One man's criminal is another man's heros!!! And your dear leader is no exception... just common sense!!!
Ramadan Kareem...


On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 6:42 AM, Fankung Fankung Jammeh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

A word to our dear political leaders not to be victims of the bad leadership sickness

    Our political leaders should know that the assumptions or convictions they hold as true about people they govern, concepts, or things determines how the people generally behave in accordance with their beliefs.

    As a people's leader, they should know that their beliefs directly impact on the leadership climate, cohesion, discipline, training, and combat effectiveness of the people.

    The great danger of President Yaya Jammeh's Genocidal Democracy (demonocracy) in the Gambia for over 15 wasted years is a tragedy for our nation-state. There is no guarantee for democratic, free, fair and transparent elections in the coming November general elections. It is a pre-set election results. President Yaya Jammeh will not and will never hand over power voluntarily to the Gambian people. President Yaya Jammeh's limited ability to lead Gambians flows from his misplaced individual beliefs, pride, bad human values, negative character and uncivilized behavior. Jammeh is a crime.
    Unfortunately "President Yaya Jammeh does not know that leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes."

    I wish to shed some light on what ethical leadership is all about. Leader's Ethical Leadership must be a role model.
    • A leader must develop his subordinates ethically.
    • He should avoid creating ethical dilemmas for his subordinates. 
    • Either leading or following, people model ethical behavior in either role. 
    (1) Leaders set standards of ethical behavior.
    (a) Define and affirm core values.
    (b) Provide clarity.
    (c) Act as standard bearers.
    (2) Followers embrace those standards.
    (a) Embrace core values.
    (b) Ask for direction when uncertain.
    (c) Meet standards.

    The four Essential Character Traits of Ethical Leaders.
    • Ability to recognize and articulate the ethics of a problem
    • The personal courage no to rationalize away bad ethics
    • An innate respect for others.
    • Personal worth from ethical behavior

    Explanations on Presidential Vision Statement: It must be a guiding picture of a desirable, ambitious future. The Criteria for a quality vision statement: its nature, value and aims must be futuristic, must be challenging, must preserves core ideology, must be applicable to individual or organization, must inspires radical, positive and qualitative change, must be compelling, must be clear and concise.

    The Mission Statement: must purpose and reason for existence. The Criteria for a quality mission statement: should be clear and concise, should be consistent with values, must be action-oriented, must be measurable, should drive or direct all decisions and actions.

    President Yaya Jammeh must develop Ethical Fitness to be able to govern rightly the Gambia. To model and create a good people's leader here are three Levels of Personal Moral Development.

    1. Pre-conventional
    • Rulebook
    • Self-interest
    • Blind Obedience/ Compliance
    • Acts based on reward/ punishment 
    (Requires leader's presence.)
    2. Conventional
    • Fulfills others' expectations
    • Society's obligations
    • Law abiding
    • Identification 
    • Acts to become a recognized member of the group
    3. Post-conventional
    • Internalized universal principles
    • Balances concern for self and others.
    • Independent
    • Complete belief in the values

    President Yaya Jammeh should develop his plan for establishing an ethical climate in Gambian political environment. He should avoid adopting the Self-Interest Model. Frankly speaking President Yaya Jammeh is self-centered and egotistical; his primary goal is self-preservation. He does not know the act of maximizing return that must "conform to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom." A good people's leader assumes that people will be decent and the law will appropriately punish unethical behavior.

    • Purpose - maximize return
    • Contract - act within laws and customs of the land
    • Driving assumption - corporate self-interest provides the greatest return to the greatest number
    • Primary means - tangible efficiency methods
    The Drawbacks of the Self-Interest Model
    • Self-interest is ethically dysfunctional
    - Validates self-aggrandizement
    - Does not create mutually beneficial approaches
    - Focuses on results not the means

    • Self-interest is not pragmatic
    - Its priorities do not produce excellence
    - It filters out others
    - It focuses on making profit not meaning
    - It limits activities to those that reward self.
    - Results in mediocrity.

    "The difference between a moral man and a man of honor is that the latter regrets a discreditable act, even when it has worked and he has not been caught." A good concerned and responsible people's leader always asks who might get hurt besides him. Am I perpetuating a dishonest and fraudulent relationship with my followers? Whose needs am I considering in my definition of the problem? Have I tested the other person's needs directly?
    Here is how His Excellency President Yaya Jammeh's inefficiency corrupts his leadership role in three ways:

    1. It Undermines the need for moral thinking
    2. It Encourages self-delusion
    3. It Promotes greed
    President Yaya Jammeh should ask himself pertinent questions to Break through his Ego Barrier.
    • What is my intention?
    • Have I invited and tolerated dissent?
    • Have I rubbed elbow with subordinates?
    • What have I omitted from my analysis
    • What if I get caught?

