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Full-name: PFMANNEH
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Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 11:43:08 EDT
Subject: Re: July 4th. Reunion in Hotlanta! Football (Soccer) Update!!!! Just
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Hello King Solomon (THE WISEST MAN ),

Congratulations to Atlanta Boys. Let me take this opportunity to thank
everybody especially my hosts for their warm hospitality. Anyway, King
Solomon, you gays are pretty smart. Certainly, you know that Seattle Boys,
from a relatively cool environment, are very dangerous skillful players. We
just need some kind of "Air Management " like any team. Guess what you gays
did-- we played the first game with the defending champion in the hottest
weather I have never experience in my life (DON'T PUBLICIZE THE FINAL
SCORES). Our Boys were already dehydrated by hot wild winds before reaching
the field. For those who did not go to Atlanta, believe me, Atlanta was
hotter than Basse! No wonder they won. I wish we played in a cool, mild wind
and rainy Seattle.

Lamin P. F.  Manneh