I am just sitting here reading and trying to make sense out of what you are furthering on. 
Again, going by this simple advice from Lamin, you are just finding it hard to accept. I clearly see some issue with this. To attempt to push any harder would continually reveal some of what is frustrating some of us.
In any way, I am just telling you....he couldn't have put it any better for you. Besides unless you want to carry it by yourself and on your own, Lamin's addressing is welcome, perhaps not only as a forum admin but as just an elder that can tell his younger brothers to stop. If for anything, communication is very important component of activities here. You flamed a topic and others got insulted on it, and yet still you won't realize that you make an error.
You keep making touches here and there, pulling mud, and thinking that is the way to score points. 
You keeping putting your resume for us here. I say congrats but do you know what some of us are holding? As far as I am concerned, I say "Al ham dou lillah" for all the blessings Allah swt continually gives me daily. I am service to humanity both in American setting and a Gambian setting.
As far as I am concerned those that approached me with respect, will get the same thing back. If any does the opposite, it is as well within my assessment the level to which I treat the person in a manner he/she deserves at my own pace.
I never remember a time when anyone threaten to sue me, at least not in your case. I am not afraid of the courts. That is  infact what I believe in. We might have debate mild or tough, but you clearly know, I at least showed some respect. My overly respect and complementing of people was the same thing that made you opinine one time that we were probably worshipping LJD, to which he addressed with you, and I just retreated back thinking you got it.
In my life as a youth, both in my community and online, I demonstrated the highest respect to even those that I do not know. I like simple things and those things are what make me successful in life. I will hold true, keep it honest and sincere with those that do the same thing with me.
My life and my personality would not be defined by an individual who doesn't know me. As such with your beliefs, stick with them. I attempt not to convince you. While we continue to interact here, please just take a note, should you rejoin to my points, just stay withing what you know.
Kejau, you were here pushing me to tell you who Khaleel is, just because I said I know him. This is a person who calls me all the way from Kuwait while on assignments, from the US, donated to a fundraiser, etc....You insisted, and I reminded you that I am not an admin to the Gambia-L, and should have problems with his registration, you should contact the forum admins. You started calling him "turncoat" and he came out telling you he wasn't. It was the same thing...not till today did see you apologize.
With regards to Sintet, and this is not out of boast. Sariang can attest to this. There won't be many villages in the Gambia with so many educated and productive people like Sintet. To us, we are proud. Nothing changes that fact. There might have been people from there who've done dirty job for Jammeh as we all followed. The same would be said of other places. Jammeh might be a Jola, and that doesnt't make all other Jolas bad. Hamat's way of politics might be rotten as I keep fearing that on of these days he might take a position from Jammeh ala Waa Juwara, but he is not a tribalist, and he haven't done tribal politics.
As for Imam Baba Leigh is concerned, I do not know the man in Person, not his talibe, and never even meet the man in my memories. While I was going to school, I lived close to his dad's compound, and one of friends Edrissa Gassama from Pirang stayed with them. That is the closest I could be associated with their family. Like all of you, I keep fighting for a gambia, and this whole thing of tribe nonsense don't make sense to me. I see people, world citizens rather than some of these vices that put nations in turmoil. Should you doubt who I am, it is on you to prove this before people and I say good luck. You will never find anything that you will be looking for.
In any way, out of respect for those many readers here, those that reach out to me both on email and Phone, I have long since taken a truce. I realized that my own language wasn't proper, even though I felt pushed to the corner. I do not take hobby in doing that, at least can be attested by all those that follow what I do in my little ways and big ways, but I have had to defend myself, a clear point that there isn't any need to provoke someone who can use the same weapon against you and not even a fly will die from it. I will continue to exercise restraint, respect, and interact with those that are at the same level.
LJD, you make us proud as always. I regret the fracas and I could have handled it in a better way but I am sure all know that when pushed to the corner constantly, that leaves little options.
Best regards,


Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 22:04:47 +0200
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh
To: [log in to unmask]