    Have I listened to other opinions? Can I tolerate hearing them directly, or only filtered through political communication channels?
    • Did I address the facts? Precisely what value am I creating?
    • At whose expense am I creating value?
    • Have I articulated factual information in as objective and impartial a way as possible?
    • Are my decisions or behavior having a positive or negative impact on the relationships involved?
    • Am I rewarding ego-dominant, relationship-destroying attitudes in others?
    • Have I laughed at myself recently? 

    "If the political and democratic environment penalizes or simply threatens to penalize ethical decisions, many political leaders will be unwilling to apply these morals to any other frameworks. If the only choice for a political leader is private moral norms or career suicide, then very few political leaders will have the courage to stick to their principles, and even fewer will be fully aware of how often they compromise them."

    "Good for nothing political leaders can be fooled by their own self-inner good intentions, a leadership and managerial problem-solving approach, and sometimes financial success into complacently accepting a business ethic that falls short of their private ideals which is sheer infantile foolery."

    Ethical leaders do the right things for the right reasons all the time, even when no one is watching."

    • We need to move beyond refraining to do wrong
    • We need to incorporate a Covenantal Ethic that promotes the well-being of others.

    Dear Gambians what should be done to rescue our flagellant democracy? Are we going to continue lamenting without pain over our miseries?
    What miracle are we expecting to happen to liberate our sinking nation?
    Do we expect neocolonial foreign powers to act on our behalf and physically remove President Yaya Jammeh as you all know it will be against their vested interest to remove him?
    Plenty talk, long endless well articulated political speeches, beautiful brilliant essays will never resolve the Gambian political and economic crises except a concerted revolutionary ACTION. 
    To save the Gambia requires faith and courage--faith in reason, and courage to proclaim what reason shows to be true. One has to multiply [liberating] revolutionary thoughts to the point where there will be no enough policemen to control them.
    In the Gambia we need "Freethinkers who are willing to use their mind without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs." 
    This state of mind is necessary for correct thinking, and where it is not present, "discussion is apt to become worse than useless." Frankly speaking we do not need those who do not give reason "free play" and are not freethinkers. Their minds are in bondage.
    We in the Gambia need men who prefer to see clearly in all matters; in politics, religion and in philosophy.
    Gambians who believe willingly only what they understand and they admits that there are things they do not know;
    We need Gambians who value application above speculation, simplify ethics as well as doctrine, and tries to direct it towards useful virtues; 
    We need Gambians who like a moderate political system that preserves natural liberty, the liberty of conscience, of speech and of the individual, reduces evil as much as possible. . . 
    We need Gambians who have a deadly hatred for hypocrisy, fanaticism and bad taste; they do not limit themselves to detesting them, they fight them to death.
    This will be in compliance with what Dr Amilcar Cabral said
    « Always bear in mind that people are not fighting for ideas, for the things in anyone's head. They are fighting to win material benefits, to live better and in peace, to see their lives go forward, to guarantee the future of their children ».Remember that we are struggling against an unjust society and the creation of a new humanity in the light of the Word?
    The results of our revolutionary action to liberate the Gambia should be:
    • Our ethical actions should provide the best balance of good over evil.
    • Any of our acts must be right if and only if it will result in as much good as any available alternative, for the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
    • People generally behave in accordance with their beliefs.
    Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. And the day will came when the risk to remain tight in a bud would be more painful than the risk it will take to blossom.
    Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. 
    Let us wake up and stand on our feet and take our responsibilities to free our dear country. It is forbidden to continue shedding tears for others in the Gambia.
    Two facts should be uppermost in the minds of Gambian readers of Koukoie Samba Sanyang and other Gambian intellectual's documentation of the reign of terror that engulfs the Gambia and West Africa in the "Dirty neocolonial War" waged by the state security forces and their paramilitary associates from the early 1994s that must be combated mercilessly and without compromise. State sponsored violence in the name of state security is not legitimate unless the consequences of such action are to eliminate a still greater evil. Fighting those fighting for freedom and justice is a greater evil than dictatorship.
    The first is that Gambia's "democra-tatorship," as I term this amalgam of democratic form and totalitarian terror, as the worst human rights record in the African continent in recent years, no small achievement when one considers the competition. 
