Transummary to come later. Very interesting when you hear from the other side of a conflict!!!!!!!!!!! Haruna. Indeed it was Alpha Conde and Cellou Dalein Diallo who alleged fraud and massive irregularities before the election results were announced. Sidya Toure claimed fraud and massive irregularities after the election results were announced but he only claimed the fraud was perpetrated on the behalf of Alpha Conde and the RPG. I wonder if the timing of complaints has any significant bearing on the truth. What everyone is in agreement about however is that there was indeed Significant Fraud and Massive Irregularities. Where they all differ is as to scope and scale. Therefore, the Supreme Court is best advised to ascend to the provisional results of the first round of voting but instead of a two-way second round of voting, to allow a three-way second round. If they do this, they can still shoot for July 18th for the second round but instead of Cellou Dalein and Alpha Conde, it will be:
Cellou Dalein Diallo - UFDG
Alpha Conde - RPG
Sidya Toure - UFR.
I think this is the wisest solution in the face of wanton fraud and massive irregularities. The clause that only requires the two top candidates from the first round to compete in the second round is DISPENSABLE in the view of the historic elections of La-Guinea. Haruna Darbo. Thank you my friends. This is my last advice on this for the Supreme Court. Allez.
Voici une semaine que vous avez voté pour choisir votre Président et voici deux jours que les résultats des élections ont été présentés au peuple de Guinée.
It has been a week since you have voted to choose a president and it has been two days since the provisional results of that election has been presented to you.
Dès le lendemain des élections, le RPG avait été un des premiers partis à dénoncer les fraudes et irrégularités qui avaient entaché le scrutin…….. Etrangement, seul l’UFR ne trouvait rien à dire sur le déroulement des élections.
Since the day after the elections, the RPG was one of the first parties to denounce frauds and irregularities which have tarnished the elections. Strangely enough, only the UFR was silent as to the conduct of the election.
C’est donc avec surprise que nous apprenons que le candidat de l’UFR a animé une conférence de Presse au cours de laquelle il a accusé la CENI d’avoir organisé une fraude au profit exclusif du RPG.
It was therefore surprising to learn that the candidate for the UFR has held a press-conference to allege that the CENI has conspired to cheat in the exclusive favour of the RPG.
A partir de ces allégations du candidat de l’UFR, il est permis d’observer ce qui suit :
In view of these allegations advanced by the UFR, it is necessary to share what happened:
- Les seules fraudes qui ont existé au cours de ces élections auraient été faites au profit exclusif du RPG ;
- The only fraud committed was committed to exclusively benefit the RPG; 
- L’UFR connaissait les résultats de la CENI avec précision avant même leur proclamation officielle ;
- The UFR was aware of the provisional results of the CENI, with precision, even before those results were announced to us.

Le plus grave est qu’au cours de cette conférence de presse, des responsables de l’UFR sont allé jusqu’à mettre en cause les plus hautes autorités de ce pays et ont appelé leurs militants à la révolte.
More egregious is that during the press conference, some UFR officials have gone so far as accusing the highest authorities of the nation of malfeasance, and calling on their supporters to revolt.

Le RPG considère qu’il est regrettable que …….des responsables politiques sèment ainsi un climat de suspicion malsain sur les autorités guinéennes et incitent à la violence. En effet la démarche de l’UFR est non seulement légère mais également abusive et pernicieuse. En voici la démonstration :
The RPG considers it regrettable that....political party officials inure a climate of odious distrust in the authorities and incite violence. In effect, the UFR's demarche is not only unfortunate, it is abusive and pernicious. Here is why:

1. Les responsables de l’UFR savent ….. que tous les partis ont déposés des recours devant la Cour Suprême, dont certains visent directement l’UFR ………... Pourquoi alors, les responsables de l’UFR ne réclament-ils que l’annulation des votes du RPG ? ……….
1. The UFR officials know that all the parties have submitted complaints to the Supreme Court. Some of those complaints are directed toward the UFR. How come the UFR is only seeking the anulment of the RPG's votes?

2. Comment l’UFR peut-il être si bien renseigné sur les chiffres de la CENI alors même que les partis n’y avaient pas accès ?
2. How did the UFR obtain access to CENI's records and numbers before any other party was informed of the results?
Tous les guinéens, et l’UFR en tête, savent que les circonscriptions concernées par les accusations de fraude sont totalement acquises au RPG et que ce parti n’a aucun intérêt à y organiser de fraude. Il est …regrettable de constater que des personnes sont prêtes à répéter les pratiques scandaleuses de 1993 pour éliminer une nouvelle fois le candidat du RPG. …..
All Guineans, particularly the UFR, know that the votes concerned in their accusations totally belonged to the RPG, and that we have no interest in perpetrating fraud around our votes. It is regrettable to learn that some people are ready to repeat the scandalous practices of 1993 to eliminate once again the candidate of the RPG.

Le RPG possède plus d’électeurs que l’UFR : ceci a été, ceci est et ceci restera la vérité.
The RPG has more registered voters than the UFR: This has been the case, is the case, and will remain the truth.

Nous demandons aux guinéens de rester sereins et de ne plus accepter d’être instrumentalisés et distraits du seul combat qui vaille la peine d’être mené aujourd’hui : la lutte pour le changement en Guinée
We urge La-Guineans to remain serene and to no longer accept to be used as tools or be distracted from the only fight taking place today. The fight for change in La-Guinea.

La Direction Nationale du RPG
The National Secretariat of the RPG.
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