Yus and Alagie,

I concur with both of you... it is critical to have a plan and execute that plan effectively to be successful in whatever we do.  However, you guys would agree with me that we ran out of time long time ago on this struggle. We don't have the luxury to walk baby steps. It is far more challenging to collect financial resources than come up with a plan to execute. We need a multi face tactical approach... to include planning, execution strategies and the resources simultaneously! 

I think there is simply no good reason not to be able to raise funds while we brainstorm on what plans to execute. I suggest we do the planning, continue to raise funds and when we determine there are enough resources to get a plan executed.. then we can use the resources to execute without much delay. Time has been and is against us as Alagie alluded to..

On the questions Yus, I think the legal experts can help us answer those questions. All I know is that we are going to need funds lots of it to succeed in whatever we do. 

Thanks for raising more questions on how we can move forward... These are very encouraging steps.. Please continue doing anything you have been towards to struggle... 



On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 7:39 AM, Yusupha Jow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I think Alhagie has encapsulated what I wanted to say about the importance of fund raising based on a solid plan. He said:

"Plan first, motivate people based those good plans, raise funds and then execute.... "

It is a bit too late now to take this approach  in this particular Imam Leigh instance but I suggest we start thinking about how the process of getting this to the  ECOWAS courts will work.

Here are some questions I have:

  • How much does it cost to get such as case through the system?
  • How does the submission process work? What documentation needs to be submitted to start the process?
  • Can we leverage the same groups that helped get the Manneh case heard?
  • Do we need attorneys to argue the merits of the case in court? Do we need to hire one or will one of our own be able to help in this regard?
We can collect all the funds in the world, but to use a cliche statement, I believe to fail to plan is to plan to fail. We need to start thinking about how this will be done while the fund raising is ongoing. With that said, I will contribute if we have a viable plan on how to move forward.


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:02 AM, Alhagie <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
The root core of our problems is Yaya Jammeh and until we topple him, our problems remain. This is a great idea and a good initiative by Demba but i am more interested in raising money specifically to remove the tyrant and once he is gone the healing process of every wounded Gambian will begin. I do not believe if courts can ever resolve the injustices in The Gambia. 

Plan first, motivate people based those good plans, raise funds and then execute.... 

Alhagie Sowe. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-03-26, at 6:35 AM, kejau <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Thanks Demba.
Exactly my point, we need planning either before or whilst raising funds. 
As said before gathering resources seems to Gambians the easy bit but what we do with those resources seem to elude us many times over. We seem to be allergic to planning. And as the saying goes if we do not plan, we are planning to fail. 

Sent from Samsung Mobile

Demba Baldeh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Brother Kejau,

There are plenty projects in our struggle against impunity in Gambia that we cannot even begin to estimate how much they would cost... I mean we need hundreds of thousands of dollars to continue our fight against injustices in Gambia... To start: Filing a case for Imam Baba Leigh's unjustified detention could literally cost hundreds of thousands of dalasis in Gambian courts and or ECOWAS. If we want to file something at the ICC against the killings of our citizens that too will cost hundreds of thousands... What about the case against Chief Ebrima Manneh, Kaniba Kanyi, the GPU 7 or current 1st VP of GPU...the GAMCOTRAP brave women etc.. etc.. Other operations such as youth movements can be finance as well...

You got the drift... if the resources are available we can do amazing things in our struggle... Please let's get those resource together while we continue to operate at the GCC level, DUGA level, CSAG level, GPU level etc...

Thanks for weighing in and more ideas please on how we can coordinate more resources...



On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 3:42 PM, kejau <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Great suggestions as ideas should always be welcome. It is important we plan what we will do with the funds and then we can arrive at how much fund we need and from there we can contribute the funds.  

