I add my voice to yours SUntou for the people of all Wulli to draw courage from each other and be their brothers' keepers.


-----Original Message-----
From: suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
To: GAMBIA-L <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 5:56 am
Subject: Re: [>-<] Yaya Jammeh Orders the arrest of Mai Fatty=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=B4s_?=parents

I hope the media houses in the Gambia get to the bottom of this issue. If the Basse police acted this, they are not watching international events. Mai's family has the right to associate with the party of their choice, and if a flag is hoisted in their property, why should that be a crime? I hope our Nyakoi people rally round each other.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Wandifa Sanneh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

GMC URR Coordinator has just informed the leadership that the parents of GMC Leader have been arrested and placed on indefinite detention by Basse Police on the direct orders of Yaya Jammeh. ON the 2nd March 2011, GMC URR Branch held a Town Hall meeting at Wuli West Constituency which was heavily attended by staunch APRC big wigs who declared loyalty to GMC. The Meeting later hoisted GMC Flag as symbolic mark of the take over of GMC of the Region. Basse Police later showed up and demanded the removal of GMC Flag and and posters of GMC Leader which his parents resisted. Consequently his father and three of his father´s younger brothers were arrested and are being currently detained at Basse Police Station. The old man is elderly and sick and information reaching us states that they are being treated with serious disrespect.

We urge all to join in the campaign to free the parents of GMC Leader who committed no croime except for being the parents of Mai Fatty. Yaya Jammeh is smelling the rat  and has declared an all out war against GMC Leader´s family and supporters.

GMc will issue formal Release as we continue to monitor and investigate the situation. Meanwhile, we condemn this illegal act and demand the release of: Saja Fatty (Father); Bunka Jarumeh Fatty (Father´sbrother), Kebba Fatty (Fatty´s brother), Karamo Kijera (uncle to Lawyer Fatty).

Wandifa Sanneh
GMC Press Relations

Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 15:30:44 +0000
Subject: Re: [>-<] Mai Fatty is working with Ecowas to bring peace to Coted`Ivoire
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]

Sanneh Nyancho,
From both positions of criticism and observation, a large section of our community has developed a rather nasty and unhealthy habit of spreading calculatedly libellous, defamatory and unsubstantiated lies about decent people. And before you know it, the lies would take a life of their own, and snowball exponentially. Sad to say, but our's is a society that has an insatiable appetite for rumour-mongering.
The only edifying means of arresting this societal malaise is to make the repercussions so extreme and severe that people who pride themselves on such dastardly acts would think twice before embarking on them. This could be attained by dragging them and [and in some instances, their employers into a protracted and expensive legal case]. 
Luckily for people at the end of such calumny, there are provisions for one to take legal action against the employers of the slanderers; for inadvertently, or otherwise, it is the employer's communication infrastructure that is being used for the maligning of innocent people.
There is a specific law in the UK [Malicious Communications Act 1988, further expanded by the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001] under which such libellous untruths could be prosecuted. And I personally intend to use this to its maximum effect if need be. And if, as on occasions, these lies are sent from personal computers, then this too is covered under the Electronic Commerce Regulations 2002 and the Defamation Act section 1 [Example; Keith-Smith v Williams]. I am confident, similar legislations exist in the US and other countries.
It goes without saying that physical borders are no barriers to [most] lawsuits, so if anyone is under any illusion that he/she; and to a large extent, their employers, are insulated against being dragged through the courts, they'd better think again.
Personally, I will not lose sleep over lying scumbags getting prosecuted, getting the sack from their jobs, sentenced and/or fined, [as seen fit by the courts of law], for I feel this is the only sure-fire way of getting them to desist from calumniation.
In this specific case, the shit-eater, Fankung, knows full well that the allegations of misappropriation of funds levelled against Mr Fatty is implausible, but as he has neither qualms nor shame in attempting to assassinate Mr Fatty’s name and character [and by extension his family’s], Mr Fatty should in return feel no compunction, or have any reservations in making him pay a heavy price.  
Finally, though I understand that Mr Fatty is a legal practitioner, all the same, should he decide to kick-off legal proceedings, as he is morally entitled to [and I am hereby formally and actively encouraging him to do so], he can count on me to provide the necessary, albeit insignificant technical expertise [digital footprint etc]. 
The management team and to a greater extent, the host t of this mailing list have a legal obligation to provide all such information, failing which they could both be subpoenaed.  
I am speaking on my own behalf naturally, as I have not, at any time, discussed this issue with George, Yus or Hamjatta.
I hope there is no longer any room for ambiguity here.
Kind Regards,

