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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Dean Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:29:08 -0400
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Alternative Press Week in Review
Your Guide Beyond the Mainstream
Vol. 1, No. 10 - April 28, 2003

A weekly roundup of news, essays and other items of interest.
To the people of Gaza from the family of Rachel Corrie
The Secret Arsenal of the Jewish State
US Forces Make Iraqis Strip and Walk Naked in Public
US Marines Get Into the Spirit of Looting
Doctored Photo

INCOMING! - A short list of some of the more interesting items received at
the Alternative Press Review office this week.

Zine of the Week


24-page political zine from Philly with articles by Mumia Abu-Jamal, Hans
Bennett, Normon Solomon and interviews with Noam Chomsky and Michael Franti.
Sample copy is $2.00 from Insubordination, PO Box 30770, Philadelphia, PA
19104; email: [log in to unmask]

CD of the Week
The Skeptics - Right from the Start

Articles of the Week
Amy Goodman Interview with Robert Fisk
Democracy Now

I've never seen such historical acts take place in the 27 years I've been in
the Middle East. And the results cannot be good. I don't believe we've gone
to Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction. If we'd done that, we would
have invaded North Korea. I don't believe we've gone there because of human
rights abuses because we connived at those abuses for many years when we
supported Saddam. I think we've gone there for oil. And though we may get
the oil, I think the price will be very high.
Something deeply corrupt is consuming journalism
John Pilger, Pilger in Print

A war that was hardly a war, that was so one-sided it ought to be dispatched
with shame in the military annals, was reported like a Formula One race, as
we watched the home teams speed to the chequered flag in Baghdad's Firdos
Square, where a statue of the dictator created and sustained by "us" was
pulled down in a ceremony that was as close to fakery as you could get.
No One is Totally Clean
Mickey Z., Dissident Voice

The impact these "former" Nazis had on shaping U.S. policy towards the USSR
was vast. The number of humans who suffered and died because of the
resultant Cold War is beyond calculation.
Corporate Media and Homeland Security Move Towards Total Information Control
Peter Phillips, Dissident Voice

For the majority of Americans who depend on corporate media for their daily
news, this monolithic news structure creates intellectual celibacy, inaction
and fear. The result is a docile population, whose principal function within
society is to simply shut-up and go shopping.
Double Standards in P.T. Barnum's Land
Stephen Gowans, What's Left

The closest the media gets to declaring these US violations to be "war
crimes" is when they call them "controversial," as in the "controversial use
of cluster bombs," or the "controversial use of depleted uranium munitions,"
or the "controversial use of overwhelming force in civilian areas," or "the
controversial targeting of civilian morale." This is a bit like saying
Hitler's invasion of Poland was controversial.
The view from wonderland
Ernest Partridge, Online Journal

How many Americans today are aware, or if aware, care, that the Bush
regime's justifications for the Iraq war were based upon lies, forgeries,
and plagiarisms, and that the images of the "coalition's" "triumphs" (e.g.,
the toppling of the Saddam statue and the "rescue" of Private Lynch) were
Did Matt Lamont Try to Blow Up Hitler's Birthday Party?
Nick Schou, Orange County Weekly

One thing that is obvious is that Lamont didn't get attached to anarchism by
reading books by Goldberg or Chomsky. Instead, as seems to be the case with
the rest of his cohorts, believing in anarchy simply meant rejecting all
forms of authority-parents, teachers and especially cops.
Brazil: Neoliberalism with a human face
Michel Chossudovsky,

Ironically, while applauding Lula`s victory, nobody - among the prominent
critics of "free trade" and corporate driven globalization - who spoke at
the 2003 WSF, seemed to have noticed that President Luis Ignacio da Silva`s
PT government had already handed over the reigns of macro-economic reform to
Wall Street and the IMF.
San Francisco Chronicle Fires Reporter For Attending Peace Protest
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now

Henry Norr joins a growing number of journalists who've lost their jobs or
columns due to their views on war.
Interview with Filmmaker Godfrey Reggio
Green Anarchy

I think our greatest opportunity is to live a creative life. Often that
means to reject schooling, rejecting organized education. For many of us,
our diploma from college becomes our death certificate, because it
ingratiates us into a way of life that's unquestioned where the principal
modus operandi is finance, or money.
The Military's Media
Robert Jensen, The Progressive

