Please don't tell me you're muslim. You wouldn't recognize a muslim if he/she is but naked in front of you. Forget the Hijab. Hijabs, khaftans, chayas, and warambas do not a muslim make Bailo. They're all squirrels trying to get a nut.
From: Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: The first recorded Lesbian marriage in Mangambougou, Mali. I say happy gammy!
To: [log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Date: Friday, 5 March, 2010, 12:24

Like our friend Mboge, I have not shared any "position", or, "perspective", on homosexuality. I regard his analytical response to you as a cogent clarification of my view.
And ATT Jr has synthesised my argument admirably.
To recap, what I said was limited to the contention that:
1)    homosexuality exists in societies the world over, and that it is not "decadence" exclusive to "Western" communities.
2)    under equal protection doctrine, and law, it is indefensible, religious "moral" imperatives notwithstanding, to use public power as an instrument of oppression against a particular section of any polity.
I should add that as a multi-ethnic, and multi-religious society, the "cultural" argument against homosexuality is quite weak for the simple reason there is no single Gambian "culture".
In the event of a Christian President of the Republic, how would you view a church on State House grounds? No prize for guessing I oppose the Professor's State House mosque on grounds it discriminates against non-Muslims and contravenes our secular Constitution.
I reassure you there is absolutely no danger of my conversion to Harunasilo, but I admit to having broader fears rooted in the  counsel of Martin Niemoeller, a pastor of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Nazi era:
"In Germany , the Nazis first came for the communists, and I did not speak
up, because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I
did not speak up, because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak up, because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I did not speak up, because I was not a  Catholic. Then they came for me … and by that time, there was no one to speak up for anyone". .
Gambian security chiefs would attest to the contention that intolerance and oppression in public space has no friends, only sequential victims. 
Homosexuality should not excite your thoughts in the context of our public life. 

--- On Thu, 4/3/10, bailo jallow <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: bailo jallow <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: The first recorded Lesbian marriage in Mangambougou, Mali. I say happy gammy!
To: [log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Date: Thursday, 4 March, 2010, 7:33


Thanks for succintly sharing your position on this contentious issue. While respecting your perspective on homosexuality, I beg to permanently differ with you on it.

Highest regards


--- On Wed, 3/3/10, Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: The first recorded Lesbian marriage in Mangambougou, Mali. I say happy gammy!
To: [log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Date: Wednesday, 3 March, 2010, 18:04

   "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom
   of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
   nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor
   covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will
   inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Co 6:9-10)

Thank you for your thoughts.
Your "religious and cultural convictions as a Moslem" are not in doubt, and I applaud your faith in the context of the Islamic religion.
As to "shunning" the "abomination" that, in your view, is homosexuality, I concede you share that perspective with "millions of peoples (Jews, Christians, Bahaians, Hindus, Rastafarians, Atheists, etc) from all over the world". 
Referring to your original reaction therefore, there appears to be some contextual difficult  in your explicit equation of homosexuality with "Western ...  moral decadence ...". Here again, I concede the widely held, if erroneous view, that homosexuality is a "Western" phenomenon. Your difficulty is that for practical purposes, Africa is not the natural home of "Jews, Bahaians, or Hindus". In that regard, is it not more plausible to view homosexuality as of universal prevalence, as a human issue? Islamic teaching on the subject appears to support the contention that as a failing, homosexuality is a universal failing.
For example, the universalism argument appears to be supported by the fundamental precept that Mohammed (PBUH) is the last of God’s prophets, and Islam, the perfection of religions. A careful analysis of this central doctrinal tenet suggests that notwithstanding its geographic delimitations at birth, the Islamic message is for people the world over. The logic of this position is that pronouncements on homosexuality, like the Quranic message in its totality, addresses people in all corners of the world. Again, a demonstration that as a failing, homosexuality is a universal human failing in so far as it inheres - even if among a tiny number - in societies the world over.
On homosexuality, the views of Christianity, and Judaism, are no different to those of Islam, giving us a complete picture of the Abrahamic progeny of religions on this divisive issue. I take no issue with the views per se, but if their practical effect is to discriminate against equal stakeholders in Gambian public space, I reject any assault on homosexuality, and, on homosexuals.
The foregoing is merely illustrative of the universal prevalence of homosexuality, and not a state of affairs that exemplifies "Western ...  moral decadence ...".  
For me, the thrust of any dispute regarding homosexuality lies in the indefensibility of a differential application of a state’s police power to similarly situated citizens. If YJ is permitted to stroll our beautiful beaches with his female significant other, I see no cogent reason why ATT Jr., and yourself, should be prohibited from holding hands, and kissing, in broad daylight, if you so chose, along Kairaba Avenue.
As preliminaries, I remind you that notwithstanding the population's overwhelming adherence to the Islamic faith, The Gambia remains a secular state. In consequence of that basic reality, no citizen must suffer for reasons rooted in religious outrage.
Additionally, the Constitution, at section 33, guarantees equal protection under the law.
Overall, my query is limited to whether fallible humans, in public life, should sit in moral judgement on matters that are ultimately between a person and God, especially when other vices, clearly more common (see opening quotation), and yet accepted as lifestyle choices, attract similar views from our triology of Abrahamic religions. Would you terminate, or alter, the dynamics of a significant relationship upon discovering a friend, or family member, to be homosexual, if you all along accepted his propensity for adultery and fornication?
Please refer to material below on what "The Epistle To The Hebrews" has to say on the punishment for fornicators, adulterers, and yes, homosexuals, and decide whether we are justified in utilising public power to ostracise people for what they do, behind closed doors, and against God.
Needless to say, I reject all public attempts at policing homosexuality.
Our conflicting views on this needlessly divisive issue notwithstanding, I see nothing to diminish my respect and admiration for your courage on key questions of our public life.