Sent from Samsung Mobileat 

Demba Baldeh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Yus,
Great Question... 'Plan to execute' is a great question. I believe that our biggest problem has not been putting together a plan but rather having the resources to back and execute the plan. Putting resources together will commit people and will give us the leverage to execute... Let's collect the funds, put them in a trust account and come up with a plan to execute.. We certainly have plenty problems to plan around and execute... So far here are the pledges
If we have 100 - 500 Gambians pledging say a minimum of $100 or whatever they can put together we will be well on our way to confronting our problems with force and vigor... Right now we all operate at a position of weakness because we don't have the resources to back it...
Anyway, we are combing efforts with Banka and other fundraising and I think we can move this to the next level.. There is no duplication of efforts just putting the resources together...

Any ideas are greatly welcome...


On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Yusupha Jow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Good idea Demba.. However, the question I have is how do you plan to execute the action?  Without a solid plan on how to move forward, I think collecting money is a bi premature. I also believe when you have a plan to execute, people are more likely to contribute.


On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Kejau Touray <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Maudo Demba et al, 

Do please count me in too...


Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 12:54:04 -0700
From: [log in to unmask]

Subject: Re: [G_L] [>-<] Imam Baba Leigh - 10 lawyer & Defense Funds $200 pledge?????
To: [log in to unmask]

Demba and LJD
I will support the initiative put forth by the majority. It looks like Demba already consulted Banka no issue there. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 25, 2013, at 12:36 AM, Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

As  you Americans would say, thanks for the heads up Sariang. 

Indeed Banka and others were so involved, and I have contributed $50 to the Imams Baba Leigh and Bakawsu Fofana fund drive through Banka himself.  Like Demba informed Yero before, that fund drive has the temporal remit of financially assisting the two families whilst their key bread earners were away. There is absolutely no conflict but Banka is right here reading all these conversations. If my understanding, and that of Demba, are off tangent, there is no stopping Banka from clarifying. His silence must be suggestive of  a lack of duplication.


From: Sariang Marong <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, 25 March 2013, 3:10
Subject: Re: [G_L] [>-<] Imam Baba Leigh - 10 lawyer & Defense Funds $200 pledge?????

Banka Manneh and others have been spearheading a fundraising drive for months. It will be ideal to contact them more importantly build upon what they have already started. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 22, 2013, at 12:15 AM, Yero Jallow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Mawdo Demba,
Thanks for the updates. You will probably need to link with Ebrima Conteh. Recall that he've been talking about this for the longest.
Count me in, and like the mentors say, "Go forth & conquer!"
I am in for any struggle free of political hypocrisy, division and bullying of any sort.
Best always,


Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 00:06:32 -0700
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [G_L] [>-<] Imam Baba Leigh - 10 lawyer & Defense Funds $200 pledge?????
To: [log in to unmask]

Yero, yes am aware of the fundraising with Banka.. that seems to be a one time designed to help relief the family while Baba is away...

This idea is actually a broad base funding for ALL prisioners of conscience... it would be a permanent fund drive if we can get it moving... It is only an idea thrown on the table.. Do we think it is a viable idea doesn't matter where it comes from... if yes, let's show hands... if not the fight against impunity continuous.



On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 11:55 PM, Yero Jallow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

 Mawdo Demba et al;
Great points.
With regards to the fundraising, I suggest that any interested in continuing this effort should link with those who are already doing the drives, in the persons of Banka Manneh and Baba Hydara last time I checked. It is proper that we don't operate in small scattered chunks.
Nyang's points below are worth noting and regardless, we still have to pursue justice to whatever level we must.  
Best regards,

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 23:44:51 -0700
From: [log in to unmask]

Subject: Re: [G_L] [>-<] Imam Baba Leigh - 10 lawyer & Defense Funds $200 pledge?????
To: [log in to unmask]

Not only are we confronting the Prefessor at the Courts but we are also confronting those sitting in the courts. How dare they go down in history as ruling on continuous detention of citizens? What would that say about them sitting on those courts? Not that we expect them to rule in our favor but they will be forced to take a stand....
Everyone of them will be accountable for their own action and will pay for it in one way or another... I say let the brave men and women on those courts tuck in their tails and succumb to the professor... Their days will come as well like Moses Richards...