Three days into the war, CNN's Judy Woodruff ended a segment featuring an
interview with an A-10 "Warthog" pilot with the comment, "We continue to
marvel at what those planes can do." Once "Shock and Awe" began, some on-air
reporters appeared jubilant - as if they were watching a fireworks display
and not weapons that kill people.
Practice to Deceive: Chaos in the Middle East is not the Bush hawks'
nightmare scenario--it's their plan
Joshua Micah Marshall, Washington Monthly

In their view, invasion of Iraq was not merely, or even primarily, about
getting rid of Saddam Hussein. Nor was it really about weapons of mass
destruction, though their elimination was an important benefit. Rather, the
administration sees the invasion as only the first move in a wider effort to
reorder the power structure of the entire Middle East.
The war at home
David Valdes Greenwood, Boston Phoenix

It's time to defend our liberties before Patriot Act II makes protest a
There's Lies, Damn Lies, and then there's the Corporate Press
William Bowles, Information Clearing House

For months we've been bombarded with a never-ending stream of state
propaganda utilising a vast array of techniques: satellite images, computer
simulations, faked documents, 'revelations', 'pulpit pounding' and pleading
verging on the evangelical, dossiers, expert analysis' of one kind or
another, exhultations to one's patriotism, and threats of dire events if we,
the people, don't go along with what is probably the most sustained campaign
of disinformation ever mounted by governments in modern times.
Leaked document exposes pro-Israel lobby's manipulation of US public
Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada

The Electronic Intifada has obtained, and today publishes in full, a
document prepared for pro-Israel activists by the public relations firm The
Luntz Research Companies and The Israel Project. The document spells out the
tactics that Israel and its US advocates should use to maintain support for
Israel and its hardline policies.
The decline and fall of American journalism
Alexander Cockburn, Working for Change

Until Judith Miller's piece showed up on the front page of the New York
Times on April 22, I'd thought the distillation of disingenuous U.S. press
coverage of the invasion of Iraq came with the images of the April 9 hauling
down of Saddam's statue and of Iraqis cheering U.S. troops in the square in
Baghdad in front of the Palestine Hotel.
Americans are as stupid as pig dribble
Brian Cloughley, Daily Times

We should not be surprised that so many Americans believe everything they
are told about foreign countries by the propaganda machines whirring away in
Washington. Independent, impartial international reportage is almost
non-existent on US television. Most major newspapers are partisan to the
point of risibility, and local papers are notable for their jingoistic
fervour and even, deplorably, their self-righteous, club-swinging,
flag-brandishing xenophobia.
Bush Comes Clean: It was about oil
Ted Rall, Infoshop

Iraq is going to hell. Shiites are killing Sunnis, Kurds are killing Arabs
and Islamists are killing secular Baathists. Baghdad, the cradle of human
civilization, has been left to looters and rapists. As in Beirut during the
'70s, neighborhood zones are separated by checkpoints manned by armed
tribesmen. The war has, however, managed to unite Iraqis in one respect:
everyone loathes the United States.
Impassive resistance: Protest songs for today
Mike McHone, WSWS

What we are seeing now is a government who restricts the expressions of its
artists, limits an area of choice, and has a hand in shaping the country's
perspective on certain topics.
Aren't these the very same accusations George Bush has made against Saddam
Hussein and his control of the Iraqi media?
Getting Indy Comics to the Masses
Rich Watson,

The following is a transcript of the panel discussion I moderated at this
year's Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo, entitled "Open Minds: How do
you get someone to try a small press comic?" from April 5, 2003, in
Columbus, Ohio.
Wolves and Sheep
Stan Goff, From the Wilderness

Former West Point instructor and retired U.S. Army Special Forces Master
Sergeant Stan Goff breaks down for us what really happened in the Iraqi war,
with our media, and to us here at home.
Who Covered The War Best? Try al-Jazeera
Frances S. Hasso, NewsDay

In covering the war, al-Jazeera was unique in the number of independent
reporting teams distributed throughout the region, some of whom have been
beaten by Kurdish forces, banned by Iraqi government officials, and
reprimanded almost daily by U.S., Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Saudi, Jordanian and other
state and military officials at press conferences. These states recognize
the destabilizing potential of al-Jazeera's brash willingness to ask
difficult questions and give voice to the marginalized majority.
When Police Attack Journalists
by Will Potter, CounterPunch