            Fornicators And Adulterers God Will Judge (13:4)


1. In today's society, the honor and sanctity of marriage is under
   constant attack...
   a. Divorce is acceptable, made easy through "no-fault" laws
   b. Adultery is considered normal, faithfulness to one's spouse as
   c. Among religious and political leaders, many say that standards
      against sexual immorality are antiquated

2. Even in the church, sexual immorality is a major problem evidenced
   a. The high number of divorces among Christians
   b. The frequent reports sexual failings among preachers, elders, and
      other Christians

3. This is not to say there are not those who still hold marriage in
   high esteem...
   a. Many people still believe sex is for marriage, and marriage is
      for life
   b. I've been blessed to have:
      1) The example of my wife's grandparents, married 77 years
      2) The example of my grandmother, widowed with six children when
         only 30 years old, remaining single for over fifty years
      3) Parents and in-laws who both were married over 50 years each
      4) Three brothers, who along with myself are still married to our
         first wives

4. In truth, our culture today is not that much different from the
   society of the first century...
   a. Where divorce and remarriage was rampant (women were known to
      date events by their husbands;  e.g., "Yes, that happened during
      husband #5.")
   b. Fornication was acceptable, adultery barely frowned upon

5. But Christianity offers a true contrast of standards regarding
   a. Through clear and unequivocal teaching - 1 Co 6:9-10; Ga 5:19-21;
      Ep 5:3-5

   b. The same sort of teaching is needed today, which is why we need
      to carefully heed the text of today's lesson:

      "Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but
      fornicators and adulterers God will judge." (He 13:4)

6. The verb "is" is not in the Greek, leading some to translate the
   first phrase as:
   a. "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage
      bed be undefiled;" (NASV)
   b. "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept
      pure" (NIV),

[Why should we honor marriage, and keep the "marriage bed" (a euphemism
for marital relations) pure?  Because God will judge those who violate

To see how, let's first define the terms used in the last half of this


      1. The Greek word is pornos {por'-nos}, from which we get
      2. It is a general word for unlawful and immoral sexual
         relationships (Barclay)
      3. It includes any kind sex outside of marriage:  pre-marital,
         extra-marital (adultery), homosexual, etc.

      1. The Greek word is moichos {moy-khos'}
      2. It means to have unlawful intercourse with another's wife or
         husband (Thayer)
         a. This may be while they are still married...
         b. Or even AFTER they are divorced if not for the right reason
            - cf. Mt 5:32; 19:9
      3  So a person can be guilty of adultery either:
         a. By having relations with another's spouse
         b. By marrying someone who either:
            1) Did not put their first spouse away for fornication
            2) Or was put away by their spouse for ANY reason

   C. "GOD"...
      1. The Supreme Being, eternal and holy - Re 4:8
      2. Omniscient and Omnipresent - Ps 139:1-12
      3. Loving, yet just - cf. Jn 3:16; He 10:30-31; 12:29

   D. "WILL JUDGE"...
      1. The Greek word is krino {kree'-no}
      2. "the act of condemning and decreeing (or inflicting) penalty
         on one" (Thayer)

[Marriage should be held in honor, because the Bible makes it clear
that God will condemn and somehow inflict penalty on those who are
fornicators and adulterers who do not repent!

But why will God judge fornicators and adulterers?]


