Dear Haruna,
Do you know how your local broadcasters are using your public airwaves?
You probably don’t because one of our greatest tools for holding them accountable has been tucked away within dusty file cabinets at local stations. It’s called the “public file,” and you’re entitled to open it to learn whether these stations are really serving you.
Many broadcasters would rather you not know what they’re doing. That’s a problem we can fix.
This December the FCC is considering changing the way broadcasters report basic information about what they air, how often they air it and where all their money is coming from. Broadcasters have a mandate to serve community needs; it’s what they’ve agreed to do in exchange for using our airwaves.
If only they held to their side of the deal. A recent New York Times report found many stations violate their public file mandate and block people from viewing their records.1 It's time we changed that.
By taking action you’re telling the FCC to take stronger measures to enforce transparency. Imagine having instant access to information like who’s paying for political ads.2 Imagine knowing exactly what kind of educational and public affairs programming is being aired. Imagine having access to news-sharing agreements that allow a broadcaster to air the same newscast on multiple stations in the same community. Imagine being able to compare coverage of local issues on area TV stations. Imagine being able to determine what stories your local stations have ignored.
The FCC is currently asking the public to weigh in as it considers these new rules. If the agency doesn’t hear from us, broadcasters will continue keeping this vital information hidden from public view — as they have for years.
Libby Reinish
Free Press
1. Meredith Hoffman, "At TV and Radio Outlets, Little-Known Trove of Kudos and Complaints," New York Times, Dec. 4, 2011,
2. Steve Waldman, "Why Journalists Should Weigh in on FCC Disclosure Rules — While There’s Still Time," Poynter, Dec. 13, 2011:

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