I attended the march as a freelance journalist, and was beaten by police
with batons while I was wearing my Congressional press pass. These attacks
were not just "allegations."
The secret society
Tim Grieve, Salon

Under Attorney General John Ashcroft, America is becoming an Orwellian state
where people are locked up and no one can find out why -- least of all a
compliant Congress.
The Toppling of the Statue of Saddam was a Staged Media Event
Interview with Neville Watson

The one that I've seen a lot of since I've been back is the toppling of the
statue of Saddam and I can hardly believe it was the same one that I saw,
because it happened at only about 300m from where I was and it was a very
small crowd. The rest of the square was almost empty, and when we inquired
as to where the crowd came from, it was from Saddam City. In other words, it
was a rent-a-crowd.
The unthinkable is becoming normal. Do not forget the horror
John Pilger, The Independent

The American essayist Edward Herman wrote: "There is usually a division of
labour in doing and rationalising the unthinkable, with the direct
brutalising and killing done by one set of individuals ... others working on
improving technology (a better crematory gas, a longer burning and more
adhesive napalm, bomb fragments that penetrate flesh in hard-to-trace
patterns). It is the function of the experts, and the mainstream media, to
normalise the unthinkable for the general public.''
The Korean Crisis
Chalmers Johnson,

The prosperous and well-informed people of the South know that their fellow
Koreans, hungry, desperate, oppressed but exceedingly well armed, are
trapped by the ironies of the end of the Cold War and by the harshness of
the Kim Jong-il regime, but are also being pushed into an exceedingly
dangerous corner by the pride and arrogance of the Americans in their newly
proclaimed role as the reigning global military colossus.
The Achille Lauro hijacking: Selective memory does none of us justice
Daniel Jacob Quinn, Electronic Intifada

While extensive media coverage of the arrest of Abbas in Iraq by US forces
has ensured that most of us know about the Achille Lauro, no one seems to
recall Hammam-Plage.
"Supporting the troops": a crisis of perspective
Noah Page, WSWS

During the twentieth century the most reactionary elements of aggressor
nations seized upon this idea, including the Free Corps movement that
ultimately formed the vanguard of Nazi Germany. As a political tool, it's
been used by a succession of US presidents-in Vietnam, in the first Gulf
War, and now.
Don't Mess with Wal-Mart
Katharine Mieszkowski, Salon

The art graduate students behind said it was satire. Wal-Mart
said the site promoted fraud. But now the debate over the Web site is one
for the culture-jamming alternative history books, since the pranksters
behind the site yanked it off the Web on Wednesday night, saying that they
feared legal action.
For the people on the streets, this is not liberation but a new colonial
Robert Fisk, The Independent

So now - with neither electricity nor running water - the millions of Iraqis
here are ordered to stay in their homes from dusk to dawn. Lockdown. It's a
form of imprisonment. In their own country. Written by the command of the
1st US Marine Division, it's a curfew in all but name.
War Crimes and the US
Mickey Z, ZNet

Examples of civilians killed by the American military could fill volumes.
For the purposes of this essay, three Asian nations will serve as examples.
'A Chill Wind is Blowing in This Nation...'
Tim Robbins, CommonDreams

Every day, the air waves are filled with warnings, veiled and unveiled
threats, spewed invective and hatred directed at any voice of dissent. And
the public, like so many relatives and friends that I saw this weekend, sit
in mute opposition and fear.
The Destruction of Iraq
Kurt Nimmo, CounterPunch

Naturally, the US does not care about the Geneva Convention. This should be
obvious -- from the use of cluster bombs to the illegal detention of
political prisoners at Gitmo Bay in Cuba -- Bush and the Pentagon are
violating the Geneva Convention right and left and at every turn.
Parable of a Bad Samaritan
Tim Wise, ZNet

Ali, we are to believe is simply the victim of the "horrors of war," a nice,
tidy and quite passive formulation that makes no mention and takes no notice
of which side unleashed said horrors. The phrase fairly reeks of the kind of
emotional and for that matter intellectual detachment so common among the
powerful; those who are practiced at never second-guessing their actions or
their own smug self-righteousness.
They Shoot Activists, Don't They?
Brooke Shelby Biggs, AlterNet