I am seriously disturbed by the way you arrived at your conclusion about this particular fracas! Honestly, even Haruna gave a better reasoning, even if flawed and incompleted. I am sure your siding with Yero has definitely made me look at you in a very different light and it will take a while before I can change that. 
You are the one who publicly cautioned me to avoid Haruna, since my posting seem to always fall on his bad side. Haruna's objective evidence was incomplete and glaringly biased, but yours is worst, trust me, that was my job. Good folks here wrote to me in private, telling me to cool it then and this unprovoked attack on my person that you seem to ignore and even encourage says a lot about you than you can ever imagine, in the eye of right thinking people here. You arrived at conclusions that Yero  was acting funny and unpeculiar and went on to try to convince folks here that he was not a tribalist, yet it was he who went on a rampage and digging up writes up that are very old. That suggested he was deeply disturbed by those writings that he brought them up in desperation and definitely guilty of them. I was just justifying why they were disturbing him still. You were more like a counsellor than a jurist and that is what is disappointing and disturbing. 
There was no such serious incident than we witness here daily between Mboge, Demba and Yero, yet you chose to ignore those incident. I challenge you to mention any other issues that I was involved in apart from these two, except with Haruna trying to annoy me and failing woefully. 
I threaten your charge Yero, Abdou Karim and Bajinka with legal action for defamation and it is my prerogative and good given right, that no one can take away and it worked as they desisted and whether I have serious capacity is left to be seen especially if it had continued. Of course I have examined my mode and will stay out of controversial issues like the Raleigh and Pa Nderry issue and be as submissive and conventional as you want, if only I can. You see, I spent over 10 years working and training others and myself as a complaint and discipline and then a military police commander, I was chosen very young because I think differently, boldly and without fear or favour not because of A Level law only. Those are not traits I can discard here because of two fracas. I may come across as annoying and downright arrogant and a smart ass, but that is me. The only changes I can effect are ignoring personal attacks and insults, but I cannot change who I am. When truth is on your side and I will say so and if I feel you are wrong, no matter how annoying or rude I come across, I will say so, that is who I am. That is the reason I got the best in leadership in the military academy and served more than any other person as the disciplinary corp commander in the history of our armed forces, loved and hated fiercely, but respected! The troops I led, though love and respect me, even today, because of the aforementioned traits. 
I thank you for your concerned, but these personal attacks and insults cannot silence me, it will take more than that, say, delisting me! I owe it to more country first and always, and then the troops I led, and then my own welfare and the welfare of my family, always and forever! That is an oath I took on commission and I live by daily!



Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 20:03:46 +0100
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh
To: [log in to unmask]


Of course I respect you, and please understand I did not come to such an intervention easily. Your recent spat with Daffeh is too fresh in my mind, and the only reason I stayed an intervention in that ugly fracas was because Haruna stepped in and set the record straight. Although you protested profusely, the objective evidence clearly supported Haruna's position that you provoked Daffeh. 

There were other serious incidents, and in none of those could I remotely say you were right. 

On other occasions, less serious I must admit, you threatened people with legal action in circumstances suggesting you had no serious capacity to carry through your threats. 

If I am not concerned about the actual and potential perceptions these needless misunderstandings may create around your image, I'll just sit back, relax, and enjoy the fights. I derive no pleasure from these unfortunate incidents, and that is why I am suggesting, with absolute sincerity, respect, and politeness, that you reexamine your mode of communication to avoid triggering unpleasant spats with others. I hope you take a dispassionate look at my plea, but whatever your choice of conduct, this is the last you'ii hear from me in so far as the delicate matter of restraint in online communication is concerned.


From: kejau <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, 27 May 2013, 16:57
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh

I am disappointed with you with sides in this discussion. You seem to ignore the fact that the only thing I said was to thank Yero notwithstanding his garuwalleh, more than 24hrs before his outrage. Your charge, Yoero and I even continued exchanging comments, though he was still bringing in irrelevants. It was only when Mboge and Joe joined in the discussion, holding him to account that Yero went on a rampage, bringing in issues not relevant that were said many years ago. I was finished with this thread but due to  the fact I did respect you and you disappoint me by blantly and openly taking sides that I found disturbing. I waited for others reaction to enable me make a decision about my involvement in future in our common struggles as well as contributions to these forums. Fortunately the response was positive. 

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh


Thanks for your thought on potential talks in Minnesota. I think your truce initiative with YJ is already showing some deep and sincere progress. That saves me from the long trip to Minnesota, and once in the US, from mandatory trips to Atlanta, Lexington, and a few other cities in Yankee country. I would have avoided the face to face lobbying to be a HarunaMo, some membership category of HarunaSilo, the newly minted religion of our very own Haruna Darbo

Going by the record of avoidable conflicts involving him on this distro, and the Post, all that may be needed is a short private consultation with Kejau on the topic of restraint in public terrain. Oslo is indeed relatively closer to Queen country. I wouldn't say there is no art to communication, but the so-called golden rule, i.e., do unto others ..., is all the strategy one needs to stay out of the Kejau-type difficulties. All his recent flares are unnecessary, especially this one on Imam Baba Leigh considering Kejau and YJ appear to share the same philosophical wavelength on the post-release travails and questions around the persecuted Imam.  