      1. They destroy marriages
         a. Either their own, by their infidelity (trust is often
         b. Or others, by committing adultery with another's spouse
         c. Sexual immorality is a major cause of divorce, which God
            hates - Mal 2:16
      2. They destroy families
         a. Where divorce occurs, families are shattered
         b. The children usually suffer the most, often with severe
            emotional problems throughout their lives
         c. Jesus warned about despising the needs of children - Mt 18:

      3. They destroy friendships
         a. Read carefully Pro 6:30-35
         b. It is difficult, if not impossible, to restore good
            friendships after one has violated another's spouse

      1. Read carefully Pro 5:1-14
         a. You lose your honor (your reputation is destroyed)
         b. You lose your wealth (ever hear of alimony?)
         c. You lose your health (via STDs, perhaps even AIDS)
      2. Adultery and fornication is indeed a sin against your own body
         - cf. 1 Co 6:18
         a. There is emotional damage (wracking guilt)
         b. There is social damage (ostracized by others)
         c. There is physical damage (venereal disease)

      1. They have taken members of the body of Christ and made them
         members of a harlot - 1 Co 6:15-16
      2. They have taken their body, a temple of the Holy Spirit, and
         given it to a child of the devil - 1 Co 6:19-20
      3. As Christians, who have been...
         a. Made in the image of God
         b. Redeemed by the blood of Jesus
         c. Made a temple of the Holy Spirit
         ...they have allowed their lusts to bring them as low as

[When God's HIGHEST CREATION, because of purely selfish reasons,
destroys marriages, families, friendship, even their own selves, we can
understand why God WILL JUDGE such, and why Paul wrote what he did to
the Corinthians:

   "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom
   of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
   nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor
   covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will
   inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Co 6:9-10)

But HOW will God judge fornicators and adulterers?]


      1. They will not inherit the kingdom of God - 1 Co 6:9-10; Ep 5:

      2. They will suffer eternal torment - Re 21:8

      1. They become God's enemies - cf. Ja 4:4
         a. While this passage likely speaks of spiritual adultery, it
            would apply to literal adultery as well
         b. Adulterers are estranged of God's fellowship, care and love
         c. True peace and joy cannot be theirs
      2. They receive in their own bodies what they rightfully deserve
         - cf. Ro 1:24-27
         a. Those who engage in such immorality do indeed "receive in
            themselves the penalty of their error" (e.g., syphilis,
            gonorrhea, herpes, AIDS)
         b. But such is only a FORETASTE of the torment fornicators and
            adulterers will receive, if they do not repent!


1. There are many good reasons to honor marriage and keep the "marriage
   bed" undefiled...
   a. The bond between a man and a woman whose relationship is built
      upon trust and love
   b. The joy, peace, and love that children in a strong family enjoy,
      and deserve
   c. The value of strong families in shaping our communities in which
      we live

2. But we have focused on God's judgment on those who destroy this
   important fabric of our society, and how it gives new meaning to the
   phrase "be sure your sin will find you out" (Num 32:23)
   a. It is almost impossible to keep immorality secret
      1) Physical infirmities will more than likely bring it to the
         surface eventually
      2) Or loose lips will!
   b. Even if one succeeds in hiding their immorality in this life, not
      so in the life to come!

3. To close on a more positive note, let's offer some hope for those
   who have been guilty of adultery and fornication...
   a. You may not be able to escape the physical consequences of your
   b. But you can be forgiven, and escape the eternal consequences!

As we consider once again what Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, a
city known for it loose morals...

   "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom
   of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
   nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor
   covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will
   inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Co 6:9-10)

We now notice the next verse...

   "And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were
   sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus
   and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Co 6:11)

The gospel of Christ promises wonderful blessings to all sinners who
will come to Jesus in faith and obedience!

Have you been "washed", "sanctified", and "justified" in the name of
the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God? (Ac 2:38; 22:16; Ti 3:5)


--- On Tue, 2/3/10, bailo jallow <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: bailo jallow <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: The first recorded Lesbian marriage in Mangambougou, Mali. I say happy gammy!
To: [log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Date: Tuesday, 2 March, 2010, 16:22

Your usual gentlemanly approach of discussing issues of interest to you is inspiring.
Before answering the question that you posed me, I would like to state that my position on homosexuality is foremost guided by my religious and cultural convictions as a Moslem. As such, I believe that homosexuality is an abomination to be shunned and not to be encouraged. However, I also believe that the type of sexual activities that consenting adults engage in within the confines of their bedrooms or private domains should not fall within the purview of any person or authority. What ought to concern someone else is what is practiced or displayed in the public arena.
I am please to have similar sentiments on this issue with hundreds of millions of peoples (Jews, Christians, Bahaians, Hindus, Rastafarians, Atheists, etc) from all over the world.
Now regarding your question, I would firmly discourage any local or external attempt towards influencing Gambian laws to have homosexuality or same-sex marriage recognised as perfectly legal. I do not however think that anyone found guilty of such a vice should be ‘beheaded’. Re-orientation in a correctional facility might be the best solution.
In conclusion, I do not support the legalisation of same sex marriages or homosexuality from a moral, cultural and natural perspective.

