The web site for the new ejournal _Kleinian Studies_ is now in place at

where you will find the rational for the journal, a list of the
board, style sheet, notes for contributors and an extensive set of
links which aime to include all Kleinian resources on the web:

The editors welcome submissions, suggestions for further links,
proposals for projects and reviews and any other materials which may
enhance the understanding of human nature from a Kleinian perspective.

Submissions should be sent to the Editor.

Donald L. Carveth, Editor
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Robert M. Young, Associate Editor
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Robert Maxwell Young, Prof. Emeritus of Psychotherapy & Psychoanalytic Studies,
Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, Univ. of Sheffield,
Co-Director, Bulgarian Institute of Human Relations & Honoured Prof.,
New Bulgarian Univ., Sofia.
Home: 26 Freegrove Rd., London N7 9RQ. tel. +44 207 607 8306
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One must imagine Sisyphus happy.' - Camus