In the past month, three international peace activists have been wounded or
killed by the Israeli Army. They were all affiliated with the International
Solidarity Movement, a loose network of international activists who are
trained in and dedicated to non-violent tactics to defend Palestinian
civilians from Israeli aggression.
Baghdad Did Not Fall - It Was Handed Over
Jalal Ghazi, Pacific News Service

Arabic media are using the word "safqa" to explain the sudden collapse of
Baghdad and the Iraqi regime. Translated into English, "safqa" means "a deal
made fast and in secrecy."
Journalists die and networks lie
Linda Heard, Online Journal

Iraq is being "liberated" while truth is incarcerated. Former BBC reporter
Kate Adie warned that non-embedded journalists in Iraq could be Pentagon
targets before the war began. She was right.
"Smile and Enjoy It" - The Rape of Iraq
Dr. Susan Block, CounterPunch

We feel good about our war now, at least some of us do. As the rapist would
say, "I gave her what she really wanted." She needed to be raped. She wanted
to be violated.
Supporting the Troops
Richard Sellers, Strike the Root

So many people, actively opposed to the assault on Iraq by the United States
military, are coming forth with this idea that "We don't support the war,
but we support the troops."
Mark Twain Speaks to Us: "I Am an Anti-Imperialist"
Norman Solomon, Dissident Voice

Mark Twain was painfully aware of many people's inclinations to go along
with prevailing evils. When slavery was lawful, he recalled, abolitionists
were "despised and ostracized, and insulted" - by "patriots." As far as
Twain was concerned, "Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain
or freed a human soul."
"A rapacious colonial war": Interview with Arab journalist Said Dudin on US
bombing of Al Jazeera
Stefan Steinberg, WSWS

The Bush administration justify their actions as preemptive war, but it is
necessary to call things by their right names. It is Hitlerism-a repressive
and rapacious war aimed at plundering the region.
A Baghdad Neighborhood Proud of Resisting US Forces
Palestine Chronicle

As riots are breaking on regular basis by Iraqi prisoners of war, sparking
questions about the destiny of thousand of POWs, a Baghdad neighborhood
residents sounded their pride for meeting U.S. soldiers with fiery
resistance rather than roses.
Israeli violence against peace activists
Daily Times editorial (Pakistan)

Clearly, the IDF is employing a tried and tested method: targeting peace
activists over a period of time and then simply explaining away such
incidents as the "necessary fallout" of a conflict.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Declan McCullah, CNet

This is a development that deserves close attention in the technology
community. More than other industries, the computer business relies on
immigrants. And some, like Hawash, are getting caught up in the U.S. Justice
Department's campaign against suspected domestic terrorists.

War Criminal Colin Powell Defends Murder of Journalists in Iraq
US Media Losing Global Respect
Revealed: How the road to war was paved with lies
Montreal G20 Trial Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Atta Worked for Elite U.S.-German Government Exchange Program
US forces worse than Saddam, Iraqi Shiite leader charges
The Baghdad Deal
ISM's Adam Shapiro responds to CAMERA's distortions in the Washington Post,2763,940335,00.html
Ba'athists slip quietly back into control
IFJ: "Impossible to ignore evidence of Israeli targeting of journalists"
US admits children held at Camp X-ray
Baghdad Protests Reinstatement of Saddam's Police Force,,5944-647063,00.html
Basra fury over return of Saddam's 'killer' police force,89,&item_id=30621
Gen Tommy Franks could face war crimes trial in Belgium
US lone vote against human rights resolution on occupied territories
Barred! US military bans peace team members from Palestine Hotel
US bans media from protests
A Crusade After All?
In bombed neighborhoods, everyone 'wants to kill Americans'
Hundreds of U.S. Soldiers Emerge as Conscientious Objectors
US army hampers media coverage of anti-US protests in Iraq
US Rejects Iraq DU Cleanup
Muslims save Baghdad's Jewish community centre from looters
US Troops Loot, Steal
Disappointed Marines learn stay in Baghdad may be indefinite
Spanish human shields call for Aznar war crimes trial

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