I'm sure YJ has reverted to his consistently good online self, and that he wouldn't relapse to recent form sufficiently enough to slap amicable co-existence on the face, to paraphrase from his poem on "unity". 


From: Sariang Marong <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sunday, 26 May 2013, 23:15
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh

Brother Lamin
I was going to place a special phone call to Yero this evening, reason and only reason to accord for a truce. If this effort fails, LJD and brother Haruna will have to quickly put a plan together for another conference in Minnesota. Our cool and collected Yero will personally invite all parties concerned including his brother Kejau from Norway. Maybe we can build a consensus on a way forward by sitting at the same table. Yero please advise!
Wa Salam

Sent from my iPhone

On May 26, 2013, at 2:44 PM, Sariang Marong <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Brother Lamin
I was going to call brother 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 26, 2013, at 2:30 PM, Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Is this really YJ? Unbelievable!

Like they say, live long enough and you see/witness everything. As far as Gambian politics, I can say with certainty you do not have a tribalist bone in your body. Kejau clearly missed your numerous criticisms of Hamat and his politics. 

What is the deal with "balls" anyway?


From: Y Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sunday, 26 May 2013, 20:36
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh

Kejau, Eeseesoh firing, (LOL).
Your feebly mind is clearly sick and pathetic. I agree with Haruna that you are a pathological liar. Thanks for continuing to read me. Keep reading while I walk you through baby steps....we call it 'tehteh waawee yadu'. I wanted to warm up your blood pressure and I see that you are boiling. Well, the sad thing, your criminal mind couldn't do a jack about my balls. (laugh out loud). You are moving from castrating me to committing suicide on your own soul.
If your comprehension level is at the level it is, you will never get it right no matter how anyone tries to help your wires in your rotten oblongata connect. Are you serious that you haven't rehabilitated from your sickness? That would be very interesting. Are you certainly not ashamed of your stupidity, paranoia, and inability to just be within acceptable human standard? 
You still have the junky ass to still think in your head about this Foni/Sintet thing. Walahi, it shows the level of your immaturity. I am putting it to you and any feeble mind trapped in that mentality that not even a fly will be hurt in Sintet except those many Gambians who committed crimes. You can wine and even go to hell all you want. That is equally guaranteed. Patriotic Gambians will look at those that committed crimes and the full force of the law will be employed to handle matters. For all I care, bring before me anyone that hurt Gambians, and I will be first person to ask the law to deal with him or her, be it from Sintet, Wulli, or wherever.
Kejau: Why are you a pathological liar and deception? Who said it is because you critized Hamat when Hamat himself knows I criticize him more than even his own peers which your feeble mind cannot get? It is your mention of tribal politics that Gambians in today's age don't need, be it you or any son of a "machudoh" lineage like your lost soul.
Kejau, you are an unrepenting idiot for all I care. Whether garuwaleh, the Caption Camara issue, and any otehr situation, you are just pathetic. Like I said, "dip-fly" aka (mushroom in fry). The more you put your thoughts, the more you expose your emptiness. If you realize among all the lots here, you get tosed on your pants all the time, and this week that you continue to carry on your shoulders is very heavy. No wonder that is why you continue to be the feeble mind without realization of how crazy you gotten. Go get some help before it is too late.
Pa nderry can respond for himself. Those killers will do it for themselves. I wont waste a line on that.
Here is a submission. You and any other feeble mind that thinks Gambians will be fooled are joking. We will be here when Yaya is ousted. I will wait to see which other leader will victimize Foni or any other Gambian more than we've already seen in yaya. I know you will not get it. I wish I can help you. I will say, keep living in your own fantasy.
You keep saying here that others know you better. certainly they do...and you know your ethics within gambia's military was exposed somewhere.
All it boils down to: "A soldier without political education is virtually a criminal." (Sanakara). I will equally tell you that your inablity to understand things as far as gambia's politics goes make you one of those rotten pariahs that certainly need help.
I will be here when you....your bloody ass can either stay, read, not read or better still creep back to that ground hole.
My balls are still intact. Please check your and announce back here if your scrotal sac has shrinked. What a pathetic idiot! Allez............

Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 20:41:11 +0200
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh
To: [log in to unmask]

Machido Yero, 

LOL! Seriously, you need help. That piece about Hamat really got to you then, didnt it. Is it because you blindly follow him because he is Fula like you? Recently he changed his party symbol to a cow, the Gainako he is! A tribalist Gambia will not  work but by criticizing him even if you are all Fula, then people will take you seriously. We have seen you avoiding being critical of him as his parties, and you thinking Joe and Haruna are criticizing Baba because he is Fula! 
What I wrote many years that you seem to store in your berated mind was that the people of Sintet, your village, are the majority in the assassin team called junglers and that the rest of the Fonis are the main benefactors of Yaya's tribal politics, because they refuse to file a single opposition candidate in two consecutive elections and refused PDOIS and other parties space and peace to hold a rally. 
So why are all these being brought up then? Just because I called your garuwalleh, what is was? You are one vicious guy, more vicious than Pa Nderry and may be even Yaya Jammeh, and others you love to call vicious! 
ain't going anywhere, so bring your nonsenses and I will help you on your way to a mental hospital. 



Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 13:20:28 -0500
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh
To: [log in to unmask]

Ekoh, nee tamoo mang dehteh, nyaa buka yeleh.
Recently, I saw you saying Hamat Bah was doing tribal politics. Did I follow you quite well? In as much as I disagree with Hamat's way of politics which I have made very open, I equally disagree with you on the fact that he is tribal. Hamat endorsed Darboe in one of the elections. In 2011, he was a candidate representing his own party, that of PDOIS and Henry Gomez. How would a tribal Gambia work?
It was the same Kejau that I had to deal with over your rotten mind that the people of Foni are the ones helping Yaya. How so my friend? I told you then we will not deal with any geographical place as in Foni. We will hold accountable those that committed these crimes be a Foninka, a Badibunka,  a Wullinka or even the one from space. Some of these feeble minds like yourselves that believe that Foninkas or Jolas will be victimized when jammeh is gone, you are playing a fool of your life.
When I sit to think the way that some of your ilks are thinking, I am forced to sit down and cry. This is because your citizen mentality is far from a rescue plan. You are one heck of a case....again, keep running and you can't hide. I will be hear to get your pitiful and sympathetic ass grilled.
I am a fan of Einstein, thus: "Great spirits has always encountered opposition from mediocre minds."
Aight, now you creep back to the same groud hole you were coming. Mark every word that I am saying. You will not castrate my balls and don't try coming even any closer than you are because you will face the full wrath of your own doing.

Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 19:19:31 +0200
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh
To: [log in to unmask]

Grow up Yero,  wake up! The issue is not about me and my service records, neither is it about your inability to put a sensible argument forward.  For instance, belling the cat is the right term by the way, not belting, as you have annoyingly writing these days as if you just learnt it. You seem determined to pick a fight and are viciously bringing in issues and courting people, not relevant to the issues at hand. Either you are not civilized and or seriously you need help. 
I will only stop reading your pieces if you start being insolent or start writing a very uninteresting rambling pamphlet.  Sorry just can't find time. 
Folks here have levied the same accusations you are leveling at me since 2000, well before you joined these forums, not because of its relevance but because they are only trying to be spiteful and or trying to silence me. My hands are cleaned, you see. I was not in the military then but the police, though against my will. So you see, folks here know me better than you with all the nonsense noise you make. 
Try another defamatory line but as a man of straw I will spare you a court proceeding for libel, this time around. But be warned, you cannot be allowed to defame me in the eye of good folks here, by lying about issues you have no knowledge of by just being spiteful. 

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” You must do the thing you think you cannot do.

Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 18:45:40 +0200
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [G_L] Yero and Giussepe / Re: [G_L] Appreciation from Imam Baba Leigh
To: [log in to unmask]

Grow up Yero,  wake up! The issue is not about me and service records, neither your inability to put a sensible argument forward.  For instance, belling the cat is the right term by the way, not belting. You seem to pick a fight and are viciously b er bringing in issues and people not relevant to the issue at hand. Either you are not civilized and or seriously you need help. 
I will only stop reading your pieces if you start being insolent or writing a pamphlet.  Just can't find time. Folks here have levied the same accusations you are leveling at me since 2000, well before you joined, not because of its relevance but because they are only trying to be spiteful and or trying to silence me. My hands are cleaned, you see. I was not in the military then but the police though against my will. So you see, folks here know me better than you with all the nonsense noise you make. 
Try another defamatory line but as a man of straw i will spare you a court order, this time around. 

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: Y Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [G_L]
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