On 7 March 2011 06:28, Wandifa Sanneh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I rest my case since you admit that you cannot prove that Fatty "is lining his pocket". I am surprised Fangkung that you could be that honest, and you scored some credit for that. Desist from making wild allegations you cannot prove against decent people like Mai. On whether Fatty is in Pluto or Mars and reading Mongolian, that is immaterial; his contribution to kicking out the Kanilai butcher rings loudest in the monster´s bed room. Your dear leader on the other hand has blood of Gambians on his claws, caught red in the butt arms trading to criminals and terrorists, serially molests girls, raped a female Minister, notorious drug baron in sub saharan Africa, drug addict, thief, etc. His day of reckoning  is imminent when his brains will be blown off by those he deemed closest when you and him least expect it. I urge you to keep watchin and mark my words... 

Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 17:50:36 -0500

Subject: Re: [>-<] Mai Fatty is working with Ecowas to bring peace to Coted`Ivoire
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]

I am not proving nothing here. You claimed that your leader is in Ecowas stuff... the last time we checked he was Germany, and I don't need to reveal the details. you know exactly what he is doing there. I will let you enlighten us on why he is learning Dutch. Is that also because he wants to win the elections? Come on, this is the age of information..... he can fool the online opposition figures, but not Gambians...

Hey, Jobis, stay kool my friend... I will not exchange insults with you. In the meantime, your insults are well taken. Have a great week.  

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Wandifa Sanneh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Thanks Ebrahim. It cannot be better said.

Subject: Re: [>-<] Mai Fatty is working with Ecowas to bring peace to Coted`Ivoire
To: [log in to unmask]
From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 21:39:46 +0000


Don't waste your time with this bastard. He is damned


From: Fankung Fankung Jammeh <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 15:58:32 -0500
Subject: Re: [>-<] Mai Fatty is working with Ecowas to bring peace to Coted`Ivoire

Please be serious, and don't worry about where I work. Your man is a public figure and as one, we will bring him to task. He is fooling the online media readers, but he cannot fool Gambians. Do take my word for it.... this is dormant party that is setup for a get quick scheme. We have seen a number of  this ventures in Africa. The reality is, your man did not ever hold a political rally... Are you going to deny that? Why did he claim a coalition with UDP, when he have not even spoken to them? Where is your political headquarters? Where are your divisional headquarters ? 

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 2:34 PM, malik kah <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I am more focused on the wrongs being perpetrated against the Gambian people rather than the opposition. The opposition just like the rest of society are equally marginalised.  I will advice you to go to the courts and make your Jammeh surname a legal change, since evidently you have little respect for yourself to the extend of refusing yourself. IN WOLLOF THE SAYING GOES 'LINGA DOON BOKO BANYE DENG CHA GENA NYAW'  Good night Mr Jammeh, am sure your new found dad will be very proud of you.

Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 12:31:39 -0500
Subject: Re: [>-<] Mai Fatty is working with Ecowas to bring peace to Coted`Ivoire
Please vote for Sidia or Halifa... if you are not going to vote for Jammeh. The Gambian opposition is dead. Why dont we focus on the meeting between Darbo and Sidia. What happen to the coalition between Mai and UDP . See the story below and the reaction of Darbo on Freedom. Malik, for you even Idi Ameen is better than Jammeh.... 

Saal, Professor will not cheat. He is a muslim and Gambians love him. BTW, what is your take on the failure of the opposition not forming a coalition?

