Mr. Sallah,

I think we're losing focus here. There is nothing personal in what I've said
so far, and I thought I've made that clear. So I don't understand the
"language directed at you" that you're talking about. What language have I
directed at you?

And let me be clear about "claiming that I know you." Mr. Sallah, I'm too
busy pursuing my goals to make spurrious claims about knowing any one -
however important that person is. And I always have been even as a boy. Have
I ever visited you at your home? No. But have we had exchanges on issues at
PDOIS' bureaus (first at Bundung, then at Mr. Sarr's house?) Countless
times! If you don't remember me, there's nothing wrong with that. But I'm
not the type who'll tell tall stories in order to feel important. I'm not in
the lying business, and I'm surprised you've not picked that up from our
exchanges by now. You are a professional in your field, and I like to think
I'm one in mine. So, why would I lie about knowing you when I don't?

It is for this reason that I mentioned in my last piece that I don't kow-tow
to anyone. It's not to be disrespectful, it's merely to convey the fact that
I go with my conscience irrespective of how unpopular my opinion is, or how
popular the recipient of my criticism is. It's a matter of principle.
Nothing else! Or would you rather I acquiesce to ideas I don't believe in,
only b/c they're coming from Halifa Sallah? No offense intended here Mr
Sallah, but I'm one African who is sick and tired of being duped by phoney
politicians who have been wrapping their tentacles in all types of cloaks,
and in the process, sending our  continent to the hell it is in now. Do I
think you're at that low level yet? Not exactly, but I intend to find out!

In any case, you're yet to address any of the questions/issues I've raised.
Even the issue of our phone conversation is untouched. If you're saying now
that the editorial board would have had a problem with publishing my letter
b/c of a Charles Taylor - MOJA type scenario, I wonder why you never
mentioned that in over thrirty minutes of our phone conversation. Not to
beat on a dead horse, a Yes/No answer regarding that article of mine will
do: do you remember receiving the article in '96 or not? That is the only
thing I'm interested in regarding that article at this point. You don't have
to answer this if you don't want to.

But please answer the questions relating to national issues. I don't want
this to degenerate into a personal argument. I just need answers to
questions that have been bugging me for a while, and which I believe will
help many others understand the nuances of Gambian politics since 1994.

I hope this clears some issues for you while you prepare your response.

Good night.


>From: foroyaa <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Attn. Saul Saidykhan
>Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 21:18:39 -0000
>Your last piece is quite interesting. Apparently, the article you wanted
>FOROYAA to publish is one discouraging Jammeh from standing whilst
>the candidature of Sidia Jatta and Sheiif Dibba and taking over of the
>country by PDOIS or NCP. Don't you think that we would have been classified
>as opportunists by publishing such an article? In fact, that is what
>Taylor accused the MOJA elements in Liberia of. He went into the armed
>struggle while some intellectual elements who were opposed to Doe were
>sitting back waiting for him to succeed and then come and lead. Once he
>succeeded, he decided to retain the booty. Don't you think that we would
>have been accused of allowing Jammeh to do the dirty job only to reap the
>benefits by taking over power after him? I sincerely believe that such an
>article would have given the impression that PDOIS relied on the army to
>rid of Jawara so as to be able to come to power. I am glad that you have
>transmitted what you wanted us to publish, and I can tell you that as far
>our editorial board is concerned such a letter would not have qualified to
>be published because it would have meant some form of self promotion in a
>media that was trying to be non-partisan at the time just to ensure that
>transition process reached its logical conclusion.
>Nothwithstanding, what I still cannot understand is the language you
>directed against me. I was not a part of Jawara's government. I had been
>offered a ministerial post when the AFPRC came to power, but rejected the
>offer. When the elections I was again offered a ministerial post for a
>second time and I rejected the offer.
>What have I gained to warrant anybody accusing me of masterminding
>I cannot be blamed for the excesses of Jawara and the PPP nor for the
>excesses of Jammeh and the APRC. I simply cannot understand where the
>hostile reaction is coming from, especially when you claim that you know me
>I am still reflecting on your last piece. I have to resolve my mind on the
>approach I have to take. I intended to be extremely provocative but I am
>wondering whether that is necessary after reading your last piece. Somehow
>feel that I have to clear the air once and for all by stepping on toes, of
>course, which I dread. I do not think that we should live in the past, but
>everywhere I turn to it seems to come back to hit me in the face. May be I
>should disregard offending anyone and proceed to face it squarely. I will
>decide by tomorrow morning on how I am to approach your contentions.
>Whatever I decide to do should not be taken as personal.
>Have a good day.
>Halifa Sallah.
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