--- On Mon, 1/3/10, Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: The first recorded Lesbian marriage in Mangambougou, Mali. I say happy gammy!
To: [log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Date: Monday, 1 March, 2010, 1:44

Assuming your position is accepted, what manner of conversation would you recommend between The Republic of The Gambia, and its homosexual community?
I am proceeding on the basis that like in the Malian example, some members of homosexual Gambia may insist on living with their significant others in a marriage, or in relationships akin to a marriage.
Is your concern, and, or rejection of homosexuality restricted to moral condemnation, or do you consider it proper for the law to punitively intervene?

Thank you for your thoughts.
Your "religious and cultural convictions as a Moslem" are not in doubt, and I applaud your faith in the context of the Islamic religion.
As to "shunning" the "abomination" that, in your view, is homosexuality, I concede you share that perspective with "millions of peoples (Jews, Christians, Bahaians, Hindus, Rastafarians, Atheists, etc) from all over the world". 
Referring to your original reaction therefore, there appears to be some contextual difficult  in your explicit equation of homosexuality with "Western ...  moral decadence ...". Here again, I concede the widely held, if erroneous view, that homosexuality is a "Western" phenomenon. Your difficulty is that for practical purposes, Africa is not the natural home of "Jews, Bahaians, or Hindus". In that regard, is it not more plausible to view homosexuality as of universal prevalence, as a human issue? Islamic teaching on the subject appears to support the contention that as a failing, homosexuality is a universal failing.
For example, the universalism argument appears to be supported by the fundamental precept that Mohammed (PBUH) is the last of God’s prophets, and Islam, the perfection of religions. A careful analysis of this central doctrinal tenet suggests that notwithstanding its geographic delimitations at birth, the Islamic message is for people the world over. The logic of this position is that pronouncements on homosexuality, like the Quranic message in its totality, addresses people in all corners of the world. Again, a demonstration that as a failing, homosexuality is a universal human failing in so far as it inheres - even if among a tiny number - in societies the world over.
On homosexuality, the views of Christianity, and Judaism, are no different to those of Islam, giving us a complete picture of the Abrahamic progeny of religions on this divisive issue. I take no issue with the views per se, but if their practical effect is to discriminate against equal stakeholders in Gambian public space, I reject any assault on homosexuality, and, on homosexuals.
The foregoing is merely illustrative of the universal prevalence of homosexuality, and not a state of affairs that exemplifies "Western ...  moral decadence ...".  
For me, the thrust of any dispute regarding homosexuality lies in the indefensibility of a differential application of a state’s police power to similarly situated citizens. If YJ is permitted to stroll our beautiful beaches with his female significant other, I see no cogent reason why ATT Jr., and yourself, should be prohibited from holding hands, and kissing, in broad daylight, if you so chose, along Kairaba Avenue.
As preliminaries, I remind you that notwithstanding the population's overwhelming adherence to the Islamic faith, The Gambia remains a secular state. In consequence of that basic reality, no citizen must suffer for reasons rooted in religious outrage.
Additionally, the Constitution, at section 33, guarantees equal protection under the law.
Overall, my query is limited to whether fallible humans, in public life, should sit in moral judgement on matters that are ultimately between a person and God, especially when other vices, clearly more common (see opening quotation), and yet accepted as lifestyle choices, attract similar views from our triology of Abrahamic religions. Would you terminate, or alter, the dynamics of a significant relationship upon discovering a friend, or family member, to be homosexual, if you all along accepted his propensity for adultery and fornication?
Please refer to material below on what "The Epistle To The Hebrews" has to say on the punishment for fornicators, adulterers, and yes, homosexuals, and decide whether we are justified in utilising public power to ostracise people for what they do, behind closed doors, and against God.
Needless to say, I reject all public attempts at policing homosexuality.
Our conflicting views on this needlessly divisive issue notwithstanding, I see nothing to diminish my respect and admiration for your courage on key questions of our public life.

--- On Sun, 28/2/10, bailo jallow <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: bailo jallow <[log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: The first recorded Lesbian marriage in Mangambougou, Mali. I say happy gammy!
To: [log in to unmask] href="mip:[log in to unmask]" target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Date: Sunday, 28 February, 2010, 16:53

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