I have discovered a wonderful web site - BLOGGER. It has many
features and is free, but the one which appeals to me most is that
you can put something on the web without the (to me) tedious and
anxiety-provoking process of using the clumsy software   put things on
my web site with Front Page. I will put them there
in due course when I have the courage. In the meantime I put them on
the web with BLOGGER in a couple of moments. You can do likewise in a
jiffy. Go to http://www.blogger.com/
Comments welcome, as always.

Best, Bob Young

'Love: From Libido Theory to Object Relations'

This is the text of a talk given in the CONFER series on 'The
Labyrinth of Sexuality' at the Tavistock Centre, London, 27 November

'The Unconscious in the Therapeutic Process'

This is the text of a paper presented to the annual conference of the
Institute for Psychotherapy and Social Studies entitled 'The
Unconscious: How Does It Inform our Work? Approaches and Applications
in Clinical Practice', at the Tavistock Centre, London 24 November
Robert Maxwell Young, Prof. Emeritus of Psychotherapy &
Psychoanalytic Studies, Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, Univ.
of Sheffield, http://www.shef.ac.uk/~psysc/
Co-Director, Bulgarian Institute of Human Relations & Honoured Prof.,
New Bulgarian Univ., Sofia. http://www.nbu.bg/bihr/psy.htm
Home: 26 Freegrove Rd., London N7 9RQ. tel. +44 207 607 8306
Private Practice, Consultation, Supervision
Web Site & Writings  http://www.human-nature.com
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'One must imagine Sisyphus happy.' - Camus
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