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Reply-To: H-Net Discussion List on History and Study of West Africa
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From: David Robinson <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      petition re cost of UNESCO volumes in Africa
To: [log in to unmask]

June 25, 1999
Note des editeurs: Vous rappelerez une petition circulee il y a 2 mois
concernant le prix exorbitant des volumes d'UNESCO.  Nous avons recu une
50ne de signataires, mais il en faudrait davantage pour avoir un impact a
UNESCO meme.  Nous attendons donc de recevoir d'autres personnes, et vous
demandons de circuler la petition a votre tour a vos collegues, etc.  On
peut employer l'adresse de h-west-africa pour indiquer l'accord; svp ajouter
l'affiliation, votre titre, etc., tout ce qui peut aider au poids de la
        Corrections acceptees aussi!

Editorial note: here is the petition circulated about 2 months ago; we want
more signatures before sending it in.  Please consider signing and
circulating it also among your colleagues near and far, and use the
h-west-africa address for sending the signatures back in.

From: "Ghislaine Lydon" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "dr" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Fw: Revised petition
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 08:42:23 -0400
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Le cout exhorbitant des documents scientifiques edites par l'UNESCO - en
particulier la serie complete de l'Histoire generale de l'Afrique -
constitue une serieuse entrave au developpement de la recherche scientifique
en Afrique. Des membres de la communaute scientifique se sont emus de cette
situation. Nous lancons donc cette petition pour demander aux autorites de
l'UNESCO de reviser a la baisse le prix des supports scientifiques
indispensables au renouvellement des connaissances pour les institutions et
chercheurs africains.

La petition internationale realisee par courrier electronique sera envoyee
par la suite a l'UNESCO a Paris pour faire pression sur cette institution
afin qu'elle revise ses tarifs pour l'Afrique.

Si vous desirez vous joindre a cette petition, et si vous connaissez des
personnes qui veulent y participer, il suffit d'envoyer un email avec les
noms, prenoms, professions et affiliations (institutions) des signataires a
l'un des correspondants ci-dessous.


The exorbitant prices of UNESCO's scholarly publications, namely the General
History of Africa series, seriously impede the development of scholarly
research in Africa. To address this concern, we are organizing this petition
requesting that UNESCO substantially lower the price of its scholarly
publications for African institutions and African researchers.

This international petition is organized by email and it will be forwarded
to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris to pressure this institution to amend
its price rates for Africa.

To endorse this petition, or include the names of fellow signatories, please
send an email message to one of the addresses listed below including full
names, professions and affiliations (institutions).

Thank you for your support!

Cheikh Babou, [log in to unmask]
Marieme A. Diawara, [log in to unmask]
Ghislaine Lydon, [log in to unmask]


Abdel Wedoud Ould Cheikh, Professor de Sociologie, Universite de Nouakchott,

Abdoulaye Bara Diop, sociologue, ex-directeur de l'IFAN Cheikh Anta Diop de
Dakar, Senegal

Amady Aly Dieng, economiste, Dakar, Senegal

Astrid Hillers, Ph.D Candidate, Natural Resources, University of Michigan, USA

Bocar Diagana, Ph.D candidate, Agric. Economics , Michigan State University, USA

Boubacar Barry, professeur d'histoire, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal

Catherine Coquery Vidrovitch, professeur d'histoire, CNRS-Universite Paris
VII, France

Charles Becker, sociologue, ORSTOM, Dakar, Senegal

Cheikh Babou, Ph.D. candidate, Michigan State University, USA

David Newbury, Professor of History, University of North Carolina

David Robinson, professor of history, Michigan State University, USA

Daouda Badiane, Enseignant et Chercheur, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal

Debora Johnson-Ross, Ph.D Candidate, Instructor of International Studies,
Wofford College, USA

DIAGA DIOUF, Departement de Biologie Vegetale, UCAD, Senegal

E Ann McDougall, Professor of History, University of Alberta, Canada
Evelyne Foy, Consultante en communications et developpement communautaire,
Montreal, Canada

Florian Grandel, Graduate student, University of Hambourg, Germany
Garba Diallo, Lecturer on Africa, the Middle East and Sustainable Development
The International People's College, Elsinore, Denmark

Getahun Mesfin Haile, Ph.D. candidate, African History, Michigan State
University, USA

Ghislaine Lydon, Ph.D. candidate, Michigan State University, USA

Ibra Sene, Graduate Student, UCAD, Senegal

Ibrahima Sall, Professor d'histoire, Universite Paris VII, France

Jason Peirce, Ph.D. candidate, School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London, U.K.

Jean-Paul Bado, historien, Institut d'Histoire des Civilisations Comparee,
Univ.d'Aix en Provence, France

John Hunwick, Professor of History, Northwestern University, USA

Kenneth Wilburn, Professor of History, East Carolina University
Kimberly Ludwig, Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, Michigan State
University, USA

Kitzie McKinney, Professor of Modern Languages, Bentley College, Waltham, USA

Liz MacGonagle, Ph.D Candidate, Michigan State University, USA

Manelisi Genge, Ph.D. Candidate in History, Michigan State University, USA

Marieme Diawara, Ph.D. candidate, Michigan State University, USA

Marika Sherwood, Sr. Research Fellow, Institute of Commonwealth Studies,
London, U.K.

Martin A. Klein, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, Canada

Mohamed Mbodj, Professor d'histoire, Columbia University, USA

Myron Echenberg, Professor of History, McGill University, Canada

Odile Goerg, Professeure d'histoire contemporaine, USHS

Oghenetoja Okoh,  Graduate Student, University of Minnesota, USA

Omofolabo Ajayi, Professor, University of Kansas, USA

Peter Mark, Professor of African Art History, Wesleyan University

Raymond R.Gervais, Chercheur consultant, Centre for Developing-Area Studies,
McGill University, Canada

Raymond Taylor, Professor of History, Saint-Xavier University, USA

Robert Fatton Jr., Professor and Chair, Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia

Stephan Buehnen ?

Tim Carmichael, Ph.D. Candidate in History, Michigan State University, USA

Tricia Redeker Hepner, Ph.D Candidate in Anthropology, Michigan State
University, USA

Yacouba Konate, Professeur de Philosophie, Universite d'Abidjan-Cocody, Mali

David Robinson
History and African Studies
Michigan State University
517 353 8898
Fax 517 353 5599
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