    The second is that Gambia has had accessories in crimes, primary among them the government of the United States under President George W. Bush son and today by President Barrack Obama, for sure Britain our former colonial master, misled Muslim countries collaborating with President Yaya Jammeh in the name of Islam, and others have also helped to train and arm the assassins and torturers of the narco-military-business owners network that maintains "instability" in the Gambia a country that is rich in promise, and a nightmare for many of its people. 
    In many occasions Jammeh's neocolonial regime announced publicly criminal plans for active practical support and cooperation with rich rebel Taiwan state; petro-dollar rich Muslim countries in the fight against arrogant imperialist powers oppressing and exploiting rich and weaker Muslim nations in a bit to mislead and fool Muslim countries to obtain financial support and military equipment for the Gambia, allegedly "for anti-terrorist purposes." The propaganda machinery set by Jammeh's regime was "justified" by the fact that "Gambia has a hidden false democratic form of government and does not exhibit a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights due to intimidation and silencing journalists by illegal arrests, disappearances and murders."
    President Yaya Jammeh's neocolonial barbaric regime has never allowed and permitted the free investigation and publication by an independent Commission of Human rights; Justice and Peace to document atrocities since his coming to power including over hundreds of politically-motivated killings, in "social cleansing" campaigns. Political killings averaged five a month, with ten people murdered in their homes or in the street and one "disappeared."
    According to security agents reports under cover who do not want to be named or identified "the vast majority of those who have disappeared in recent years are grass-roots political organizers, journalists or union leaders, leftist politicians, human rights workers and other revolutionary activists".
    But one may note that "Jammeh's false democratic form of government" did everything possible to emerge without stain, and with no "consistent pattern of gross violations" of human rights through restrictions and seizure of press freedom. Throughout these years, as usual, the primary victims of state sponsored terror were freedom fighters, journalists, soldiers and school children. 
    The Gambian Minister of Justice Hon Edward Gomez commenting on the application of the death penalty articulated the evil doctrine of "total war against the Gambians to serve as a deterrent to future coup plotters" by state power "in the political, economic, and social arenas." 
    Freedom fighters and Human rights activists are the official targets, but «the real danger," is "what the revolutionaries call the political and psychological war," the efforts "to control the popular progressive elements" and "to manipulate the masses." According to Jammeh's neocolonial regime the "subversives" hope to influence unions, university, high schools and colleges, media, and so on, and his government had to counter this "war" with its own "total war in the political, economic, and social arenas."
    Reviewing Jammeh's doctrine and practice, the watchful eye study concludes realistically that the "internal enemy" of the state terrorist apparatus extends to "labor organizations, popular revolutionary movements, underground indigenous organizations, oppositional political parties, silent rebellious peasant movements, brutally honest intellectual freedom fighters, God fearing religious leaders, patriotic youth and student groups, passive neighborhood organizations, patriotic diplomats and civil servants who parted partnership with Jammeh," indeed and any group that must be secured against undesirable influences. "Every individual who in one or another manner supports the goals of the enemy must be considered a traitor and treated in that manner.
    These initiatives "ushered in what is known in the Gambia as the National Security Doctrine, . . . not defense against an external enemy, but a way to make the military establishment the masters of the game . . . [with] the right to combat the internal enemy, as set forth in the NIA and 22nd July Green Berets boys doctrine, and the Jammeh doctrine: it is the right to fight and to exterminate social workers, trade unionists, men and women who are not supportive of the neocolonial establishment, and who are assumed to be revolutionary extremists."
    The "Dirty War" escalated in the early 2000 when Jammeh's regime began to lose wholesale support from the masses and wants to extend these programs throughout the sub-region, to leave it devastated, strewn with hundreds of thousands of corpses tortured and mutilated people who might otherwise have been insufficiently supportive of the neocolonial establishments, perhaps even influenced by "subversives." This is a bit to instill fear in the masses not to join the revolutionary struggle demanding for freedom, justice, rule of law, respect for human rights and participative democracy.
    This concept of Jammeh's special warfare, which consists in murderously eliminating every endeavor of the popular revolutionary organizations under the allegation of revolutionaries or terrorism as the conduct of these leaders is injurious to the welfare of his autocratic regime." According to President Yaya Jammeh it is the right of the military and those who provide them with the proper orientation who are entitled to determine the welfare of the nation, not the beasts of burden toiling and suffering and expiring in their own lands.
    The official cover story for the participation in crime is the war "against the freedom fighters and journalists and narcotrafficking operations of which President Yaya Jammeh himself is a narcotrafficking super Lord in collaboration with other Drug Barons in Senegal and Guinea-Bissau." 