GMC makes alliance with UDP and allies

Friday, 26 November 2010 00:21
Lawyer_Mai_FattyPress release
Pursuant to extensive consultations, the Leader of GMC, Hon. Mai Ahmad Fatty is pleased to announce a strategic alliance between GMC with UDP and its allies for purposes of election 2011.
GMC consents to enter into this Alliance in the national interest and because of its firm believe in the viability and potential capacity inherent in a genuine and robust unitedLawyer_Mai_Fatty opposition to bring about the much needed regime change in our Motherland. 
GMC urges all Gambians of different political inclinations to prcatically support the Alliance in all ways in the collective national interest. Together, working with a unity of purpose, we shall bring into effect the change we all require. We urge Friends of The Gambia to rally behind this united opposition Alliance in its quest for a Gambia where prosperity, compassion and freedom shall reign. 
GMC believes in the the wisdom and power of Gambians to choose the government of their choice democratically through free, fair and transparent elections conducted by the Independent Electoral Commission, as the only legitimate means of effecting legitimate regime change. GMC further believes that the integrity of the electoral process is contingent on a free, fair and transparent electoral and electioneering processes. The Party as part of the strategic Alliance shall not accept the final results of the election if the processes leading towards Election 2011 are not free, fair and transparent, including the absence of fear and other pernicious elements. 
Hon. Mai Ahmad Fatty is honoured to pay tribute to the commitment, sacrifice and patriotism of Alliance partners, notably Hon. Ousainou Darboe. 
GMC is equally honoured to commend Hon. Omar A Jallow and Hon. Hamat NK Bah for their continued commitment to the national cause. 
Long Live The Republic of The Gambia!!
25th November 2011

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 9:51 AM, <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Perhaps Fankung, the statistician, knows something about vote rigging in the coming poll that we do not know about. Hence his "expert" prediction.


From: malik kah <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 14:40:39 +0000
To: gambiapost<[log in to unmask]>
Subject: RE: [>-<] Mai Fatty is working with Ecowas to bring peace to Cote d`Ivoire

In an undemocratic setting securing many votes does not necessarily reflect popularity, as it is well understood, nothing is accessible from the national media to state institutions. There is no probity, accountability and accountability, what you hear on a daily basis is a constant barrage of propaganda and The Gambia is no exception, this is a phenomena whose bareness was recently exposed recently in Tunisia as well as Egypt the rulers had more than 80% of the total votes casted hardly the dust settled and the very people whom they claim to have loved them spew venom against their heinous character, hence to come here and brag about the popularity of you dear leader or may perhaps you should address as your dear father just like kim il sung, may be you get more pleasure out of that. People of Mai Fatty's calibre are worth a thousand time your creepy crawly slimy type.

Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 09:06:26 -0500
Subject: Re: [>-<] Mai Fatty is working with Ecowas to bring peace to Cote d`Ivoire
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]

Hey Mr. Sanneh,
Thanks for revealing all the great credentials of Mai. We will know if he is as popular as you claim in less than 6 months. I posted here that Lawyer Darbo will not get 10% of the votes is this election. I will buy you a latte if Mai gets 3% of the votes... The man is filling his pockets hiding under the name of a dormant political party. 

By the way, where is your political headquarters in the Gambia?
Last time I checked all your representatives were in Senegal...

The Executive Committee Members are:
Miss Nanding Sawaneh...........................Mobiliser (resident at Pikine)
Mr. Wandifa Sanneh..............................Secretary General (Thiaroye)
Mr. Musa Jallow.....................................Treasurer (Thies)
Mr. Buramanding Fofana........................Member (Malika)
Mr. Ebrima Gaye.....................................Member (Kaolack)

The only folks who know Mr. Fatty are those who read Gainako and GambiaEcho. Go around the streets of Banjul and ask folks about your party... 9 out of 10 never heard of it, no its leaders. So please stop misinforming us.

Regarding Fankung, don't jump too high and start insulting me. I never insulted you or Mr. Fatty. Have a great week... 

