People have been asking about a memorial occasion for Roy Porter:
there will be one on 22 April 2002 at St. Pancras Parish Church,
located on the corner of Euston Road and Upper Woburn Place, at 3.30
pm.  It will be a secular event in a late Enlightenment, cheerful,
neo-classical church.  The programme will be organised over the
course of the next two weeks or so.

People have also been asking about the cause of death.  It was
apparently a heart attack, which struck while he was riding his
bicycle to his allotment garden on the lovely Sunday morning of the
3rd of March (not, as has been rumoured, the result of a collision).

Finally, we are also organising a fund in his remembrance, for which
details will be available later.

Hal Cook, Director

Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL

(please cross-post)