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Norman Mikalac <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 22 May 2001 04:34:16 -0400
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please unsub me.

norm mikalac


frank scott wrote:
> (415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
> P.O. Box 31
> Bolinas CA 94924
> email: [log in to unmask]
> June,2001
> New World Disorder
> Only a few years ago , the syntax shattering Bush-One spoke of a New
> World Order,  with the USA as lone super power, making the planet  a
> better place for corporate capital. This was to benefit everyone,
> except those we killed in foreign countries . Market forces,  much
> beloved among politicos who suffer intelectual disabilities, were to
> bring us the highest living standard in history. Sure.
> Now his tongue twisting son, Bush-Two, may  be presiding over a New
> World Disorder .
> Remember the  claims that  everyone would soon be employed, thanks to
> the “new” economy? Well, we recently suffered the biggest decline in
> jobs in ten years, and not only in manufacturing, but in the  invincible
> service sector, loved by investors for its low salaries , lower benefits
> and lowest job security.
> The endless economic boom has become an eternally fizzling firecracker.
> As its  financial and moral  values fall  down to earth,   millions of
> people go down as well.
> Fed-meister Greenspan, once labeled a  genius by market morons,  has had
> his IQ lowered by reality. Nearly in panic,  he’s dropped interest rates
> several times to revive an economy threatening to go into a coma. He
> obsesses over controlling inflation for his leisure class patrons, but
> hardly notices the working majority paying increased prices for
> essentials like gasoline, energy and housing.
> In truth, this economy is still totally dependent on consumers piling up
> ever more financial obligations. Like the national debt, the over six
> trillion dollar private debt burden carried by Americans will never be
> paid; in fact, if political  organization ever develops around the idea
> of  canceling personal as well as public debt, a revolution may be near.
> As awareness  grows that this “new” economy is not only old and tired,
> but  increasingly dangerous as well,  our  global status is  declining.
> At the United Nations, usually a rubber stamp for U.S. policies, we were
> recently dropped from the Human Rights  Commission, and also lost our
> post on an international drug control board. Our petulant congress
> threatens to continue reneging on our bills to that international body,
> but our collective hissy-fit doesn’t seem to matter.
> Lecturing other nations on human rights isn’t effective when they
> consider, say, the number of unarmed  black men who have been killed by
> American police. But it’s even worse when they ponder  the tens of
> thousands we have killed in  Iraq, Serbia and Columbia, to name only a
> few places where our foreign and domestic policies strike the same notes
> of ugly dissonance.
> Our irrational war on  illegal drugs  kills, imprisons,  and wreaks
> havoc on natural and social environments. This, while  we nurture the
> legal dope peddlers in major pharmaceutical corporations, who buy , rent
> or lease our government and are untouched by regulation. This
> hypocritical policy makes us the laughing stock of the world, although
> it is not humorous to those who suffer our dreadful  stupidity.
> We tell people how to live and set examples by showing  little
> awareness of anything but how corporate capital can  further tighten its
> grip on humanity.The world seems to have grown tired of our arrogance,
> and is beginning to act as though it has had enough .
> We use the rhetoric of peace and cooperation to cover the actions of
> violence and coercion. A quarter of a million American military
> personnel are stationed in more than 100 countries, and almost all of
> them are deeply resented. We are moving towards warfare in space, with
> an incredibly expensive and more incredibly stupid proposal for a
> missile defense system, years after the supposed soviet threat has
> vanished.
> Our biggest military threat  is the empty space between the ears of our
> Washington warheads. This bad science fiction scheme is opposed by
> everyone  but the serial killers in our munitions industry , who will
> fill their wallets by emptying those of our taxpayers.
> The world is responding to the neoliberal years of market fascism that
> have meant great prosperity for some, but  more poverty, suffering,
> environmental destruction and  bloodshed than the people or the planet
> can tolerate. We are seeing the backlash, from all forms of nature.
> As the UN begins to “just say no” to the imperial rogue nation, nature
> seems in open rebellion against its continued mistreatment.  The earth
> is regurgitating  the filth and waste  it accumulates from this economy,
> and environmental pollution is growing world wide. The serious problem
> of global warming is called a myth by some corporate lap dogs, but it is
> a reality to most reputable scientists.
> And international capital  is under attack, by people interested in
> human rights, democracy and  breaking the  bio-genetic food chain  which
> has been applied to their stomachs and minds. They oppose industries
> that produce more  food , but feed less people, and make more money, to
> profit fewer people. And all this, while poisoning the foundations of
> life.
> The USA is still the baddest gangster in the global community, but the
> neighbors are becoming tired of its protection racket and strong arm
> tactics. And even its mob members and hired hands are starting to act
> up, whether in demos against corporate power or in speaking dangerous
> thoughts about doing things differently in the future than they have
> been done in the past.
> Sometimes it takes calamity to bring on change, though we cannot afford
> many more natural or unnatural disasters. But the signs of breakdown in
> the imperial class are encouraging. Bush-Two’s born-again conservatism
> has awakened many slumbering citizens, and the movement  against the
> brutality and hypocrisy of corporate capitalism has a large and growing
> membership.  Under circumstances of a diseased form of order, good
> health and progress demand a positive form of disorder. Good news: It
> seems to be at hand.
> Copyright (c) 2001 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.
>              This text may be used and shared in accordance with the
>              fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be
>            archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that
>             the author is notified and no fee is charged for access.
>            Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on
>           other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author
> .
> frank scott
> email: [log in to unmask]
> 225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
> (415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791