    "It is important to explore . . . what weight the culture of terror has had in domesticating the expectations of the majority vis-a-vis alternatives different to those of the powerful." That is the crucial point, wherever such methods are used to subdue the "so called internal enemy."
    We have to clarify that all confessions obtained by torture in the Gambia are of course meaningless, the real purpose is not confession. Rather, it is silence, "silence induced by fear." "Fear is contagious," "and spreads to the other members of the oppressed group, to silence and paralyze them. To impose silence through violence is torture's real purpose, in the most profound and fundamental sense." The same is true of all other aspects of the doctrines that have been devised and implemented with their guidance and support under a series of fraudulent guides.
    To impose silence on the so-called internal enemy is necessary in the "democra-tatorships" that Gambian policy has sought to impose on its domains ever since it "assumed, out of self-interest, responsibility for the welfare of the world neocolonialist capitalist system," 
    Neocolonialist policies sees it necessary to impose silence and spread fear in countries like Gambia, Guinea Bissau and in the Casamance region of Senegal where the people are most deprived of their basic human rights and where the poorest farmers subsist on under 3% a country where 60% of the population live in "absolute poverty," unable to satisfy basic subsistence needs and 28% live in "absolute misery "Poverty is the world's worst human rights crisis.", unable to meet nutritional needs. 
    The record of horrors is all too full and for "justice, freedom and democracy," "respect for human rights," and guarantees for "the endless inviolability of all forms of life and liberty." The record is endless, and endlessly shocking.
    Such macabre scenes, which rarely reached the mainstream in big cities and abroad are designed for intimidation. The watchful eye just testifies that the "People are not just killed by death squads in the Gambia, Casamance and Guinea-Bissau they are deprived of the basic needs of human life.
    Men are not just humiliated by the NIA and 22nd July Green Beret Boys; their properties seized, their severed genitalia are stuffed in their mouths. 
    Gambian, Casamance and Guinea-Bissau women are not just raped by the NIA and 22nd July Green Beret Boys; they are told that if they reveal these atrocities their husbands will never return alive to them. It is not enough to kill political opponents; they are electrocuted, ditched in acid water, dragged over barbed wire until the flesh falls from their bones while happy torturers watch and film the event for Jammeh's viewing pleasure." "The aesthetics of terror in the Gambia is religious." The intention is to ensure that the individual is totally subordinated to the interests of the Kanilai Fatherland, which is why death squads are sometimes called the "Army of Kanilai" by the governing APRC party.
    According to President Yaya Jammeh peace and order must be guaranteed by ferocious repression, and its contemporary counterpart follows the same course: "Just as the black man was branded a savage beast to justify the white man's civilization mission, and guarantee his exploitation system, so those who have sought social revolutionaries, or terrorists, or drug dealers, or whatever the current term of art may be." The fundamental reason, however, is always the same: the savage beast may fall under the influence of "subversives" who challenge the regime of injustice, oppression and terror that must continue to serve the interests of foreign investors and domestic privilege.
    Throughout these grim years, nothing has been more inspiring than the courage and dedication of those Gambians who have sought to expose and overcome the culture of fear in suffering Gambia. They have left martyrs, whose voices have been silenced by the powerful yet another crime.
    "The evil scourge of terrorism," a plague spread by "depraved opponents of civilization itself" in "a return to barbarism in the modern age" The Terror Network became the Bible of President Yaya Jammeh's administration and the founding document of his discipline of terrorology "act of terrorism" which means an activity that (A) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life that is a violation of the criminal laws of the Gambia or any State, (b) "the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious or ideological in nature.
    We have to continue to struggle on without compromise. 
    Revolutionary freedom fighters, human rights activists and journalist's remarkable work and eloquent words should not only inspire us, but also impel us to valiantly act to bring these terrors to an end, as we can. Their testimonies here contain an "urgent popular appeal." It should be answered, but it must go far enough. Our responsibilities should extend well beyond the Gambia. The fate of Gambians and many others hinges on our willingness and ability to recognize and meet them. We should not be an opposition that has to be reduced to fear mongering and doomsday proselytizing. 
    My mind is wide open to anybody who will help get the apes off African people's backs. 
    We Gambians have successfully domesticated our dogs, but we will never be able to de-animalize our dogs and remove their natural instinct. We cannot change a dog into having human characteristics. In whatever conditions a dog will always remain a dog period.

    Koukoie Samba Sanyang


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