fellow afrikans,

in this times the leading topic in our motherland is unity of all of
afrika.for me it is long over due.And strictly speaking it is not very
important from whom it is coming, for in the final analysis the people of
Afrika will control afrika even if any leader oR country thinks it can play
on the circumstances for its good. But i am writing this article mainly
because still there is a growing number of  us who do not seem to see the
need for unity now, and in fact some of us believe that Afrika cannot unite.
to people who hold both or any of the beliefs i say it is quite
unfortunate.However i hasten to say that there are people like myself who do
not only believe that Afrika can and will unite, but also believe that
Afrika shall be free and Afrika shall be socialist, no force on earth can
stop that!
Those who do not see the need for unity now seem not also to fully
understand the world, and especially the powers and the forces that control
the world today. And to such people i give them the pOints the Osagyefo Dr.
Kwame Nkrumah raised in the 60's when he pursued the need for unity:
which of our countries can defend itself from an outside attack?
which of our armies can defend Afrika and her people?
which Afrikan currency can compete with any world currency?
which Afrikan gov't can speak for every blackman and woman in the world and
be fully equipped to defend black people, like how u.s. or europe defends
its citizens worldwide?
how can we stop war and coups and dictatorship in any Afrikan country?
how can we stop tribalism, and the manipulation of our countries and civil
societies by outside forces?
There are numerous questions we can ask, but what all of them would indicate
is that we need to unite. Just a few years ago the Americans say it was
Osama Bin Laden who bombed their embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and in
retaliation they also bombed a medicine factory in Sudan. Some confused
Afrikans sadly took sides in the conflict. But what that bombings clearly
show is that Afrikans are very vulnerable and defenceless.It does not matter
who did that, but the mere incident showed that Afrikans do not matter as
far as the bombers and the Americans are concerned. The bombers killed over
200 Afrikans just to hit a wall  believed to house America citizens which
they call an embasssy, and the Americans for their part went to  destroyed a
factory which is producing medicine for our people. None of them even said
sorry fOr the innocent people killed. And now you have Afrikans supporting
one of the terrorists against the other.Today any so-called terrorist can
bomb the Albert market in Banjul or Acrra sports stadium or a heavily black
neighbourhood in New York or a hospital in Namibia and kill our people for
free and nothing will come out of it. In fact we cannot even detect such
things. The only gov't that can stop such things happening in afrika is the
GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AFRIKA. Those who believe we cannot unite
only confirm the racist convictions of our attackers, the white man, that
there there superior and inferior peoples in the world. Why is Europe
uniting? How much ready are they than us.Or they superior people and we are
inferior people? They are uniting now because the world situation today
demands that with unity you will continue to survive. and secondly Europe
has realised that the power it had as indidvidual states some time ago no
longer holds, and there are other countries which they once controlled are
now emerging powerful, who in not a too distance future are going to compete
and even dominate Europe. This realisation has opened the eyes of Eruopeans
despite the tribalism there to unite and save themselves. Do you have to
reach a cetrtain stage to unite? Unity,among other things, is a defence
mechanism and it provides tremendous potential for development  and
happiness.So how can some people claim that we are not ready for development
and happiness! it is the same mad claim the colonisers said that we were not
fit to rule ourselves, and surely myopic Afrikans like Senghor and Houphet
Boigny believed that then. But nkrumah and Sekou Touray among others knew
that was only a ruse for them to continue to rape and exploit afrika. We are
the richest continent but the poorest people! why is that? It is because we
do not control our resources and our destiny. It is only the Gov't of Afrika
which will empower us to control our destiny and our resources for the good
of Afrikan people. If we have , for example Yaya Jammeh of Gambia or
Rawlings of Ghana or Mbeki of South Afrika as President of Afrika,do you
think the whole of Afrika will stand by and see Jammeh oppressing the people
of Banjul, or Rawlings plundering the gold of Ghana, or Mbeki playing
nepotism, without our people resisting it. Look at what happened in Kosovo.
