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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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William Meecham <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 12:34:20 -0700
text/plain (158 lines)
With regard to the Fathers, in fact the Capitol building was built by
slaves, including the statuary.  This resonates with the use of Fascist
background German architect to build the new WWII monument, slavery
> (415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
> P.O. Box 31
> Bolinas CA 94924
> email: [log in to unmask]
> August,2001
> Him, or Us?
> "He is totally an asshole."
> Japanese Foreign Minister, Mikako Tanaka, describing President Bush.
> The above wisdom from the east entered our consciousness during the
> media season of patriotism. While most Americans have the good sense to
> simply picnic, watch fireworks and have a good time,  many pundits find
> the Fourth of July a time to extol the virtues of our founding fathers
> and our unique democracy,
> They never mention the class interests of those “fathers”, nor the fact
> that many of them, including Thomas Jefferson, were slave owners. But
> why mix real history with a legend , or ask pointed questions about what
> we call a democracy and why it might be  terribly flawed?
> Thanks to our Japanese friend, we have publicly heard the  obvious. Bush
> is, indeed, a total asshole. So?  He is not the first dunderhead we’ve
> had in the White House.
> It is the  political system that is the problem, not the dim-witted
> assortment of functionaries for corporate capital  it produces. Coal
> mines manufacture coal, auto factories manufacture cars, and American
> political economics manufactures supporters of American political
> economics. The regular change in personalities at the top is a bait and
> switch game played between the two factions of our ruling party . The
> miracle is its  continued tolerance by people who should, at last, know
> better.
> Every social, environmental and personal problem identified by groups
> ranging from the extreme right to the extreme left originates,  directly
> or indirectly,  from the economic and political foundation of life .
> Past  advocates of change may have stressed that fact to the exclusion
> of important issues like race and sex, but present generations have gone
> to the other extreme. It is time to bring culture and political
> economics together, if we would ever achieve social justice , a healthy
> environment and a peaceful world  .
> Democratic capitalism is an oxymoron, both of language and morality. For
> every group that thrives under the present system, a larger group
> suffers, and despite techno-modern trappings, the modern reality is no
> different than that of the mills and mines of the nineteenth century,
> when the system was first analyzed by Karl Marx.
> What is presently called globalization,  the triumph of capital , the
> era of  electronic marketing, or  other euphemistic drivel used to cover
> the sounds of  misery and the smells of  pollution,  was then called the
> bourgeois revolution.  It was seen as uniting the globe  with a single
> rule of production and development. Then; boats, telegraphs and markets;
> now, airplanes, computers and markets. But then as now, minority
> domination of those markets,  exclusive pursuit of private profits at
> public loss, and the  engulfing and devouring of most for the betterment
> of some.
> Recent cultural struggles  have brought about some material gains and a
> growth in public awareness of the importance of human rights , but a
> system  will not evolve simply by having a token handful of blacks, gays
> and women in positions of authority or public acceptance. It is small
> pleasure, indeed, to have an Albright or Powell at State, or a
> transvestite openly marching in a Gay Freedom Day parade, when the death
> tolls in Iraq, Palestine and Colombia continue to climb.
> The rapacious pursuit of private profit that destroys people, land and
> other natural life  is not going to stop until the political economics
> of capital  are challenged, at and from the roots. That doesn't mean
> putting blacks and gays on sitcoms to bring “diversity” to TV, but
> rather to make TV a medium of information, instead of an advertising
> tool for  mindless consumption. Nor does it mean sharing the fruits of
> corruption with a more diverse group of crooks, but rather doing away
> with that corruption .
> As long as the  monotheistic market god religion, dominated by high
> priests and rabbis of finance capital and their secular political
> servants continues  despoiling for profit , the particular thief, liar
> or numbskull  who serves as  CEO at the White House wont matter. It will
> give one or another group of corporadoes their jollies at organizing to
> replace him-her with one of their own, but if those replacements
> continue to be supporters  of the problem, the label “asshole” must be
> applied to those who vote them into office.
> The majority’s disregard for voting in America is understandable, since
> it is unrepresented by an alleged democracy which responds to money far
> more than people. That majority  sees the replacement of President
> Dickhead ,who spoke twisted English , with President Asshole, who speaks
> broken English. Big difference.They both speak the language of corporate
> capital and  global domination, which is why they were selected to
> serve.
>  And whichever  sector of wealthy interests they serve can only bring
> benefits to those closest to that group, which always amounts to a
> minority, never in the history of this country a majority.
> A survey of those who  voted for one of the two candidates  of corporate
> capital would find that they thought the other candidate an  imbecile, a
> scoundrel or an enemy of the people . That the current resident at
> corporate headquarters is dubbed “asshole”, privately by millions of
> Americans, publicly by an outspoken foreigner, should give none of us
> cause to feel  smug. How did our  system produce such a jerk? How could
> the  opposition fail so miserably? Who are the bigger fools? The
> candidates, or those who tolerate  them ?
> Finance capital can make room in its corporate culture for all manner of
> so-called minorities, while respecting only their market value and not
> their humanity. it will continue its rapacious pursuit of  profit
> without regard for human rights anywhere but among its minority investor
> class. Until we learn that, and change it, we are no better than the
> CEO. Thank you, Japan, and wake up, America.
> Copyright (c) 2001 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.
>              This text may be used and shared in accordance with the
>              fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be
>            archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that
>             the author is notified and no fee is charged for access.
>            Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on
>           other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author
> .
> frank scott
> email: [log in to unmask]
> 225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
> (415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791