On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Good question Nyang, but it is absolutely vital that the Professor is confronted in the courts, and that the spotlight is shone on the judiciary. I understand your cynicism completely, but absent exceptional circumstances, exhaustion of domestic recourse is a prerequisite to admissibility of ECOWAS Court action


From: Modou Nyang <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thursday, 21 March 2013, 22:43

Subject: Re: [G_L] [>-<] Imam Baba Leigh - 10 lawyer & Defense Funds $200 pledge?????

Good suggestion Demba, but if i may ask, what outcome do you expect out of a court action by even a team of 20 lawyers? I may agree that such an action may server to raise the plight of Imam Baba Leigh to the forefront of current national discourse, but what efect or result do yo expect from such an actio?
I think the case will just be dismissed by the courts or the respondents simply play innocence just like they did and is still doing in the cases of Rambo Jatta, Kanyiba Kanyi and Ebrima Manneh.

From: Demba Baldeh <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: [G_L] [>-<] Imam Baba Leigh - 10 lawyer & Defense Funds $200 pledge?????

Yus & Lamin,

Here is how I think Imam Baba Leigh can be adequately represented in Gambia without anybody being arrested... I think a group of lawyers can sign up to represent him as a group.. say the Bar Association appointing 10 defense lawyers to file a case at the high court.. or 10 brave independent lawyers come together and sign up to file a case to be heard at the high court.

At the very least I don't think they can or will arrest all 10 lawyers for simply representing a citizen.... 

Another suggestion I have to practically support this case is to urge Gambians to come up with contributions for Imam Leigh's defense fund... I would pledge $200 to this fund and if we have 100 - 200 Gambians pledging minimum of $100 dollars we are looking at $40,000 almost D1.3 million dalasis for defense fund... Do we have this commitment from our fellow Gambians on this list to do this project... anybody can lead this effort... from Europe, US, and anywhere around the world... 

Can we do this, any suggestion from anybody...



On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:11 AM, Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

The ECOWAS Court is indeed an option, but the Constitution itself offers a powerful tool to demand Imam Baba Leigh's release from custody. Do you know anything about the allegation that the family wants no recourse to law in order "not to offend" Professor Jammeh. 

Imam Baba Leigh is no ordinary Gambian and so my money is still on the supposition he is alive.

Like you, I am overwhelmed by his continued disappearance but where is his congregation? Will anyone taking up his case in The Gambia, including a legal representative, be arrested, abducted, or disappeared? This is not inconceivable, and my question remain how we stop fellow citizens from forcefully disappearing in the country? If we can solve this problem, we are home free!


From: Yusupha Jow <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Wednesday, 20 March 2013, 15:03

Subject: Re: [>-<] Imam Baba Leigh

I think we have to mobilize the resources to file a case against the dictator to produce Imam Baba Leigh. There is indisputable evidence that he was abducted by the agents of the state. Let's put pressure on the dictator in the most meaningful way. This case has to be taken to the ECOWAS court of law or any international court that will accept the case. This way we make it clear to him that concrete action will be taken against these type of arbitrary disappearances any time they happen; and that he will have to account for these people whether he is in or out of the State House.


On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 8:33 AM, Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Thanks Yusupha, and my main interest  lies in your first point:

        Why the silence about this man's disappearance? Doesn't it affect your 
         conscience that a man with kids as young as eight can simply be taken away 
         from his family yet Gambians all over the world aren't up in arms about this?              
        Does any society that has a collective conscience allow this to happen? 

I note YJ's arguments, but the theater for these abductions is The Gambia. Not a day goes by without my thinking about your above, but in all honesty, I am overwhelmed. I'm sure many Gambians have "conscience" but how do we energize that "conscience" to protect each other from killings, abductions, and arbitrary arrests. A solution to this issue means we are more than 90% nearer our liberation target. 

Any practical ideas on your point number 1?


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