The Europeans saw Milosovic oppressing another Europeans, and they joined
together to stop it. I am not trying to endorse that move but i am just
showing you what unity can do.We could not have allowed Sierra Leone and
Rwanda and Congo to go on like that if we were united. So unity can stop
dictatorship and as well as minimise ,if not eradicate, corruption. We just
have to work for it.America was not created a USA. They fought for it and in
fact the USA did not start with all the 52 states, but they had to fight and
force a larger part of the USA to accept and belong. That was over 200 years
ago, but they did not say they were not yet ready or they do not need it.
These conflicts, and poverty and diseases and backwardness that is in Afrika
today already create the need for unity. If we are fed up with such a
deplorable condition in the midst of plenty then we should have seen the
need for unity. We need it and we need it NOW!! Our leaders today may not
easily go for it because they are enjoying our poor condition now, so for
those who think it is the leadership which will bring unity might suffer
from a heart attack. They can do it , but that depends on having conscious
and patriotic leaders in the like of Nkrumah. The only people who can unite
Afrika are the masses of Afrika. No one man or women can free a people. A
people are freed by their own conscious actions. However i know that one
person can  bring forth an idea and the people see it and embrace it and
make it material. Otherwise Marcus Garvey or Nkrumah or Steve Biko would
have freed Afrikan people long time ago. The idea is there but we did not
embrace it and practice it, and up to today we still run away from that
idea, which has culminated into what we call PAN-AFRIKANISM. But again we
know why some of us cannot see this idea. It is because we suffer from the
effects of slavery and colonialism, which have killed the capactity in our
minds to see and understand ourselves as a people and to also understand
other people and the world. So because we lack the knowledge about ourselves
and the world, the world now controls us instead of controlling the world.
Afrika is ripe for unity long long time ago. It is just that some people of
the world have made the Afrika to think that unity is useless, but meanwhile
they themselves are trying to unite. There is no maturation period for
unity, and unity has never been created for any special people or place or
time. Unity comes after any two organisms come to the realisation that by
virtue of the commonality of their circumstances i.e. their type of species
or place or time or situation, or a combination of all or any decide to
unite. So this means unity is another level of conscious by the parties
invovled.We say we have reached that consciousness. When i say we i mean a
sizeable number of Afrikans, not necesarily the majority.we are all Afrikans
living in Afrika and at the same time scattered in the Diaspora, we are the
poor in any society we live in even in Afrika, we are presently living and
alive,we have been enslaved and colonised by the Arabs and the Europeans,
and our culture destroyed, we are rich but poor at the same time,we are the
undesirable elements in any society, etc etc etc.So we need unity NOW!!!!
I am calling on all youths of Afrika now to remember first and foremost that
the freedom we claim today is not a charity from any one but a sacrifice and
a struggle gallantly fought and won by our fathers and mothers. We owe them
a responsibility to protect what they gave their lives for and gave it to us
in order for us to live like human beings as all other human beings do. We
owe it to our children to make sure when we bring them forth to this world
that they drop in a more advanced and better environment as our parents did
for us.We owe it to GOD THE ALMIGHTY to fight for justice and happiness for
our people and institute the rule of righteousness and truth among His
creation,we owe it the people who have made us achieve what we claim today.
In that regard i am sounding a call that we the youths of Afrika start to
organise our people and take off from where our Ancestors left off. Let us
send this message and i am proposing a PAN-AFRIKAN CONGRESS AND A MILLION
Those who agree to this let us please start to give ideas and plan. I am
down here in the gambia(west Afrika) and am planning with fellow Afrikans.
We have to decide when the Congress should be convened, where and how, which
means the issue of funding and participation either at individual or group
level should also be considered. The MARCH FOR THE ORIGINAL USA  can also be
decided.Time is going and we need to organise.The Osagyefo said it all
"organisation decides everything".
Peace to all of you. Victory is ours by all means even unnecessary!!!
Let us connect.An Afrikan from Gambian,Azania(south afrika),Jamaica,India,
America or Europe, we are all Afrikans and we all belong to the Afrikan
nation. We are only suffering from mentacide and disorganisation. UNITY


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