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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 17 Jun 2000 13:29:39 -0700
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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
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(415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
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July, 2000

Lesser Evils: The Politics of Capital

by Frank Scott

American consumers of democracy shop at a marketplace in which the
labels   on the packages are different, but the contents the same. Ad
campaigns and  issue positions vary, but the  commodities are
manufactured by the same firm.  Like most merchandise , the goods are
affordable only to the capable bidder, and while  campaigns strive for
appeal to the  middle, the product itself is produced and distributed by
the  top.

Public opinion will be twisted and turned by millions of dollars before
the November elections, but most of the minority that votes will be
against, not for, the major candidates. This  may offer hope for a
breakthrough in the  monopoly that controls America’s politics of
capital, as minor parties stand a chance of gaining a foothold among
disgusted consumers . But it will continue a long tradition of lesser
evil voting.

Many concerned  citizens   genuinely believe in one  franchise of
corporate politics, but most will  vote to save the nation from the
horror which will occur if the other franchise  is elected. Some will
vote to make life better for all, but all will merely insure that things
get worse for some.

This is the substance of profit and loss politics  under Capital. Horror
does  take place, with the only difference being  who  suffers  most,
how quickly and to what extent. But suffering is guaranteed, with  the
choice of lesser  evil.

As an example, Bill Clinton has been called the best president Black
America has ever had. He has appointed more blacks to his administration
and is  more comfortable than any other president  when he is in the
company of black people; especially if they are  of the educated and
professional class.

But during his presidency , the number of young black men in America’s
prisons  has enormously increased. Blacks represent 13% of the nation’s
arrests for drug related offenses, but 59% of the convictions. When we
see photos of Clinton smiling with his  black friends and associates, we
should remember that they certainly have done well, but those with less
money  have done much worse, especially if they are young men or single
mothers. Profit for some is always accompanied by  loss for others: this
is a guarantee in the lesser evil system.

Both  corporate parties are defenders of that system, with minor
differences in just how much government they will allow , either as
gentle regulator of the market,  or supplier of band-aids for the
bloodletting that is  the final outcome of free market economics , for
those not moneyed enough to be “free”.

Democrats  respond to union finance,  and  by tradition they rally to
the support of workers and  other ordinary people. But they do this in
ways that maintain corporate capital’s  power and control over the
system, and they see to it that notions of democracy as something other
than financial power are not treated too seriously.

A minority  of Democrats  speak to issues like peace, health care and
higher wages, but they aren't really allowed to do much more than
speak.  This  small group within the party  keeps progressive politics
alive as a hope for the future, but the  controlling interest for the
Democrats is the same  as the  Republicans. It is corporate capital.
Only the ignorant or naive think otherwise.

The Republicans have long been known as the party of the rich, but they
occasionally take on a  more populist tone . As liberal  politics have
become more elitist, using   working class taxes to support middle class
interests, Republicans have often seemed to speak for  working class
citizens. They do so with even less honesty than the Democrats.

The  disintegrating moral state of the nation, long obvious in its
capacity to commit mass murder all over the world, has come to general
awareness mainly through  issues like school prayer , abortion and other
personal rights battles. These often pit an educated,  affluent minority
against a majority with less financial and professional clout. And
again, contrary to political mythology , Republicans , often  cynically,
seem to take the side of the latter group. Pity the poor voter.

The  breakdowns that  produce religious fundamentalism in less developed
parts of the world do the same thing here in the rich center of global
capitalism. Just as the lack of democracy and the ravages of market
forces have driven millions in the developing countries to  religion as
a haven in  a heartless  world, here in the USA,  “progress” has
created  social divisions  which drive people into houses of god. These
seem to  offer cheaper  moral solutions to the problems that markets
can only solve with expensive  immoral commodities.

Both major candidates  profess close personal ties to god, specifically
the New Testament Jesus. One  identifies Jesus as his favorite
philosopher, and the other as a moral guide, consulted before any
dilemma by asking; what would Jesus do? Their Christianity is in keeping
with  the American majority, said to worship god,  pray and believe in a
hereafter. That last might be due to the miserable reality experienced
by so many in the here  and now. But the candidates follow the polls and
focus groups, so Jesus it is.This does not stop them from rushing off
to, say, the Israeli political lobbies to profess faith in the Old
Testament  deity’s Jewish holy land, more for dollars than god.

This is the religious aspect of American lesser evil politics: God is
mentioned before, during and after every lie or murder, whether of an
individual or of an entire people. Whichever party the corporate
candidate is from,  it operates exclusively under god’s franchise.
Voters are advised to pray , pick a lesser evil and say Amen. That’s the
politics of capital, but It’s a hell of a way to run a democracy.

 Copyright (c) 2000 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

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frank scott
email: [log in to unmask]
225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
(415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791