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 4:31 AM, Wandifa Sanneh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

This exposes three things about you:
1. That you do not live in The Gambia and certainly you do not work at the Central Bank of The Gambia
2. That you are a very dishonest and morally depraved person
3. That you are an ignorant fool proficient attempting to irritate and uttering stench gibberish

Hon. Fatty is not some nebulous character like you hiding behind the sheer cowardice of shadow computer keyboards. This is a man who went to jail at the age of fifteen in 1984 not for committing any criminal offense, but for defending the rights of fellow students. Where was your dear leader then? This is a man who established a household name in The Gambia as Lawyer for indigent litigants and many of those your dear leader abused, killed, tortured and dumped at Africa´s Hell on earth, and defending their human rights at his own peril. This is a man who was invited by us and thousands of Gambian electorates whose voters card IDs and signatures are lodged with the IEC as founding members of GMC, to serve as Party Leader while still on his sick bed in hospital in Europe. This is a man who was by acclamation unanimously appointed by all political party Leaders in West Africa (including Suku Singhateh who represented APRC) at an Ecowas Conference in Abidjan in July 2010 as Chairman of 7 Member Ecowas Technical Committee on Internal Democracy. If you lived in the Gambia, you would not fail to see GMC posters and Youth League activities all over KMC, parts of the Kombos and elsewhere in the country. I am sure, by your antecedents, your parents must have regretted giving birth to a retard like you!  

Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 10:39:55 -0500
Subject: Re: [>-<] Mai Fatty is working with Ecowas to bring peace to Cote d`Ivoire
From: [log in to unmask]

To: [log in to unmask]

Really Wandifa,
ECOWAS needs his help. Why not tell him to go introduce himself to Gambians, who dont know him. That will be more beneficial for him. Ecowas is not voring for him....

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Wandifa Sanneh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Thank you Abdoukarim for your honesty and integrity. I am much younger, but could recall stories of Mai´s arrest by the authorities then for revolutionary activities. My brother Sekou was at Armittage at the time, and even at Georgetown (then) students all over the country were proud of him, Alfa Robinson, and others I dont know. You too have been an inspiration and a dedicated gambian patriot all your life. Keep up Nyancho!

I understand that Mai is working behind the scenes diplomacy on the imbroglio in Cote d`Ivoire as chairperson of Ecowas Technical Committee on Internal Democracy as of the 20th February 2011, and is rounding up. The Technical Committee works directly under the Ecowas Commission President, and is considered to be a kind of solutions incubator. The Committee´s jurisdiction covers all political parties in West Africa and Mai is travelling quite abit on the silent diplomacy of Ecowas. Back home, we are working hard - GMC posters are all over and the Youth Committee is  currently on tour of CRR as I write. I assure you that Hon. Fatty shall lead the eventual campaigns himself in The Gambia - YES inside The Gambia - GMC along with the coaling of the willing.

From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]
Subject: RE: [>-<] Editorial: Where is GMC leader Barrister Mai Fatty?
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 08:19:05 +0000

Having know Mai Fatty since our hey days as radical young students in Muslim High School almost 29 years ago, he is the last person to be silence when it comes to Gambian Struggle. Mai Fatty as my senior was once my head boy. He was democratically elected by the student body but because of our underground activities as Members of ORS( Organs of Revolutionary Student) and NUGS, he was diminished by the school authorities as a head boy. As a friend and brother we share lot of marxist literature and did a lot of clanderstine activities including education and re-education of political literatues. Mai Fatty is a decent citizen and will continue play his part in Gambian politic even with his poor health condition. I embrace the dynamism of few I know two decades ago and their continuity in the struggle for societal justice indicate to me that they will never turn their back. A long the road is Babagalleh Jallow, Mai fatty Lawyer and Lawyer Lamin Mboge. No wander that why they all get into discipline of social science and humanity to make a difference.

From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]
Subject: [>-<] Editorial: Where is GMC leader Barrister Mai Fatty?
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 06:46:54 -0600

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

There is no god but Allah (SWT) and Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger. Fear and Worship only Allah alone!





















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