>From: "Jamiat" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: "Jamiat" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: I'tikaaf - in the last ten day of Ramadhaan
>Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 16:32:43 +0200
>I'TIKAAF - in the last days of Ramadhaan
>The observation of I’tikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhaan was a
>practice which our beloved Nabi (s) observed assiduously throughout his
>in Madinah Munawwarah. The     devotion that our beloved Nabi (s) attached
>to this beautiful Sunnah can be understood by the fact that on the one
>occasion when he was unable to sit in I’tikaaf, due to being out on an
>expedition, he sat for twenty days I’tikaaf in the following year.
>The spiritual benefits that are gained from this wonderful Sunnah are
>innumerable. Who can possibly describe the ecstacy to be gained from
>communion in solitude with our beloved Creator while one is a guest in His
>home with the Malaaikah as his companions.
>The retirement to the Masjid is indeed an excellent way to exclusively
>engage oneself in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala. Away from the comfort of
>the home, beloved family members and daily work routine, the I’tikaaf
>enhances one’s devotion in Allah Ta’ala that inevitably (if observed
>correctly) results in the internal and external purification of the Mu’
>Remember!! such precious moments only come once a year - and who can say
>whether anyone will be here to see the next Ramadhaan.
>Ibn Abbaas (r) reports that Nabi (s) said; ‘Whosoever performs I’tikaaf for
>a day thereby seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, Allah will open three
>trenches between him and the fire of hell, the width of each (trench)
>being the distance between the heaven and the earth. (Tabraani)
>The Ulama observing the importance attached by Nabi (s) to this noble
>practice have       declared it necessary that this stressed Sunnah be
>upheld by at least one member of every locality. Failure to do so will
>result in the entire locality being guilty of neglecting this great Sunnah
>NB. Insha Allah, the Sunnat I’tikaaf of this year will commence on
>sunset of Wednesday, December 29 1999.
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